Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 368 I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!

Chapter 368 I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!

"Are you really in such a hurry?"

In the depths of the swamp in the country of marshes, Fukasaku Immortal couldn't help asking Jiraiya again.

"……if not?"

Zilai, whose snake eyes were shining with a green demonic light, also asked inadvertently.

"I just think, isn't it too hasty to fight head-on?"

Immortal Fukasaku sighed.

"Is it possible to continue to nest in the ravine, and then dispatch heavy troops to encircle and suppress after being figured out by the Uchiha thieves of the shogunate?"

Jiraiya's tone and expression no longer showed any respect for Fukasaku Immortal in the past, and he said in a nonchalant manner: "Since you want to fight, then fight hard, and beat the shogunate to death!"

"We must show the prestige of the two holy places! Beat so that the shogunate dare not look north! Beat Uchiha's red eyes trembling when he hears the names of the two holy places!"

"Regardless of the final victory or defeat of this battle, as long as we can achieve a tie or more with the ninja army of the shogunate, then our career will have a convincing start in the future!"

"Hiding in the mountains is useless! The shogunate will only become stronger and stronger. As time goes by, we will be completely regarded as terrorists by those stupid civilians!"

Fukasaku Immortal was speechless.

And Jiraiya's words were also one of the main reasons why he was able to convince the Great Immortals of the two holy places to spend their wealth to face the Shogunate and Konoha Bingfeng in the ninja world.

"...and Yan Yin and Yun Yin, we should contact these two Konoha's opposition."

After a while, Shen Zuoxian said in a low voice: "If we add the power of the two great Ninja Villages, we should be more confident..."

"Until we have achieved results, Yunyin and Yanyin will not take us seriously."

Ji Lai also stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks: "Instead of being tied up and sent to the shogunate to receive a reward at this time, it is better to win a hearty victory and wait for them to beg to come!"

"I'll go to see the layout of the position first, so you can rest for a while, Immortal."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, just keep thinking about it."

After Ziraiya finished speaking, he walked away.

Shenzuo Immortal opened and closed his mouth, hesitant to speak.

What happened to me...

It felt that since Jiraiya had been in Ryuji's cave for more than three months, he had become a little abnormal. In the past, he had great respect for himself!Why are you so negligent now!

"It seems that you are tinkering with some quite incomprehensible conspiracies!"

Zilai was also walking on the swamp, when suddenly a beautiful talking snake hung its head from the tree, and said to Zilai with a smile: "Besides, it's quite planned, it seems that there is such a thing." It's like the same thing."

"...Do you want to think about what you are talking about?"

Zilai also stopped, frowned and reprimanded: "The war is coming, but you say such words that relatives hurt enemies, what is your intention!"

"Don't think I dare not punish you because you are the messenger of the White Snake Patriarch, Tuanjinji!"

"I'm just talking casually~ There's no need for such a big reaction~"

Tuanjinji smiled and coiled her snake tail and went back to the tree, not talking to Zilaiye anymore.


Zilai also snorted coldly, and swaggered away.

In fact, not only Fukasaku Senjin and Tsutsuhime, but also the ninja and ninjas of the other two holy places don't quite understand why Jiraiya suddenly changed his nature and began to occupy the territory with great fanfare to fight against the shogunate and even Konoha.

You know, since the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu, every battle he has won is basically a large-scale frontal battle...

Seeing Jiraiya walking past him swaggeringly, those wise Ninja Ninja and Ninja Frog exchanged eye contact, but no one could tell why.


A little boy with orange hair ran up to Jiraiya panting.


A rare smile appeared on Jiraiya's face, and he rubbed Yahiko's messy hair.

"The fortifications and traps on the south side have been built, and I will organize Ninja to set up traps on the west side later..."

"...Be careful, don't tire yourself out."

Jiraiya's eyes flickered a little, but he still smiled and said.

"it is good!"

Yahiko nodded heavily.

"Right, teacher..."

Just when he was about to continue working, he suddenly turned around and said, "...If we defeat the shogunate this time, can we save Xiaonan and the others?"

"...It may take a few prisoners."

Ji Lai also smiled boldly.

"it is good!"

Yahiko nodded again, and then ran away energetically.


