Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 356 Rituals and Vows

Chapter 356 Rituals and Vows

"By the way, I feel a little strange about the altar painted by Mr. Deguang..."

On the construction site of the shrine in the center of the Konoha New District, Uchiha Shisui said to the person in charge of the general contract responsible for the construction, Senju Naoki.

"No surprise, innovation~"

Seeing that this shrine construction project is a rare large and urgent order, Senju Nawaki has a bright smile on his face, patiently perfunctory Uchiha Shisui who talks a lot of bullshit.

With the continuous investment of Muye Village Investment Company in the new area, the construction of Muye New Area can be described as changing with each passing day, and the progress is gratifying.

Now that the first phase of the new district has been completed and delivered, the new business district and embassy district have been put into use, and the attached high-rise apartments have also entered the decoration stage. According to Ninja's work efficiency, it is expected to be completed within a month.

Although the cost of the construction of the new district has been skyrocketing due to the large number of ninjas used for construction, but with the huge income brought in after the new district was put into operation, the ninja members of the House of Representatives headed by Hatake Sakumo no longer paid high amounts of money. Debts were taken seriously, but they began to urge the village investment companies to issue new debts to speed up the construction progress.

As for the Senate, they are basically stakeholders, and naturally they don't have any objections to the continuous issuance of bonds by the village investment company.

The shrine proposed by Uchiha Tokumitsu is located between the first and second phases of the new district, and it will also be the center of the new district in the future.

Of course, although some people in the Senate and House of Representatives felt that it was a waste to use such a perfect location to build a useless shrine, but considering that this was requested by Uchiha Tokumitsu, no one dared to say anything more.

As for the Thousand Hands Clan, there is no opinion.

Among Konoha's emerging Tudun construction industry "Yu Sanjia", the Senju family's "Senju House" is famous for its quality and speed, and the share of new district construction it has obtained is also slightly higher than that of Hyuga Architecture, which advertises "superior precision work and wealthy standards". ; As for the "Uchiha Real Estate", which burns first-class bricks due to its specialization in fire escape, if it weren't for the support of Minamigagawa Stock Exchange and United Corporation, coupled with the halo of the Uchiha clan, it is estimated that it would have been squeezed out of the construction market long ago. Only building materials are available.

But after all, the construction project of this shrine was requested by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and the person in charge of Uchiha Real Estate clearly stated that the construction task could not be completed within the required time. In desperation, Uchiha Shisui could only find Senju House, And entrust it to carry out contract construction.

"I remember that the Senju Clan's Inari Shrine is made of wood, right?"

The time of guarding the construction site was very difficult, and Uchiha Shisui began to have nothing to say again.

"Yes, this is also the tradition of the Thousand Hands Clan..."

Senju Nawaki still maintained a smile on his face, but it was somewhat far-fetched.

In less than half a day, the talkative Zhishui had had countless awkward conversations with him.

"Since it is mainly a wooden structure building...then why is this kind of masonry structure so proficient?"

Uchiha Shisui continued to ask: "By the way, are the Senju clan so indifferent to tradition?"

"What is tradition..."

Senju Nawaki felt very tired, and the smile on his face became weaker and weaker: "The combined ninjutsu of Water Dungeon and Earth Dungeon is not a high-tech secret technique, besides, the architectural standards and architectural style are not the same as Mr. Deguang's. Did you ask for it?"

"And tradition can't be eaten as food. If we must abide by tradition... then the Senju clan is probably still picking pine nuts and mushrooms in the big forest, and the Uchiha clan is also hunting in the mountains in the north."

It can only be said that it is unlucky for Party A to talk like this.

Moreover, it is well known that Uchiha Shisui is the first disciple of Uchiha Tokumitsu, so it is better not to offend easily.

"Hmm~ Naoki-kun is right. This is the same truth as what the teacher often said about advancing with the times."

Uchiha Shisui nodded repeatedly, and at the same time took out his notebook and recorded it on the spot.


Senju Naoshu sighed inwardly.

I don't know if it's because I have mixed up with this guy too much with that "Konoha Precious Beast" and I have a nervous problem.

Of course, although Senju Nawaki was full of complaints, he continued to perfunctory with a business-like smile on his face.


"This is Konoha..."

Accompanied by the attendant ninja, the maiden from the country of ghosts who came from the country of ghosts stood at the entrance of Konoha Village, full of emotions in her heart.

Although she is an existence second only to the great witch Maitreya in the kingdom of ghosts, she is also well-informed, but everything she has seen and heard is immediately eclipsed by Konoha today.

Especially the towering buildings in the distance, their shape is even more unique in the ninja world.

The attendant ninja has long been used to the surprise of people from other villages when they see the "landmark high-rise apartment" in Konoha New District for the first time, so they don't find it strange, let alone urge them, and just let the witch stand at the entrance of the village and sigh.

"That building is..."

The witch pointed to the tallest building in the direction of the new district and asked.

"That's the Jonin apartment, and all the Jnin in the village will be assigned one."

The attendant ninja replied boredly.

"Konoha is really rich..."

The witch couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Junin is the pillar of the village, and even a member of the House of Representatives. No amount of preferential treatment can be overstated."

