Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 359 There must be a chapter ring

Chapter 359
The next day, the opening of the Deguang Shrine attracted Konoha villagers in full force.

Although Tokuro Uchiha temporarily transferred a number of priests from the family's Nangagawa Shrine, and dispatched several teams from the police department to maintain order, and turned on the tweeter to indicate that the shrine is already crowded and will not accept worship inside, But none of this can stop the enthusiasm of the Konoha villagers.

After a night of insomnia and contemplation, Orochimaru came to the police headquarters building again to ask Uchiha Tokumitsu.

He is going to surrender completely!

The Great Immortal Toad of Mount Miaomu also sat there all night with his eyes wide open.

This is a very rare phenomenon.

In the past, except for a very small amount of time when the Great Immortal Toad was awake, he explored the future in dreams.

But this time is different.

Although due to the distance, the ordinary Miaogishan ninja frog and even the two sages of Fukasaku Shima didn't feel it, but the toad sage still sensed something abnormal.

The confinement of natural energy began to loosen...

In other words, the threshold for contacting and manipulating natural energy begins to lower.

This is a phenomenon that has never happened since the Sage of the Six Paths sealed the Goddess of Mao and bestowed Chakra on it!

"An eventful autumn..."

Great Immortal Toad sighed.

Before Otsutsuki Kaguya came, the source of ninja power in the wild period was actually natural energy.

Moreover, the Three Great Sacred Lands at that time were only one of many different forces.

However, although Otsutsuki Kaguya is a silly white sweet, she is really ruthless when she starts her hands.

Although lacking combat experience and lacking much common sense in combat, Otsutsuki Kaguya still destroyed many gathering places of different types by relying on the fundamental crushing of strength, and basically killed all kinds of monsters and ghosts. And turn it into fertilizer where the sacred tree grows.

After the sacred tree rose from the ground, due to the depletion of natural energy, the heterogeneous gathering places that had managed to escape the catastrophe experienced racial degradation and even disappeared. Only the "Three Holy Lands" have relatively strong natural energy. All kinds of secret techniques imprison the loss of natural energy, so it has just been maintained.

But even so, except for the big-hearted slug fairy, the toad fairy and the white snake ancestor are actually trying to change everything.

It's just that the Great Immortal Toad chose to target Otsuki Yuyi, who has the characteristics of the Virgin, and successfully encouraged the two brothers to seal his mother on the moon, and then divided the power of the sacred tree into nine tailed beasts.

But including the Sage of the Six Paths, no one felt that this was a once-and-for-all matter.

With the passage of time, one day the seal will start to collapse due to various inexplicable reasons, and Otsutsuki Kaguya will break out sooner or later, as for when is only a matter of time.

In this regard, Otsutsuki Yumura chose to leave a line of descendants on the moon to maintain the operation of the sealing barrier.

And the Sage of the Six Paths, that is, Otsuki Hagoromo, chose to support the rise of mankind, trying to solve the hidden dangers on the moon in the future through the power of mankind.

Thus, there was the legend that the Six Paths Immortals founded the Ninja School and distributed Chakra to humans.

At the same time, with the rise of ninjas, the new "ninja world" began to spread the so-called "son of prophecy" or "savior".

Although the vast majority of people, including ninjas, regard this as a lie swindled and abducted by magic sticks, the existence of speech itself is a force capable of interfering with the future.

After the death of Sage of the Six Paths, the ninjas belonging to the two factions of Indra and Asura began to turn from arguments to wars, and finally split the Ninja sect completely.

And the war also gave birth to endless ninjutsu methods.

With the explosive development of ninjutsu, countless heroes emerged from the ruins of the Otsutsuki era, and gradually got rid of ignorance and primitive worship, and possessed the power to compete with demons and gods.

And the Sages of the Six Paths and the so-called "Holy Land" hidden behind the scenes also silently absorb the wisdom crystallization of human heroes.

Due to the ravages of the war, coupled with the existence of the "savior" and other historical ending statements that have been circulating, peace has gradually become the long-cherished wish of ordinary people and even lower-middle-class ninjas in the ninja world, and even Senjujuma ended the warring states and created "one Village One Country" era.

Until the Second Ninja World War, the trend of the ninja world has been constantly evolving according to the scripts of the Sage of the Six Paths and the Great Sage Toad. Even if it is slightly biased, Mt. wrong".

However, the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu completely disrupted their wishful thinking.

When they tried to "correct the error" again, they found that the usual means had no effect on Uchiha Tokumitsu.

When they stopped hiding behind the scenes and tried to intervene in ninja affairs positively, they found that Tokumitsu Uchiha's growth rate could no longer be easily contained.

"... Patriarch White Snake, come out."

Immortal Toad said suddenly.

Immediately, a shadow appeared in the corner of the bedroom, and an old woman with a gloomy face stepped out of the shadow.

"...You old toad can actually sense the existence of the old body!"

The White Snake Immortal who turned into an old woman said sadly: "It seems that you are pretending to be about to die!"

"If I hadn't let go of the restrictions along the way, do you think you can enter Miaomu Mountain quietly?"

The voice of Great Immortal Toad echoed in the bedroom, "Besides, I gave you the clone secret technique you used!"


The White Snake Immortal snorted coldly.

"The reason why you took the initiative to come here is probably because you sensed that abnormality?"

Immortal Toad asked proactively.

"And that kid Yuyi probably can't sit still!"

There are thorns in the words of the white snake fairy.

During the evolution of the ninja world, the benefits obtained by Mount Miaomu are far greater than those of the Ryuji Cave hidden under the Nine Nethers.

