Chapter 384
During the ambush of the Kirigakure ninja army led by the ancestor Uchiha Madara in the Naruto Ryokai Battle, for some reason, even if Uchiha Tokumitsu's identity was revealed, Uchiha Madara did not reveal his Mudun throughout the whole battle.

Even at the moment when he was seriously injured and fled, Uchiha Madara insisted on using the family's fire escape secret technique to fight Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't know whether he should evaluate whether the ancestor has backbone or a tendon.

But in any case, today's scene is the first time that Uchiha Tokumitsu saw Mutun's power up close.

As the smoke from Yasaka Qionggouyu's explosion gradually dissipated, the pale strange man who was blown into a mess appeared again.

"What a terrifying healing power..."

Although it was missing arms and legs, this pale monster, that is, the special combat version of Bai Jue, was also recovering at an extremely fast speed, almost regrowing its mutilated body in every breath.

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the urging of Natsuo Matabu, but took a closer look at this mysterious white zebra.

It's like looking at a peerless treasure.

Ordinary white blood cell extracts can further strengthen one's body and increase the amount of chakra soaring; then, if this special version of white blood cell is caught back and thrown into a centrifuge to refine it...

But after this tossing, the Mutun forest grown by its technique also appeared dry and weak, and there seemed to be red ripples flowing in the trunk that were about to burst, and it seemed lifeless.

"You don't talk about martial arts!"

At the same time, the other four Xu Zuo began to gather chakras in the giant arms, making preparations for the Gouyu bombing.

"Woodun·Flower Tree World is coming!"

The scream of Erwei Matabu continued to echo in Uchiha Tokumitsu's mind: "If you don't do it again, I will tear up the psychic contract with you!"

"Uchiha! It's Uchiha!"

"Wait a minute!"

Susan's giant sword was broken by the black and white so-called "Yin Yang Jade", but then quickly recovered under the flow of chakra.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha is different.

"Yin Yang Jade!!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu responded helplessly.

A cloud of black and white chakra spewed out from Jue's mouth, and slammed into Susan's giant sword.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face remained unchanged, while throwing Yasaka Qionggoudama, he continued to swing the giant sword of Susan while slashing.


"Wood Dun·Wooden Man Technique!"

For Uchiha Tokumitsu, this is the meaning of existence under the same level of fighting.


The top white and bottom black Julian's voice became hoarse.

"Ninja Law Hell of the Fire Realm!"


This is the last part of the content recorded in the stele in the underground secret room of the Uchiha clan's shrine, and it is also a secret that can only be seen by Kaleidoscope Sharingan!


Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokuhiro narrowed his eyes and licked his lips involuntarily.

"Listen to me!"

And as the magma surged, the room for maneuver between black and white became smaller and smaller.

"Shut up, Ah Fei!"

The Huoguang Zun with a shared mind and soul instantly left the body and bit Bai Jue's lower body.

After turning into white on the top and black on the bottom, this black and white master's ability to control the wood escape has declined. Under the continuous pressure of the magma, the flower and tree world began to wither rapidly, and the ground was continuously covered by the spewing magma. .

The speechless Uchiha Tokumitsu urged the majestic costume Susano to wave his six arms in unison, and killed Bai Ze and the wood escape forest.

"Speed ​​burns it!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled the mighty Susanoo's giant arm and pressed it to the ground, and then the raging ground fire burst out of the ground.

Heiheijue quickly read an old saying to Uchiha Tokumitsu, and then quickly drilled into the ground, trying to escape.

Gouyu bombarded the wooden man, but only shattered some sawdust, and then recovered in the flow of chakra.

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately released the sage chakra in his body, and at the same time frantically extracted the two-tailed chakra, forming a ninjutsu in the head and mouth of Susan, and sprayed it towards the wooden figure.

If it was the usual kaleidoscope of Uchiha ninjas, this might come as a shock.

At this time, the Konoha ninjas supporting from the rear had also arrived, and began to spread out in all directions to prepare for the sealing barrier.


Who knows what tricks this thousand-year-old bastard will use to deal with him!
What's more, he is still in the state of driving the tailed beast to fight. If Erwei Youlv finds out that something is wrong, it will be bad to make a fuss.

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the black and white utterance, and silently moved the underground magma, turning the remaining Huashujie area into ashes time and time again, and the movable ground range of the black and white was also continuously shrinking.

Wherever Susan's giant sword went, the root of the wooden tree that had been regarded as nothing in ninjutsu was cut off with a single sword, and it did not have the power to sweep the special ninja just now!

"It's you! It's you! It's you!"

I don't know if it's because of Bai Ze's lack of strength or lack of experience, Uchiha Tokumitsu feels that it is much easier to deal with than age spots.

Uchiha Tokumitsu activated his mighty costume Susano, and swept his sword towards Bai Ze and Mutun Forest.

"Burn it!"

"It's really simple..."

As soon as Bai Jue's upper body fell into the range of Huashujie, Uchiha Tokumitsu's giant sword of Susan struck again.

"Don't bother! Kill it quickly!"

