Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 363 New Ninja Army

Chapter 363 New Ninja Army
After the test of Orochimaru, Uchiha Tokumitsu confirmed the safety of the Senju seeds.

In addition, according to his dark perception, the various dark hands originally left in the xianshu seeds have not been wiped out, but have become stronger and more concealed with the strength of Orochimaru. Under such circumstances, as long as Uchiha De Orochimaru would never discover anything unusual about the celestial art seeds he bestowed if he didn't take the initiative to launch a secret move.

Of course, as long as Orochimaru remains loyal all his life, Uchiha Tokumitsu will not be rude to him, it's all mutual.

The reason why the dried persimmon ghosts are sent out is also derived from Uchiha Tokumitsu's idea of ​​a new ninja army.

Even the shogunate, of course, the structure of the ninja army is similar to the traditional ninja combat.

It's just that due to the superiority in strength, the shogunate ninja army often temporarily gathers a part of the jounin to form a single combat unit, and breaks through the battlefield in a model similar to the former mobile unit.

But this kind of ninja troops are generally temporary.

After all, even for the Uchiha clan, Jonin is a valuable high-end combat power, and they often hold important positions in various ministries, and the transfer of them will definitely lead to a certain level of weak grassroots forces or loss of command.

In the final analysis, although the grassroots ninja army composed of middle and lower ninjas is well-trained, the fundamental gap in combat effectiveness cannot be made up by training.

This is also an important reason why the Konoha Ninja Army, which had an absolute advantage, suffered relatively large casualties in the Akatsuki Suppression War.

In order to cope with such a situation and make up for the lack of combat echelons, Uchiha Tokumitsu plans to form an "intermediate combat force" based on the concept of "intermediate power bullets" in his previous life, as a supplement to the combat power of the Ninja Army.

According to the Governor's Mansion's enlistment, Kisame Kisame was able to gather a 150-strong Ninja Army detachment within three days.

What's more, it's an elite ninja army with all Chunin and above!

After several rounds of joint performances, Kisame Kisame led the new ninja army Kitakami Taki no Kuni and joined Uchiha Shiina.

In order to support his cousin, Uchiha Tokumitsu took great pains.


"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, Shogunate Ninja Kisame has been ordered to lead his troops to report! Please review!"

Uchiha Shiina went out of camp to welcome the arrival of Kisame with great face, and after the experience of the shogunate attendant, Kisame was also very understanding of the world, and also greeted Uchiha Tokutoki respectfully.

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Uchiha Shiina is very satisfied with this ninja army.

He has already known about Uchiha Tokumitsu's tactical plan, so he has long been looking forward to the arrival of the new ninja army.

Looking at the posture now, the ninja army led by Kisame Kisame looks capable from top to bottom, and looks very capable of fighting.

"There are quite a few warriors from Kirigakure..."

Among Kisame's subordinates, nearly 50 people were recruited from Kirigakure, and it is also the detachment with the largest proportion of Kirigakure ninjas in the joint anti-terrorism force.

"Kigakure has always been loyal to the shogunate, and Master Tokumitsu naturally responded like a cloud."

Dried persimmon ghost shark said immediately.

"Very good! The ninja army has worked hard all the way up and down. Let's rest in the camp for two days, and start combat drills on the third day!"

Uchiha Shiina was even more satisfied.


In the next three months, the joint anti-terrorist force organized 24 detachments under its jurisdiction to take turns to participate in the exercise.

And Kisame Kisame lived up to expectations, securing an overwhelming record of 24 wins, [-] wins and [-] losses.

The main reason why there were five defeats in the exercise was that one of the five detachments was Uchiha Shiina's guard detachment, and the other four detachments were all Uchiha clan ninjas with a large number of ninjas, plus the dried persimmon ghost Although the newly formed Ninja Army of Shame is strong in combat power, due to hasty participation in the exercise, there were a lot of problems in coordination, so the Uchiha detachment leaders of the five detachments led the crowd to carry out "beheading" in a surprise attack.

But even so, Uchiha Shiina was also happy.

To be honest, although he is the commander of the joint anti-terrorist force, his prestige has not been high due to his personal strength.

Especially when facing those detachment leaders who are the seniors of the family, as a junior ninja, they are somewhat lacking in confidence.

But the advantage is that he is willing to learn with an open mind and never puts on airs, so the command of the anti-terrorist force has never had any problems, and Uchiha Tokumitsu is more at ease with him.

But now with the addition of Kisame Kisame, Uchiha Shiina directly included it in the directly-administered detachment of the headquarters, regarded it as another confidant team besides the guard detachment, and beat up all the arrogant soldiers of the 24 detachments. , which also made his waist straighter.

And the one who feels the most humiliated is Luo Sha, who is known as the star of tomorrow in the joint anti-terrorist force and was once awarded the title of "Son of Wind" by Uchiha Tokumitsu himself.

The detachment he led failed to detect the enemy's lurking in time during the exercise, so after three rounds of ninjutsu attacks suddenly launched by the new ninja army of Kisame Kisame, it was judged by the exercise command center that the entire army was wiped out. The detachment leader was captured alive by Kanshi Kisame and a group of jounin, which made Luo Sha feel ashamed.

