Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 382 Inhuman Existence

Chapter 382 Inhuman Existence

Within the Uchiha clan, there has always been a debate on the priority of conquering the ninja world or destroying the aliens first, and most of the clan members support sending troops to Yan Yin and Yun Yin as soon as possible to get rid of these two ninjas who "disobey the king" Afterwards, the village gathered forces from the Ninja world to find the locations of Ryudi Cave and Mt. Miaomu, and a thorough "sweeping the caves and destroying their race" was carried out.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha has never made a clear statement on this.

It's just that with the formation and expansion of the anti-terrorist force, and even a few beautiful victories in succession, the disputes within the family gradually subsided.

If you go out, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will perish.

This is the cultural imprint left by the memory of the previous life. Tokumitsu Uchiha has always been firmly engraved in his mind, and he regards it as the starting point of his rule.

Because if people decay and degenerate, the speed is too fast.

The reason why Tokumitsu Uchiha is still strict with himself and his family as always is that he does not want the family to degenerate too quickly in a comfortable environment.

Of course, there is no eternal dynasty in the world, and the Uchiha clan is unlikely to rule the ninja world forever. If there is no new blood to join, Uchiha Tokumitsu thinks that the family's rule can last for 500 years.

Therefore, even if Miao Mushan does not take the initiative to choose to be an enemy of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu will find a reason to throw the pot on their heads after hitting Jiraiya and rank them as the number one hit target.

As for the ninja villages such as Yun Yin and Yan Yin, who have some strength but are within reach, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't pay much attention to them.

Even in the early days when the puppet three generations were in charge of the village administration, Konoha did not pay much attention to these two ninja villages, and had always treated the other four ninja villages as common imaginary enemies.


Wrapped in the bloody aura all over his body, the murderous Uchiha led his troops to surround the last spy stronghold.

In the process of clearing the previous eleven spy dens, he strictly followed Uchiha Tokumitsu's order. After verifying his identity, he killed them all on the spot without conducting unnecessary interrogations. Uchiha Shisui doesn't care about other information or the extent to which the information is leaked.

As long as the relevant spies are killed, it's better to cover it than to make Konoha's people panic.

Anyway, the secrets of the Uchiha clan are all within the Governor's Mansion and the Shogunate, and the so-called secrets of Konoha Ninja Village have long been worthless.

"Shimizu Junin, the combat troops and the seal squad are all ready."

The former Anbe old man, and now the head of the Special Service Headquarters of the Police Department, came to Uchiha Shisui and said in a blink of an eye.

"……it is good."

Uchiha Shisui came back to his senses and nodded slightly.

Ever since he experienced the siege of the marsh country, Uchiha Shisui felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his Sharingan, and he seemed to be a little sensitive to light. I don’t know if it’s because of those chakra explosions that caused his bad eyesight. Made it.

Moreover, in the past few days, I don't know why my mind always wanders away, but I don't know what I am thinking in a trance.

"Let's carry out the clean-up. This time, Captain Xiang will lead the team..."

Uchiha Shisui waved his hand with some interest, and said weakly.


Captain Xiang nodded, and then began to command the special service ninjas under his command.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu took charge of Konoha, the former Anbu ninjas who were incorporated, especially those trained during the second generation's reign, were very obedient, unlike Sarutobi Shimura and other remnants of the old age who always wanted to create Big news, so they're all doing pretty well.

Although it is considered a cold bench now, at least there is no fear of life, and there is no need to worry about passively disappearing one day. Naturally, Captain Xiang lives quite comfortably.

Although Uchiha Shisui is a disciple of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he does not have a specific position, and his previous experience of being sent out is only a temporary position, so Captain Xiang does not stick too much to trivial matters of etiquette.

After all, making friends with Uchiha is not good for the influence of special service ninjas on Gezhou; Uchiha Tokumitsu did not pursue the old story of the former Anbe ninja who once captured the elder of Setsuna, it is considered magnanimous. Then he deserved to be chopped up for a reason.

