Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 364 Economic Base and Superstructure

Chapter 364 Economic Base and Superstructure

"That kid Luo Sha actually..."

In the former Daming Mansion of the Land of Winds, which is now the governing government of the capital, the ruler of the Land of Winds and the third generation of Kazekage of Sand Hikage are holding a government affairs meeting.

Ever since brazenly brazenly taking the lead in turning the village into a country, Sha Yin faced many difficulties in governing the Kingdom of Wind.

First, there was the unanimous condemnation by the daimyos of various countries in the ninja world, followed by Iwagakure's conquest and invasion, coupled with the various incompatibilities of the old nobles in the process of Sandgakure taking over the Kingdom of the Wind, the regime faced by the first ninja in the ninja world Focus on difficult situations.

If it weren't for the military support of the Tokuko Shogunate, Sain, whose domestic production and logistics system was about to collapse in the early days of turning the village into a country, would not be able to withstand Iwain's army.

If it weren't for the joint company's extensive oasis contracting in various parts of the Windy Kingdom, and blood transfusions to Sand Hidden and the Windy Kingdom's governing government through the tax system, the economy of the Windy Kingdom would have collapsed long ago.

However, the existence of Konoha, the shogunate, and even the joint company still made the original high-level executives of Sagan feel that it was a thorn in their throats.

Only after implementing self-management for a period of time, the top executives of Sayin finally admitted that their own side is indeed incompetent in terms of economy, and the management is far different from that of the joint company.


"Leave that brat Luo Sha alone!"

An elderly Sha Yin executive paused his crutches in dissatisfaction, and grinned with a mouth that couldn't find a good tooth: "We should talk about tax increases today!"

"Add taxes! What taxes! How to increase taxes!"

Another elder who disagreed retorted angrily: "Don't think I don't know, the oasis that your family took over has already squeezed the civilians to death! Just add taxes!"

"What does this have to do with national tax increases!"

The orange-skinned face of Toothless’s executives suddenly turned red with anger, "How can you expand the ninja army without raising taxes! How can you defend this country if you don't expand the ninja army!"

"I think you are a national thief who took money from the shogunate!"

"You are the national thief who is causing trouble in this country! Your family can't even manage an oasis!"

"You took black money!"

"You are greedy and incompetent!"

Two high-level elders whose teeth could be counted with one hand started arguing like this.


Sandai Kazekage closed his eyes in pain.

In order to strengthen the strength of Sand Yin and promote the orderly and sustainable development of Ninja Village, he also set up a elder's house and inspector's house in Sand Yin according to Konoha's Senate and House of Representatives. The elders of the elders and elders during the establishment of the village, and the Inspectorate are dominated by the village's Shangren; but I did not expect that the high-level elders of Yuanren Village, who filled the places in the elders' house, behaved so unbearably in the end!

Even though Sandai Kazekage never thought that they could "endure each other for the country" like Konoha Senate and House of Representatives, but he didn't want the two houses of the village to be completely open and hostile to each other like the current quarrel!
What is this!

You can't just admit that Sand Yin is stupid than Konoha Ninja!

No...it can't be said to be stupid either.

As far as Sandai Fukage knew, when the high-level elders who got the oasis fiefdom set up clever names to collect taxes one by one, they were not so clever.

Although there is no supercilious look of the Hyuga clan, the little furniture hidden by the sand people has never been hidden from the eyes of the elders. Not only have they carefully calculated and searched for every penny, but they have collected taxes to the sand. After 80 years, even now In some oases, even camel dung has to be taxed.

It's nothing more than knocking the bones and sucking the marrow, the third Kazekage didn't care much about the lives of civilians.

The problem is that those taxes can't reach the executive government!After the collection, they were all lost in the name of various "deficiencies", "fire consumption" and so on!In the end, they turned around and asked the executive government for money!

In this way, only the oases contracted by the joint company are the only sustainable sources of income for the Shayin and the ruling government.

But now that it has reached such a point, some high-level elders in Shayin are still relentless, insisting that contracting the oasis to the joint company is "selling the territory of the land of the wind", which will inevitably lead to the loss of tax revenue, and advocate that it should be taken back Oasis management rights.

Thinking of this, Sandai Kazekage couldn't help but look at Great Elder Ebino who was sitting aside like a puppet.

Although Hai Laozang is not the oldest one, but as the leader of the village founding generation, his prestige can still suppress the elders' house.

But the current chaos in Shayin Elder's House is more because Ebizo never expresses his position on it, which makes some people have a wrong perception.

Of course, the above views are only the personal understanding of the third Kazekage.

In fact, he didn't know why Hai Laozang kept silent on this matter.

"Bang bang bang!"

Sandai Kazekage impatiently condensed a small hammer with the magnetic shield, and banged on the table vigorously.


The old men continued to argue.


Sandai Kazekage punched a big hole through the table with one hammer.

The senior elders finally shut up.

"What we're going to talk about today..."

Sandai Kazekage's gaze was gloomy like a vulture, sweeping across all the senior elders present.

"...It's Luo Sha!"

"How do you view Luo Sha's promotion!"

