Chapter 354

The White Snake Patriarch of Longdi Cave never imagined that the consequences of intervening in the ninja world would be so tragic.

It doesn't matter if those ordinary snakes are dead, anyway, Ryuchi Cave has never lacked such violent aliens with brute force and no wisdom, but Ichikishima Hime is different!
It is one of the three gods in Longdi Cave, second only to the White Snake Patriarch Ben Snake!

When Immortal White Snake received the message sent back by Ichikijima Hime's burning soul, its first reaction was to feel that there must be something strange in it!

But then when he used his power of knowing the past to search for this "false report", the White Snake Immortal fell into an ice cellar!

"Ichikishima he really dead?!"

Even the ruthless and cold-blooded immortal felt deep grief while not being able to believe it.

In particular, Ichikijima Hime's unforgettable hatred for the two immortals of Miaomu Mountain before his death made the Immortal White Snake unforgettable.

"It was the old man who killed his direct descendants..."

Immortal White Snake looked up to the sky and sighed.


"Great Immortal..."

Immortal White Snake didn't know how long after he had been in a deep sleep, he suddenly heard Tian Xin Shenji's soft calling from his ear.

"……What's up!"

Immortal White Snake, who quickly woke up from sleep, asked calmly, but he sounded the alarm in his heart.

——It actually fell asleep!
Immortal White Snake closed his eyes slightly to estimate. , I actually completely entered a state of deep sleep for nearly eight hours.In other words, during these eight hours, it was unable to obtain any information through the ability to know the past about what happened in the ninja world.

This is not a good thing for the White Snake Immortal who is used to doing everything, claims to be omniscient and is proud of it.

"... Immortal?"

Tian Xin Shen Ji, who was kneeling under the hall, saw that her ancestor hadn't responded for a long time, so she boldly called out again.

"The old toad from Mount Miaomu is here?"

Only then did Immortal White Snake come to his senses, and then he was furious and sneered again and again.

"The ground walker in Miaomu Mountain escaped and killed my blood descendant. I haven't settled with it yet! How dare he send his clone over?!"

Immortal White Snake's voice became sharp and cold, exuding a gloomy killing intent, "Let it in, and call Ji Tuanjin over, and let's hear how the stinky toad in Miaomu Mountain turned black and white!"

"...As ordered!"

Tian Xinshenji, who was so frightened and trembling, was pardoned, immediately saluted and stood up to leave.


After Tian Xin Shen Ji withdrew, the White Snake Immortal began to calm down slowly.

It is not unknown who the murderer who actually killed Hime Ichikijima was.

Although the message sent back by Ichikishima Hime's burning soul before his death was full of resentment towards Mount Miaogi, there was also infinite resentment towards Tokumitsu Uchiha.

"Zhu Xian... Indra really has an excellent junior!"

Cold laughter echoed in the temple where the White Snake Immortal lived.


Under the guidance of Tian Xin Shenji, the half-human-tall Toad Immortal clone silently walked through the long tunnel under the malicious eyes of a group of giant snakes, and arrived at the temple where the White Snake Immortal was.

After receiving the voice transmission from Tian Xin Shen Ji, Ji Tuanjin was already waiting at the entrance of the temple. Seeing Tian Xin Shen Ji walking over with a short toad fairy avatar, he didn't speak, but nodded slightly to Tian Xin Shen Ji, Then went into the temple.

This is very rude behavior.

No matter how hostile Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain used to be, the descendants of the blood relatives under the ancestors of the holy land always respect each other's immortal ancestors in terms of etiquette.

But with the death of Hime Ichikijima, Ji Tuanjin, who knew the inside story, could no longer maintain the superficial etiquette.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha is hateful, the toad on Mt. Myogi really deserves to die!

You know, although Fukasaku and Shima's strength is much younger than their three gods, their strength is still faintly overwhelming, otherwise they would not have maintained a balance of power in the battle between the two holy lands in the past, but now With the death of one of their sisters, the strength of the two sides began to lose balance...

Apart from resentment, Ji Tuanjin couldn't help feeling worried.

"Old dare you come here?!"

As soon as two snakes and one frog stepped into the inner hall of the temple, the Immortal White Snake sitting cross-legged on a high platform preemptively struck.

"Your subordinate killed my blood descendant, so are you planning to use your clone to atone for your sin?"

Immortal White Snake's words were full of malice, and a pair of green snake eyes wandered down the body of Immortal Toad, as if choosing which one would be better to speak.

"How can there be high returns without risk?"

Immortal Hama's avatar did not argue, and said bluntly: "Since Patriarch White Snake is willing to send his subordinates to interfere in the ninja world, he must know that he must suffer risks, but now it is only a setback. Why do you care so much?"

"If Immortal White Snake insists on going his own way and chooses to start another war with Mount Miaomu, then at worst, Mount Miaomu will withdraw to intervene and change his mind to fight."

"But in this way, it will delay the joint revenge between you and me, and let the real culprit who plundered the origin of Longdi Cave's fairy art go unpunished, and even use this to soar into the sky, posing a greater threat to the Holy Land!"

