Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 375 Lake of Sighs

Chapter 375 Lake of Sighs

The shogunate ninjas who witnessed the scene of the rising mushroom cloud couldn't stop exclaiming, even ignoring the overturned enemies, they performed the instant jump in the direction of the mushroom cloud.

The Konoha Ninja Army or the alien psychic beasts who were closer to the central theater were not so lucky.

The power of White Snake Immortal's phantom self-destruction is even higher than that of Tailed Beast Jade and Uchiha Tokumitsu's five escape combined fairy art, and naturally its self-destruction coverage is correspondingly wider.

Although Konoha Ninja Army or Ninja Ninja Frogs also consciously avoided the two peak battlefields during the battle, so as not to be swept away by the aftermath; but the war is chaotic after all, and it is inevitable that they will enter the battle range again when the fighting is in full swing .

As a result, many Konoha ninja soldiers and ninja ninja frogs also died in the explosion due to high temperature and shock waves.


Uchiha Shisui is the fastest of the Returning Ninja Army.

It's just that when he got close to the outer edge of the explosion zone, the extremely high temperature and chaotic chakra storm immediately prevented him from advancing an inch.


Uchiha Shisui tremblingly tried to extinguish the chakra flames still burning in the void with water ninjutsu, but he failed repeatedly because his mind was too messy.

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

Dried Persimmon Kisame also rushed over. Seeing this situation, he immediately retracted his sword muscles, quickly formed a mudra with his hands, and set off a huge waterfall in an attempt to extinguish the chakra flames.

But as soon as the Shuidun Waterfall entered the explosion area, it was instantly wiped out by the chakra flames burning in the void, and even the water vapor did not rise.


Dried Persimmon Kisame was at a loss for a moment, beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

This is the first time I have seen such a weird situation.

Uchiha Shisui was even more anxious.

The Sangouyu in his eyes turned faster and faster, and even turned into a phantom due to the excessive speed.

But even the Sangouyu of the Uchiha clan could not break through the interference of the Chakra Flame and the Chakra Storm, and see the situation at the center of the explosion.

An attendant ninja from Kusanagi had just come over. Seeing this situation without saying a word, he immediately wrapped the chakra around his body, and then threw himself into the explosion area without thinking about his own safety.

After that, before he could even make a scream, he turned into a charred corpse and fell to the ground, and was turned into smoke and dust in the continuous chakra storm.

Everyone who witnessed this scene became numb immediately.

The aftermath of the explosion area is so terrifying, the central area where Uchiha Tokumitsu is...

No one dared to continue thinking about it.

"The sealing squad came to deal with it, and the combat troops quickly wiped out the remnants!"

A shout suddenly sounded in the distance.

It's Uchiha Tomitake.

The people gathered around the explosion area looked at each other in blank dismay, and then under the command of Uchiha Shiina, part of them continued to participate in the battle.

The closer the relationship with Uchiha Tokumitsu, the more nervous this time.

There is no other reason, just because the rise and fall of the shogunate and even the Uchiha clan has long been tied to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

If Uchiha Tokumitsu really encounters an accident in this battle, no one can have such a high prestige and strength to stabilize the situation. At that time, the Konoha Governor's Mansion, the Tokumitsu Shogunate's ruling system, the joint company and everything will be built by him The power system of China is bound to fall apart.

After all, although Uchiha Tokumitsu has a fiancée, he has no heirs yet, and naturally there is no legal heir recognized by all parties.

And no matter whether it is the Uchiha clan or the high-level shogunate, no one can regain the banner and rule the powerful from all sides.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly felt terrified.

No one wants to fall into the disorderly and bloody melee environment after the collapse of the system,

The anxious Uchiha Shisui suddenly dropped two lines of blood tears from his eyes, then rolled his eyes and almost fell into the explosion area.

Fortunately, Uchiha Shiina was also quick-sighted, grabbed him by the back collar and carried him back.

"It's just that the mind is exhausted..."

After a little inspection, Uchiha Shiina also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, why are you so nervous?"

Orochimaru, who had changed into another set of clothes again, and the disheveled Goju Yakura also landed on the periphery of the explosion area at this time, and said lightly.

Orochimaru is quite lucky.

Because of his unsteady gait after the injury, and he didn't use the chakra attached to the soles of his feet to grasp the ground as usual, so after the phantom self-explosion of the White Snake Immortal, he was thrown nearly three kilometers away by the violent shock wave.

Although the body was severely injured again, at least there was no danger of life.

And the reason why he acted so calmly was that Dashewan suddenly found that the "Seed of Immortal Art" that he thought he had completely digested jumped suddenly, and then returned to calm.

And through that burst of "Senjutsu Seed" runaway, Orochimaru also seemed to perceive the existence of Uchiha Deguang through a special connection.

He also vaguely understands that Uchiha Tokumitsu will leave behind some of the "Seeds of Immortal Art", but he can't arouse the interest in breaking the influence of "Seeds of Immortal Art".

After all, everyone is an adult, and they all understand that there is no such thing as trust and love and hate for no reason.

If one day Orochimaru's strength surpasses that of Uchiha Tokumitsu, then the backhand in the "Seed of Immortal Art" will not be of much use;

Of course, the reason why he is so calm is also because Orochimaru found that Uchiha Tokumitsu is still alive through that moment of perception.

As for the reason why Goju Yakura is so calm, it is even simpler-the seals and confinements made by Uchiha Tokumitsu in his body are still there, which means that others are fine!

"...Don't delay, hurry up and wipe out the remnants of the enemy!"

As if in response to Orochimaru's words, a voice suddenly came from the center of the explosion area.

"Lord Deguang!"

The anxious shogunate ninjas and Konoha ninjas immediately felt relieved when they heard the familiar voice.