Looking at the figure of Yahiko bouncing away, Jiraiya also let out a long sigh.

The child has to find a way to send him away, and he can't be sent to die with himself and a group of funeral objects...


"Are there more and more heterogeneous hedgehogs?"

When Tokumitsu Uchiha arrived at the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force Headquarters in Taki no Country in concealment, and after hearing the latest situation reported by Uchiha Shiina, his first reaction was that there must be a problem.


Uchiha Shiina nodded and said: "Currently, five detachments have deployed defenses in various parts of the marsh country to resist the overflowing Ninja Ninja, but according to the intelligence of the reconnaissance team...the number of those aliens is increasing."

"At the same time, twelve detachments are deploying defenses around the periphery of the Marsh Country, waiting for the next order of action."

Uchiha Shiina paused, and added: "The reason why we only invested in five detachments was because we were worried that those aliens would be surprised, and that they would run away upon hearing the news, so..."

"There must be something strange..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt something was wrong even more.

The reason why he rushed over with only one team from the red reserve team was mainly because he was worried that too much noise would startle the snake, so he chose to pack light and simple.

But as it stands now...

"It seems that those aliens are going to fight us head-on."

Uchiha Shiina whispered: "According to the reconnaissance report of the white-eyed ninja, various fortifications and traps have been being built in the depths of the swamp recently."

"Let the three columns of the United Company assembled in the country of Kawago come over immediately!"

Uchiha Deguang nodded, and ordered the attendant ninja.

If that's the case, then you're welcome.

"In addition, ten detachments have been transferred from Fubo City, and eight more detachments will be dispatched from Wuyin..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly ordered and began to dispatch troops from all over the ninja world.

"As for the rain ninja... hire a detachment of water ghost troops, maybe it can be used."

A servant ninja led the order to leave.

"The village...do you want to mobilize?"

Uchiha Shisui on the side couldn't hold back his desire to express, and took the initiative to speak.

"The anti-terrorism force is the ninja army of the village, and it is not yet time for the whole people to mobilize."

Uchiha Shiina quickly explained for Uchiha Tokumitsu: "Besides, it's just different, and it doesn't make sense for the village to go all out."

"Well...then let's transfer the punishment battalion over!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, and ordered again.

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja immediately took orders to leave.

The combat command room of the anti-terrorism force returned to calm.

Uchiha Shiina and the rest of the combat staff did not dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing Uchiha Tokumitsu who was meditating.

"A decisive battle in three days! The civilians in the Marsh Country will immediately evacuate! If those aliens don't run away by then, then we will wipe them all out!"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, he made a decision: "As for the enchantment, Patriarch Wei Ming will lead the sealing squad to assist, and the personal safety of the sealing ninja must be guaranteed at that time!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shiina immediately responded sternly,

"There are more and more ninja troops in the shogunate..."

On the night of the second day of the Shogunate siege, Fukasaku Immortal was worried again and found Ziraiya.

"I know."

Under the night, Jiraiya's snake pupils emitted a green light, and he replied nonchalantly.

"Little Ziraiya...what on earth are you thinking?"

Immortal Fukasaku was also a little annoyed by Jiraiya's presumptuousness and disrespect.

"...does it matter what I think?"

Ji Lai also grinned, with an indescribably weird expression on his face: "This is the decision of the two great immortals! I can't say that!"

"Great Immortal..."

Immortal Fukasaku was at a loss for words.

I have to say that Jiraiya's decisive battle theory does make sense.

If the line of lurking and doing things in secret has failed, then try to gather forces to fight head-on. Maybe the gathered power of the holy land is enough to deal a heavy blow to the shogunate.

But in this way, regardless of victory or defeat, the bottom ninjas and snakes and frogs in Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain must suffer heavy casualties.

Great Immortals don't need to care about these, they only have grand strategy in their eyes, and they are playing with big banners, so they don't care about casualties, but Shenzuo Immortals can't.

Among those wise ninjas, many belong to his descendants!

"Fukasaku Sage...you don't want to disobey the Great Sage~"

Ji Lai also said quietly: "There is also Tuan Jin Ji, do you think what I said is right?"

