Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 366 Do you want to die?

Chapter 366 Do you want to die?

Hai Laozang's move to disband the Elder's House was a precedent.

After rejecting the government's request to increase the contracted oasis tax, Tokumitsu Uchiha ordered the reorganization of the frontier army, and also increased the penetration and reconnaissance of Sand Hidden.

The most noteworthy thing about Sand Hidden recently is the huge impact on Sand Hidden and the Kingdom of Wind after the dissolution of the Elder's House.

During the governing government meeting, the elders were either forced by their prestige, or worried that Sandai Kazekage and Ebizo would kill them, so they did not dare to oppose on the spot, but chose to obey on the surface and quickly left the capital.

But after the matter was over, after the three generations of Kazekage and the great elder Ebizo jointly signed a formal disbandment order, the elders who returned to the fief abandoned their factionalism, quickly reached an alliance in a short period of time, and publicly launched an old elder as a scapegoat. Formed the opposition ninja army - Sand Hidden Protectorate Army!

"...What a fucking show!"

Even though Tokumitsu Uchiha II was fairly well-informed, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the coquettish manipulations of the elders of Sand Yin.

In all fairness, although mortals in the Land of Winds are basically in dire straits, in fact, the ninjas who were born in Sand Yin are much better off than in the Ninja Village era.

This is especially true for middle and lower class ninjas of civilian origin.

As for the sand hidden jonin who were born as civilians, they basically gathered in the sand hidden inspectorate.

Although Sha Yin's Inspectorate also has supervisory powers in name, but in fact it has no effect other than raising hands to agree. Calling it a rubber stamp is a compliment.

Therefore, they naturally have great dissatisfaction with the elders who came from powerful families, and they have been trying to change.

And according to Uchiha Tokumitsu's understanding, the Sand Hidden Inspectorate's forces headed by Hakura regard the elders as "village thieves" and have been conspiring to "beg for rape".

As for Luo Sha's supporters, they are mainly the middle class of Sha Hidden, such as small and medium ninjutsu ninjas or ninja families; Compared with the Shayin clan who is desperate to protect vested interests, it still looks a bit weak.

But it is good to be weak!

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't want Sand Hidden to produce another iron-blooded figure.

"Notify the joint company to immediately deploy ninjas to form three defensive columns, with a tentative number of 100 people."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "At the same time, the assembly point of the defense column is set up in the country of Kawa. Once the sand hidden civil war spreads to the oasis contracted by the joint company, it will immediately advance to the country of the wind to carry out peacekeeping operations!"

Although the quality of the hired ninjas of the joint company is uneven, they can still play a good role in the battle with the various ninjas issued by the shogunate. In addition, there is also the western border defense force led by Uchiha Fugaku As the main force, it is enough to deter Sha Yin to a certain extent.

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja immediately took orders to leave.

As for whether sand hidden will really start a civil war, Uchiha Tokumitsu never considered this issue.

Now the pressure cooker of Sahikaku has reached a critical point, as long as he "tips" lightly, the long-suppressed Sakkaku ninjas will turn into thugs and smash everything in front of them.

The reports from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Intelligence were also sent over at this time, and Tokumitsu Uchiha began to read them.

Although there are some discrepancies with the information of the intelligence personnel directly under the shogunate, the breadth of its content is relatively wider, and it involves relatively more aspects of Sakai.

"Notify the joint anti-terrorism force and let Luo Sha lead the first column to move into the southern area of ​​the country of grass and prepare."

But when Tokumitsu Uchiha saw the analysis of the intelligence department's mentality analysis on the middle class of sand hidden, his heart suddenly moved, and then he rang the bell on the table, and summoned another attendant ninja to give orders.

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja left immediately.

"Why, don't you understand?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head and said to Uchiha Shisui who assisted in government affairs.

"It's a little..."

Uchiha Shisui nodded in embarrassment.

The southern part of the Kingdom of Grass is the eastern part of the Kingdom of Rain, and further south is the Kingdom of Wind. If Luo Sha's first column is sent there, it is inevitable that Luo Sha will be tempted by the affairs of the Kingdom of Wind, which will make his ninja army Do some "private business".

"The existence of Luo Sha is..."

Uchiha Shisui paused, embarrassed to say the phrase "a loyal dog of the shogunate".

"The middle class of Sha Yin is in a daze. Whether it is the Kazekage faction, Ebizo's Yuanxue faction, the Presbyterian faction and the Inspectorate's forces, they will not be allowed to continue to be vague."

Uchiha Tokumitsu handed over the report of the intelligence department casually, and motioned Uchiha Shisui to read it.

"...So, it is necessary to raise a flag for the sand hidden middle class?"

Uchiha Shisui quickly read the report, and then expressed his understanding.


Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with a smile, "The leading role of the flag is very important..."

Now that Shayin already has forces from all directions, it doesn't matter if there is another "knowledge faction" headed by Luosha.

After all, the middle class of Sand Hidden has a positive attitude towards the cooperation between the shogunate and the joint company.

After finishing the government affairs at hand, Uchiha Deguang looked at the clock.

"It's eleven o'clock in the morning..."

Really hardworking...

Even though his status is respected now, Tokumitsu Uchiha still insists on working every day, and sometimes even works overtime until two o'clock in the afternoon. He is really a model worker and can sing and cry~
"Let's go, Zhishui, go to the training ground to practice illusion~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered the attendant ninja to call Uchiha Makoto, and then said to Uchiha Shisui with a smile.



When Sandai Kazekage made up his mind to agree to the dissolution of the elders' house, he knew that the various forces in the sand hidden in the country would split and even confront each other.

