Chapter 372
In the battle against the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Tokumitsu used his powerful costume Susano to kill the Ichikijima Hime, one of the three gods of the Ryuji Cave. If it skyrockets again, naturally Jiraiya and the two immortals of Mount Miaogi who work with him will not be taken seriously.

But strategic contempt does not mean tactical ease.

He also doesn't know if the combination of Orochimaru and Goju Yakura can defeat Tuanjin Ji, so he can't entangle with Jiraiya, this idiot for too long, and he has to go all out for a quick decision, and then work together to kill Tuanjin Ji and completely win the game Sit down.

"Immortal Art · Fire Escape · Great Fire Quenching!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha first puffed out his mouth and sprayed a sea of ​​flames towards the Jiraiya combination, and then waved the flame fan to create a gust of wind towards the sea of ​​flames.


Under the impetus of the sacred flame fan, the fire borrows the power of the wind, and the wind helps the fire to make the already overwhelming sea of ​​fire even more powerful!
"Immortal Technique·Water Escape·Big Explosion Water Shockwave!"

Faced with such a violent sea of ​​immortal arts, Jilai also immediately changed his face, and before he could use all kinds of secret immortal arts from Miaomu Mountain, he quickly squeezed out the magic chakra and sprayed a huge wave towards the sea of ​​flames, trying to restrain himself with attributes. Suppress Uchiha Tokumitsu's immortal fire escape.


The water and fire stirred up, Chakra was wiped out, followed by a violent explosion, and then the hot water mist quickly spread.

But unexpectedly, even if it is the water escape with restrained attributes, Jiraiya's celestial waves are still burned dry by Uchiha Tokumitsu's celestial flames. Although the remaining flames are greatly reduced in power, they are still moving towards With Zilai also overturned.

"not good!"

Jiraiya's face changed, and with the assistance of the two immortals on his shoulders, he performed the instant body technique and quickly jumped backwards.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The Sea of ​​Immortal Art Fire was empty, and then bombarded.

As the sparks splashed, Uchiha Tokumitsu performed the shadow clone technique, separated four shadow clones, and let them leap towards the four directions.

"This is……"

Jiraiya and the two immortals also noticed Uchiha Deguang's shadow clone.

It's just that he can't take care of other things at this time, because Uchiha Tokumitsu has already controlled the two tails who are in the state of Susano in the mighty outfit and killed him.

"Immortal Method Frog Knock!"

Jiraiya and the two sages on his shoulders waved their arms together. Under the influence of Senju Chakra, Rokudo's thickened and elongated giant arms swung towards Uchiha Toku.

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha waved his fan and performed Uchiha-ryu swordsmanship moves, and with the cooperation of Natsuo Mataburta, waves of flames were rolled up to welcome Jiraiya!
"Fire Rat Jade!"

Although Matata Natsuo's whole body was covered with armor made of Susanoo, he sneaked out of his busy schedule and sprayed out fist-sized rat-shaped fireballs towards Jiraiya's lower body.

Although the fists and palms wrapped in the celestial chakra were powerful and heavy, the flame fan in Uchiha Tokumitsu's hand was worthy of the name of a divine weapon, and he fought with one man and two frogs in close quarters.

After Jiraiya fought in taijutsu for a while, he was quickly suppressed by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's taijutsu is not very powerful, it is definitely not bad; especially the defensive power of the mighty Susanoo is beyond Jiraiya's expectations.

The mighty Susanoo mixed with Tailed Beast Chakra and Senju Chakra is not something he can shake at all. In this way, no matter how fierce the Miaogi Mountain Frog Hit that Jiraiya uses, Uchiha Tokumitsu can rely on it. Susano almost carried it down abruptly.

But Uchiha Toku's ability to carry it does not mean that he can do it himself.