"...I have to say, your perception is getting sharper and sharper!"

A beautiful snake emerged from the bottom of the swamp, revealing a pretty face.

Although the swamp is full of mud, her (it) body is still white and flawless.

"Did the scent on my body leak my whereabouts~ That's a pity~"

Tuanjinji narcissistically raised her plain wrist and sniffed it, with an intoxicated expression on her face.

"No, it's because the poison gas from the Dragon's Hole on your body is so stinky, it makes me vomit."

Jiraiya's words were full of malice, but his face still had a rascal smile on his face: "That's why I had to call you out..."


Tuanjin Ji flicked her sleeves angrily, "Are you still chatting here? Don't you know how many ninja troops from the shogunate have come? Don't you need to take countermeasures?"

"About 400 members of the joint anti-terrorism force, more than 2000 members of the punishment battalion directly under the Governor's Mansion, more than 800 members of the joint company's coordination army, about [-] members of the ninja army directly under the shogunate, and [-] members of the Kirigakure vassal ninja army who are on their way , and some people from Yuren Village are expected to come..."

Jiraiya ninja counted with his fingers: "Because the exact number of the various ministries of the shogunate shogunate gathered in the country of marsh and the country of taki is not clear, there are probably more than 7000 ninja troops assembled in and around the country of marsh. ...Of course, there is also a very high possibility that it can be as high as eight thousand."

"Then you plan to let us die in vain under the attack of seven or eight thousand ninja troops!"

Tuanjin Ji showed her sharp snake teeth, bared her teeth and said, "Don't you need to think of a way?"

"What else can I do? Is there any way other than a fight to the death?"

Ji Lai also spread his hands and said helplessly, "It's not that we didn't send out the harassment troops today, but what happened?"

"No one can come back alive!"

"Besides, since the two Great Immortals have decided to fight head-on, can't they suddenly ask to retreat now?"

"Of course, it's probably too late to retreat now. The barrier may be set up tomorrow, and it will be troublesome to leave by then."

Tuanjinji was choked up by Zilaiye and was speechless.

"We have [-] ninjas here, are we really afraid of only [-] ninjas?"

Jilai also said again: "If this can be defeated, I suggest that it is better to seal the mountain and cave as soon as possible, and don't walk in the ninja world in the future, it is embarrassing!"

"But the supplies won't last for a few days..."

Sento Fukasaku sighed and said helplessly.

It also makes sense.

With the current strength of both sides, if the battle is still defeated, then there is no need to toss in the future.

But the question is... Can [-] ninjas and ninjas really annihilate [-] Konoha and the shogunate ninja army with the help of tailed beasts through defensive counterattacks?

It doesn't have much confidence in that either.

But this is a decision made by the great immortals of the two holy places at the same time. No matter how dissatisfied he and Tuanjin Ji are, they dare not overturn the decision of their own great immortals.

The problem is, leading troops on the front line to fight to death is just kidding with their own lives!

This is completely different from hiding in a holy place or participating in a war through spiritism!
"The old toad probably came up with such a method because he was sleepy!"

Tuanjin Ji yelled out the snake letter.

I'm not impolite when you say that...

Immortal Fukasaku also frowned and said, "Patriarch White Snake's cataract and brain congestion are indeed too serious!"

Immediately after greeting the patriarchs of the holy places of both sides, they began to perform martial arts on the spot, and the fight was so overwhelming.

Zilai also took a few glances at the frog and the snake, then rubbed his nose and walked away voluntarily, making way for the immortal and Shen Ji to fight.

After Jiraiya had gone far away, Fukasaku Immortal and Tsutsuhime also stopped fighting each other at the same time.

"Jiraiya, that brat...something is really wrong!"

Tuanjinji vomited a snake letter and said, "I can't even feel his mood swings at all, he looks like a dead person!"

"...I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Fukasaku Sage continued to sigh.

"I guess I'm not happy about being arranged..."

Tuanjinji snorted coldly, "Now he is the only one served by the two holy places, what a blessing it is! If you don't know how to praise him, then there will be no affection!"

"Yahiko belongs to Mt. Miaomu, even if something happens, don't fight with me!"

Immortal Fukasaku replied indifferently.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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