Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 370 Barrage Xu Jin

Chapter 370 Barrage Xu Jin
Senjin Fukasaku, who was in charge of commanding the Myogi Mountain Ninja Frog, felt very aggrieved.

Tuanjin Ji in Longdi Cave is no exception.

Although the Frog Ninja of Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave have an advantage in number, in fact, both sides are fighting against each other in their hearts.

Ryuji-dong hopes that Miaomushan's ninja frog will block the blast hole, and Miaomushan expects Ryuji-dong's ninja snake to fill the trench; the two sides have been planning how to consume each other from the beginning.

Of course, this is also normal.

The two holy lands have been fighting for countless years, and it would be hell if they could become intimate overnight!
Especially the snakes in Longdi Cave not only like cannibalism, but also like to secretly touch their sentry post to swallow a few toads from time to time to try something new; and the ninja frogs in Miaomu Mountain are not to be outdone, and often fork them when Ninja Snake is alone Grill on the stove.

And even more outrageous in wartime.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the previous Ninja Army assault combat method, he switched to the "Barrage Slow Advance" tactic to bombard the area where the alien army is located.

Under the guidance of the white-eyed ninjas of the Hyuga family, the detonating talisman shells continued to wash the ground along the way, and each ninja army methodically stepped forward to clean up the battlefield after the chakra cannon bombardment. Casualties were also kept to a minimum.

As for the traps arranged in advance, even if they were exquisite enough to fool the white-eyed ninja, they were all destroyed under the bombardment of the detonating talisman shells. Therefore, except for the traps being useful during the battle at the forward position, the follow-up battles would have no effect at all. role.

However, although the alien armies of Miaomushan and Longdidong two holy places are in a joint operation, and each has a defense zone mission, etc., in wartime, it often appears that "the friendly army is in trouble and cannot move like a mountain"; .

"We in the Miaomu Mountain lineage only listen to the words of Fukasaku Immortal and Shima Immortal!"

Even in front of Jiraiya and a group of immortals, the ninja from Mt. Myogi still waved the steel fork confidently and shouted.

"Of course, we will listen to Master Jiraiya's words."

Ninja saw that the faces of the high-ranking members of the alien army were not right, so he quickly added a sentence.

Jiraiya's face softened a little, but Tujinhime's face was still ashen.

The tip of the steel fork waving in the ninja path is shining with a light green light, which is the trace left by the mixture of snake blood and snake venom after the death of Ryuji Cave Ninja Snake.

So it goes without saying what the nasty toad did.

But the reason why it can only hold back its anger is that it can't find any evidence, and Xin Ya of Longdi Cave went too far when supervising the battle!

Even if this toad is clearly unwilling to save it, from the point of view of command authority, it is out of control as the goddess of Ryūchi Cave, so it can only be counted on the two sages Fukasaku Shima of Mt. Miaogi to come forward to punish it.

But expecting Miaomushan to punish his stinky toad is worse than expecting Xin Ya to become a vegetarian!
"If it continues like this, it's better to think about how to break through the blockade of the enchantment and go back to each house!"

Tuanjinji said with a sneer.


Jiraiya shook his head calmly, "Except for the spell bestowed by the Great Immortal, none of the other area secret techniques can break through the blockade of the shogunate's sealing circle..."

"This is the way to live after death! There is no other way but to defeat the enemy in front of you!"

Fukasaku Sage continued.

"I also ask Ji Tuanjin to let go of her prejudices and act impartially."

Immortal Zhima continued to make up the knife.


Tuanjinji was just saying something angry at first, but when she saw Jiraiya's attitude and Fukasaku Shima's deeply appreciative look, she immediately became angry!


Is it my fault that the Ninja Snake under his command was thrown down by these toads as cannon fodder?

Ji Tuanjin stamped her feet in anger, and then walked away.

"Jiraiya, what should I do..."

After Tuanjin Ji left, Shen Zuo Xian asked with a worried face.

"It's okay, everything is as expected."

Jiraiya remained expressionless, and said calmly: "Our casualties are still completely within the controllable range, and the supply hoard is also very sufficient, and we can definitely fight a protracted battle with the thieves of the shogunate."

"It's just...so be it."

Immortal Fukasaku was going to say something more, but he thought that this was decided by the great immortals of the two holy places after all, so he also chose to shut up.

"However, don't make troubles in the future..."

