Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 360 Great Recovery of Natural Energy

Chapter 360 Great Recovery of Natural Energy

The natural energy of Mount Miaomu is getting stronger and stronger.

Although the ninja frogs were all elated, thinking that this would be a sign of more prosperity for the Mt. Miaomu Holy Land, but the Great Immortal Toad couldn't be happy at all.

Because after his repeated observations, coupled with his communication and demonstration with the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave, it can be confirmed that the growth of natural energy is universal.

This is especially true in the Ninja Continent.

Although for the aliens like the Three Sacred Lands that rely on natural energy, this is also beneficial for them to expand the size of the group, but with the observation of the Great Immortal Toad, a little panic appeared in its heart.

The affinity between natural energy and ninjas has also begun to increase...

Although for mortals and even ninjas, this slight change is almost imperceptible, but the long-lived Toad Immortal was shocked like a bolt from the blue!
According to the information that Ichikijima Hime burned her soul back to Ryūji Cave before she died, when she was dying, the white shock technique that she planned to do her best was defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu's fire escape using senjutsu chakra. It is broken, so it can also be known that at least Uchiha Deguang has a certain research on natural energy and can apply it in actual combat.

This is not a good thing...

Although from the current point of view, the growth of natural energy is indeed a good thing for the three holy places, but in the long run, it will be beneficial to the ninja world!

Because the base number of ninjas is much larger than the creatures in the Holy Land!
The Great Immortal Toad naturally also has the idea of ​​​​joining vertical and horizontal alliances, but whether it is to send a message or to go to the wet bone forest with a clone, it has no way to enter, so it is also obvious that the Great Immortal Slug deliberately "cannot read back" of.

But relying on the power of the two holy places of Mt. Miaogi and Ryūji Cave, whether it is possible to defeat the shogunate and even the Uchiha clan... To be honest, the Great Sage Toad has no bottom in his heart.

In addition, since the collapse of the Akatsuki organization, the depressed Jiraiya has been lying down in Miaomu Mountain and has not recovered his fighting spirit. Although he has clearly joined forces with Ryuchidong, how to carry out the attack and how to plan the attack, even the Great Immortal Toad There is no score either.

As for the delicate work of contacting Yanyin Yunyin and co-attacking the shogunate, it is even more necessary to come and do it yourself.


Since receiving the "Senjutsu Seed" bestowed by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Orochimaru has stayed in the rebuilt home and devoted himself to research.

In order to avoid being disturbed by outsiders, he also specially dispatched a team of police ninjas to the police station to guard the surroundings—anyway, he is determined to take refuge now, and he doesn't care about other external perceptions and personal privacy.

In this way, Orochimaru stayed at home for a whole month.

During this month, Uchiha Deguang has not been idle.

After completely smelting the source of immortality and his own chakra, he also began to carry out further cultivation of immortality.

He has copied countless copies of the fairy scrolls that Ryujidong once sent as bait. Almost every Jonin of the Uchiha clan has a copy. Naturally, the content is also familiar by heart. When developing a new type of fairy art, he found that his own fairy chakra was completely incapable of achieving "compatibility" with Ryujidong fairy art.

Although it is possible to simulate the prototype of the inorganic reincarnation technique by virtue of its extraordinary chakra control, it has never been able to manipulate inorganic objects into various attack methods as flexibly and freely as Ichikijima Hime.

Although stone dragons, water dragons, etc. can be simulated through immortal techniques, their attack power is not much stronger than conventional five-dome ninjutsu such as earth dragon bullets and water dragon bullets.

As for the consumption of immortal skills, it is several times higher than that of five escape ninjutsu.

After repeated verifications, Uchiha Tokumitsu came to a conclusion: that is, the essence of Ryūji Cave's senjutsu cannot be studied without the Ryuji Cave Senju Chakra.

But on second thought, this is normal.

If Longdi Cave Immortal Art was so easy to learn, the White Snake Immortal would not be so generous in sending out the Immortal Art Scroll as bait.

To put it bluntly, it is targeting ninjas who have not been injected with the venom of the white snake. Even if they can obtain the magic chakra through self-cultivation, they cannot use the dragon's cave magic.

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately gave up his research on Ryūji Cave Senjutsu and began to ponder the coordination of Senjutsu and his own power system.

Although through acquired practice, Uchiha Tokumitsu has also reached the realm of complete five escape attributes, but the main means of fighting the enemy has always been fire escape.

But since you want to be diligent, you can no longer stick to fire escape or flame escape.

Therefore, the Five-Dun Dalian Danjutsu left by Sarutobi Hiruzen has become a good reference book. Based on it, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to try to develop his own five-dun combined ninjutsu.

After countless ninjutsu bombings and repeated rebuilding of the training ground, Uchiha Tokumitsu developed the "Five Elements Seal" combined with the seal technique, combined with the incomplete version of the "Yin Seal" on the Book of Seals. A secret technique that can realize the storage and circulation of five escaped chakras——

"Five escape seals!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, named Fei, was very satisfied with this technique.

Although it doesn't sound very cool, the effect of the "five escape seals" can achieve nearly half of the effect of the Yin seal.

Although there is no ability to beautify the skin and increase the size of an indescribable part, when the "five escape seals" can gather the spiritual energy and physical energy that the body overflows daily, and convert them into an equivalent amount of five-attribute chakra to circulate in the body .

