Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 355 Preparations for the Ceremony

Chapter 355 Preparations for the Ceremony
Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has won a great victory, returns triumphantly with his troops.

The loyal Konoha came out of the village to welcome the return of their brave and invincible ninja army.

In this battle, there were more than [-] dead and wounded. As for those who were killed by two tailed beast jade bombardments, it was impossible to count. It was an undeniable victory!

After this battle, according to the statistics of the staff, the various units of the Konoha Ninja Army and the elite Urenin who were friendly and assisted in the battle had a total of more than [-] casualties, of which more than [-] people were directly killed in battle, and others were seriously injured. Nearly a hundred people retired.

The high proportion of deaths in battle also reflects a problem, that is, the medical power of the shogunate is still somewhat weak.

Even the shogunate ninja army pays more attention to medical ninjas, but due to the lack of leading figures, the level of medical ninjutsu is still somewhat lacking; and when facing the giant snake venom in Ryūchi Cave, even the snake medicine specially made by Orochimaru is relatively weak ; Therefore, many of the ninjas who died in battle deteriorated or even died due to lack of timely treatment.

Therefore, before Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party returned to Konoha, a special notice from the Governor's Office was sent back to Konoha.

"Announcement on the establishment of the Konoha Military Hospital and the rotation training of medical ninjas?"

Tsunade, who is in charge of the Konoha Medical System, felt his head hurt when he saw the lengthy and extremely bureaucratic title of the announcement.

"...To put it simply, the medical ninjas from Konoha Hospital should be dispatched to each standing ninja army in turn, and the medical ninjas serving in the ninja army should also return to the village hospital regularly for further training."

Sheng Shu took a look at the edict, then analyzed and summarized its contents.


For some reason, as long as Tsunade saw this "invented word" by Uchiha Tokumitsu, he would feel the endless malice contained in it.

"I always feel that brat wants to hurt me!"

Tsunade said so.


The scale of the Bird Country Clearance War is comparable to any major battle during the Ninja World War.

Whether it is the size of the combatants, the secret level of ninja army deployment, or even the final battle results, it is enough to keep the ninja world silent.

No one would underestimate the military strength of Konoha and even the shogunate, but they did not expect that Konoha and the shogunate still maintain such a strong standing ninja force since the end of the ninja world war.

But what makes Yanyin and Yunyin's high-level leaders terrified is the mobilization and delivery capabilities of Konoha and the shogunate.

Thousands of ninja troops maneuvered on a large scale, and even the two major ninja villages did not notice anything unusual!
Even after Iwagakure sent his envoys to Konoha, the reports of the envoys made Onogi feel that the "border conflict" was just a "small matter" caused by Uchiha Tokumitsu's deliberate campaign!

Even in the secret communication with Yunyinzhi Sandai Raikage, Ohnoki patted his chest and said that the border is fine, and the main theme of the ninja world is still peace for the time being!

Then, after the war of suppression was notified to all countries in the ninja world, Ohnoki only felt that he was being slapped in the face!

Although Iwagakushi voluntarily withdrew from the traditional sphere of influence of the Bird Country, and although Konoha's western frontier army did go north, the gathering of thousands of ninja troops and two tailed beasts did not notice the spies staying there. !
Onogi felt that either there was a big problem with the intelligence system, or his own intelligence personnel were really useless!

Otherwise, it is completely unexplainable!


For Uchiha Tokumitsu, the biggest gain of this battle is not the hundreds of captive snakes and frogs, but the origin of the fairy art obtained after killing Ichikijima Hime.

After being refined by Huo Guangzun, the origin of the sage art returned to Uchiha Deguang's body and the characteristics of the sage chakra that completely wiped out Ryuji Cave can be called extremely pure.

The direct effect of the origin of xianjutsu is to make Uchiha Deguang's perception and manipulation of natural energy to a higher level.

Compared with this harvest.The bonus in terms of combat power is not important.

The most important thing is that as long as Uchiha Deguang is willing, he can even smelt a part of his original power of sage art, so that others can also gain the ability to perceive natural energy and even refine sage chakra!
This also means that after the sacred particles are about to be exhausted, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again obtained enough treasures to make the family leap again as a whole.

"Holy places are treasures..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed after returning to the police headquarters office after the triumphant ceremony.

Orochimaru, who came to the office together, was full of longing in his eyes, and was full of curiosity about what Uchiha Tokumitsu gained in this battle.

Of course, he wouldn't say it.

It's just that even if you can't get the most direct harvest from Uchiha Tokumitsu, it would be great if you can give a few Ninja Ninja Frogs for experiments!
If it doesn't work, it's not bad to allocate more funds to serve as research funds!
Orochimaru really doesn't want much!

Uchiha Shisui, who was standing aside, kept looking sideways, feeling that Orochimaru was a bit weird at this time.

Although he wholeheartedly wanted to escape from the black history of "physical practice", Tokumitsu Uchiha pulled him back from the post of adjutant of the western frontier army after the war, and Shisui, who had no guts to say no, had no choice but to Go back to the village with the army obediently.