The attendant ninja shrugged and replied in an extremely casual tone.

"It's no wonder that Konoha is so prosperous and prosperous under Lord Deguang's rule. Sure enough, there are reasons for this."

The witch also flattered a little, "Let's go see Lord Deguang, please excuse me."

"You are welcome~"

The attendant ninja bowed slightly, and his affection for this shrine maiden who knows how to advance and retreat is doubled.


"In the kingdom of ghosts, Risa, the chief priest of Huado Shrine, is here under the orders of Maitreya Hall, the great maiden of the country, to see His Excellency Deguang, who is the best in martial arts."

In the living room of Konoha Governor's Mansion, which was rarely used once, Uchiha Tokumitsu received the witches from the country of ghosts who came from afar.

"Officer Risa is too polite."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also nodded slightly in response, "But I don't know Maitreya Hall..."

"The Palace of Maitreya shoulders the heavy responsibility of sealing monsters and monsters. I really can't get away and come here. I hope His Excellency Deguang will be magnanimous."

The witch Risa immediately replied: "I have already made it clear that the envoy came to invite me, and I have presided over the Hanato Shrine for many years, and I am quite skilled in sacrificial rituals, so I will not delay Your Excellency Deguang's important event."

"That's fine..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's sacrificial rituals with the characteristics of the Ninja world belong to the seven apertures and the six apertures. Since the witch Risa expressed confidence, he doesn't care.

"But I don't know which god is going to be introduced by Your Excellency Deguang?"

Miko Risa also breathed a sigh of relief, then asked cautiously.

"Goddess of Mao, Sage of the Six Paths..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "If possible, there are also the ancestors of the Uchiha clan."

"Of course it's fine."

Miko Risa said hastily.

This kind of operation is not surprising. After all, the family temples and shrines of the daimyo nobles in the ninja world often worship their ancestors in the side halls, so this is also a routine operation.

"It's just the Goddess of Mao and the Sage of the Six Paths..."

"The goddess of Mao is the main god."

Uchiha Deguang said without thinking.

Although it was a little strange why the main priest was not the Sage of the Six Paths who was regarded as the "ancestor of the ninja", the witch Risa didn't ask much, but just wrote it down silently.

The goddess of Uno, that is, Otsuki Kaguya who was sealed on the moon, the legend about her has been spread all over the ninja world.

But maybe someone deliberately modified or obliterated it. There are not many records about the goddess Uno. Even some folk shrines worship her as the main god, and most of them regard her as the god of marriage and fertility. The identity of the source of Chakra is unknown.

But as a shrine maiden, she shouldn't ask about the host's choice, so the shrine maiden Risa just continued to discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu on the festival itself.

"By the way, this time the sacrifice will be a blood sacrifice."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added, "Perhaps you also know that a group of aliens from Mt. Myogi and Ryuchi Cave were recently captured in the village."

"Blood sacrifice...understood."

Miko Risa suddenly felt a little numb, but she didn't dare to say anything, so she had to bite the bullet and agree.

Fortunately, witches serve ghosts and gods and use their power to eradicate demons and protect human beings. As long as humans are not used for blood sacrifices, witches generally don't think it's a big problem.

It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu used the legendary holy land creatures for blood sacrifices, which really surprised Miko Risa.

"Another thing I would like to ask, is the power of faith of the priest... can it be passed on to the god of the chief priest?"

"The power of the wish is a real existence, the real names of the main gods are correct and they really exist..."

Miko Risa said tactfully.

It means that after performing sacrifices through specific rituals, some kind of mysterious wish power can indeed be produced, but whether the god can receive it depends on whether he really exists.

To be honest, even Risa, an experienced shrine maiden, is the first time in her career to see a ninja whose great power is attributed to herself behave so "superstitiously".

"That's all right..."

Uchiha Tokuguang nodded, thoughtfully.

The reason why he made such a move was not because he was idle and messing around, but because he wanted to test the existence of the Goddess of Xia Mao and the Immortal of the Six Paths through sacrifices.

Even if you can't get any benefits from the goddess Uno through the blood sacrifice, you can use the blood of the toads in Miaomu Mountain to stimulate the eccentric Six Paths old man to see what kind of existence he is in now.

After all, Miao Mushan was the ally who encouraged and supported Otsuki Yuyi brothers to fight against their mother Otsuki Kaguya. Uchiha Tokumitsu also wanted to see how the Six Paths Sage would react to this.

Of course, it would be great if he could get some benefits about the origin of the blood from the ancestor god Otsutsuki Kaguya through the induction of blood sacrifice and wish power.

"By the way, this is the rendering of the shrine. You can see how to arrange the rituals and procedures."

Uchiha Tokumitsu handed over a text.

Miko Risa immediately caught it with both hands, saluted and started to read it.

"Your Excellency Deguang, may I ask if this building is..."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's design is somewhat different from the shrines that are common in the ninja world, the shrine maiden Risa, with her rich experience, still designed the etiquette process very quickly.

But when she saw a circular high platform on the rendering, she was a little dazed.

"Oh~ this."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile: "I call it the Temple of Heaven."

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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