Even though the fists are constantly hitting the armor transformed by Susanoo, Jiraiya's blows are like scraping, and Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't pay attention to them at all; on the contrary, Jiraiya has to keep avoiding Uchiha Tokumitsu A close-range ninjutsu performed with a fan of flames.

Although there are two sages on the shoulders to form a formation, Uchiha Tokumitsu also has Erwei Matayu under the seat to cooperate. As a result, Jilai was quickly overwhelmed.

"This thief..."

Jiraiya's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Even if he had the will to die, Zilai was equally unwilling to be completely suppressed so easily.

He has two immortals from Miaomu Mountain to help him fight!

Why is he so embarrassingly suppressed by a brat from the Uchiha family!

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

Just after Jiraiya was entangled by Uchiha Tokumitsu, the four separate Tokukage clones immediately stood around, and Qi Qi activated the secret sealing technique of the Uchiha clan.

Shura's Hellfire became a barrier, and the extremely hot heat began to spread, and Jiraiya suddenly felt suffocated.

"Immortal Art · Fire Escape · Dust Concealment Art!"

After forcing Jiraiya back with one fan, Tokumitsu Uchiha immediately formed a seal, and a stream of high-temperature smoke was ejected from the mouth of the giant statue of the demon god of Okusano, which diffused within the range of the Uchiha flame array.


Zi Lai also gritted his teeth with anger.

Even though the temperature was unbearable at this time, he didn't dare to use water escape to deal with it, for fear that the combination of cold and heat would cause a hidden explosion of dust, so he had to use wind escape repeatedly to try to disperse the high-temperature smoke and dust.

"Wait to die!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha's kaleidoscope Sharingan killing accident overflowed, and the high-temperature smoke and dust in his mouth continued. With the continuous release of chakra and condensation, Susano almost turned into the ultimate form with three heads, six arms and two wings.


Orochimaru and Kuju Yagura's battle against Tsutsuhime was only a draw.

After losing the psychic contract in Ryūji Cave, half of the snake ninjutsu that Orochimaru used to use was basically abolished. Although some secret techniques can be performed by relying on Chakra mimicry, they are not as powerful or convenient; Immortal Chakra can be refined after the Jutsu Seed, but it is limited to integrating it into ordinary ninjutsu, and it only plays a role in increasing power.

As for the various snake medicines secretly prepared by Dashewan, they have no effect on Tuanjin Ji.

As for Goju Yakura, although relying on the huge size after the tail beast transformation and the green snake transformed by Tujin Ji to fight hand-to-hand, Sanwei Isofu's attack method is relatively simple, and the green snake transformed by Tujin Ji is too agile, so The beast-tailed citrus Yakura was also pumped like a spinning top.

However, Sanwei Isofu, who is similar to a giant tortoise, has rough skin, thick flesh and long blood strips. Although ninjutsu such as Coral Palm and Shadow Island failed to hit Tuanjin Ji, it is still possible to entangle Tuanjin Ji with the cooperation of Orochimaru no problem.

Therefore, they also pinned their hopes on Uchiha Tokumitsu and the ninja army who were fighting fiercely.


"Magnetic Dunge Gold Burial!"

The gold dust wrapped in the sand and stones set off storms, wrapped the Ninja Ninja Frog in front of him, and crushed it into blood foam.

After entering a large-scale battle, Luo Sha, who relied on magnetic escape to show off his might, trembled again.

Uchiha Shisui also rushed to kill wantonly under the wing protection of a group of family ninjas.

Although he is young, Uchiha Shisui's illusion skills are not weak.

Especially during the period when he was forced to practice Taijutsu with Matt Dai, Uchiha Shisui figured out an illusion that can reduce his own sense of existence, and it is even more invincible when applied on the battlefield.

Where Shisui Uchiha was heading, the oncoming Ninja Ninja just stared at the family ninjas who were trying to provide protection for Shisui Uchiha. He was slashed and killed by ninja swords pulled out from the armpits, back of the head, lower body, seven inches, etc.

