Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 376 Reborn?

Chapter 376 Reborn?

"...Only in this battle, the Konoha Ninja Army completely wiped out the largest heterogeneous group in the history of the ninja world, and dealt a heavy blow to the evil forces such as Ryuchi Cave and Miaomu Mountain, and laid the foundation for the long-term stability and prosperity of the ninja world..."



Tsuchikage Ohnoki cut off the antenna of the radio station, and then the giant radio station purchased from the United Company made a burst of extremely monotonous noise.


Onoki shot out a chakra stone between his fingers, smashing the noise maker to pieces.

This radio station is a device just launched by the joint company. It is very valuable and the supply is very small. It can listen to information such as news announcements issued by the shogunate through the frequency band. It can be regarded as a milestone invention in the ninja world. It's a pity that it was smashed like this. After all, Yan Yin only bought one, and planned to disassemble it afterwards and make a copy.

And all the high-level officials of Yanyin who were gathering in the Tuying office to listen to the "Deguang Yuyin" turned a blind eye to each other, as if they hadn't heard it, and continued to hang their heads, not daring to show any strangeness.

Huang Tu, who became the assistant of Tukage and the leader of the ninja class through rebellion, is no exception.

Even Tieshi, the general of the dispatched army who has been separatist from the Frost Kingdom and who has ten dissatisfaction with Ohnoki and eight dissatisfaction, is the same.

After the siege of the marsh country, the Konoha ninja army, which won a great victory, announced in the name of the joint anti-terrorist force that it would announce the result of the battle to the ninja world through a new radio station in three days, and the joint company launched an ultra-long-range radio station. After learning about this, Yan Yin also quickly obtained a quota through channels.

However, the announcement of the battle report broadcast on the radio really made Onoki angry.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's personal broadcast on the radio seems to be a declaration of victory as a "ninja guardian"!

This makes Onoki, who is usually unwilling to show weakness, swallow this breath!

If you can't beat it on the battlefield, you will admit it!After all, there is really no way to be inferior to others!
But since the radio broadcasts are so disgusting, Onogi still has the means to cover his ears.

"... Are you all dumb?"

Onoki glanced over one by one with a dark face.

Wherever they looked, except for Loess and Tieshi who were still able to maintain their demeanor, everyone lowered their heads one after another.

"Look at you bastards! What do you look like!"

Seeing this situation, Ohnoki couldn't help being angry, so he cursed: "Everyone is as timid as a quail, is he still an extremely tough Yan Yin?"



"You are simply the worst batch of Jnin I have ever brought!"

Onoki, who was furious, scolded all the high-level officials bloody.

Although the Yanyin executives who were scolded were still a little nervous, they were also slightly relieved.

They are also familiar with Onogi's temperament, and it is better to scold now than to suppress it. After the scolding is over, everyone can start to discuss countermeasures.


Tired of scolding, Onogi took a sip of water, and said coldly to his eldest son, "As the assistant of the village and the leader of the ninja class, don't you plan to say something?"

Huang Tu immediately shook his head, not daring to say a word.

"how about you……"

Ohnoki cast his eyes on Tieshi, "As the general in command of the Front Army of the Frost Kingdom, you don't plan to say anything?"

"I will follow all instructions from Lord Tukage..."

Iron Stone said respectfully.

He also had to obey.

After the encirclement and suppression war in the country of swamp, Onoki personally arrived at the front camp of the country of frost. pit.

Then Tieshi obediently followed Onomu back to Yanyin Village.

In the face of absolute suppression of force, all calculations and strategies are vain.

"Since you don't say anything, then I will."

Onogi once again swept over all the high-level officials one by one, and said with a serious face: "Now, do you still oppose the village's decision to form an alliance with Yunyin?"

"Absolutely agree!"

"Resolutely support!"

"No comment!"

The senior officials of Yanyin replied one after another.

"The number of ninja soldiers in the village is still not enough, we must increase the number to more than [-]!"

Onoki continued: "From now on, the Senatorialism is the starting point of all policies in the village!"

