Chapter 371
At about five o'clock, cooking smoke rose from the Konoha camp, and after a full meal, teams of ninjas began to mobilize with their weapons and equipment.

After a commotion, the alien position fell into dead silence again.

They had already expected it, but they were somewhat lucky before this moment came.

But after seeing the mobilization of ninja troops in all directions, he also knew that the cruelest and bloodiest battle of the end was about to usher.

Jiraiya stood on the high platform built out of huge boulders and looked in the direction of the Konoha Ninja Army, with an extremely indifferent expression.

Sento Fukasaku, Sento Shima, and Hime Tutsu secretly exchanged glances, but none of them understood what Jiraiya wanted to do.

Let's say he didn't want to fight, all the gains in the past two days were due to the latent counterattack tactics he formulated in order to cause some damage to the Konoha ninja army who had an absolute firepower advantage.

But other than that, Zilai didn't seem to have any anxiety about the status quo at all. Even though they were already devastated, Zilai still looked calm and expressionless.

But now, under the shackles of tens of thousands of Ninja Ninja, they can't abandon their kind and escape.

Moreover, at least for now, although there are heavy casualties, at least it is about to enter the stage of hand-to-hand combat as deduced before the war.

The chakra cannon on the Konoha position in the distance began to adjust the direction of the muzzle, and a thick cluster detonation symbol was added to the bazooka, and the cries of the shinobi were one after another.

The decisive battle is coming...

Ji Lai also jumped down from the high platform and landed in front of three different immortals.

"Ready to start..."

Zilai also said calmly.

"it is good……"

Immortal Shima replied with a somewhat complicated expression, then jumped onto Jiraiya's left and right shoulders together with Immortal Fukasaku, and began to condense natural energy.

Tuanjin Ji also began to show her true form, turning into a giant blue snake and diving into the swamp mixed with blood and bones.

Most of the Ninja Snake and Ninja Frogs also dived into the deep pits at the bottom of the swamp, leaving only a small number of the same kind to watch the movement of Konoha Ninja Army.

This is the latent counterattack strategy developed by Jiraiya, and he has achieved a pretty good record in the two days of fighting.

Due to the great power of the Konoha Ninja Army's Tailed Beast Jade, Chakra shells, and rockets, once the Snake Ninja Frogs are assembled, they will inevitably be discovered by their white-eyed ninjas, and then the artillery shells and rockets will pour in, and the assembled Enduring snakes and frogs is bound to cause heavy casualties.

If Ninja Ninja and Ninja Frog withdraw to the second position, then when the Konoha Ninja Army attacks, the barrage will definitely be extended to the rear, so that the reinforcement route will be blocked and the position will fall.

But if they are completely dispersed, they will not have the power to fight back when facing the Konoha Ninja Army who are fighting in groups at the detachment level.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, Jiraiya also chose to let the Ninja Snake and Ninja Frogs dig countless bullet-avoiding pits under the swamp. In this way, the casualties caused by the artillery bombardment can be minimized, and the Konoha ninja army can be faced in time when they advance.

After the Konoha Ninja Army launches an attack and enters the position, the Ninja Snake and Ninja Frog lurking in the pit will emerge from the ground and fight with the Konoha Ninja.

In order to deal with this battle, Jiraiya also adopted the idea of ​​deploying defenses from the outside to the inside, that is, the first line of defense only deploys a small number of Ninja Snake and Frog, and the focus of the battle is placed on the second line of defense, hoping to use this It caused a lot of damage to the Konoha Ninja Army who relaxed after easily conquering the first line of defense.

But the effect of this method of defense is unclear to the two immortals standing on Jiraiya's left and right shoulders.

Just as they were condensing natural energy and thinking wildly, the cannons and rockets of Konoha Ninja Army began to roar like mountains and seas.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

Ten minutes later, the first round of artillery fire was ready to stop.

"Lord Deguang..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had completed a base bombing, came to Uchiha Tokumitsu for instructions.

