Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 380 The Most Advanced Deception

Chapter 380 The Most Advanced Deception

"Right, teacher..."

After Uchiha Shisui finished his daily practice, he suddenly asked Uchiha Tokumitsu awkwardly: "There is a question I don't know whether I should ask...'

Uchiha Toku just glanced at this young man, shouldn't he be asking you?

But he still said very generously, "Speak."

"Since the rule of the Pseudo-Three Generations is the oppression of the Konoha clans, why can it last for so long?"

Uchiha Shisui asked a little anxiously: "Didn't other ninjas except the family try to resist him during that time?"

"Because Qianshou was not dead at the beginning."

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his disciple's hair, and said leisurely: "Furthermore, Sarutobishi Village, plus Inokacho, plus the power of other vassals, can indeed maintain the situation of the village."

"Besides the family, Hinata..."

"The Hyuga Clan is nothing more than dead bones in the tomb..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed dumbly: "The internal conflicts caused by the family division system are enough to drag all the attention of the Hyuga clan into the family's scrambling."

"What's more, if the power of the Hyuga clan is internal, it is even more effective than Hokage's edict. In this way, the clan only needs to suppress those geniuses who are neither obedient nor willing to die. Still have the mind to toss other things."

"What's more, the village doesn't give Hinata a way to survive, does it~"


Uchiha Shisui nodded half-understanding.

"Let's go back……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved to Uchiha Makoto who was waiting on the side of the training ground, and ordered the attendant ninja to level the ground.

The smiling Uchiha Makoto came over, took Uchiha Tokumitsu's hand, and wiped his fiancé's forehead with a scented handkerchief.

Although there is no sweat or dust, this is after all a little bit of Uchiha Makoto's heart.

Uchiha Tokumitsu kissed Makoto's forehead slightly to express his gratitude.

"...the essence of domination is transaction."

On the way back, Uchiha Tokumitsu continued.


Uchiha Shisui was shocked, feeling that his understanding of divine authority had been subverted.

"Yes, it's an enduring and invisible transaction."

Uchiha Deguang nodded: "The reason why people hold the rulers high is that they hope that these strongmen can keep them in their hearts."

"Hold it high and keep it in your heart..."

Uchiha Shisui silently remembered the key words in the teacher's words.

"But we're different..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the subject: "We are powerful and reasonable, so the Uchiha clan was able to become the ruler."

Uchiha Shisui felt that the teacher's words were somewhat contradictory, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his disciple's hair again, and instead of continuing to speak, he turned his head and showed affection with Uchiha Makoto.

He also didn't intend to talk too much with Uchiha Shisui, after all, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books, as long as he throws Shisui to the joint company to see how those mortals live under the rule of nobles, he will understand Uchiha Why was the Bo clan able to establish hegemony across the nations?

Because although the Uchiha family is neither close to the people nor down-to-earth, the Uchiha ninjas do not "lighten the people"; At least I can take a breather and start my own small business to save some property - in comparison, those aristocrats who extort money are really inappropriate!
And it was this combination of authority + monopoly that seemed like a child's play, but unexpectedly burst out with great power, supporting the shogunate's conquests, defeating many big countries one after another and maintaining a large number of standing ninja troops.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is because the ruling methods of the daimyo nobles are too backward, and they don't even understand the relationship between production and taxation.


"You are lying to me!"

The old woman in the form of a white snake fairy has a gloomy face, and she controls ten stone dragons to surround Asura.

Tian Xin Shenji's face was also very ugly, and the killing intent in her heart was almost overflowing.

"Patriarch White Snake, I have never lied to anyone. My way of tolerance is to understand each other, so how could I lie~"

Although Asura seemed to be in a dangerous situation, he still calmly said, "As for Tian Xin Shen Ji's misjudgment, I'm also sorry~"

Tian Xin Shenji's face darkened even more when she heard this.

It misjudged!

Asura was not as strong as he was at the entrance of Longdi Cave!

It's just that his control over the sealing technique and chakra is beyond his own, and he bluffed himself all of a sudden!If he had just used immortal techniques to fight directly from the beginning, he would have been able to try out the depth of Asura in no time, and it was impossible for him to be frightened like that!
Immortal White Snake could tell at a glance that in terms of strength, Asura did not have the mighty power of the ancient times, and the real power was actually just on par with him!