Jiraiya turned his gaze to the ninja who was pulled over for "interrogation", "At least don't let people catch it easily, remember to clean up the traces of hunting, otherwise it will cause unnecessary disputes..."

Jiraiya pointed to the green mark on the tip of Ninjawa's steel fork.


Ninja Frog responded with some embarrassment, and then quickly took out a piece of snake skin from his arms to wipe off the snake blood and snake venom mixture on the steel fork.


Immortal Zhima was going to say something, but felt extremely embarrassed, so he simply pretended not to see it.

After Fukasaku Senjin pretended to reprimand him for a few words, he made Ninja Wa retreat and leave.

Then one person and two frogs sat silently at each other.


"I've never fought such a rich battle in my life!"

Luo Sha, who had just been withdrawn from the front line, was full of excitement, bragging in front of the captains of the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force.

"You can only watch from the rear, and you will never appreciate the power of the giant cannon bombing!"

"Those aliens just escaped from the swamp, and they were blasted to pieces by the detonating talisman!"

"Then the chakra cannon immediately extended backwards, blocking the reinforcement routes of the aliens, and the remaining ones only need a few ninjutsu!"

The mouth of Luosha was like a river, and all the detachment leaders who had never experienced a war were fascinated.

It’s just that the ninjas who are in charge of the ninja army directly under the shogunate have seen more of the world, and they have also seen the power of the Chakra rocket bombing during the "Peacekeeping Operation" conquest of Yunyin, so they can still maintain their superficial restraint and do not go over to listen lively.

But they were also secretly muttering, planning to find a chance to challenge the lord.

After all, such a good opportunity to gain military exploits is too rare.


"Military spirit is available!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the group of Jonin.

It was already the second night of the battle.

Under the continuous bombing and offensive at the detachment level, the alien army nested in the swamp suffered heavy casualties, but they were helpless.

And the consumption of the Konoha Ninja Army is even more enormous.

Not counting the usual consumption of ninja equipment, as much as 150 million pieces of detonating charms used to fill the chakra shells have been consumed.

And the two Yulu and Sanwei Jinchuriki are in a state of being squeezed dry all the time.

But the results are absolutely fruitful.

The casualties of each ninja army were less than 400, and nearly [-] of them were almost fully recovered with the help of medical ninjas trained by the army, and could be put into light-weight battles; and according to the statistics of observable reports of heterogeneous killings, there were already [-] Many ninja and ninja frogs were killed under the artillery fire and the subsequent advance of the ninja army.

As for the number of injuries in the alien army, it is temporarily unknown, but according to the estimates of the ninjas in charge of each department, it should be equal to the number of deaths in battle.

"Master Deguang, the whole army will attack tomorrow?"

Uchiha Shiina took the initiative to ask.

"How about the supplies in the rear? Are there any problems?"

Uchiha Deguang did not answer, but asked the logistics director of the joint company.

"There is absolutely no problem with the supplies. It is estimated that another 100 million detonating symbols and [-] sets of standard ninja tools will arrive at the headquarters in three hours!"

The logistics supervisor replied immediately.

"That's all right..."

Coupled with the existing reserves, it is enough to plow all the positions of the alien army after being compressed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered: "Keep the firepower bombing tonight, notify the main battle force and the surrounding ministries to be Jonin, and launch a general attack at six o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"As ordered!"

All the Jnin in charge suddenly agreed.

"In addition, the logistics must be ready for the celebration banquet at noon tomorrow! Then I will toast the heroes of this battle!"

"Follow orders!"

The logistics supervisor bowed immediately.

The jounin who were in charge also turned serious when they heard the words, knowing that this was Uchiha Tokumitsu's death order.

In any case, after the general offensive is launched at six o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone no longer needs to worry about consumption and casualties!
What Tokumitsu Uchiha wants is victory!


After two days of bombing, the swamp has turned into a pool of blood.

The fragments of the snake and frog's corpse floated up and down in the stinky muddy water, attracting countless flies and insects.

Even Ninja Snake Ninja Frog's deadly enemy has no intention of continuing hostility or playing black hands at this time. They take advantage of the rare bombing interval to repair fortifications or bandage their injuries.

Even Ninja was willing to bandage the stinky snake in Longdi Cave at this time.

