Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 362 The advantage is in me

Chapter 362 The advantage is in me
"Immortal Technique·Fire Escape·Impatiens Flower Claw Red!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha's mouth bulged, and he took out a stack of shurikens from the ninja bag with his left hand and threw them out. At the same time, the sage fireball from his mouth wrapped the shurikens, drawing arcs in the air towards Orochimaru blasted away.

"Immortal Art·Water Escape·Water Wave!"

Orochimaru didn't dodge either, and quickly formed a seal immediately, summoning a water curtain that quickly rotated and climbed like a tornado, and then overturned towards the seemingly insignificant fireball in an overwhelming state.

Although judging from the level of ninjutsu, the reason why Impatiens Flower Claw Red is recognized as a B-level fire escape is more due to its higher control difficulty. Compared with the A-level water blasting wave in terms of power and coverage, it is difficult. However, Orochimaru still had no intention of saving Chakra, but resolutely chose to use large-scale ninjutsu to carry out the confrontation.

"Boom boom boom!!!"


Orochimaru was startled, and immediately kicked off and jumped backwards.

I saw the overwhelming waves of water being blown up by a few balls of celestial art fireballs, causing the structure of the art to collapse, and then the remaining celestial art fireballs remained undiminished, and continued to hit Orochimaru in a strange arc.

Although the water vapor covered the sight under the high temperature, Uchiha Tokumitsu was keenly aware of Orochimaru's movements.

It's just that if you think you can easily avoid this technique based on past experience...

Orochimaru made a wrong calculation!

Uchiha Tokumitsu maintained the seal with his right hand, and the fingers of his left hand moved slightly.

Afterwards, the senju fireball that was about to burst into the air immediately changed its flight direction in mid-air and hit in the direction that Orochimaru dodged.


Orochimaru's eyelids twitched, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead.


Just when Orochimaru was about to complete the sealing technique, Uchiha Tokumitsu muttered in his heart, then he put down his hands and tidied up his clothes.

For him, this practice could be over.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sage fireball that changed the flight arc immediately exploded, and the high-temperature flame engulfed the molten iron after the explosion of the shuriken and flew towards Orochimaru; but Orochimaru, who was caught off guard, had to give up the seal and continue to perform the teleportation technique towards Oshemaru. The rear that is not affected by the explosion range continues to dodge.

Afterwards, three balls of immortal fireballs continued to chase, and exploded in the upper, left, and right directions of Orochimaru.

The high-temperature flames and the hot molten iron drove Orochimaru into a panic again. Even the immaculate white clothes on his body were burned with several holes, and the shimen rope around his waist was also burned by the splash of molten iron.

"It's just a B-level ninjutsu..."

Orochimaru was astonished.

You know, after learning that the Nangagawa hot spring was blasted out by Uchiha Tokumitsu's celestial art, Orochimaru was particularly careful in this impromptu practice, and he was a hundred times more energetic.

But I didn't expect the result to be so miserable...

"Oshemaru-kun, come and have a cup of tea..."

The attendant ninja has swiftly placed the low stools on the coffee table, and the delicate snacks are arranged one by one. After the teapot was boiled by the fire, he quickly poured the steaming hot tea into the cup, and stood aside.

Orochimaru sighed slightly, took out a piece of clothing from the seal scroll and put it on, after tidying up his appearance a little, he also sat down to drink tea.

Noble style...

This is Da Shemaru's only thought about this scene.

He has also had a lot of dealings with nobles from the Land of Fire due to missions, but although those nobles emphasize the distinction of dignity and etiquette, their style of relying on posture is not as good as that of Uchiha It is natural for a family of Xueji Ninja to lick blood on the blade.

Orochimaru finished drinking a cup of tea, and just put down the teacup, the ninja attendant with shark face immediately stepped forward to fill it up, the whole process was very natural with no unnecessary movements.

"This is Kisame Kisame from Kirigakure."

Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed that Orochimaru looked at the shark-faced attendant ninja a few times, so he introduced it.

"I'm Lord Deguang's sword-holding waiter, whose main duty is to keep the big sword shark muscle."

There was also a smile on the face of the dried persimmon ghost shark.

It's just that against his ferocious face, the smile looks more like a threat.

After Kirigakure's restructuring, Onito Masahiko sealed the big sword shark muscle that was originally distributed to him back to the shogunate on the grounds that it was "difficult to control the ninja sword", expressing that he had no intention of holding too much power, lest his lord would have unnecessary power in the future. suspicious.

But for Uchiha Tokumitsu, the ninja sword from Kirigakure, Otosame Muscle, has not played much role. Most of the battles we are facing today are not even used by the Uchiha clan's sacred weapon, the Homakusa Fan. Not to mention the shark muscles that have no cards.

Therefore, when he saw that one of the ninjas sent from Kirigakure as an attendant was named Kisame Kisame, Tokumitsu Uchiha simply handed over the sword muscle to him for safekeeping.

Anyway, as the "proton" sent by Ninja Village under the jurisdiction of the shogunate, the attendant ninja, except for retiring due to injury or being appointed and transferred, basically cannot get rid of the jurisdiction of the shogunate in this life, so this is just rotten meat.

"The shogunate is full of talents..."

Although Kisame's face is not easy to tell his age, but Orochimaru can still judge his approximate age based on his appearance and body characteristics, and his thick and incomparably thick body has almost more chakra than himself, It can be seen that its strength is extraordinary.

The original sense of self-respect was restrained again, and a rare trace of restraint appeared on Dashewan's face.

