Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 381 A Contest in the Shadows

Chapter 381 A Contest in the Shadows
Hyuga Nisai returned to the Hyuga Clan after a long absence with exhaustion all over his body.

"You came back just fine."

Just as he bypassed the main family's house and returned to the front of his mansion from the small path, there was a voice behind him that he didn't want to hear.

"...Why are you here?"

Hinata Hinata froze the hand pushing the door, "Is it a coincidence? But I don't think it should be such a coincidence?"

"Or, you arranged for someone to monitor my movements? Is that so..."

"Elder Elder, I have really worked hard for you..."

After taking a deep breath, Hinata Hidesai forcibly suppressed his irritability, and spoke eccentric words in as calm a tone as possible.

"How did you talk!"

Before the great elder had time to say anything, the guard ninja behind him stood up and shouted: "There are no rules at all, is this the teaching of the patriarch's family!"

As soon as this remark came out, Hinata Hichizai's face darkened even more.

The Great Elder didn't say anything, but still looked at the day with a benevolent face.

"...You are the clan, and you are an elder. I don't know if there is anything worthy of your condescension to come to a place like mine?"

Hinata Hizaku looked around and saw that many members of the sub-family went out to take a look after hearing the noise outside, but when they took a closer look, they turned out to be the chief elder of the clan and his dog-legged guards. Quickly flash back into the room.

"Is there any place in the Hyuga Clan that I can't enter?"

The Great Elder stopped the guard's scolding, and asked kindly: "Nisai, do you have any misunderstandings about the family? Can't you just say it? After all, there is nothing that the Hyuga clan cannot say."

"There are too many things that cannot be said!"

Hyuga Hizai's inner anger became more and more intense, and his face became more and more serious, "Do I have to tell you to embarrass you!"

"Yeah, I want to hear it... If you don't mind, just say it."

The smile on the Great Elder's face gradually disappeared.

"Secret medicine, monthly salary, soft fist, and..."

Hinata Hinata tore off the forehead protector, revealing the blue caged bird curse mark on his forehead, "And this, completely deprived of freedom!"

The Great Elder's originally calm expression changed completely, and he said angrily, "Daily difference! What do you mean! Do you want to piss me off before giving up!"

"Don't you know? You are not welcome in the separate residence."

Hyuga Hizai didn't intend to continue to back down, "Similarly, I don't welcome you either!"

"No matter what you say! I don't welcome you here!"

After finishing speaking, Hinata Hinata took a step back and stepped into the boundary of his mansion.

"...Don't forget, you are also from the clan."

The Great Elder looked around, although there were no bystanders standing in the clear, but judging from the breath, it was obvious that there were many members of the branch family who were staring and observing every move at this moment.

Moreover, judging from those auras, there are many malicious eyes looking back and forth at various vital points of his old body.

"You haven't been back for a long time."

The Great Elder said coldly.

"Military affairs are really busy, and there is nothing I can do if I can't find time."

After stepping into the boundaries of his own mansion, Hinata Hizashi became more courageous.

"The patriarch wants to see you."

After a while, the Great Elder said.

"He knew I moved out."

Hyuga Hiza replied indifferently: "If he wants to see me, he will come to see me, and I will see him too."

"As for other nonsense, please refrain from talking!"

"...It turns out that you feel that your wings are stiff."

The Great Elder shook his head and sighed: "I don't want to kill a genius who separates the family, especially if it will offend the patriarch..."

"Aren't you afraid of offending the joint anti-terrorism force? Don't you be afraid of offending the Uchiha clan? Don't you be afraid of offending Mr. Tokumitsu!"

Hinata Hizai sneered again and again.

"...Come with me."

The Great Elder waved his hand slightly, and his guards immediately stepped forward and made a gesture of forcibly grabbing him.

"The patriarch wants to see you, so don't play these boring little tempers!"

"I am Shinobi Noginoha, member of the House of Representatives, and Chief of Staff of the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force Hinata Hinata! If you enter my private residence without permission, I have the right to shoot you!"

Hinata and Risai stood firm and fearless, and said proudly.

"Besides, you are not ninjas registered in the village, I won't even pay you a penny if I kill you!"

The faces of the guards suddenly changed slightly.

Only then did the Great Elder realize why he had to take a step back and enter the private house just now!
Just now I thought he was cringing in his heart!
"Wind can enter and rain can enter, outsiders cannot enter without permission!"

Hyuga Hinata sneered and said: "This is the rule of the police department!"

"This is the clan land of the Hyuga family!"

The Great Elder scolded angrily.

"Then you can urge the bird in the cage to imprison or even kill me, this is your right!"

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Hinata Hinata's face, "But I don't think even the family can cover up the consequences of lynching a Chief of Staff of the Ninja Army!"

"Do it yourself!"

The Great Elder snorted coldly, turned his head and left after leaving a word.

Staying any longer would only hurt the face of the Zong family.