Especially when multi-attribute combination ninjutsu needs to be performed, Tokumitsu Uchiha no longer needs a shadow clone as an assistant, and can achieve an extremely streamlined seal process similar to Fire Escape, achieving an effect similar to instant ninjutsu.

"Five Dungeons, Five Dragon Consecutive Bombs!"

Based on the principle of the five escape Dalian bullets, Tokumitsu Uchiha formed a Yin Yin seal casually, and then sprayed a ninjutsu with five dragons entangled in the front, blasting the newly repaired training ground into a huge pit again.

The attendant ninja, who is good at earth escape, immediately ran over from a distance, skillfully extinguished the remaining ninjutsu effects, and leveled the land.

Uchiha Deguang is very satisfied with the effect of this technique.

In terms of chakra consumption, it is about the same as the Uchiha family's Dragon Flame Singing Art, but its power is nearly five times higher. This is already a very powerful ninjutsu.

What's more, he hasn't added Xianju chakra as "amplification fuel" to the magic formula!

Although it seems that storing Chakra does not have much effect on the growth of Xianju, but Xianju needs a large amount of Chakra as support, so Uchiha Tokumitsu's idea is also very simple-since the skills and methods are pondered for a while If you don't come out, then win with the equivalent!

Anyway, the truth of "Li Da Flying Bricks" is the same in the ninja world!

"Stand back!"

After the training ground was leveled again, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the attendant ninjas.

The attendant ninjas didn't say a word, and immediately ran behind.

They have also seen too many scenes of Uchiha Tokumitsu practicing ninjutsu, so they naturally know the intention of the master to specially exhort such a sentence.

"Xianshu·Five Dragons Combo!"

Based on 50% of the sage chakra, and adding 10% of the chakra of the five escape attributes, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again spewed out an ordinary chakra light ball towards the front.

This time he deliberately sprayed towards the distance.

It's just a bit of a miscalculation--


Catalyzed by the celestial chakra, the celestial chakra light ball hit the ground like a tailed beast jade explosion, setting off a huge mushroom cloud on the spot.

Afterwards, there were extremely violent shock waves and deafening explosions.

——At this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu is like a nuclear cannonball with a range of five kilometers and a killing range of ten kilometers, and has involved himself in the bombing range of Xianju.


The attendant ninjas who were swept up by the shock wave just got up in a daze, when they saw that the mushroom cloud had submerged Uchiha Tokumitsu.

The attendant ninjas, who were almost out of their wits in fright, ran towards the direction of the "nuclear explosion" regardless of the damage from the celestial arts splashing around.

"No need to come here!"

Uchiha Toku's voice came from the mushroom cloud.

"Wind Escape, Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

As the highly compressed Chakra clusters exploded, the mushroom cloud was gradually blown away by the hurricane.

And first reveal the true face of Susano.


The attendant ninjas breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately turned on the kaleidoscope Sharingan to use Susano at the moment the senjutsu hit the target. Otherwise, even though the senjutsu did not hurt him much, he was embarrassed by the shock wave It is also impossible to run.

Teams of Konoha ninjas also rushed from the village and the new district towards the location of Mushroom Cloud Tengkong.

"It's okay, it's okay~ The master is just testing ninjutsu!"

The attendant ninjas hurriedly began to evacuate the gathered ninjas.

Hatake Sakumo landed next to Uchiha Tokumitsu without hindrance, looking at the deep pit not far away with a complicated expression.

The surroundings of the deep pit and the walls of the pit have been turned into a glass-like substance, and a water column that exudes heat and sulfur smells began to "gumble" from the bottom.

——As soon as the immortal technique went down, a hot spring was blasted out by mistake!
Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little surprised.

"...Is this still ninjutsu?"

Hatake Sakumo asked.

"It's a fairy art..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied with some uncertainty.

Although it is not as exquisite as the so-called holy land fairy art, at least from this test, the power is still more powerful than it is.

"Fairy magic..."

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help sighing.

Then I felt a little frustrated.

Under such a large-scale coverage and bombardment, no matter how agile his body skills and sharp knife skills are, he will only end up being turned into ashes.

"Don't you feel it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly said something without beginning or end.

"Feel what?"

Hatake Sakumo didn't know why.

"The natural energy of the ninja world is getting stronger and stronger..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stretched out his palm, and a ray of fluorescence condensed in his palm, attracting Hatake Sakumo's eyes.

This is pure natural energy aggregation manifesting!
"Moreover, the affinity between natural energy and ninjas is getting higher and higher~"

"Is it!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately concentrated on the spot and sensed, and then a look of shock appeared on his face.

"It really is……"

This sudden surprise made Hatake Sakumo feel a little overwhelmed.

This also means that he can climb to a higher level of power!

"But... why is that!"

Hatake Sakumo is not untouched by natural energy.

Like every strong ninja, he also thought about using the ubiquitous natural energy in the ninja world, but there has been no progress.

At this time, just by sensing it, you can slightly stir those natural energies that were originally extremely "inert"!
"Maybe it's the arrival of a new era~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked to the sky.

It was daytime at this time, but Uchiha Deguang knew that the moon had always been high in the sky.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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