Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 357 Blood Sacrifice to the Ancestral God

Chapter 357 Blood Sacrifice to the Ancestral God

One hundred and eight fully armed young Uchiha ninjas lined up outside the torii gate of the newly completed Tokuko Shrine, and Uchiha Tokumitsu, the leader, even put on an ancient red armor; 36 more Chakra giant cannons painted in gold are lined up on both sides, and the thick barrels point directly to the sky.

Although the tribe didn't quite understand why Tokumitsu Uchiha valued sacrifices at a mere shrine, under the prestige, everyone still stood respectfully and solemnly, not at all as perfunctory as they usually visit the family's Minamigagawa Shrine.

At this time, 72 Uchiha boys and girls dressed in sari suits lined up on both sides of the approach, gently shaking the tambourine according to a special rhythm. In the Kagura Hall inside the shrine, the witch Risa was singing the dance music before the sacrifice.

The main hall of the shrine is still closed at this time.

The sun was rising three poles, and under the fierce sun exposure, the foreheads of the Uchiha ninjas began to sweat, but the leader, Uchiha Tokumitsu, still looked serious, and no one dared to make mistakes; as for the sacrifices who were neatly tied up, As the tambourine and Kagura became louder, panic appeared in his eyes, but he couldn't move under the confinement of the sealing technique.

The music of the Kagura Hall became louder and louder, and the tambourines of boys and girls became more and more urgent. Under the echo of the special structure of the shrine, a sense of solemn admiration gradually surged in the hearts of the Uchiha ninjas.

Until the sun was setting and the moon was on the treetops, accompanied by a scream in the Kagura Hall, the tambourines of boys and girls stopped immediately.

Afterwards, the clansmen who had been waiting solemnly beside the chakra cannon immediately filled the empty chakra shells and pulled the lead ropes one by one.


Accompanied by the roaring of six rounds per second, led by Tokumitsu Uchiha, the clansmen slowly walked into the shrine at a pace of one step per second.

And those aliens who were preparing to be sacrificed looked even more desperate at this moment.

Whether it is Ninja Frog or Ninja Snake, they all understand that something is wrong at this time.

"Clean hands!"

Under the leadership of Tokumitsu Uchiha, the tribe took a sip of the clean water in the pool in Temizuya one by one, and washed their hands.

After this round of rituals, the spirit of the clansmen became more concentrated.


The roar of the chakra cannon sounded again, Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to lead the crowd forward, and Risa, the priestess presiding over the ceremony, also walked out of the Kagura Hall, and came to the gate of the main hall to wait for Uchiha Tokumitsu to lead the crowd.

"The splendor of Uno Goddess shines on the ninja world."

Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly climbed up the steps of the main hall, and Miko Risa performed blessings according to the rituals set in advance.

The grand gate of the main hall was pushed open by Uchiha Tokumitsu, revealing the true face of the gods in the main hall.

"Two thanks!"

Following the hostess of the priestess Risa, Tokumitsu Uchiha in front of the hall and His Highness' clansmen bowed at 90° twice.

"Two shots!"

Then everyone put their hands together and clapped their hands twice.


Everyone bowed at 90° again.

"Visit the Ascension Hall!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath, and was the first to step over the threshold and enter the main hall.

There are three gods in the hall, the goddess Uno in the center, the Sage of the Six Paths on the left, and the ancestor of the Uchiha clan on the right.

Although due to historical reasons, most members of the Uchiha clan do not know that the most source bloodline ancestor is named Indra, let alone the relationship between the ancestor and the Sage of the Six Paths, but this does not prevent Uchiha Tokumitsu from juxtaposing the two as supporting characters. sacrifice.

As for how the souls of the father and son will feel if they know it, it has nothing to do with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Twisting the letter incense on the altar table, Uchiha Tokumitsu lit it with a fire escape, and then inserted it on the incense burner in front of the Uno goddess.

Of course, there is no such thing as burning incense in the traditional rituals of the ninja world, but Tokumitsu Uchiha felt that there was something missing without incense, so Risa, a kind-hearted shrine maiden, joined this link.

Uchiha Tokumitsu saluted silently, and then offered incense in front of the statues of Sage of the Six Paths and Indra respectively.

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu went to the hall of worship under the guidance of Miko Risa, and the Uchiha ninjas outside the temple also went in to offer incense and worship.

After everyone paid their respects, the neatly bundled Ninja Ninja Frogs were also carried to the front square of the worship hall.

Miko Risa's face was pale, somewhat uncomfortable, but she still stepped forward to push open the door of the worship hall, and then stood silently on one side.

Uchiha Tokumitsu drew the sword from his waist, and the two clansmen immediately placed a ninja frog in front of them.

Knife up.

Knife falls.

The heads of snakes and frogs rolled to the ground, dark red blood flowed in the gully in front of the temple, and a strong smell of blood began to permeate.

The originally sacred and solemn shrine immediately became terrifying like a ghost.

Even the Uchiha ninja, who has experienced many battles, can't help but feel a little terrified.

"Blood sacrifice to the ancestor god!"

As the last sacrifice was beheaded, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had no blood on his body, raised his sword and shouted.

"Blood sacrifice to the ancestor god!"

The Uchiha ninjas shouted loudly.

Under the drumming of Chakra, the sound resounded through the sky and the earth.

However, due to the existence of the sound insulation enchantment around the shrine, it did not interfere with the outside world.

"Skull offering gold seat!"

The sacrificed corpses were divided into two piles.

Uchiha Tokumitsu condensed a flaming flame in his hand and lit the cauldron.