In just 10 minutes, the chakra cannon and bazooka consumed a total of [-] detonators, and the alien position in the distance had already been caught in a sea of ​​flames.

Even a white-eyed ninja couldn't find any clues in this environment filled with gunpowder and extremely chaotic chakra fluctuations.

"Prepare for the second round of artillery fire. After 3 minutes, concentrate bombing on the front of the swamp position with two bases, and then spread the fire toward the rear and left and right sides!"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, he decided to postpone the order of the whole army to attack: "In addition, launch the signal flare for the preparation of the attack!"

"As ordered!"

After Uchiha Fugaku saluted, he immediately returned to the fire force position.

Uchiha Shisui took out the signal tube and fired three signal flares, two yellow and one red, into the sky.



As the signal flare soared into the sky, Tuanjin Ji, who turned into a green snake, poked her head out of the swamp and looked towards the Konoha camp. There was a sound wave that only snakes could hear.

Immediately, Ninja in the first position began to obey the order to leave the gun pit and swim to the ground; and Ninja also habitually entered the position with Ninja.

In the past two days of fighting, they have become accustomed to this fighting mode.


"Boom boom boom!!!"

Another burst of violent artillery fire poured over the head and brain, blowing up the Ninja Ninja who had just entered the position, and the corpses were scattered all over the field!
"Hiss, hiss!"

Tuanjinji felt very annoyed, but she was not willing to retreat, and then repeatedly ordered Nin Snake Nin Frog to stand firm.

But then it feels bad again!
Two-tailed Mataru and Three-tailed Jinchuriki are starting to gather Tailed Beast Jade!

"Notice to go on, and fire two more base chakra shells towards the middle of the swamp!"

Uchiha Tokuko looked at the alien formation filled with fireworks, and ordered again.

"As ordered!"

A base number is the equivalent of 30 detonating talismans, and in that short period of time just now, shells and rockets equivalent to [-] detonating talismans were consumed!

All the jounin in charge looked at each other in blank dismay.

Uchiha Tokumitsu made up his mind this time to carry out the Artillery doctrine to the end...

"Travel again!"


After the chakra cannons and rockets started roaring again, Tokumitsu Uchiha ordered again: "After the artillery strike is completed, immediately send out the tail beast jade to attack!"


Erwei, who was struggling to maintain the tail beast jade in his mouth, responded dissatisfiedly again.


Tuanjin Ji, who was blown up by the irregular artillery fire, had already admitted her failure. After screaming and ordering to retreat to avoid the gun pit, she also dived back into the quagmire.

After the artillery fire stopped for a while, Tuanjinji continued to suppress her inner impulse and continued to lurk in the quagmire.

Then, two extremely violent shock waves set off two huge mushroom clouds, and gasified all the Ninja Ninjas within the explosion range.

"It's the Tailed Beast Jade..."

Tuanjin Ji heaved a sigh of relief, feeling grateful.

Fortunately, there was no impulsiveness, otherwise one's side would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Immediately, the sound of detonating symbols exploding densely on the ground and extremely noisy human voices came from the ground.

"This is……"

Tuanjin Ji's heart moved, and she immediately floated upwards.

Konoha Ninja Army has officially launched a full-scale attack!

Tuanjin Ji, who was already extremely manic in her heart, let out a silent roar, and then was the first to shoot towards Konoha Ninja Army.

As for the threat of ninja army group combat, it can't take care of it at this time!

It's too aggrieved!
It just kills!
Only blood and flesh can satisfy its incomparably manic killing desire at this time!
"Magnetic Dun, Gold Dust Spear!"

Oncoming was Luo Sha's magnetic escape ninjutsu attack.

The extremely condensed placer gold turned into a drill bit and launched continuous shooting towards Tuanjin Ji who was rushing towards him.

"White Shock Technique!"

Tuanjinji took a deep breath, turned her abdomen into a paper-thin one, and then squirted vigorously——

The red giant dragon separated from the snake's mouth, and the dragon's mouth contained a black dragon ball. Its body revolved around the dragon ball, and it came towards the placer gold spear!