"How about going to BBQ Q tonight?"

Seeing his subordinates start their actions one after another, he yawned as if he was bored, then took a distracted look at Shisui Uchiha, and whispered to his subordinates.

The benefits of being out of work also include being able to show your face in public, and now the elephant has begun to enjoy the prosperity and convenience of the village like an ordinary Konoha ninja.

The subordinate pointed at Shisui Uchiha with his eyes, and shook his head slightly.

For him, being wise and safe is the best solution, and there is no need to have necessary contact with the Uchiha tribe.

This espionage base is a small business warehouse on the outskirts of Kinki, the Land of Fire. It is said that the owner of this firm is a descendant of aristocrats from the Land of Wind. After Sha Yin waved the butcher knife at the nobles, he escaped in time and obtained the Land of Fire. After the nobleman's permission, he opened a business firm with his spare money. Except for the caravans under his command not entering the Kingdom of Wind, he traveled all over Konoha, Yanyin, and Yunyin.

In this regard, even if he thinks about it with his toes, he knows that this is just a cover.

The so-called descendants of the nobles of the Kingdom of the Wind are also undeniable things, and it is really good to use it as a cover for spies.

But since Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered not to pursue it, Xiang is also happy to be a good person, and doesn't like to involve too much.

"Kill them all~"

Looking at the light of the ninjutsu explosion in the firm, he seemed to mutter to himself.

It seems to be going very well, those spies have almost no power to fight back, if nothing else...

Like looking at his pocket watch, estimating the estimated time it will take to complete the task, and then——

"Wood Dun: The Art of the Great Forest!"

As a high-pitched and funny scream sounded in the firm, multiple bundles of wooden vine branches broke through the fragile wall and knocked out several secret service ninjas!
Afterwards, the secret service ninja who entered the firm escaped in embarrassment, and thick trees rose from the ground, instantly turning the firm into a small forest.

The elephant's heart was about to stop suddenly!


Apart from Mutun, the first generation of Mesenjujuma who calmed the troubled times, he couldn't think of any other ninjutsu that could have such an effect!
"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

At this time, Uchiha Shisui, who was a little absent-minded, immediately came back to his senses, and without thinking about it, he performed ninjutsu in knot seal, and sprayed a sea of ​​flames towards the suddenly appeared grove!
"Why are you still standing still!"

After shooting one after another of Kunai wrapped in detonating talismans towards the grove, Uchiha Shisui turned around and scolded angrily.

"Ah! Yes!"

The elephant suddenly trembled and came back to his senses.

First he ordered his subordinates, and then he took out the signal tube and fired three red signal flares into the sky.

The sea of ​​flames sprayed by Uchiha Shisui did not cause much damage to the grove. The tree trunks spawned by ninjutsu only looked a little burnt yellow, but there were no obvious signs of damage.

That's right!It is Mu Dun!
Even though Xiang has never seen the real power of Mudun, Anbu's records are completely consistent with this period!
How to do!
It is fight or flight!
Although the commander rearranged the battle formation, Xiang's mind was blank at this time, and he was just relying on muscle memory to give orders.


A pale-skinned humanoid creature dressed in the clothes of a commercial worker jumped to the top of the grove, and smiled strangely at the panicked secret service ninja.

"This is……"

Uchiha Shisui also frowned.

His skin was as pale as if it had been painted on, his face was constantly changing various funny expressions, his eyes glowed red and looked extremely ferocious, and he really didn't look like a normal person.

"Hey hey hey!"

The pale human-shaped creature stared at Shisui Uchiha with a grin, "It turns out that there is another Uchiha~ It seems that there will be a good harvest!"

Uchiha Shisui did not answer the call, but silently transported the chakra to the best state.

"You interrupted my uncle's sharing plan, so~"

The pale man bent down, quacked and said with a strange smile: "So, as compensation..."

"Turn me into shit!"