"Once the seal collapses, it will be the end of the world."

Immortal Toad didn't care about Immortal White Snake's attitude either.

After all, if it can come forward on its own initiative, it already shows that it can't sit still.

"All Dependent Origination lies in that unplanned existence."

Immortal White Snake said coldly.

"The descendants of Indra must be destroyed!"

Immortal Toad also expressed his attitude.

As for the self-restraint that the Miaomu Mountain toad will close the mountain if it loses more than [-] in battle, it has already been forgotten at this time.


"what are you thinking?!"

In the police headquarters office, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who arrived late, looked up and down Orochimaru in surprise.

"Compared with mastering the mysteries of ninjutsu, I hope to obtain more original blood power!"

Orochimaru frantically washed his face with his long tongue, trying to calm himself down.

"So, I am willing to accept all seals, even if it is the seal of Tongue Curse!"

"Just let me study Uchiha's power!"

"I know that the group of Uzumaki researchers in Fubo City, the shogunate of Uzumaki Kingdom, who are ignorant and waste public funds all day long, have been researching natural energy and the power of flame escape, but they have not achieved any results!"

"I'm different! I can do it! With my ability, I can definitely produce results!"

"Even a little bit! Just give me a little kaleidoscope pupil power!"

Facing Orochimaru's begging, Uchiha Tokumitsu was speechless.

The image of Orochimaru as a cold-blooded scientist in his mind suddenly collapsed completely, and the person in front of him seemed to be like a Hentai, desperately offering everything he had in order to gain the favor of the lord.

As for the seal of the root of tongue trouble...

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't think Orochimaru could really be bound by this spell.

Besides, relying entirely on restraint will lead to rebellious psychology sooner or later, which is not conducive to the long-term.

"...Do you want fairy art?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked suddenly.


Orochimaru was startled, and then ecstatic.

"Fairy magic?"

"Yes, Xianshu!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with certainty.


Orochimaru's answer was decisive.

As for the kaleidoscope pupil power that he begged so hard at the beginning, he suddenly lost it.

It turns out that snakes are also transformed from eels...

Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue and expressed his "admiration" for Orochimaru's overly flexible stance.

Immediately, a white light condensed on the fingertips.

Orochimaru's eyes were immediately attracted.

This is magic...

After closing his eyes, Orochimaru seemed to sense the natural energy where he was, like a tired bird returning to the forest, and actively invested in the light of Uchiha Tokumitsu's fingertips.

The originally unattainable natural energy suddenly became a plaything at your fingertips, and the degree of initiative far exceeded his imagination.

Suddenly, Orochimaru felt a pang of sadness in his heart.

It turns out that what I have been asking for all the time is like this in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu...

Uchiha Tokumitsu carefully condensed his first "Senjutsu Seed".

This is also the ability he obtained after killing Ichikijima Hime in Ryūji Cave and refining his origin of immortal art. After smelting his origin of immortal art, he can share a part of it, so that the person who gets the "seed of immortal art" Strengthen the perception of natural abilities, and gain the ability to refine sage chakra.

After acquiring this ability, due to time constraints and not knowing if there are any hidden dangers, Tokumitsu Uchiha has not had time to use it on anyone in the family.

But since it's Orochimaru, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't worry about whether he will die for various unknown reasons.

Anyway, although this guy's strength is relatively average, his life-saving ability is absolutely top-notch.

Of course, in the process of condensing and smelting the "Seeds of Immortal Art", Tokumitsu Uchiha did not add fuel and vinegar to it, and based on the principle of the master of the kaleidoscope pupil art, he allowed himself to have absolute control over the recipients of the Seeds of Immortal Art .

In short, "Senjutsu Seed" is like a plug-in, and its host owns at most half of the ownership. While helping the host to obtain Senju Chakra, it is also absorbing the host's power to strengthen itself, and even feed back to Uchiha Deguang.

In the end, a materialized "Senjutsu Seed" like a jewel fell on Uchiha Tokumitsu's palm, and it emitted a faint glow with Uchiha's breathing.

Orochimaru's long tongue was washing his face crazily.

"Do you crave power?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled and asked, "Do you want this fairy seed?"


Orochimaru didn't know how he answered, at this time all his attention had been attracted by the "Senjutsu Seed".

"It's yours now!"

The "Senjutsu Seed" in the palm floated into the air under the control of Chakra, and came to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was afraid that Uchiha Tokumitsu would repent, so he immediately stuck out his tongue and rolled him into his abdomen, then closed his eyes nervously and waited for the changes in his body.

"……What are you doing?"

After a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with a little confusion.


Orochimaru opened his eyes, touched his body, and seemed to feel that nothing had changed.

That's it?

This is the "Seed of Immortal Art"?
"The so-called fairy art seeds, just like the literal meaning, still need your watering to thrive..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed: "This is just for you to improve the affinity of natural energy! Senju Chakra still needs to be refined by yourself!"

It's not that he can't directly integrate the immortal chakra into the "immortal art seed", it's just that he doesn't have to and is unwilling to waste his own immortal art source in this way.

But when Uchiha Tokumitsu said this, Orochimaru felt at ease.

At this time, Orochimaru felt that Tokumitsu Uchiha was still very good, and he didn't add ingredients to the "Senjutsu Seed"!

Since it is just an auxiliary, he can use it with confidence from now on, and try to decipher the principle of "Xianshu Seed"!
 Let me explain: the foreshadowing of the seeds of fairy art is in chapter 354, which is mentioned in a paragraph.

  Update today (2/2)

  Once again, thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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