But he was still inexplicably lucky, thinking that those elders were the seniors of the village after all, and even if they opposed him, they would only join forces in the next reelection to cause trouble. After being surfaced and vented, it will be conducive to the long-term stability of Sha Yin in the future.

But he didn't expect that the actions of the elders would be so decisive!
This is an open confrontation and an active civil war!

How dare they!How could they have the patience!Where did they have the guts!
"Aren't they afraid of death?!"

In the governing government of the capital of the Kingdom of the Wind, the Third Kazekage crushed the Presbyterians' "National Defense Army Manifesto" into crumbs and roared angrily.

Grand Elder Hai Laozang read the intelligence documents slowly, his expression as usual.

The leader of the Procuratorate, Ye Cang, the envoy of Zhuo Dun, just stood aside coldly and did not speak.

Fortunately, among the four Shayin factions, there are three factions that are willing to sit down and talk.

At least on the surface they are standing together.

"Especially this old man..."

Ye Cang secretly squinted at the calm and calm Hai Laozang, who was still with the old god.

Having said that, he directly proposed to dissolve the elders' house...

One old silver coin...

Hakura gave a slight cold snort, and continued to look at Sandai Kazekage who was going mad.

Anbu hurriedly knocked on the door, and without waiting for a reply from the insiders, he pushed the door in and handed a document to Sandai Kazekage who was trying to calm down his anger.


Sandai Kazekage opened the secret letter and looked at it, his veins popped out and his face turned red.

"How dare he, how dare he!"

"Luo Sha that bastard! How dare he!"

Hai Laozang stood up leaning on his crutches, gently took the information document from Sandai Kazekage's hand, took a rough look, and then sighed.

Then the document was passed to Ye Cang.

"It's actually that guy from the United Company and Luo Sha..."

After reading the information quickly, Ye Cang also felt a little sudden.

The information reported was the news that the fighting ninja army assembled by the United Company entered the country of Chuan and that Luo Sha led his troops to the southern part of the country of grass.

Moreover, from the perspective of confidentiality level, it is the simplest confidentiality level.

In other words, the shogunate, or Tokumitsu Uchiha, who controlled the direction of the two ninja troops behind the scenes, did not take them seriously at all, but blatantly threatened them through the mobilization of the ninja troops.

In addition, the joint company also flatly rejected the tax increase request of the third Kazekage, which made him feel even more humiliated.

But now...

Under internal and external difficulties, Sandai Kazekage felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"The Presbyterian faction is vulnerable."

Ebino stood up, and slowly began to arrange his clothes.

"I know……"

Sandai Kazekage also understood this fact.

But what he couldn't figure out was why those old people dared to set off a split, and even played the so-called "National Defense Army" banner.

This is the death penalty for splitting Ninja Village!

Do they feel that after defeat, they will continue to forgive and even let them stay in high positions as if nothing happened?

"I will order the ninja army of the headquarters to launch an attack immediately. If you want to, Kazekage-sama, you can also send troops tomorrow. After all, this matter cannot be delayed any longer... In addition, their split was ordered by me."

When Ebino walked to the door and was about to leave, he suddenly said something that shocked both Kazekage and Hakura.

"I will give you a list at that time, remember not to kill them."


Anger appeared on Sandai Kazekage's face, "Elder Elder, do you want to die!"

Although the factions and camps are different, Ye Cang also showed dissatisfaction on his face, staring at the aging Ebizo.

"Shayin's historical burden is too heavy... There is no way to not reduce the burden."

Hai Laozang said, "Just let me be the villain."

"After all, just like Konoha's Hokage, Kazekage-dono is always right and bright."

After finishing speaking, Hai Laozang opened the door and left.

The two people in the room were speechless.

"...Tomorrow I will lead the ninjas from the Inspectorate to patrol the border."

After a while, Ye Cang sighed slightly, got up and said.

She also used this to express her attitude that she would no longer participate in the civil war.

Similarly, after the Fengying faction and Yuanxun faction quelled the elder faction's rebellion, if the Inspectorate forces want to get a share of it, they can only hope that the counter-insurgency faction will not be so ugly.

"Don't conflict with Konoha."

Sandai Kazekage agreed to Hakura's request.

There is no way to disagree. Although this girl is quite young, she is extremely powerful with the power of burning escape, and she is already the leader of the bottom ninjas. She may not be able to stop what she wants to do.

"I know! I'm not a fool!"

Ye Cang snorted coldly, ready to leave.

"Also, don't enter the oasis area contracted by United Corporation!"

Three generations of Kazekage added again.

Even if the joint company doesn't give face, the oasis contracted by them is still the only stable tax revenue for Sahikakushi, the land of winds.


Ye Cang slams the door and leaves.


After sitting in the room for a while, Sandai Kazekage let out a long sigh, changed his clothes and decided to go out for a walk to catch his breath.

When he came to an oasis lake outside the capital, he suddenly saw an unexpected person resting with his eyes closed surrounded by two puppets.


Sandai Kazekage yelled in surprise.

Scorpion immediately opened his eyes, then quickly put away the two puppets "father and mother", and stared coldly at the third Kazekage walking towards him.

"...you miss your family, don't you?"

Sandai Kazekage stretched out his hand, trying to rub Scorpio's red hair.


Scorpion took a step back, avoiding Sandai Kazekage's hand.

"The puppet is just a small skill, the strongest thing we have in Sha Yin is the power of magnetic escape..."

The Third Kazekage didn't take it seriously, and said kindly, "Want to learn? If you want to learn, come to me tomorrow..."

"...do you want to die?"

Suddenly, Xie said coldly.


Sandai Kazekage was stunned.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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