Chapter 367
As expected by everyone, the "National Defense Army" of the Shayin Elders neither protects the country nor has the combat power it should have, and also does not receive the support of the separatist areas, except for the arrogance of identity and the search Apart from abundant supplies, they have nothing.

Not only did they not have an advantage in numbers, but they also lacked all kinds of new ninja tools developed by the shogunate, and their combat method was still the traditional three-person team raid form.Therefore, although they are full of self-confidence, in the eyes of Sandai Fukage and Ebizo, these presbyterian vassals are already "dead futures".

Therefore, after the Kazekage faction and Yuanxun faction's Ninja Army jointly launched an attack, the Presbyterian faction retreated steadily, and those ninjas of the Harasha Yin Clan who formed the "National Protector Army" suffered heavy casualties.

Konoha and the shogunate did not take advantage of the fire as Sandai Kazekage feared at first.

Hakura led his troops to garrison at the border of the Land of Winds, and maintained a sit-in confrontation with the western frontier army led by Uchiha Fugaku.Although the atmosphere between the two sides is tense, there is no sign of war.

Yan Yin and Yun Yin of the Northern Alliance breathed a sigh of relief, but they were also a little disappointed.

Once a war starts, it will not be so easy to end.

What's more, even Onoki couldn't guarantee that his village would not be involved in the war.

And in this civil strife in Sha Yin, Luo Sha has gained the most fruitful harvest.

Just as Uchiha Tokumitsu imagined.

At the time when the internal conflicts in the sand are intensifying and a civil war is about to start, the middle-class sand ninjas have made up their minds to unite around Luosha to fight against the other three parties in the land of the wind—the elders are already dead. , naturally no one will count them in their own factions.

In this way, Luo Shaye, who was originally controversial due to his rising promotion in the joint anti-terrorist force, naturally became a spokesperson for a faction in Shayin.

For Uchiha Tokumitsu, this grip is enough.



Sandai Kazekage frowned and controlled the sand to block the poisonous needle shot by the puppet, "Are you looking for death!"

Ever since he spoke with Scorpion by the lake that day, for some reason, Scorpion started to launch all kinds of childish attacks on Sandai Kazekage.

Of course, Sandai Kazekage was also extremely annoyed at first, thinking it was an offense to himself, but then he found that Scorpion's attack was extremely ridiculous, like a child's play.

Therefore, Sandai Kazekage thought that this was a kind of incompetent revenge by Scorpion after he saw him using puppets to act as parents to play house.

It's just that, although the third generation of Kazekage intends to tolerate the younger generation, he also began to become impatient when Scorpio's childish methods were repeated.

"...can't say it!"


"You can't tell what you saw last time!"

Scorpion said coldly.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it..."

Three generations of Kazekage felt angry and funny, so he said repeatedly: "Don't worry! As Kazekage, my mouth is the most reliable."

Scorpion didn't speak, but stepped forward to pick up the two poisonous needles that fell on the ground.

poor child……

Three generations of Kazekage sighed inexplicably.

Although in his eyes, Xie is just a poor boy with noble background but miserable life.

Although Xie has profound attainments in puppetry, judging from recent actions, Xie's real mental age may still be a child.

"...Do you want to learn magnetic escape?"

Sandai Kazekage said with a smile.

"miss you!"

There was no wave in his tone.

"Then wait for me at the training ground tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

Xie, who cherishes words like gold, turned and left after finishing speaking.


Sandai Kazekage shook his head, and praised himself for his great achievements in saving the younger generation of ninjas from going astray.

It's just that he didn't see—

After leaving, Xie took out the two poisonous needles that he picked up from the ground just now from his bosom, put them in front of his eyes and looked at them carefully.

"Penetration depth 20 cm..."

Scorpion carefully records and summarizes the traces left by the characteristic poisonous needles after use.

He used various childish means to test the fighting power and defense of the third Kazekage, and the effect was surprisingly good, especially the reaction speed of the third Kazekage and the habit of starting ninjutsu.

As for the magnetic escape training that starts tomorrow...

Scorpion snorted coldly.

Whether he can learn magnetic escape is one thing, but it is very important to understand the characteristics of magnetic escape and apply its restraint methods to puppets!
What's more, Scorpion has an even crazier idea...


"Is he looking for death?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned as he reviewed the information sent back by the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force.

Two days ago, a vision of poisonous snake riots suddenly appeared in the swamp country that is rich in snakes.

Countless poisonous snakes drilled out from various unexpected places such as jungles, swamps, rock crevices, wells, and debris piles, and launched crazy attacks on the civilians of the swamp country.

And even the snake catchers of the Swamp Country were helpless in the face of these violent snakes—because their snake medicine suddenly lost its snake-repelling effect!

Fortunately, there was a caravan temporarily stationed in the Marsh Country to buy live snakes. After the snake riot, the ninjas with the team took the initiative to participate in the suppression and counterattack of the poisonous snake, and the poisonous snake riot was quelled.

Immediately, this piece of news was transferred by the joint company to the joint anti-terrorism force, followed by the arrival of the reconnaissance ninja.

And the most important thing is that the white-eyed ninjas of the United Anti-Terrorist Force actually found a huge snake nest with Chakra reaction in the swamp!

——It's the Chakra of Ryuji Cave!
The white-eyed ninja who had participated in the war against the Akatsuki organization was very familiar with the smell of this special mixture of poisonous gas and stench.

So, while Uchiha Shiina nervously began to dispatch troops immediately, the information was also sent back to Konoha.

And there was almost a time difference between the front and back feet, and another report was reported to him in a hurry.

"The reconnaissance team directly under the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force found traces of Jiraiya in the jungle of the Marsh Country?"

"After multiple rounds of approaching and reconnaissance, it is confirmed that it is me?!"

This makes Uchiha Deguang feel strange.

First Ryuji Cave, and then Jiraiya, are these remnants of the Akatsuki organization going to do something wrong in the country of the swamp?
Moreover, this series of things seems too reasonable and coincidental!Logically it's almost impossible to fault!
But if it looks okay, that means something big is bound to happen!
Because it's all so coincidental.

Whether it's a snake riot, a caravan fighting to repel snakes, or even a white-eyed ninja from the anti-terrorist force discovering that Ryuji Cave is located in the snake cave in the ninja world, it all seems too smooth and too deliberate.

In particular, Jiraiya can also be traced by a ninja at the ninja level. This is the most surprising thing.


Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his eyebrows and thought for a while.

"The first team of the red reserve team is ready to fight!"

"Notify Uchiha Shiina that within a day, the rebellious Ninja Jiraiya must be sealed in the swamp, and then the sealing circle will be opened!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu plans to go out in person this time!
Whether this is Jiraiya or Ryujidong deliberately exposed flaws and prepared secretly, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't care at all.

In the past, all beings were equal under Tailed Beast Jade, but now after completing the Five-Dun cycle, Uchiha Tokumitsu’s last shortcomings have been made up for, especially the combined ninjutsu modified from the Five-Dun Dalian bomb is infinitely powerful.

Under such circumstances, it is actually the safest thing for him to go out.

Even if you don't have to fight in person, as long as he is there, it will be the best encouragement for the anti-terrorist forces!

Since you took the initiative to seek death...

"Then I will personally satisfy you!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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