But this is also quite helpless.

Because the iron sand he is best at is too weak in the face of the big sword Shark Muscle of Kisame Kisame.

When the iron sand was sucked dry of chakra by the shark muscles, Luo Sha lost her self-defense, and couldn't resist the beatings of the jonin at all.

In particular, there are also a large number of Kirigakure ninjas in the detachment of Kisame Kisame. Their water escape wets the sand and iron sand, making it more difficult to control ninjutsu. Therefore, under the influence of multiple factors, Luo Sha became the defeat in the exercise. The fastest detachment leader.

"Don't worry about Luo Sha Shangnin, the attribute restraint of ninjutsu is like this."

After the exercise summary meeting, Uchiha Shiina summoned Luo Sha alone to comfort him.

"I understand..."

After suffering this defeat, Luo Sha's attitude also lowered a lot.

"In addition, I plan to form a special combat group on top of the detachment. I hope you can take on this responsibility."

Uchiha Shiina also won the essence of the elder brother's "slap and rub three times", and then put a sugar on Luo Sha.

"Special Operations Group..."

Luo Sha's heart moved, and she was a little surprised.

He was the No. 1 detachment leader in the defeat speed in the exercise!How could it be a blessing in disguise? !

"In addition to the guard detachment directly under the headquarters and Kisame-kun's tactical support detachment, I plan to add another level to the original detachment..."

Following Uchiha Shiina's unhurried exposition, Luo Sha's face showed a look of surprise.

You know, today's joint anti-terrorist force has the highest combat level, that is, the detachment!
If there are additional levels, it also means that Luo Sha will become the second most powerful joint anti-terrorist force in name!
Although the joint anti-terrorist force is "joint" in name, it is actually a ninja army firmly controlled by the Uchiha clan. As a member of the sand hidden dispatcher, he was able to be promoted to such a high position...

Thinking of the commotion caused by this in Sha Yin's headquarters, Luo Sha's face flushed intoxicatingly.

His ambitions don't stop there!
The promotion in the joint anti-terrorist force can not only wash away his reputation as a "loyal dog of the shogunate" in Sand Hidden, it will also be a huge leap in his reputation in the middle and lower classes of Sand Hidden, and it will also be a great boost to his future competition for the position of Kazekage. A huge boost!

"Thank you Commander Shiina for your promotion!"

This time, Luo Sha was excited from the bottom of his heart.

"Well... this operational level, according to the joint reply of the shogunate and the governor's office, is proposed to be a column level, and set the designation as the first column of the joint anti-terrorist force..."

Uchiha Shiina smiled and took out a letter of appointment from the folder and handed it over.

"Congratulations, Captain Luo Sha..."

Luo Sha took the letter of appointment with trembling hands.

A look at the approval initiation date, Konoha March 40, [-].

Final approval date, April [-]rd.

And he was defeated in the exercise on April [-]th, and the exercise ended on April [-]th...

This also shows that as early as a month ago, Uchiha Shiina had a promotion plan, and he did not change his appointment because of his performance in the exercise.

According to Luo Sha's understanding, although the shogunate once had a column-level ninja army system, it was often a temporary establishment, such as the former shogunate's three-ethnic column or the joint company's combat column, but now these once existed All the columns have been abolished, that is to say, after accepting this appointment, he will be the only column leader in the joint anti-terrorism force and even under the shogunate!

Power and fame sometimes do not necessarily mean how high a position is, what is more important is uniqueness!
"The subordinates must be dedicated to their duties, and they will definitely fulfill their mission!"

Luo Sha blushed and replied loudly.

"No. 20 to 24 detachments will all be assigned to your command, I hope you will train the first column as soon as possible and form combat effectiveness."

Uchiha Shiina said with a smile.

That is to say, in addition to Luo Sha and the original directly subordinate detachment, his subordinates will be strengthened by four detachments again, and this is also one-fifth of the number of ninja troops in the joint anti-terrorism force.


Luo Sha immediately replied loudly.


After Luo Sha left, Uchiha Shiina took out the other certificates of commission in the folder, condensed a fire to burn them to ashes, and then threw them into the water cup.

According to Uchiha Tokumitsu's request, he nominated a total of five people, and all of them were approved by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

But there was actually only one person appointed, and that was the detachment leader who was beaten the worst in the exercise but was not defeated because of strength.

The reason is very simple, let him know his shame and then be brave!

"It can be regarded as a lucky one~"

Uchiha Shiina is quite satisfied with the result.

After all, Luo Sha is still an outsider, and it will not have any impact on his power.

Moreover, he has also made a plan, once Luo Sha makes great contributions in the follow-up battle, he will be promoted to deputy commander, and then take advantage of the trend to strip the column...

Rising brightly and descending secretly without losing honor, let alone causing complaints!

"very perfect!"

Uchiha Shiina snapped his fingers, expressing satisfaction at his political savvy.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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