"What is your understanding of the study of fairy arts?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not shy away from the existence of attendant ninjas, but asked casually.

"Natural energy seems to have loosened a lot..."

This is also the most intuitive impression of Orochimaru.

As one of Konoha's elite jounin, plus he used to be a walker in Ryūji Cave, he is no stranger to natural energy and fairy art, but he failed to learn Ryūji Cave because he couldn't bear the venom injection of the White Snake Immortal. It's just magic.

However, during the one-month retreat at home, with the blessing of Uchiha Tokumitsu's celestial art seeds, he can be regarded as realizing that the natural energy that was originally indifferent to answers suddenly became shy and even a little "half-push". place.

But in the practice just now, Orochimaru found that the natural energy that was still a little "out of touch" to him and that took a little effort to control was particularly active in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu. The natural energy is actively absorbed on the fairy art to increase its power.

This is too eye-catching...

"After the Xiao organization is destroyed, presumably Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave will not accept defeat willingly?"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's words were somewhat rhetorical, the tone seemed extremely certain.


Orochimaru nodded, and respectfully said: "I don't understand Mt. Miaomu, but with Immortal White Snake's self-willed and extremely unwilling character, it will not stop there."

"Therefore, the joint anti-terrorism force must continue to be strengthened."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, and expressed his own judgment: "Moreover, a Shinji died in Ryuji Cave, and their counterattacks in the future must be more fierce and unpredictable."

"Or so."

Although Orochimaru didn't understand why Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly mentioned this to himself, he still nodded in agreement.

"Ghost King, are you interested in going out to practice?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly turned his head and said to Kisame Kisame.


Kisame Kisame was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, "I will obey all the arrangements of Lord Deguang!"

"Under the joint anti-terrorism force, I plan to add another main battle detachment to gather powerful ninjas from various departments as the future attack and support force. I think you are still very suitable."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

This is why the "protons" are willing to serve the ninja wholeheartedly.

Although daily affairs and various receptions are tedious and boring for ninjas, they can get in touch with many shogunate and high-level Konoha, and if there is a chance, Uchiha Tokumitsu will always take care of the people around him.

At least, from the point of view of opportunity, the treatment of attendant ninjas is almost the same as that of ninjas from the Uchiha clan.

"I will fulfill my mission! Abide by my duties and be loyal to the shogunate!"

Dried persimmon ghost shark immediately knelt down to thank him.

A group of attendant ninjas cast envious eyes and secretly encouraged themselves, hoping to stand out next time.

"Do it well in the future! You also take the big sword shark muscle to take office, don't let me down!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with satisfaction.

This is also the result of the "ninja heroes into my trap" that he has been silently implementing since the restructuring of the police department.

It is not difficult to fight against the so-called holy land with the huge power of the shogunate across Konoha, Mist, and even including the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Grass and a number of small countries.

It's just that he is in the dark and he is in the light, so it's a bit troublesome to clear them up.

As for high-end combat power, Uchiha Tokumitsu feels that he can be regarded as able to overwhelm the ninja world in this era without Senjujuma. Even the great immortals of Ryuji Cave or Mt. Myogi personally have the same strength as them.

And as time goes by, under the incentive of the eclectic promotion mechanism, the power of the shogunate will only grow stronger.

So after calculation, Uchiha Tokumitsu felt——

"The advantage is mine!"


"The advantage is mine!"

In the Mushroom House on Mt. Miaogi, Fukasaku Immortal looked passionate, but he also said to Jiraiya, who was still a little downcast: "Even if the Akatsuki organization suffers temporary setbacks, as far as the two holy places are concerned, as long as they go all out, the mere Uchiha clan will be unbearable." hit!"

"Yes... Ziraiya, don't blame yourself anymore, we didn't blame you."

Immortal Zhima on the side also quickly said: "The defeat in this battle is not a crime of war; it is just that the thieves of the shogunate are too cunning!"

"The Great Immortal said that the Holy Land has no upper limit on your support!"

Immortal Fukasaku patted his chest and said, "For the Holy Land, casualties are nothing!"

Although the Shenji of Ryuchi Cave died, and the two parties are still allies, Fukasaku Immortal is still somewhat happy in his heart.

There is nothing more joyful than being "targeted" by an old enemy!

"Two immortals..."

Jiraiya's voice was a little choked.

Then he covered his face.

"We all believe in your ability, whether it is fighting or planning, you are one of the best talents in the ninja world..."

Immortal Fukasaku stood on his tiptoes, patted Jiraiya on the shoulder who was squatting on the ground, and said, "Everything will pass, and everything will get better..."

"I understand……"

After venting his emotions a bit, Jiraiya wiped away the tears from his eyes, put the frustration of being betrayed behind him, took a deep breath and said, "I won't give up!"

"That's good!"

Sensei Fukasaku's eyes were full of relief.

"By the way, the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave wants to see you, so you should go there if you have time."

Sento Fukasaku said seemingly casually.

"White Snake Immortal..."

Jilai also hesitated, but still nodded: "Then let's go, but is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"It's nothing."

Immortal Fukasaku immediately took out a black scroll from his arms, stretched it out, and summoned a rune spell, "This magic circle can go directly to the temple of Longdi Cave, without going back and forth."

"And this, tear up the scroll and you can go back to Mount Miaomu directly."

Immortal Zhima handed over another scroll.

Although it felt quite sudden, Jiraiya still took the scroll and walked into the rune formula.

What a blessing it must be for two holy places to serve me alone!

As the light of the technique flashed, Jiraiya also thought so.

 Update today (1/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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