Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 361 Change of Earth and Moon

Chapter 361 Change of Earth and Moon
"The distance between Ninja World and the moon is getting closer!"

Immortal White Snake in Longdi Cave looked extremely solemn, and said to the clone of Immortal Toad who was visiting again.

The growth of natural energy is related to the situation in the ninja world and even the future of the heterogeneous gathering place, so it is naturally very concerned.


Immortal Toad suddenly gasped, and his scalp went numb from his scalp to his heels.

This result is really appalling, but it can't help but not believe it.

The lineage of Longdi Cave, which lives under the Nine Nethers, already has an extremely profound understanding of magnetic fields, gravity and other forces, and the White Snake Immortal will naturally not make wrong judgments in this regard.

Just, if so...

Immortal Toad, who was terrified of thinking carefully, suddenly panicked.

You know, in ancient times, there were no satellites like the moon in this world!

The moon hanging high in the sky now was forcibly separated from this world when the Sage of the Six Paths used the "Earth Explosion Star" to seal his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki.

But after thousands of years, even the Great Immortal Toad has long been accustomed to the existence of the moon in the sky, and now at first hearing...

Destroy the world!

A thought flashed in the mind of Great Immortal Toad that made it extremely horrifying.

The closer the distance between the moon and the Ninja World, it means that the sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya has an abnormality!

And whether Otsutsuki Kaguya breaks the seal, or the moon smashes into the Ninja World, it means the destruction of the Ninja World!Even the Holy Land cannot escape this calamity!

"and many more!"

Immortal Toad suddenly thought of something.

"The change in the distance between the moon and the ninja world... is it the cause of the active natural energy?!"

"Or so!"

Immortal White Snake's head was no longer held high, looking a little downcast.

This is also the first time that Great Immortal Toad has seen his old rival White Snake Patriarch show such an expression.

"The source...maybe that Indra's descendant!"

Immortal Toad let out a hoarse growl: "It was he who sacrificed Otsutsuki Kaguya with blood! This led to all this!"

Whether or not this is the case, it has to find an outlet for its emotions.

"We can't delay any longer..."

Immortal White Snake deeply agrees.

"Is your groundwalker back to normal now?"

"...the mood is still a little low."

Immortal Toad shook his head slightly.


Immortal White Snake cursed.

Immortal Toad remained silent.


Orochimaru, which has been settled for a month, is finally released.

At this time, he is full of confidence, striding forward, and imposing.

Just as he walked out the door, he heard a conversation between two police ninjas.

"It is said that the effect of Nanhechuan Hot Spring is particularly good. Why don't you take a vacation and try it?"

"It will take a while, there are too many people recently, who knows how much feces and farts are in those hot spring water!"

"...You are right!"

"Has a new hot spring soup restaurant been built in the village?"

Although Orochimaru was not interested in hot springs, he still checked a sentence.

"Ah! It's Oshemaru-sama!"

The Uchiha ninja of the police department who was talking nonsense discovered the existence of Orochimaru.

After the staged progress in the study of immortal arts, Dashewan not only improved his strength, but also improved his ability to restrain breath.

And the response of the police ninja also made Orochimaru deeply satisfied.

After all, although "Brilliant Clothes Never Walk at Night" is in line with the habits of ninjas, Orochimaru still has a bit of a show-off mentality.

"...It is indeed a newly built hot spring soup restaurant."

One of the police department ninjas replied honestly.

"Is it~ in Kabukicho or somewhere?"

Orochimaru enjoyed Uchiha Ninja's shocked expression very much, and at the same time didn't mind showing his closeness to the people.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Orochimaru at this time seems a bit weird.

"It's not... at the Nanhechuan Ninjutsu Training Ground."

The two ninjas from the police department looked at each other and replied immediately.

"Nan Hechuan..."

Orochimaru was taken aback when he heard this.

Isn't that the Uchiha clan's own training ground!

How did it become a hot spring soup restaurant? !

"Oshemaru-sama, since you have finished your practice, can we retreat?"

Orochimaru's thoughts were interrupted by an Uchiha ninja.

"...Thank you for your hard work."

Orochimaru nodded with a smile.


It's just that when Orochimaru came to the "Nangachuan Hot Spring Soup Restaurant" that the ninja of the police department called, he was already numb.

Although there are a lot of people, but with his status, he can still enter the soup restaurant directly.

It's just... this is a hot spring? !

This is more or less called Wenhu Lake!
Especially after finding out from other people's mouth that this so-called "spring eye" is Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninjutsu bombing, Orochimaru's heartfelt horror.

"The power of the Tailed Beast Jade is nothing more than that..."

Standing on the bank of the "hot spring", Orochimaru looked at the lake in front of him absent-mindedly and muttered to himself.

The original trace of arrogance immediately dissipated without a trace.


"Has the sky changed?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help feeling a bit of a headache with the astronomical report submitted by Patriarch Wei Ming.