"Of course, the old man is ready to lose his life when he is separated this time, but if the White Snake Immortal ignores the overall situation, then both you and I will lose a lot, and even the power of the two holy places will be damaged after the war. Peeping and even attacking from the outside world!"

"Both will benefit from peace, and both will lose from war! Whether it is war or peace, the White Snake Immortal must know it well!"

Immortal Toad's impassioned speech aroused Patriarch White Snake's anger, and he was speechless for a while.


After a while, the White Snake Immortal said quietly: "No wonder the two brothers Datongmu Yuyi were bewitched by you back then, so they chose to fight against their mother..."

"Now I know that the rise of Mount Miaomu was not accidental."

"You toads, it's fine if you're weak, but this mouth is sharper than the giant snake in Longdi Cave!"

Following Immortal White Snake's ridicule, its real body also slowly raised its huge snake head behind it, and a pair of bewitching green snake pupils stared at Immortal Toad's avatar standing upright in the hall.

"The ninja world will definitely have swords again."

The Immortal Toad's avatar was unafraid, with a pair of bubble eyes and the real white snake staring at each other.

But as soon as these words came out, Immortal White Snake immediately stopped his imminent movements.

"The real murderer, Tokumitsu Uchiha, will definitely set off the final battle, in order to unify the five kingdoms of the ninja world and bring the world into one."

"And what this means, even if I don't say it, the White Snake Immortal should understand!"

"I don't think Immortal White Snake has forgotten how the ancestor emperor treated the different races during the time of Datongmu's death?"

"With the power of the ninja world, once it is unified, can you and my holy land sleep peacefully?"


After Immortal Toad's avatar finished speaking, the temple in Longdi Cave returned to dead silence again.

Tian Xin Shenji and Ji Tuanjin exchanged messages in private, but they were both a little puzzled.

Although the two of them lived a long life, what Immortal Toad said was seriously out of line.

"...Then you mean that my blood descendant just died in vain?"

After a while, the voice of Immortal White Snake echoed in the temple again.

It's just that although the words this time were extremely indifferent, they didn't have the icy cold killing intent before.


Immortal Toad's avatar bowed to Immortal White Snake, "Revenge is necessary!"

"How to revenge?"

Immortal White Snake's tone was still indifferent, but it also made Immortal Toad's avatar secretly heave a sigh of relief.

It seems to be persuaded...

But the Toad Immortal avatar did not dare to be negligent, and quickly said: "Contact Yun Yin and Yan Yin of the ninja world, unite the power of ninjas, and attack with all our strength, so as to destroy the unforgiving Uchiha clan!"

"Indra's bloodline must be completely eradicated!"

"If that guy Yuyi, Huang Quan knows, and knows that you are such a schemer against his junior, he doesn't know whether to cry or laugh..."

Immortal White Snake was a little shaken, but he still taunted mercilessly: "I cooperated with you once, and my Longdi Cave lost a god girl, and countless big snakes and giant snakes of various colors died tragically..."

"Miaomushan is good, just put oil on the soles of your feet and slip away, and only take my Longdidong tribe as a scapegoat, right?"

Patriarch White Snake's tone became more severe and fierce.

"This defeat is not a crime of war, I think Immortal White Snake should also understand."

Immortal Toad's avatar raised his head and said: "The root of everything is that the giant snake in Longdi Cave devoured the family members of a member of the Xiao organization, which caused him to rebel..."

"Are you blaming the old man?!"

Immortal White Snake was furious immediately, his real body's snake pupils narrowed into a straight line and fixedly stared at Immortal Toad's avatar who was speaking impassionedly.

This is what it has been trying to avoid.

The extremely proud Immortal White Snake couldn't accept that the deaths of his direct blood descendants and countless giant snakes in Longdi Cave were all due to a small "sacrifice"!
And the little waywardness of that extremely humble little man actually brought such a tragic disaster to Longdi Cave!

Saying this makes people laugh out loud, okay?
The clone of Immortal Toad was also silent.

It is also very helpless.

Even when Zilai, who had fled back to Mount Miaomu, told him about the origin of the battle, Immortal Toad still couldn't believe it.

In its eyes, a mere mortal who is as humble as dust can and dare to cause harm to the Holy Land dedicated to the great cause of "putting order out" in the ninja world!

If you die, you die!Why insist on dragging others into the water!
That is the precious power that Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave have precipitated for countless years!Just like this, the whole army was destroyed once it was thrown in the air!
The ideals of the Akatsuki organization have been forgotten by those humble mortals!

Immortal Toad is equally resentful, and deeply feels that people in the Ninja World are not ancient and extremely filthy!
"...How do you plan to compensate?"

Immortal White Snake's words interrupted the contemplation of Immortal Toad's avatar.

"The death of Ichikijima Hime is a helpless fall after being banned in time and space..."

Immortal Toad took out a scroll from his cuff, and gestured to Immortal White Snake, "Here is the secret treasure of Miaomu Mountain's charm art, including the spell of Shattering Void..."

Immortal White Snake's heart skipped a beat.

"With this as an apology, I hope that Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain can help each other and help the righteous!"

The Immortal Toad's avatar was persuasive and seductive: "After the day's work is done, you will be seven and I will be three!"

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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