Then the heads of the sacrifices were picked up with chakra and thrown into the cauldron one by one.

Under the scorching of the extremely raging flames, the head of the sacrificial offering was burned clean without even emitting green smoke.

Then the Uchiha people put the sacrificial corpses into the cauldron one by one.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the dark red flames became more and more vigorous.

The blood flowing between the ravines ignited.

While the flames were beating, the special aroma of oil was emitted.

Even Miko Risa who was standing in front of the worship hall felt a little nauseous.

At this time, the moon, which was originally only as high as the treetops, seemed to suddenly jump to the top of the night in a blink of an eye.

"Today's moon is so round..."

A Uchiha muttered to himself.

Uchiha Tokumitsu closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, the kaleidoscope Sharingan was already spinning rapidly in his eyes.

Watching the moon in the sky silently, Uchiha Deguang seemed to feel a dark voice in the sky calling him.

A group of Uchiha ninjas who accompanied the worship also looked at each other, and they all seemed to feel a little strange.

Miko Risa's face has turned pale.

She never expected that this kind of ritual made up out of nothing would actually attract the mysterious existence in the dark!

"Could it be that the Goddess of Mao and the Sage of the Six Paths are still real..."

Miko Risa's body began to tremble.


Hei Jue, who was far away in the Snow Country, also felt the strangeness of the moon at this time.

So regardless of his concealed whereabouts, he quickly escaped from the ground and looked at the moon in the sky that was a little bigger than usual in surprise.


Although there are no lacrimal glands, Hei Jue at this time has a feeling of tears filling his eyes.

How many years!

It has been lost for how many years!

Countless years of planning, countless failures!
Since he was born, he has been separated from the embrace of the mother god, and he has been tinkering with various conspiracies in the ninja world, and has suffered countless setbacks. Finally, after the moment of birth, he once again sensed his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki The presence!


Hei Jue fully stretched out his soft black body, spread it on the ground, and heartily accepted the baptism of the moonlight.

The bright moonlight is like a mother's love!

"I'm looking into the distance, above the moon..."


Suddenly, a black cloud appeared out of nowhere accompanied by a gust of evil wind, as if it wanted to completely cover the moon high above the sky.

"This is……"

Hei Jue was startled immediately, his admiration was gone, he no longer cared about bathing in the moonlight, and immediately soaked into the ground.


"It's that traitor!"

"He can still interfere with the ninja world!"


The gloomy black clouds completely covered the moonlight, and only the stone lanterns and the flaming flames in the cauldron furnace remained in the shrine.

"This, what's going on..."

Miko Risa had already knelt down on the ground at some point, her whole body trembling and her teeth chattering, her mind was blank.

Since the rise of ninjas wiped out all ghosts and gods, even Miko, except for those sealed monsters, they have never perceived the existence of gods through similar festivals.

"It's actually a true god..."

This was the last thought in Miko Risa's mind, and she passed out immediately.

The vision of heaven and earth at this time also made the Uchiha ninjas a little turbulent, but after seeing Uchiha Tokuko who was still watching the night, they also gradually collected their minds, and opened the Sharingan to look at the sky like a model.

"——Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·Great Country Lord!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Tokumitsu activated the kaleidoscope pupil technique.

A bloody ray of light flashed up, linking the pupil power of everyone present together, forming an extremely violent storm of pupil power.

All Uchiha ninjas feel that their pupil power is unprecedentedly powerful at this time!
The bloody light shot up into the sky and went straight into the sky.

But the dark night continued to cover the sky, and even the light of Tongli couldn't penetrate the black clouds.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was startled, as if the air was trying to restrain him!

"Sage of the Six Paths..."

"Otsuki Yuromo..."

Apart from this so-called ancestor, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't think of anyone else who could have such power!
"very nice!"

"That's great!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's laughter grew louder.

He sensed it!
Sage of the Six Paths' wrath and Otsutsuki Kaguya's ravings—he felt them all!
With the echo of laughter, Uchiha Tokumitsu's kaleidoscope pupil power began to release, and wrapped around Chakra to form a skeleton outside the body.

Afterwards, the materialized flesh, three heads, six arms, and two feet gradually filled in, and his body gradually rose into the air from Chakra's chest.


With an angry shout, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes spun almost into a phantom, and endless kaleidoscope pupil power gushed out from the eyes, continuously solidifying Susano.


Two wings grow from the back of Susanoo's Yatengu.


Although the body was extremely exhausted, Uchiha Tokumitsu felt extremely clear.

Shaking its wings slightly, Yatengu slowly soared into the air with the bulging hurricane.

The black clouds above the sky seem to be dripping with ink.

The sense of oppression is also getting stronger.

"Ha ha!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was flying high into the sky with Yatengu, couldn't stop laughing wildly.

Afterwards, each of Susanoo's six arms condensed an extremely pure chakra.

"Susanenghu Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

The six-way ball was thrown from Susano's giant arm and flew straight into the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

Accompanied by Gouyu's roar, the dark clouds in the sky refused to disperse, revealing the face of the moon again.

It's just that the moon at this time does not have the feeling that it seems to fall into the world before.


"This is……"

Heijue in the distance mustered up his courage, poked his head out from the ground again, and looked at the moon that had returned to normal.

It's so weird...

It's unbelievable...

Hei Jue's gaze turned towards the Fire Nation.

 Update today (2/2)

  It’s the end of the month, and I have the audacity to ask for a monthly ticket~ Please support Xiaopujie
(End of this chapter)

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