"Are you Jiraiya or Asura!"

Immortal White Snake didn't act immediately, but asked sullenly.

"I borrowed Jiraiya's remains, but the soul is still Asura..."

Asura nodded his head, "The reason why this unconventional method of reincarnation is adopted is because it is the order of my father."

"Sage of the Six Paths..."

Immortal White Snake read out the name that made it dreadful.

"I need the power of Longdidong, and I am willing to accept the curse seal bestowed by the White Snake Patriarch just like Jiraiya."

Asura put on a good-talking face, and stated his conditions and requirements without concealment: "But I hope that Longdi Cave can continue to send Ninja snakes to contribute to the orthodox cause of Kuangfu Ninja World."

"As far as your frightening trick is concerned, how dare you play it in front of Indra's descendants!"

The frightened Tian Xin Shen Ji ignored the presence of the White Snake Immortal, and bared her teeth and yelled, "With your little power, it is not much stronger than Zilai, who has integrated the power of the two holy places. How dare you?" Go and meddle in the affairs of the ninja world!"

"Shenji is right, after all, I just reincarnated, and my strength is still insufficient..."

Asura said sincerely: "So, I need the power of Ryūji Cave, and I also hope that Patriarch White Snake will let go of his prejudices and do what should be done for the ninja world."

"So... isn't it enough that the two god girls were killed in the Longdi Cave battle?"

The White Snake Immortal couldn't help his anger, if it wasn't for the Immortal of the Six Paths who was dead but not stiff, it would have killed this reckless Asura on the spot.

"In the final analysis, you and Indra are actually the same kind of people! We are all counting on the extinction of our alien race, right!"

"I'm different from my brother..."

Asura's attitude is still very kind: "I don't want to coerce others with too much power, so..."

"I hope Patriarch White Snake won't overestimate himself!"


Immortal White Snake suddenly became furious.

Although the Immortal White Snake, who claimed to have figured out Asura's power, didn't intend to kill Asura on the spot, he still felt that it was necessary to punish this "junior"!

The ten stone dragons immediately formed a group, completely blocking Asura in all directions, and then twisted their bodies and squeezed toward the middle.

"Immortal Law Ten Dragons Sealed!"

Although the lineage of Longdidong did not obtain the mystery of the eye of reincarnation, the scene where the Immortal of the Six Paths sealed the goddess of Mao was also seen by the Immortal White Snake, so he created this immortal technique by referring to the technique of the Earth Explosion Star.


Asura did not dodge or dodge, and even opened his hands to let ten stone dragons form a cage to completely trap him.

The White Snake Immortal frowned instead.

The stone dragon turned into a ball of stone and floated in mid-air, but in the perception of Immortal White Snake, there was nothing in the ball of stone.

Asura disappeared!

"Come out……"

Immortal White Snake took a sniff, and then said to the lighthouse on the top of the temple.

"As expected of the White Snake Patriarch..."

The smiling Asura slowly walked out from the flames.

Tian Xin Shenji is numb again!

At this time, it can no longer tell whether Asura is strong or weak!
"Your method... should be the Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Immortal White Snake snorted coldly, but there was no killing intent in his voice, "When did you leave your mark in my temple?"

"I took a second look when I first came in, and I accidentally left a little mark, which made Patriarch White Snake laugh."

Asura bowed politely to the White Snake Immortal.

"This is a technique invented by Konoha II Senju Tomona..."

Immortal White Snake's complexion gradually changed from cloudy to sunny.

"What I can't learn in my reincarnation doesn't mean I can't learn it."

Asura smiled modestly: "In addition to the spells of the Thousand Hands Clan, all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki Clan are also within my grasp!"

"So... did you break the seal of Ryūji Cave with the ninjutsu of your descendants?"

Immortal White Snake showed a rare smile.

"Yes, before reincarnation, my father gave me all the techniques of Qianshou and whirlpool powerhouses in the Pure Land."

Asura said frankly.

The world of the dead is divided into the Pure Land and the Yellow Spring, and the creator and controller of the Pure Land is the Sage of the Six Paths who is dead but not stiff...

Although there was a smile on his face, Immortal White Snake was already cursing furiously in his heart.

But it's really a taboo...

"What about the price?"

Immortal White Snake asked gently.

"What price?"