"what do you want?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw Orochimaru's desire, so he asked bluntly.

"I'm curious……"

Orochimaru couldn't bear the urge to wash his face with his tongue, and stretched out his long tongue to lick his face in public.

"If I'm not mistaken, the giant snake you killed should be Ichikijima Hime, one of the three gods of Ryūji Cave..."

"Maybe so~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was noncommittal.

However, apart from Sanshin Ji, there should be no other "person" in Ryūchi Cave who has the power to compete with the mighty Susanoo.

"...Can you assign some Ninja Snake Ninja Frog to the lab?"

Although Orochimaru had great desire in his heart, he was still a little rational at the last moment and didn't say what he wanted most.

"Ninja snakes or ninja frogs with celestial chakra can be reserved, and the research institute in the village can be allocated a part for research."

Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed to Orochimaru's request: "In addition, in view of your contribution, I will make a grant in the name of the joint company for the special research on Ninja Snake and Ninja Frog."


Orochimaru bowed in satisfaction.

Ichikijima Hime can be said to be the biggest gain of this battle. After thinking about it, Orochimaru has given up the idea of ​​asking for some of the remains for research.

"Ichikijima Hime's words... I still have use, so I can't give you all of them for the time being."

What Uchiha Tokumitsu said next immediately made Orochimaru uneasy.

"But let's do this, it can give you an extra part of its tail for collection."

"Of course, the premise is that you don't worry about Ryūji Cave's revenge~"

"do not worry!"

"Absolutely nothing to fear!"

Orochimaru could no longer calm down.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stretched out his left arm, calling out the Hoko Zun hidden in it.

After devouring part of Ichikishima Hime's impurity sage origin, the image of Huo Guangzun became more and more real, and the characteristics of dragon horns, dragon whiskers, and dragon scales are more and more similar to the real dragon in Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous memory. .

When Orochimaru saw this creature with both form and spirit, endless desire was once again revealed in his eyes.

But it is impossible for Uchiha Tokumitsu to use Huoguang Zun for research.

After Huo Guangzun spit out part of Ichikishima Hime's snake tail, Uchiha Tokumitsu sent away Orochimaru who stepped back three times.

Then he said to Uchiha Shisui: "You are responsible for building an altar..."

"Altar? Do you want to build a shrine?"

Although Uchiha Shisui was a little strange, he felt normal immediately.

The meaning of the existence of the shrine is not only for sacrifices, but also for commemoration, so Uchiha Tokumitsu's idea makes sense.

"That's it."

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded.

"Then... who is the main god of the sacrifice?"

Uchiha Shisui asked cautiously.

"The deity of the main sacrifice is the goddess of Mao."

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew a reference picture of the appearance of the shrine and handed it to Uchiha Shisui.

"To accompany the sacrifice... the Sage of the Six Paths."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's ideas were somewhat inconsistent with the traditional ninja rituals, Shisui didn't say much, and took orders to leave after taking the reference picture.

Among the hundreds of captive frogs and snakes, except for a few that have some research value with celestial chakra, the other miscellaneous snakes and frogs Uchiha Tokumitsu do not intend to keep.

After all, the landlord’s family had no food left, and the food left was not only wasted, but also might be robbed and left, so they simply chopped it all up.

But if it was just a simple killing, he didn't have to travel thousands of miles to bring back these Ninja Snake and Ninja Frogs, and the slaughter could be carried out on the spot after the war in the Kingdom of Birds.

And it was brought back to the village because Uchiha Tokumitsu planned to use it as a "gift" for the [-]th anniversary of the village and the new shrine!
"Hmm... still waiting to invite professionals to come over to preside over the celebration and sacrificial ceremony."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokumitsu wrote an invitation letter in hand, and summoned an attendant ninja to tell him to send it to the great witch in the kingdom of ghosts.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is not worried that the contemporary shrine maidens of the ghost country will not agree. After all, the prestige of the Uchiha clan resounds throughout the ninja world, and the samurai of the iron country, which is a neutral country, are forced to send "observers" to join the joint anti-terrorism force , Naturally, there is no reason to allow the Kingdom of Ghosts to continue to be neutral.

Moreover, in addition to the various rituals responsible for the sacrifice, Tokumitsu Uchiha is also full of curiosity about the monsters and monsters that are said to be sealed by the witches of the ghost country.

Uchiha Tokumitsu wants to know the advantages and disadvantages of the legendary monsters condensed from the dark side of the ninja world and the kaleidoscope Sharingan that evolves with extreme emotions.

Curiosity about monsters and monsters is like the dragon veins of Loulan in the Kingdom of Wind. Uchiha Tokumitsu has long had the desire to understand in depth, but he has been suppressing his curiosity before.

As for Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was sealed on the moon, the more unwilling to accept the "good intentions" of his juniors, or how the Six Paths Sage whose soul returned to Daisen would think of it, it has nothing to do with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Anyway, the shrine was also built, and the sacrifices and blood were also offered, what else do you want to do!
Not convinced?Unconvinced and suffocated!

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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