Yan Yin's high-level officials still dare not say more.

Suo Ran's blind expansion of the ninja army will cause problems in other aspects of the village, but there is no way around it.

Moreover, Yanyin's tradition is not enough in quality to make up for it in quantity. As long as there are enough people, it may be possible to change quantitatively and cause qualitative change.

No matter how bad it is, the huge and loyal Yanyin army will make Konoha or the shogunate feel tricky, so they dare not provoke a full-scale war.

After all, the pressure on Konoha and the shogunate is too great now.

Although the "Tokumitsu Yuyin" on the radio station has not been listened to, but according to the reconnaissance of the Iwakaku secret agents, the losses of the Konoha Ninja Army in this battle are nothing compared to the results obtained.

Iwagakure boasted that he might be able to wipe out [-] aliens with all his strength, but the glorious deeds of the regular ninja war and Uchiha Tokumitsu's killing of Ryūjidong Shinji and the Holy Land Great Immortal avatar again aroused the attention of the Jōnin community. Compared with the sensation, it is even more insignificant.

Especially the deep hot spring pit known as the "Lake of Sighs" is even more frightening——

Those who can survive such a violent explosion, I am afraid that even Onoki's dust escape may not be able to cause much damage to him!
And Chen Dun is the spiritual pillar of Yan Yin's lineage!

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu can also fly!

"Now there are nearly 3 registered ninjas in the village, and it will take about five years to expand to [-]..."

A high-ranking Yanyin said biting the bullet.

Moreover, most of the expansions are Genin with weak combat power or Chunin with low quality.

"The most important thing is someone!"

With a wave of veteran Onogi, he said that this is not a problem, "Only when the number of people is large and the base is large, can the genius among them be discovered!"

"From now on, the village must not only adhere to the first-military doctrine, but must also promote meritocracy!"

"As ordered!"

Having said all this, Yan Yin's high-level executives can no longer think of refuting.

As for whether the expansion is useful... Forget it, let's talk about the success of the expansion first!
After all, Iwain does not have a wealthy family like the Uchiha. According to Iwain’s experience in the past when he found out that the bond was in the bottom of the sky, he could only renege on the debt. Crossing the river by touching the stones of the shogunate will only drown him, so he just went his own way. let's go!
"But the village can't live without new sources of income..."

Onogi considered for a moment, then turned his eyes to Huangtu who was in charge of intelligence: "I remember Konoha created a new district, right?"


Huang Tu, who was asked, immediately sweated on his forehead.

"Hmph! Nothing to breathe!"

Onogi snorted coldly, then looked at Tieshi, "So, are you interested in building a new district?"

"I will obey all orders of Master Tukage!"

Tieshi immediately replied obediently.

The Frost Country Army under his command has always maintained an unclear relationship with the United Company. Although it will not completely deviate from Ninja Village, it is somewhat centrifugal.

Even the radio station that was smashed by Onoki was actually obtained by Tieshi through the channel of the United Company.

But after being warned by Onoki, Tie Shi immediately restrained his ambition and became Onoki's most loyal supporter.

——A guy who is fearful but not virtuous!

Onogi put a label on Tieshi in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm.

"The expansion of the village needs funds, but the first military system cannot be disturbed by business..."

"So let's do this. The Front Army of the Frost Country was reorganized into the Special Economic Zone Construction Corps on the spot, and Iron Stone continued to lead the special zone, and continued to develop business relations with the United Company; the northern part of the Frost Country was directly led by the Construction Corps, and the southwest of the Thunder Country occupied the area. Then join forces with Yunyin..."

Onogi ignored everyone's surprise, and said to himself: "In this way, there is a distinction between inside and outside, wouldn't it be beautiful!"

"As ordered!"

Tieshi suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and responded respectfully.

"Also...you get all the rules and regulations of Muye New District as soon as possible, and Tieshi can just copy and implement them!"

Onoki said to his eldest son Huangtu.

"...As ordered!"


In the Miaomu Mountain, there is a headless corpse in the bedroom of the Great Immortal Toad.