Ashura frowned in surprise.

"What price are you going to pay in exchange for sending Ninja from Longdi Cave?"

Immortal White Snake waved Tian Xin Shenji back, while he began to swallow the clouds.

"The territory of the country of vortex can be handed over to the lineage of Longdidong, as a reward for the White Snake Immortal to send Ninja Snake to participate in the war."

Asura thought for a while, and made a condition: "From now on, the line of Longdi Cave can obtain the water and soil under the sun..."

"From now on, the agreement between my lord father and the Patriarch of the White Snake will also be abolished."

The lineage of Longdidong didn't hide itself under the Nine Nethernesses. The root cause was the coercion of the Sages of the Six Paths. In addition, the massacres made by Indra during the crusade against monsters frightened them, so they had to hide their lairs in Qingku And the barren underground world.

"I want to re-establish the statue and accept incense offerings!"

Immortal White Snake also set out his own conditions.

"But only within the country of Vortex."

Asura made a patch.

The so-called incense offering may sound like nothing, but in essence it requires mortals to perform "human sacrifice"!

And the sacrifices had to be boys and girls!
But in order to unite too many forces to "set things right", Asura had no choice but to "sacrifice" a small number of people.

It is worthwhile to exchange the suffering of a small number of people for the happiness of the majority, and at the worst, all the people in the country of vortex will be removed...

Asura thought so.

"Since the Uzumaki Kingdom is my territory, I need the Uzumaki Clan as my family of servants!"

Immortal White Snake went ahead and made another condition: "I think... since your descendants have already turned to Indra's descendants, let them atone for their sins by serving them!"

"But Ryuji Cave must hand over [-] ninjas!"

Asura agreed to the conditions of the White Snake Immortal from the side.

"Up to [-]! Otherwise, no discussion!"

Immortal White Snake said decisively.

"That's [-] Ninja Snakes."

After finishing speaking, Asura immediately disappeared into a puff of smoke.


Immortal White Snake was a little dazed.

Did you give too much?

It doubts itself a little.



After returning to Mt. Miaomu through the reverse psychic technique, Asura immediately collapsed to the ground, his lips turned pale and his face turned black.

Immortal Fukasaku hurried over and fed the antidote he had prepared into his mouth, and wiped his body with toad oil.


After a while, Asura stood up unsteadily, and said to the concerned Fukasaku Immortal, "Fortunately, I finally convinced the White Snake Immortal..."

"That's good……"

Sento Fukasaku also heaved a sigh of relief.

With the Ninja Snake of Ryuchi Cave being used as cannon fodder, Mt. Myogi would not have to lose too many Ninja Frogs.

What's more, they still have such a close relationship with the contemporary Asura. Compared with the suppression of the Uchiha Rebellion, the Miaogi Mountain lineage can go to a higher level.

"Fortunately, there is a trick in Longdi Cave, and Immortal White Snake is willing to hand over [-] Ninja Snakes."

Asura walked towards the bedroom of the Great Immortal Toad with a somewhat vain footsteps: "Speaking of which, the Great Immortal is still unparalleled in strategy."


Asura is not that strong, and he has not mastered all the techniques invented by his descendants.

But after all, he is the direct descendant of the Immortal of the Six Paths that the Immortal White Snake fears.

The bloodline bonus plus the bluff is enough to convince the White Snake Immortal.

All of this is just a scam planned by Ashura and Immortal Toad.

The reason why he was in a hurry to return to Mount Miaomu was because the poisonous gas emitted by Immortal White Snake's breath made him almost unable to hold on, and if he said a few more words, he would probably fall to the ground with foam at the mouth.

And once the truth is revealed, I am afraid that the desire to swallow in the heart of the White Snake Immortal will overwhelm the fear of the Six Paths Immortal, and thus swallow himself whole without hesitation, so Asura had to evacuate the Longdi Cave immediately.

But fortunately, in the process of communication, the rhythm of the language is well controlled, and basically everything that should be said is in place, so I don't worry that the White Snake Immortal will go back on his word.And he is not in a hurry to start a war with the descendants of Indra immediately, and he still has time to continue to improve his strength.

Although it is a pity to sacrifice one's own descendants, who made them deviate from the tradition?
Besides, with one's own care, it should be an acceptable ending to live under the White Snake Immortal, right?
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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