Chapter 379
"Our Uchiha clan is best at convincing people with reason..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's teaching to his disciple Uchiha Shisui can be regarded as a persuasive temptation.

"Ha ha……"

Although Uchiha Shisui was young, he was not stupid, so he laughed dryly and did not respond too much.

If he accidentally said the wrong thing and was sent to continue studying with the gymnastics instructor Matt Dai, it would be bad luck.

"Of course, it's hard for ordinary vulgar people to understand this great idea."

Of course, Uchiha Tokumitsu saw Uchiha Shisui's perfunctory, so he solemnly said: "This is the fundamental meaning for the rise of the shogunate!"

"I'm sorry! Teacher, I was wrong!"

Uchiha Shisui immediately stood in awe.

"Do you want to hear it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked sideways.

"miss you!"

Uchiha Shisui's answer was very crisp.

"Want to study?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

Uchiha Shisui nodded like pounding garlic.

"The so-called reason... can be understood as force!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "The etiquette and order of the ninja world comes from the support of power. The nobles who think they are superior actually rely on the power of ninjas, and the power of ninjas comes from Chakra. Therefore, for ninjas, everything Ritual - all from Chakra and Ninjutsu!"

"There is such a reason..."

Uchiha Shisui was a little dumbfounded.

He thought he could have something to make people's eyes shine!Unexpectedly, it is still a decoration version of the radical fighting thought!

"But when everyone is reasonable, it is actually not easy to convince people."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to himself: "For example, during the reign of the Pseudo-Third Hokage, although the family had more than a hundred ninjas, they were always unable to do what they wanted, so even if they were justified, they would be unreasonable."

"And the fundamental reason is that you can't tell the truth when you can't do it."

"So, the principles of the Uchiha clan back then were Entune and Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stretched out his left hand, and in the palm of his hand condensed a flaming chakra in the shape of a crow tengu.


Although he knew that the teacher's chakra control was beyond imagination, when Uchiha Shisui saw the chakra demon statue in his palm, he was shocked again.

——The mini version of the statue of the Flame Escape Demon also waved a sword to salute him!
"But it's not enough..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile: "Now the family has wiped out thousands of poisons, and there is no disagreement in the village; but the evil-minded aliens are still eyeing..."

"They are afraid that after the family dominates the universe, they will use force against aliens..."

Uchiha Shisui's expression also became a little fierce.

He has also participated in several suppression campaigns, and some of his teammates were injured or died during the suppression campaign, so he has a very dislike for alien groups such as Longdidong and Miaomushan who "will neither obey nor die obediently".

"Therefore, the family must have a stronger force in order to make the enemy obey our principles..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.


Uchiha Shisui's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He suddenly thought of something!
But this surprise came so suddenly that he could hardly believe it!

"You are my disciple..."

The statue of the Flame Dungeon in Uchiha Tokumitsu's left palm quietly disappeared, and then a glowing fairy seed emerged from the palm.

"So, are you willing to accept the truth of the family and dedicate your strength to the family?"

"I will swear allegiance to my family!"

Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee and made his oath.

He thought it would take ten or eight years before he had a chance to get the immortal magic seed bestowed by his teacher!

After all... this is the origin of contact with immortal art!

In today's Uchiha clan, who doesn't know the power and mystery of Xianju!
"That's good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled with satisfaction, and then the senjutsu seeds in his palm floated into the air, and slowly fell into Uchiha Shisui's forehead.


"Miasma poisonous miasma!"

Tian Xin Shen Ji rushed out from the depths of Ryudi Cave, and after sensing that there was indeed a heterogeneous chakra at the entrance of the broken barrier, she spewed out a thick green poisonous mist without saying a word.

"Immortal Reincarnation!"

Suddenly, the standing humanoid creature at the entrance clapped his hands and said something that shocked Tian Xin Shenji.

Afterwards, it immediately felt that its worldview had been subverted!

The poisonous mist it sprayed was actually directly controlled by the opponent's Inorganic Reincarnation Technique, and then it turned into a solid, condensing a green poisonous dragon that circled around his body back and forth.

Tian Xin Shen Ji's pair of snake pupils almost popped out!

Although the poisonous mist that was sprayed out just now is not some great secret technique or fairy method, but at least it is the venom cultivated by its body!And in order to control Tianxin Shenji, she also dispersed her own chakra into it, but the other party just clapped her hands and deprived it of all control over the poisonous mist, not to mention, even the Chakra connection completely disappeared!
How divine is this!


Tian Xin Shenji immediately stopped her body, coiled up her huge snake body, raised its head high, and stared at the blond man in front of her who seemed to smell a little familiar.