Hinata Hinata is also right. Konoha Jami's rights are supported by the House of Representatives, and the ninja army is protected by Uchiha Tokumitsu. In addition, Hinata Nyza still holds an important position in the anti-terrorism force, so multiple buffs are superimposed Under the circumstances, he really didn't dare to cast the Caged Bird Curse on Hinata Risai.

Today is not the era when Sensui ruled Konoha. Uchiha Tokumitsu has never had the habit of sacrificing his ninjas, let alone respect for tradition; so even the second richest Hyuga clan, in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu You have to be a man with your tail between your legs.

After the Great Elder walked away, Hyuga Nissai nodded with other members of the branch family who came out, and after a short exchange of greetings, he closed the door and returned to the hall under the adoring eyes of the members of the branch family.


After he sat down in the hall, his body suddenly went limp, almost collapsing to the ground.

This is also the first time that he and even the branch ninja have violated the clan on the open face without being punished.

And the confidence for all of this comes from the current position.

After a while, Hinata Hinata stood up, ready to take a shower and change clothes.

He felt his back soaked in cold sweat.

"A new house has been bought!"

After bathing, Hinata Hinata felt refreshed and his mind became active all of a sudden.

"The new area is very good, and it doesn't cost much to buy a Bie Yuan!"

Although most of the villas in Konoha New District are around [-]-[-] square meters, which is indeed a little small compared to the daily difference, but it’s okay, the big deal is to buy a few sets around them, and then get through to make a set. I believe Giving more money to the village investment company should not allow it.

Hinata Hizashi is full of ambition, full of longing for a free future.


"The Ministry of Government Affairs detected three spies yesterday..."

Mito Menyan submitted the report to Uchiha Tokumitsu with some trepidation.

"Correct yourself?"

Uchiha Deguang nodded, his expression was normal.

"Yes...but then we also informed the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Police to form a joint investigation team. Currently, we have entered the Ministry of Government Affairs to conduct a comprehensive picket to sweep away the fish that slipped through the net!"

Mito Menyan said hastily.

He is the only member of the former Hokage who is still a senior official at the ministerial level.

But after Sarutobi, Shimura and other exiled clansmen set off the "occupied area riots" and were eradicated, he lost even the last reliance.

For a high-level ninja village, if there is not enough ninja power in his hand, it means that the right to speak is infinitely close to zero.

Today's Ministry of Government Affairs is no longer as glorious as it was when Hiruzaru Sarutobi was in power. It has been reduced to a complete civil institution, and the people who deal with it are basically ordinary villagers.


Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head while reading the report, and made a comment along the way.

Mitomon became even more anxious.

It would not be wrong to say that he had ulterior motives, it was just that his acuity was not enough after a long period of exposure, thus ignoring the abnormalities of his subordinates.

But when he realized something, he found that his subordinates had caused a catastrophe.

"How does the Ministry of Government Affairs have information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Secret Service of the Ministry of Police?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and said: "Besides, such confidential information was leaked by a few Chunin?"

"...Maybe it's a historical omission, and I didn't notice it when I took over the Ministry of Government Affairs."

Mito Menyan wiped off his cold sweat and said, "It's probably the information that was stored secretly when the Elder Zhuanzhuan was alive..."

The current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Uchiha Tokumitsu's father, Uchiha Nakagen, whose duty is to carry out anti-counterfeiting outside the village or jointly inspect and handle cases with the Intelligence Department;

The leak of the two documents, even the leak of the information before the Battle of Settsu, would be a big blow to Konoha.

Because it is still unclear who collected and stole these materials!

"Knock knock!"

"come in!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

"Lord Deguang..."

An attendant ninja entered respectfully and submitted the last report document.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took it over and read it casually, then handed the report to Mitomon Yan, and then told the attendant ninja: "Call Shisui to come here!"

"So fast……"

Mitomonyan glanced at the report hastily, and was startled.

Yesterday, I informed the Ministry of Intelligence and the Police Department to assist in the investigation. Today, I just came to the Governor's Mansion to explain my innocence. At this point in time, the police department has detected the spy network before my butt is warmed up? !
Is this because the spies are too stupid or the police department is too strong? !
Then he turned to the last page of the report, besides the string of Uchiha in the joint signature, there was another name that seemed out of place——

"Namifeng Minato!"

Mitomon Yan looked at the name with mixed feelings.


After a while, Uchiha Shisui came to Uchiha Tokumitsu's office door in an instant.

"The Ministry of Government Affairs has spies, and now their stronghold has been found..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu finished writing the note and signaled Uchiha Shisui to take it over, "Go to the Secret Service and send two teams to work together, and you must destroy all these spy dens!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shisui replied sternly.

After obtaining the consent of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Mito Menyan also handed the report to Uchiha Shisui.

Flipping through it casually, Uchiha Shisui found that one page clearly marked the specific information of each spy den, and the sidenotes were all "suggested extermination".

"Information is not important, but these dens..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Once the identity of the spy is verified, he can be killed on the spot without interrogation!"

Hearing this, Mito Menyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Good kill!

It will not expand!

In this way, his life and position can be saved!

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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