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately rushed towards Uchiha Shisui.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

Although Uchiha Shisui is young, he no longer lacks the courage to draw his sword after going through several battles.

"Woodun - Cutting Technique!"

Against Uchiha Shisui's flaming sword energy, the pale weirdo rushed forward and swung a long wooden thorn towards Uchiha Shisui's chest.


The long wooden thorns immediately hit Uchiha Shisui into a cloud of smoke.

It's a shadow clone!

The elephant breathed a sigh of relief, cheered up and began to command his subordinates to fight.

"Kill this thief who stole the blood inheritance!"

Xiang first gave the pale weirdo sex with a word, and then commanded his subordinates to kill him.

Although he doesn't have the confidence to deal with Mu Dun, but if there is something wrong with Uchiha Shisui, he, the remnant of the old era, will have a hard time after returning to the village!

"Wooden Dun·Storm Tree Spear!"

Facing more than a few special service ninjas, the pale weirdo smiled and waved huge tree roots towards the crowd!
"Spirituality · Triple Rashomon!"

Facing the unknown wood escape ninjutsu, the special service ninja did not dare to be careless, and another team leader immediately used the strongest defensive ninjutsu, summoning three ghost gates to block the path of the tree root swing.

"Woodun Burial of Tree Roots!"

The pale weirdo laughed again, and then the tree roots clinging to Rashomon suddenly swelled——

"Get out!"

The elephant immediately yelled, and then used the instant body technique to escape to the rear.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Afterwards, the triple Rashomon was strangled by tree roots and exploded into smoke!

The special service ninjas felt a chill in their hearts.

I've seen a lot of ninjutsu to blow up Rashomon, but it's the first time I've seen one that relies on physical force to strangle Rashomon!


The pale man rushed towards the secret service ninja again, while still shouting: "Come on, come on! Please me! Let's dance together!"

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

"Wind escape, vacuum wave!"

"Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!"

The ninjutsu of the secret service ninja smashed over.

"Woodun·Wood Ingot Wall!"

The pale monster clapped his hands, and immediately summoned a wooden pillar that bent backwards, blocking all the attacking ninjutsu.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

"Uchiha Ryu · Instant Sword Slash!"

Uchiha Shisui first used the fire escape as a cover, and then used the instant body technique to rush forward and tried to perform Iai beheading!


There was only time to scream, and the pale weirdo was decapitated by Uchiha Shisui!


But he breathed a sigh of relief just now, and the pale monster who was headed by the owl did not fall to the ground, and his neck did not spurt blood, but his body turned into wood, and then he clapped his hands again——

"Wood Dun·King Kong Zhaomu!"

A series of wooden pillars flew out from the ground, knocking Uchiha Shisui away.

"Oh, you guys were able to defeat my clone!"

At this time, a pale and weird figure emerged from the wooden ingot wall, clapping his hands while laughing strangely.

Uchiha Shisui, who managed to return to the special ninja formation with great difficulty in mid-air, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Have you notified the teacher?"

Uchiha Shisui clenched the Taidao in his hand, and at the same time asked in a low voice.

"The telegraph operator has sent a coded telegram back..."

Xiang also pulled out his ninja sword and waited sternly, and at the same time whispered back through voice transmission.

"But what exactly is this thing..."

Uchiha Shisui swallowed, a little dazed.

"There is Wood Dun but it's not a member of the Qianshou clan, and it seems that there are some problems with its IQ; but what is certain is that it is not a human..."

Elephant also whispered back.

"Yo ho, I forgot~"

The pale man clapped his hands in a funny way and asked, "I have a question that you should be able to answer~"

"What does it feel like to poop?"


Uchiha Shisui and Sho were shocked!
Is this some kind of novel attacking rhetoric!
 Today's update (2/2) Xiaopujie asks for support~ asks for monthly ticket, asks for recommendation ticket~ the ranking has fallen beyond the sky
(End of this chapter)

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