Luo Sha had also read the report on the war against the Akatsuki organization, and felt bad when he saw the situation, so he immediately used ninjutsu——

"Magnetic Escape · Placer Gold Wall!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The red dragon that swept away the gold placer spear hit the gold placer wall, but was only slightly blocked before smashing it into golden dust all over the sky.

But at least it bought Luo Sha some time to react.

"Magnetic Escape·Golden Nail Wing!"

Driven by the two gold dust wings, Luo Sha barely got out of the attack range of the white shock technique.

But the surrounding subordinates fell to death under the terrifying noise and strong light attack.

The power of a single blow is so terrifying!
"Immortal Art·Fire Escape·Dragon Flame Singing Art!"

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu's celestial fire dragon struck towards Tsutsuhime who was about to be hunted down, and swept away the aftermath of the white shock technique.

"The art of inorganic reincarnation!"

Under the urging of Tujin Ji's fairy art, the muddy water turned into earth dragons to meet Uchiha Tokuko's fire dragon, and wiped out the fairy fire dragon with a huge number.

Then, Tsutsuhime flicked his tail and shot towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Spirituality, Rashomon!"

A ghost gate came crashing down, just in front of Tuanjin Ji's direction.

If the "brakes" were not so sensitive, Tuanjin Ji would have bumped into her.

"It's you……"

Tuanjin Ji's eyes looked at Orochimaru, who was standing floatingly above the ghost gate.

"Long time no see~"

Orochimaru greeted Tsutsuhime politely.

At this time, the artillery fire of the Konoha Ninja Army had spread to the depths of the swamp, and each ninja army launched a full-scale offensive under the leadership of the Jonin.

But they still have some sharp eyesight, and the area where Orochimaru and Tuanjin Ji confront each other, as well as the area where Uchiha Tokumitsu and Jiraiya + Miaogishan two sages confront each other, have been avoided.

At this time, Erwei Mataru also ran over, letting Uchiha Tokumitsu jump on top of its head.

And the half-tailed beast Yagura also landed on Rashomon, standing side by side with Orochimaru, ready to face Tsutsuhime.


Jiraiya exhaled a thin and long white breath, a pair of bulging frog eyes with green snake pupils, and two fangs growing from his lips, like a frog and a snake.

The two sages of Mt. Miaomu also had surging sage chakra, and they looked at Uchiha Tokumitsu standing on top of the tailed beast with a fan-shaped ninja tool with serious faces.

"Travel again..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha lightly tapped the top of Matabu's head with the sole of his foot, and the smart big cat immediately shrunk the tailed beast's body to a shoulder height of about two meters.

The kaleidoscope pupil power began to blend with the celestial chakra, and turned into a pair of crow tengu susa armor with wings on its back, wrapping Uchiha Tokumitsu and the miniature version of Nio in it.

Facing the two immortals of Jiraiya and Ryujidong, the oversized body will not have much effect.

"Sweeping holes in Liting, destroying its species!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice echoed across the vast swampy battlefield.

"Wan Sheng!"

The morale of Konoha Ninja Army who is fighting is even higher.


Orochimaru was the first to shoot towards Tuanjin Ji.

"Senfa Goemon!"

Jiraiya immediately launched an offensive, sending out a sage oil fire towards Uchiha Tokumitsu, a small Susana.

"Uchiha bounces back!"

Uchiha Tokuhiro smiled contemptuously, then poured the magic weapon Chakra into the flame fan in his hand, and waved it towards the oncoming magic oil fire.


An incomparably violent hurricane was set off on the spot, and the oil and fire of the fairy art stagnated first, then dimmed and brightened, and then rolled back towards Zilaiye.


The dumbfounded Jilai also immediately dodged backwards under the urging of the two immortals.

"An artifact mastered by Indra in the past!"

"The symbol of the Uchiha clan!"

The two immortals on Jiraiya's shoulders said separately.

"Uchiha Homura Fan!"

"Have you made up your mind yet!"

Uchiha Toku smirked grinningly, and urged Erwei to kill him again!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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