Immortal Shima, who had been cut off half of his body during the siege of the marsh country, was connected to the lower body of another special ninja frog after undergoing the magic of the toad sage.

At this moment, Great Immortal Toad was looking at Qili's fairy spell in a daze.

Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima stood down respectfully with their hands down, not daring to make a sound.

The loss of Mount Miaomu and Longdi Cave is too heavy!

Especially in Longdi Cave, not only did a Shen Ji die in battle again, even the face of the Patriarch of the White Snake was torn to pieces, and then he was thrown on the ground and stomped wildly!
This is something that a proud and arrogant immortal can bear!
Not long after they fled back to Mount Miaomu, the Immortal White Snake came to Mt. Miaomu in person, became furious in front of the Immortal Toad, and smashed the palace to pieces before leaving.

And neither the Great Immortal Toad nor the Ninja Frogs dared to say a word.

After all, this defeat was no longer as simple as hurting one's muscles and bones.

Especially Longdi Cave, he was paralyzed!
And the reason for this defeat is ultimately the headless corpse on the ground—that is, the responsibility of Jiraiya!


Immortal Toad let out a long sigh, and finally cast the shimmering Immortal Charm on Jiraiya's body.

"Great Immortal...I'm afraid it won't work, right?"

Sento Fukasaku said boldly.

"Several days have passed, and there is no head... Can incomplete corpses be resurrected?"

Immortal Zhima also continued.

Great Immortal Toad remained silent.

It is also hesitating.

"It's really not enough to rely on the talisman of the immortal..."

Great Immortal Toad was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "So, I still need your cooperation..."


Immortal Fukasaku and Immortal Shima looked at each other first, then looked left and right.

no one!

Who did you say this to? !
Just when the two frogs were terrified, thinking that the Great Immortal was really foolish, there was a sudden gust of wind in the bedroom.

"long time no see……"

Great Immortal Toad said quietly: "Yuyi..."

"Well... now you should be called the Sage of the Six Paths..."

"I didn't expect you to be so old..."

Accompanied by the breeze echoing, an old voice sounded in the bedroom.

"No way, seeing the future not only needs Chakra, but also consumes vitality... Now it can probably persist for 800 years..."

Great Immortal Toad let out a long sigh.

"Once this spell is used, you will no longer have the means to save your life..."

The voice of the Sage of the Six Paths resounded from all directions in the bedroom again.

"Asura and Indra didn't dare to reincarnate, so I can only do this..."

Great Immortal Toad was also very helpless: "Speaking of which, Indra really has a great junior..."

"That rebel..."

Sage of the Six Paths also had some helplessness in his voice.

"Forget it, since you have made up your mind, then I will fulfill you!"

"I can't control Indra, but Asura, a good boy, is still willing!"

Afterwards, Jiraiya's headless corpse was blown upright by a gust of wind, a drop of blood appeared out of thin air, dripping on its heart, the carrion at the neck began to fall off and red granulation sprouted out.

Under the astonished gazes of Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage, a head gradually grew out!
If Tokumitsu Uchiha saw this situation, he would probably say "3D printing"!
What shocked Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage even more was that the "grown" head turned out to be a completely different face!

Even the hair color has become hair exuding bright golden light!

"This this this..."

Immortal Shen Zuo was trembling and horrified.

Toad Sensei ignored Fukasaku's surprise, took a deep breath, and shot a white light at the Immortal Talisman floating on his chest to activate it.

With the effect of the Immortal Talisman, Jiraiya's body gradually regained its vitality.

Immortal Fukasaku on the side even heard a steady and powerful heartbeat!

"Jiraiya" slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand to look around, and then looked left and right.

Immortal Zhima, who was swept by his gaze, trembled immediately.

This is too weird...

"Long time no see, Asura..."

Great Immortal Toad said slowly.

"...Is this my last life?"

"Jiraiya" asked into the air.

"This is the last reincarnation of you and Indra..."

The voice of the Sage of the Six Paths became farther and farther away, and finally there was silence.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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