A group of high-level elders looked at each other, and then remembered the reason why Sandai Kazekage summoned them.

"This is a betrayal of the village!"

It was the orange-faced toothless elder who advocated taking back the oasis who took the lead: "Luo Sha, as a Junin sent by the village, not only received the so-called honor from the shogunate, but also got a promotion, which shows that he no longer has a village in his heart! "


"It must be severely punished!"

"Call him back for review!"

"The column captain wants to replace one of our own!"

Senior elders from the same faction as Elder Toothless echoed.

Three generations of Kazekage were even more desperate after hearing the words.

...Why is Shayindu a group of such incompetent high-level elders!

With these incompetent insects as companions, how could Sha Yin be okay!

It's not as good as taking power by yourself!

For the 9527th time, Sandai Kazekage regretted his original reform.

Then he turned his attention to the elders who had previously maintained the joint company's tax-packed business.

However, these elders exchanged eyebrows one by one without saying a word.

"Joint Counter Terrorism Force is not a place to come and go freely!"

There is no other way, Sandai Kazekage can only go into battle by himself, "It is impossible to change people, unless the village voluntarily gives up the command of this ninja army!"

"That's an elite ninja army with [-] ninjas and many Konoha Xueji ninjas!"

Three generations of Kazekage emphasized.

"In that case, let Luo Sha send some people back to help the village perform tasks!"

"And it is said that his subordinates all receive fixed salaries, so there is no need to pay them for performing tasks!"

"Contributing to the village can be regarded as giving him a chance to clear his charges! This is really cheap, Luo Sha!"

"I heard that the ninjas in the village call him the loyal dog of the shogunate! He loves the shogunate more than the village! It is for his own good to let him contribute some strength to the village!"

A group of high-level elders talked a lot, and all kinds of strange remarks emerged endlessly.

The third Kazekage was even more desperate.

"Since he has Konoha's blood successor ninjas under his command... then let Luo Sha send them to the village to marry! Then the village will have the same blood successor limit power."

As soon as this remark came out, it once again attracted endless approval.

The third Kazekage was completely desperate.

Although being a high-ranking person really doesn't need such a burden-intensive thing like face, the third Kazekage is not so whimsical.

Dare to peek at the bloodline of Konoha's bloodline ninja... Is this because he is afraid that Sayin will live a few more days!
Sandai Kazekage glanced at the high-ranking elder who was complacent after making this suggestion, and decided to be him tomorrow!

"According to the elders, is the village planning to declare war with Konoha and defect to the Northern Alliance?"

Hai Laozang suddenly opened his mouth and said.

Including Sandai Kazekage, the faces of those present immediately turned serious.

It's not fun to say this...

After all, Yan Yin, one of the two giants of the Northern League, has a blood feud with Sand Yin.

"It's just that if you submit to Konoha like this... If it goes on for a long time, the entire Kingdom of Wind will become Konoha's vassal."

The elder Orange Peel Toothless replied boldly.

Hai Laozang's attitude was already obvious, but as the leader of the faction, he had to respond.

"So you can act recklessly? Push the village into the bottomless abyss?"

Hai Laozang cast his eyes on a group of senior elders.

All of them bowed their heads in silence.

It's just that their stomachs are still slandering.

Obviously at the beginning Ebino kept silent and neutral, why did he stand up and support the Third Kazekage at this time? !

The third generation of Kazekage still wants to pass on the ruling position through the Kazekage succession system voted by the jounin!At that time, it is very likely that Luo Sha, who has the power of magnetic escape, will be the leader!

Wouldn't it be good for everyone to learn from the nobles' "advanced" concept of passing on from generation to generation?Why do you have to have a johnin voting system!Who knows if those Jnin who are open to money will choose some "non-citizen" Kazekage heirs!

What's more, everyone has dedicated their lives to the village!And now that the village is turned into a country, can't it be enjoyed?Besides, what's wrong with seeking such a little bit of benefit for the younger generation of the family!Isn't this human nature?

Of course, under the pressure of the Three Generations of Kazekage and Great Elder Ebizo, the elders who held opposing opinions still dare not say a word.

"Lord Fengying..."

Ebino cast his eyes on the third Kazekage.

Sandai Kazekage also nodded in response, expressing that he was listening.

"The joint company..."

Hai Laozang pondered for a while, "Let's find a way to increase the tax package, after all, the village really needs funds and supplies..."

Sandai Kazekage let out a long sigh and did not speak.

"This matter is really difficult, and it also makes you difficult..."

Ebizo's tone was very firm, "But this is necessary, otherwise our generation will not be able to give an explanation to the younger generation's Shayin!"

Sandai Kazekage could only nod his head.

"One more thing, I hope His Excellency Fengying will approve it..."

Ebizo continued.

"Tell me!"

Anyway, it's not too bad.

"I propose in the name of Sha Yin's Chief Great Elder..."

Hai Laozang took a deep breath, and resolutely said: "From now on, the elders' house will be disbanded! All members will be re-elected!"

The third Kazekage was surprised at first, and then ecstatic!

"it is good!"

 Update today (1/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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