At the same time, there are also secret messages sent continuously towards the depths of Longdi Cave.

It felt that depriving the poisonous mist of the blond man's hand was enough to rub itself on the ground, so it still had to notify the White Snake Immortal to make a move!

What's more, what he used was actually the secret immortal technique of Longdidong's lineage!

"Your Excellency must be Tian Xin Shen Ji."

The blond man smiled.

Although her tone was gentle and she had a smile on her face, Tian Xin Shen Ji didn't intend to relax at all, instead she felt more and more tense.

His eyes are too calm!

Although this description is a bit false, Tian Xin Shenji is the head of the three gods after all, and she has a deep grasp of emotions, so she naturally understands what this look represents!
—he doesn't take himself seriously at all!

"...Where are you from? Why did you trespass into the Dragon's Cave in the Holy Land!"

Tian Xin Shenji's summons failed to get a response for a long time, so she had to bite the bullet and ask.

"Well... If I use the name of my body, I should be called..."

The blond man scratched his head shyly, with a bright smile on his face, "... Zi Lai Ye."

"Who are you lying to!"

Tian Xin Shenji became even more nervous.

"Jiraiya is dead! His psychic contract has disappeared! And he doesn't look like you!"

But it immediately noticed the key word in the other party's words - "this body"!
Tian Xin Shen Ji was even more terrified.

"Yes, you are right, Zirai is indeed dead."

The blond man nodded and said, "So, you can call me Asura."

Tianxin Shenji was taken aback for a moment, not understanding whether Zilai would die or not had anything to do with who he was, and didn't think there was anything wrong with the name Asura for a while.

"Answer my question! Why did you break into Longdi Cave!"

Tian Xinshenji, who was stern and indifferent, continued to shout.

The reason why he was able to muster his courage was mainly because the blond man who called himself Asura seemed to be easy to bully in both his tone and demeanor.

"I plan to talk to Immortal White Snake about eradicating thugs and restoring orthodoxy."

Asura said politely.

"What is a mob? What is orthodoxy?"

Tian Xin Shenji asked back to delay the time, and at the same time frantically sent messages to try to contact the White Snake Immortal.

But its heart is getting deeper and deeper.

Immortal White Snake has not responded...

"The descendants of Indra who are trying to gain power that should not be obtained by offering sacrifices to the goddess Uno in the disaster ninja world are thugs, and the order in which free ninjas and nobles keep their duties is orthodoxy..."

Ashura still had a sunny smile on his face.

"The Goddess of Mao is again..."

Tian Xin Shenji said casually.

But before I finished speaking, I got stuck!

Goddess of Mao, descendant of Indra...

Tian Xin Shenji suddenly felt that the snake's body was about to break out in a cold sweat!

Isn't that the Uchiha clan!

In this way, the blond man in front of him...

"I am Asura."

Asura seemed to see through Tian Xin Shenji's mind, so he said something kindly.


Tian Xin Shen Ji's snake body began to tense.

Dead memories are attacking it!

After Sage of the Six Paths founded the Ninja School, his two descendants wiped out all the monsters and evil spirits in the ninja world!
And besides Indra, who is bloody and cruel, the other person is Ashura!
Although Ashura seems to be much more talkative than his brother Indra, but this is also relative!For all non-human beings, as long as they are unwilling to be sealed or self-exiled, their fate is similar. It is nothing more than the difference between being killed and being permanently sealed!
And compared to being killed by Indra on the spot, the monster permanently sealed by Asura can only perish by itself in the endless darkness and emptiness. In comparison, life is worse than death!
"I don't want to create useless killings, because every life is worth cherishing."

Asura's words made Tian Xin Shen Ji feel chilled again.

He seems to be able to read minds!
"I can't read minds."

You still say!
Asura's words made Tian Xin Shenji even more afraid.

"By the way, are you going to send a message to Immortal White Snake?"

Suddenly Asura looked enlightened, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I blocked all the means of communication just now..."

Then Asura made a strange seal with one hand, and then said politely: "I'm sorry, I just accidentally overheard the communication between you and the White Snake Immortal, but the seal has been lifted now, and you can continue to contact the White Snake Immortal... ..."


Tian Xin Shenji felt that the whole snake was numb.

The communication method it uses comes from the Chakra connection in Longdidong's blood, so it can be blocked? !
Although he didn't fight directly, the mysterious method displayed by the man in front of him, who claimed to be the descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths Asura, had shocked him to the point of numbness.

Tian Xin Shenji didn't have the slightest thought of probing at this time, and immediately sent her own distress message to Immortal White Snake.

"—Asura is calling!"

 Today's update (1/2) go to have a meal first and then come back to continue updating

(End of this chapter)

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