There is no way, the chakra cannon has no eyes, all beings are equal under the tailed beast jade, plus those ninja soldiers who do not keep prisoners, even the stupid ninja and ninja know that at this time they need to let go of the grievances between each other , fought back to back.

Although Sento Fukasaku was "comfortable" at the scene of harmony between the snake and the frog, he was also disturbed by the sudden tranquility.

For the alien army that had been bombarded by the chakra cannon and the tailed beast jade for two days, although the tranquility at this moment was beautiful, it could even smell the bloody smell of the final battle.

"The final deathmatch is finally coming..."

Tsutsuhime emerged from the bottom of the swamp, stood beside Fukasaku Immortal, and looked towards the Konoha Ninja Army's position ahead.

To be honest, the two days of fighting had already made Tuanjin Ji feel numb.

The endless bombing, the elusive ninja army, and the constant wailing in my ears moved the cold and hard heart of such a snake goddess Ji.

It turns out that the ninja bloody battle in the ninja world is so cruel...

Tuanjin Ji used to be proud of the ruthlessness, bloodthirsty and warlikeness of Ryūchi Cave, but now after this battle, she understands why the ninja world is called the ninja world, and why the ninja became the master of the ninja world...

No wonder even the arrogant and arrogant Patriarch White Snake chose to use the barren cave under the Nine Nethers as his base, while turning a blind eye to the fertile ninja world that was flowing with flesh and blood.

However, this time directly intervening in ninja affairs...

Thinking of this, Ji Tuanjin couldn't help but sigh.

Every position occupied by the Konoha Ninja Army has been drained of the stagnant water in the swamp and then backfilled, plus the technique of sealing the ninja to harden the ground, thus forming an impenetrable fortification.

Even if the Snake and Ninja Frogs with more than one command multiple of one's own side launch an attack and try to regain their position, they will suffer heavy casualties under the extremely precise artillery strikes, and then collapse and retreat.

In addition, the snake medicine specially prepared by Orochimaru has a variety of stimulating effects on the Ryuchi Cave Ninja Snake, which will make the ninja snakes within the range, especially the injured ninja snakes, emotionally confused or even riot, and erode their bodies, resulting in aggravated injuries or even Died suddenly.

In this way, it is equivalent to half of the alien army being abolished.

The impatient Tujin Hime also tried to launch an attack in person, but then sensed the threat of Tailed Beast Jade, and Uchiha Tokumitsu and others were staring at it, forcing it to retreat into the alien army.

If it weren't for the Konoha Ninja Army still maintaining a large-scale sealing circle, it is estimated that the alien army at this time has all fled away.

"...Do you have any backup?"

At this time, Tuanjinji also ignored the estrangement between the two parties, and took the initiative to ask Immortal Fukasaku.

Now that this battle has been fought, the two of them feel that something is wrong.

Especially after discovering that Yahiko, Jiraiya's only disciple, had disappeared without a trace, their suspicion of Jiraiya deepened.

"...If nothing can be done, my wife and I can escape with the help of the Great Immortal."

Immortal Shen Zuo pondered for a moment, and revealed a spell.

"Presumably the Great Immortal White Snake has also prepared some secret techniques for you, right?"

"I can summon the phantom of the White Snake Patriarch to help out, but it can only last for about an hour..."

"That should be enough."

Sento Fukasaku nodded calmly.

After closing his eyes again to perceive the surrounding area, Immortal Fukasaku said, "It is estimated that Konoha will launch a general attack at dawn..."

"When the time comes, you have to keep an eye on that guy!"

Tuanjin Ji also said in a low voice.

At this time, the moon hangs high in the sky, swaying the selfless light from Kaguya Otsutsuki to the blood-stained land of ninja world.

Although it was late at night, the naked eyes could still see the shadowy figure walking back and forth in the distant Konoha position, as if those ninjas were constantly moving supplies to the front position.

Coupled with the towering barrel, the slender rocket launcher, and the breath of the tailed beast that is setting off the Chakra tide...

Although they knew that the more fully prepared the Konoha Ninja Army's front line, the sharper the attack would be, but neither snake nor frog had the intention to enter the battle alone.

They have already tasted enough of the power of large-scale ninja army systematic combat.

Immortal Fukasaku felt extremely bitter in his heart, savoring Tuanjinji's words carefully.

"I see……"

Shenzuo Immortal sighed slightly.

It also doesn't understand why Jirai will become so fast.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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