Afterwards, under the command of Uchiha Shiina and Kanshi Kisame, he rushed to the battlefield again.


Although Tokumitsu Uchiha achieved sound transmission through the sound of chakra converging, he still couldn't get rid of the influence of the explosion area for a while.

Even if it's just a phantom of the White Snake Immortal, its self-destruction is not just a simple igniting of Chakra, but more like a desperate technique such as the "Demon Disintegration Dafa".

Although the most direct chakra annihilation and shock wave failed to completely break through the defense of the mighty Susanoo, the space turmoil caused by the explosion made it difficult for Uchiha Tokumitsu to get out of the explosion area.

"...It's a bit like the old man's Taoist jade."

Erwei commented again.

It knows that Uchiha Tokumitsu knows a lot of ancient secrets, so it doesn't explain too much.

"...Is it beyond the limit of the blood successor and the power of the elimination of the blood successor?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a little headache.

It's not that he has no means to leave here, it's just that it will cause a lot of trouble.

Moreover, even though he was completely trapped, the existence of spiritism was a kind of bug. He could still get the cat to reverse him and leave him through the psychic contract of the Ninja Cat Clan.

But there is also a problem with this.

If he leaves first, Erwei Youlv may not be able to withstand the impact of the Chakra storm and the annihilation of space; and if Erwei Youlv leaves first, he may be injured by the annihilation of space.

What's more, although the situation is dangerous at this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw many chakras and space phenomena that are extremely difficult to observe.

Such as space jump.

He clearly saw that a huge rock rolled up by the Chakra storm was suddenly drawn into a space crack, and then the rock split into two, appearing on the left and right sides without warning.

And the incision of the stone is as smooth as a mirror, which cannot be done by manpower.

"By the way, were you responsible for the anomaly on the moon before?"

Erwei said suddenly again.


Uchiha Tokumitsu admitted it directly.

Anyway, there is nothing to hide, let alone nothing to hide.

"Since you know the existence of Qiu Daoyu, then you should also know the relationship between the old man of six paths and the one on the moon, right?"

Erwei Youlv also showed no sign of nervousness, and continued to ask questions calmly.

"To be honest, you can bear to ask this matter until now. I also admire your patience a little bit."

Uchiha Tokumitsu responded with a chuckle.

He didn't answer directly, but he also acquiesced to Erwei Youlv's question.

"If she gets out, I might die."

Erwei Youlu's tone was very heavy, "It's not a simple disappearance, but a real death..."

"What if I destroy the ten-tailed body?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was still very relaxed, and he replied while observing the changes in space.

Originally, all kinds of puzzles about time and space ninjutsu such as Flying Thunder God's Art were found out by observing the space changes at this time.

Although it is still a bit far from the specific application, it can be regarded as a lot of knowledge.


Erwei was speechless again.

"...But if you don't break the seal, you won't be able to get the ten-tailed body and destroy it; and once the seal is lifted, she will also break out!"

Erwei thought for a while before saying.

"Maybe that body is no longer on the moon~"

While Uchiha Tokumitsu replied, he manipulated the broken costume Susanoo and started to seal.

Based on his observations at this time, combined with the theory of the Flying Thunder God Technique and the formula of the sealing circle, he found a way to seal the fluctuations in space.


Erwei was shocked again.

"That's not necessarily~"

Tokumitsu Uchiha began to extract the tailed beast chakra to perform a new technique, "After all, my restless ancestor has been kept in the dark, and has caused many things."

"You mean Indra's reincarnation Chakra?"

While cooperating with Uchiha Tokuhiko's move to extract the tailed beast chakra, Matata two tails bared his teeth and yelled: "I knew, starting from that guy, you red-eyed bastards don't have a single good thing!"

"If I get the ten-tailed shell, do I plan to share some with you?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile.

The spell is ready——

"Then I want half!"

The two-tailed brigade immediately increased the output of the tailed beast chakra.

"That won't work~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.

Then took a deep breath—

"Ninja Anchor in the Void!"

With the burning and consumption of chakra, an invisible and qualityless ripple followed.

Wherever the ripples went, the chakra flames and space cracks that were originally fluctuating violently subsided one by one, and then a dead silence returned.

It didn't take long for the chakra flames in the explosion area to go out, and the six-armed Susanoo who maintained the seal posture also appeared in front of everyone.


The shogunate ninjas who were still surrounded were completely relieved.

At this time, the center of the explosion had become a huge pit. After the Chakra flames and the space storm subsided, a spring gushed out from the deepest part, and mist rose.

— Another look at the hot springs!
After Uchiha Tokumitsu lifted Susano's state, he fell in front of everyone in a flash.

Although Erwei Mataru seemed a little sluggish and his body color had faded a lot, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't seem to be in any serious trouble.


Under the leadership of Uchiha Shiina, everyone knelt on one knee to salute.

"How's the battle going?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, then asked.

"Everything is going well. Currently, under the command of Fuyue, a small number of alien remnants are being eliminated."

Uchiha Shiina replied respectfully, and took advantage of the situation to give Uchiha Fugaku some eye drops.

"very good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not unusual, "Don't stay here and be lazy! Go and wipe out the remnants quickly!"

"Especially you, Commander Shiina!"

"As the leader of the ninja army, it is really unreasonable to be so slack!"

"As ordered!"

Although it seemed to be reprimanded, Uchiha Shiina was beaming.

Because this is also Uchiha Tokumitsu's identity and authority as the leader of the ninja army who participated in the war.

Uchiha De Halo looked around, only to see corpses everywhere.

Although most of them were Ninja Ninja Frogs and other aliens, there were also quite a few Konoha Ninja Army who died in battle.

"Ten thousand bones withered..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.


"Call it the Lake of Sighs!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said while pointing to the explosion pit that was still erupting hot springs.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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