Those family ninjas couldn't help but be amazed.

Although the Uchiha clan has always been dominated by illusion and fire escape, most of the illusions of the Uchiha clan belong to the "hard control" type, such as Uchiha Shisui, which has no smoke and fire, and there is a huge difference in illusion.

"The descendants of the family come forth in large numbers..."

A Uchiha Jonin sighed, and conveniently repaired a ninja that had been cut in half at the waist. ,


Jiraiya, who was trapped in the Uchiha flame formation, had no way of knowing the outside world at this time.

Of course, even if he knew, there was nothing he could do.

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's indiscriminate bombardment, the alien armies of the two holy places have been weakened to the extreme. The reason why they can still maintain a fierce battle at this time is entirely because the Konoha Ninja Army has no prisoners at all.

Jilai also had only the power to protect himself under the pressure of the dust concealment technique.

However, under the control of the Four Virtues Light and Shadow clones, the surrounding fire formations squeezed towards the middle at a slow and firm pace; that is to say, the scope of the enchantment was getting smaller and smaller.

Coupled with the continuous bombardment of immortal jutsu, ninjutsu, and tailed beast secret art, Zilai was also in a hurry.

Both Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage felt a little bad.

In terms of attainments in immortal arts, there is no doubt that Mt. Miaogi must be above Tokumitsu Uchiha.

This has nothing to do with talent or anything, it is purely the precipitation of history.

But at this time, the two sides seem to have been dragged into the ninjutsu confrontation environment performed by Senju Chakra by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and this is the relative shortcoming between Jiraiya and the two immortals.

Although the practitioners of xianjutsu already have extremely strong chakras, if this is compared with Uchiha Tokumitsu who has a tailed beast, it will be far behind.

Theoretically, as long as the chakra output threshold is not exceeded, the Uchiha Tokumitsu in the prestige Susano state can achieve perpetual battery life by extracting the tail beast chakra.

At this time, after many rounds of confrontation, Jiraiya and the two sages had already consumed one-third of their sage chakra.

"Jilai also!"

Immortal Fukasaku cried out anxiously: "This is not going to work!"

"Persistence is victory!"

Jiraiya replied blankly, and then took a peek at a loophole, drawing a large amount of chakra from the link of one person and two frogs to perform the magic spell——

"Immortal Law Frog Team!"

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

This time, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't give another chance for Jiraiya to rush up to fight in close combat.

When one after another long arms waved and hit, Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susano condensed one after another Gouyu from all six arms, and blasted towards the Jiraiya group.

Jiraiya fell into passive defense again.

And because he had drawn too much celestial chakra to cast the Frog Kumite, his defense was already a bit scattered at this time.

Immortal Fukasaku was in a state of anxiety, and Immortal Shima's movements became a little messy.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also keenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Jiraiya's state, but he didn't have the desire to find out. Instead, he completely hid the needles of Jiraiya's body guard in No.12 Road Yasaka Qionggouyu After being completely dispersed, Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath——

"Immortal Art · Five Escapes · Five Dragons Combo!"

Five immortal dragons with different chakra attributes were entangled with each other and slammed towards Jiraiya's combination.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

The violent explosion shattered all the Uchiha flame formations surrounding the surroundings, and the four moral light and shadow clones had been oscillated by the shock wave and collapsed.

The Sidaokage clone returned to the main body, causing Uchiha Tokumitsu to tremble.

Afterwards, with a wave of his left hand, he released the Creation Flame Lord hidden in his left arm, and flew towards the mushroom cloud that rose up after the explosion.

"Zi, Zilai!"

In the mushroom cloud, after forcibly eating Uchiha Tokumitsu's attack, Fukasaku Immortal was seriously injured and coughed up blood.

But what shocked him the most was not Uchiha Tokumitsu's brutality, but Jiraiya's actions——

Just when it was about to crush the spell given by Toad Sensei and fled back to Mount Miaogi with his wife and Jiraiya, Jiraiya abruptly interrupted Fukasaku Sensei's movements through the Chakra connection between one person and two frogs.