"Yes, as time goes by, the moon may fall into the ninja world in the future, which will lead to the extinction of the ninja world."

Although the content of what Uzumaki Weiming said was very heavy, his expression was still very relaxed.

"...10 years later?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu flipped through the report, looked at the value calculated by Uzumaki Ninja, and couldn't help asking again.

"Probably, the moon will approach the ninja world at least 10 years later, and the exact time cannot be calculated."

Uzumaki Weiming shrugged his shoulders with a calm expression.

No wonder he was so calm.

Uchiha Tokumitsu murmured inwardly.

After 10 years, the bones have already turned into ashes, so there is no need to be nervous.

Besides, one generation has the responsibility of one generation, and it is also a good choice to believe in the wisdom of future generations, so there is no need to take everything to heart.

"Research on the influence of celestial phenomena changes on natural energy?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu saw the newly established tasks reported by the Uzumaki ninjas on the last page of the report, and then saw the astronomical budget.

Then Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately lost his composure!
"Master Deguang, this is a great achievement that will benefit the present and benefit the future!"

Uzumaki Ashina immediately began to agitate her three-inch tongue, trying to persuade Uchiha Tokumitsu: "According to the current research, the activity of natural energy may be related to the changes in the moon and celestial phenomena. If we can..."

"turn down!"

Uchiha Toku said expressionlessly.

"As ordered..."

Although in terms of age, Uzumaki Ashina is an elder, but he did not dare to rely on his old age in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"... Or, research investment can be divided into installments?"

The unwilling Uzumaki Weiming asked again.

"Allow 100 million taels first!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also prevaricated casually.

"That's fine..."

Uzumaki Ashina touched her nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Compared with the budget in the report, 100 million taels is not even a drop in the bucket, but this is also Uchiha Tokumitsu taking care of his face.


Just when Uzumaki Ashina was about to leave, Uchiha Tokumitsu stopped him, and took out a scroll from the drawer and handed it over.

"This is……"

Seeing the "immortal" seal in the scroll, Uzumaki Weiming's heart beat faster.

"Some thoughts on the study of fairy arts."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "If someone in the Uzumaki family can perceive the existence of natural energy, they can report their names, and then we will conduct training with the family ninjas."

"Follow orders!"

Uzumaki Weiming immediately displayed the spirit of bowing, and bowed deeply regardless of his old waist.

This is the fundamental secret method related to the everlasting success of a ninja clan!Uchiha Tokumitsu was so easily given to the Uzumaki Clan!

Leaving the Governor's Mansion briskly as if stepping on cotton, Uzumaki Weiming felt that the world was extremely beautiful!

Sure enough, choosing to bind the family with Uchiha was the most wise choice after he became the patriarch!

"Jiushina seems to be not too young..."

Uzumaki Weiming's mind became active.

But he immediately thought of the existence of Uchiha Tokumitsu's fiancee Uchiha Makoto.

"But having said that... Being an elder always has some privileges!"

Although ninjas are generally monogamous, in fact there is no legal marriage system in the ninja world, but due to economic pressure and to take care of their partners' feelings, ninjas often have only one official wife on the surface.

"Traditional ideas are bad! The new era always needs innovation!"

Then Uzumaki Weiming immediately dispelled her worries about the "feudal tradition" of monogamy, and began to think about letting Kushina take over.

After all, Uzumaki Kushina is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!In the future, it must be one of the pillars of the village, and it is reasonable to become one of Uchiha Tokumitsu's partners!
Presumably Uchiha Makoto will not have any objections, after all, she is also from a big family...

Uzumaki Ashina pondered while walking.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is very feasible!
As for the issue of etiquette, what a big deal!
The Uzumaki Clan are well-known scholars among the Ninja Clan. It is not a simple matter for scholars to find some reasons or find some historical evidence from the pile of old papers to endorse their actions!

Accidentally, Uzumaki Weiming bumped into a passerby.

"It's Orochimaru..."

However, Uzumaki Weiming was also a little puzzled. Although he was indeed distracted just now, it shouldn't be impossible for him to sense the presence of someone in front of him.

"Hello Patriarch Weiming..."

Orochimaru, who just came back to his senses, said politely: "Sorry, I was distracted just now, I didn't notice it, I hope you understand."

This was what Uzumaki Ashina was going to say.

But since Orochimaru took the initiative to say it, his words were held back in his stomach.

The relationship between the two is not very familiar, so after a little greeting, they left separately.

It's just that Uzumaki Weiming couldn't help but look back at Orochimaru's figure again, and then closed his eyes to sense it.

"...It's so strange!"

The bloody and gloomy aura on Orochimaru has completely faded away!In the perception, it is actually a quiet and distant, fresh breath like nature.

Moreover, it seems to have become more approachable?
Uzumaki Weiming frowned and looked at Orochimaru's fading figure.

Looking at the direction...it should also be going to the Governor's Mansion.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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