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

Uchiha Tokimitsu was too lazy to reply to the nervous big cat.

With a thought in Tokumitsu Uchiha's mind, Huo Guangzun burst out of his body, and entwined around the body of Susanoo in a mighty costume, entangled with the whipping of countless tree trunks, and rushed straight towards the panic-stricken Bai Ze .


Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little surprised.

Bai Ze screamed immediately, and the vigorous Chakra burst out, and a huge wooden figure shorter than the mighty Susano was born in the woods below him, and rushed towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Erwei Youlu yelled again in his mind: "Hurry up and destroy it!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha immediately detonated all the magma in the ground!
But in his perception, the black and white absolutely seemed to be unaffected by the high temperature and fell quickly. After passing through the extremely hot magma layer and the hard obsidian rock layer, it was like piercing through a screen window on the barrier that was just set up. Opened a hole and escaped into the extremely deep underground.

Bai Ze continued to curse, Uchiha Tokumitsu's face became darker and darker.


Then, it became a hoarse voice again.

Uchiha Deguang's eyelids twitched, feeling a little tricky.

"Fire Lord!"

The two Gouyu launched a tentative attack first.

"The art of mayfly..."


Uchiha Deguang's eyelids twitched, but the momentum of the sword's slashing continued unabated.

Bai Jue, who only had his upper body left, screamed, and then a mass of inner-colored gel-like substance poured out from his lower body, turning into his abdomen and legs.

Bai Jue screamed and performed Mutun ninjutsu again and again, but even the supreme Mutun such as Hanashukai Shengsheng was ineffective against Uchiha Tokumitsu, and those ordinary single-body attacks against Mutun were naturally ignored.

But then the huge sword of Susan swung across the sky, and after summoning a wooden wall in front of the inevitable Bai Jue, it was split in half by the volley!

"Heizi, run away!"


The underground magma spread extremely fast, and covered Bai Jue's position in a short while, but Bai Jue didn't intend to retreat, but screamed, and then clapped his hands, forcibly summoning a forest, covering himself The underground magma within 30 meters of the area is completely sucked dry.

"What the hell are you thinking! Kill him quickly!"

It is about to die!

"Uchiha Shards!"

In the memory of the previous life, Uchiha Madara, who had come back from the dead, could be "cooled" by the seemingly weak Heijue, and Uchiha Tokumitsu was unwilling to leave such a hidden danger by his side.

Bai Jue screamed again and again, clapped his hands together, and shouted: "Mu Dun Mu..."

Erwei Mataru didn't have the heart to listen to Uchiha Tokumitsu boasting.

Bai Jue was just about to use the mayfly technique to escape, but then the extremely hot magma in the ground burned him so much that he jumped out of the ground.

The incomparably tall and majestic Susanoo drove Bai Jue around like driving away adults and mice.

Although they can't participate in this level of battle, the sealing barrier can at least prevent the enemy from fleeing.

Suddenly, black and white absolutely uttered the sharp voice before.

But the ground fire didn't burst out of the ground to form a flame barrier, but rolled and surged underground, turning the underground soil into magma that was about to burst out!
"Woodun, the tree world is born!"

Panicked, Bai Jue once again frantically pumped chakra into the forest below him, giving birth to taller and thicker trunks and branches, and like a flexible vine man, he rolled towards the mighty Susano who slammed into him fiercely. past!
At the same time, the newly spawned trunks also continuously grow gorgeous flowers, and spray highly poisonous pollen!

And it was lucky to jump out, otherwise it would be sealed by the obsidian condensed by magma.

The reason why the underground was turned into magma was to prevent Bai Jue from escaping again through the mayfly technique.

Bai Jue's wood escape secret technique was interrupted by Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susanoo giant sword before he could perform it, so he had to escape to the ground, then dodged to the other side, and then shouted at Uchiha Tokumitsu Call.

As for the magma that contains chakra, Uchiha Tokumitsu can erupt or solidify it only by moving his mind. If Bai Zee repeats his old trick, he will fall into Uchiha Tokumitsu's trap up.

He originally wanted to try to see if he could communicate, so that he could lure the seemingly brainless Bai Jue from his past life memory into his laboratory, but after being urged by Erwei again, he could only choose to use force to solve it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Erao Matabu through mind transmission.

The mighty Susano and the wooden figure collided fiercely!
"Immortal Art · Five Escapes · Five Dragons Combo!"

After fully recovering his mutilated body, Bai Jue twisted his neck with a strange smile, staring at the tall and mighty Susanoo with a pair of red eyes.

The five entangled fairy dragons crushed the wooden man's head, and then shot towards Bai Jue below.

"It seems that Mu Dun is not omnipotent..."


"Don't come here!"

No matter how much Bai Jue pushed, the wooden man held firmly by the six giant arms of Susan couldn't escape the close-range bombardment of immortal spells.

"Two forces mutually repel each other, and when they join together, they become one, and everything is in everything!"

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

"It's really not that simple..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed slightly, feeling a little regretful.

But even though he couldn't keep the black and white monster, at least he got half of the white monster's A Fei, which was considered a good harvest.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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