"I can't do anything at this point, it's the best plan to go!"

Immortal Zhima thought that Zilai was also reluctant to abandon Ninja Snake Ninja Frog, so he yelled.

"To shut up!"

Fukasaku Immortal suddenly became furious and interrupted his wife's words.

At this time, Huo Guangzun had already swayed the dragon body to kill him.

"Senfa Goemon!"

Jiraiya continued to frantically draw the senjutsu chakra, and attacked Huo Guangzun.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also confirmed the strangeness of Jiraiya.

"I'm really looking for death..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.Immediately, Erwei Youlu also rushed into the mushroom cloud.

"...Sorry, two immortals, I have dragged you down."

At the moment when Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to kill him, Jiraiya's intention to bury someone with him suddenly softened.

Perhaps it is because he understands that with the arrival of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he is about to reach the last moment of his life, and the scenes when he was studying art at Mt. The Chakra connection with the two sages was broken.


Immortal Shima was shocked, Immortal Fukasaku looked serious.

"Come and go, it's just killing each other..."

Zilai also laughed at himself.

At this time, he thought again of the group of snakes that he redeemed and bought, instead of fleeing individually after being put into the swamp, they chose to devour each other.

"Xianfa · Tu Dun · Huangquan Marsh!"

"... When did you start?"

Regardless of consumption, Fukasaku Immortal cast spells on the attacking mighty Susano, blocking Uchiha Tokumitsu who is driving the two tails.

"From the moment I was bitten on the neck by the White Snake Immortal of Longdi Cave~"

Jilai also spread his arms, raised his head slightly, and completely gave up resistance.

"It wasn't until I returned to the ninja world that I realized..."

Jiraiya also closed his eyes, "From that moment on, I was already dead..."

"I'm already an outlier in the eyes of ninjas..."

"So, let's die..."

"Don't struggle anymore, Immortal Fukasaku, if we don't cooperate, you won't be able to exert much power, so hurry back to Mount Miaomu as soon as possible..."

Sento Fukasaku patted Jiraiya on the shoulder with a cold face, and then pulled his wife to crush the talisman.

"Instant cut!"

A phantom came from the front.

Uchiha Tokumitsu abandoned Susano and Mata brigade to help out, and drew out the Kodachi that had not been used for a long time and launched a swordsmanship assault.


The sword light was aimed at Fukasaku Immortal who was about to crush the talisman.

Immortal Shima only had time to rush up and push back his absent-minded wife, and then he was caught by Uchiha Tokumitsu's sword light.


Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned slightly, and with a turn of the sword in his hand, he split Shima Immortal into two halves.

Immediately, the terrified Fukasaku Sage finally activated the teleportation spell.

The white beam of light jumped up in place, leaving only the lower half of Immortal Zhima's body plopping to the ground.

Uchiha Tokumitsu cast his eyes on Jiraiya who was waiting to be killed.

Huo Guangzun and Erwei Youlu also landed on the left and right of Jiraiya at this time, surrounding him.

Jiraiya looked at the remnant body of Immortal Shima, with a sad expression on his face, sighed slightly, and then turned his eyes to meet Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"It seems that I really want to die."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

"It's just one death!"

Jilai also closed his eyes again, "But after I die, can I get rid of the name of rebellious ninja?"

Want to cleanse yourself?
Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, then swung his knife and took the head.


Although it was useless to condense chakra on the sword, the extremely sharp Kodachi still beheaded Jiraiya.

Then the head fell to the ground.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to withdraw his sword, when suddenly a white light appeared around the neck of Jiraiya's remnant body, and then his body disappeared, leaving only the smiling head still in place.

"What kind of sorcery is this!"

Uchiha Deguang's eyelids twitched.

 Temporary work today, double update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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