Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 385 Organizational Disagreement

Chapter 385 Organizational Disagreement


Uchiha Shisui came to Uchiha Tokumitsu with his head down, and greeted timidly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his disciple's hair and comforted him a little.

Although the battle this time was very sudden and tossed quite fiercely, fortunately, the loss was not too great.

The two special service teams also killed five or six people in battle, but the harvest was half of the special version of Bai Ze that Uchiha Tokumitsu let Huoguang Zun swallow, which is still a small profit on the whole.

After all, catching an ordinary Baijue back then could have so many magical effects, there is no reason why a high-level Baijue who can only use powerful wooden escape ninjutsu cannot extract enough benefits.

But the impact of this matter is by no means limited to the simple task of mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people.

The various Konoha ninja troops who came after receiving the call for help, or the Jonin squads who happened to come running nearby for reinforcements whispered to each other, and there were different opinions.

And those "power bank type" Bai Jue that was "carrying" by Bai Jue's A Fei also returned to their original appearance at this time, laying their bodies on the ground.

But the thousand-year-old's insidious caution made him maintain his last sanity. Hei never rushed to Uchiha Tokumitsu for the first time to test, so he arranged for the strongest A Fei to infiltrate the spy organization of Yanyin, trying to find a Slowly replace the original Iwagakure spy with various white tactics, and then slowly understand the various movements of Konoha and Uchiha Tokumitsu through the spy organization.

Anyway, morning and night are the same, with Tsunade's power and the influence of the current Senju clan, there is no need to hide dense documents like Konoha from her.

"We don't have enough strength yet, let alone a perfect organization! Now that the existence is leaked, it will only make the group of lunatics in the Tokko Shogunate search and search the ninja world like mad dogs. It will be troublesome if they are discovered by then!"

Heijue suddenly said something.

The more Hei Jue said, the more aggrieved he became, and even the voice that relied on Chakra resonance began to vibrate.

Of course, as a man-made weapon, Baijue is indeed not human; even its predecessor was an ancient human who did not know how many years ago. As for the inferior products bred from the spores of Baijue, it has nothing to do with people.

"Damn you, hooligan!"

Seeing this, the Konohagami ninjas who were still a little secretive and picked up some debris saw this, so they stopped covering up and began to show their abilities to help "clean up the battlefield".

"A white humanoid creature that can use wood escape."

A Fei said leisurely.

"……what do you mean?"

Hei Jue was speechless: "Master Madara should have said this..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

After all, Mu Dun has reappeared in the ninja world!

Hei Jue was puzzled at first, then furious!
How dare you question yourself as the "incarnation of Madara-sama's will", this is a shock!

Naturally, Tokumitsu Uchiha would not take the initiative to speak, but after ordering the affairs of the various ministries, he led the attendant ninja back to the village.

"It's up to you to say that!"

He didn't lie, but he didn't tell all the truth. After all, there are too many people here, and it's useless to talk too much.

Ah Fei looked directly at Heijue who was lying on the ground, with a rare serious expression: "So, can we live in harmony with the Uchiha clan?"

Just because of this extremely funny and nonsensical reason, he leaked his own existence so easily? !
What is the difference between such behavior and those brainless warriors!
"By the way, what is your original body?"

Heijue scolded angrily: "Do you want to consume the only pair of eyes of reincarnation to cast forbidden spells!"

"I don't want to confirm whether Mu Dun can defeat Susano~"

But this Bai Jue Ah Fei at least still has the basic form of a human being. Although his face is strange, there are no strange limbs such as barbs on his body, so it seems that at least his "seniority" is quite high.

"By the way, plus Taki Shinobu's Nanao and Konohabara's Nine Tails, Uchiha Tokumitsu controls a total of five tailed beasts."

Ah Fei's tone and expression returned to his usual unscrupulous and funny look, "After all, even Mr. Madara was beaten to the ground by Mutun in Hashirama for decades~"

Ah Fei yelled resolutely: "If you can't beat Uchiha Tokumitsu, why can't you beat Yan Yin and Yun Yin!"

Hei Jue's tone was extremely gloomy.

Tsunade's eyes flickered a little.

Under the guidance of the Uzumaki Ninja, the troops directly under the shogunate began to collect the artifacts of the Mutun Forest and stored them one by one.

"Although Mu Dun is strong, the real strongest is not Mu Dun, but Zhujian..."

The tone suddenly lost the funny and funny feeling it used to have.

"……May i know what is this all about?"

Hei Jue's yelling and cursing continued endlessly.

"Is it easy for me!"

"If there is no eye of reincarnation... Madara-sama will be at most a tie with Uchiha Tokumitsu, how will the moon's eye plan be realized by then!"

This is just great!The existence of our own side will definitely make Konoha very vigilant, and Yan Yin will also sweep up the spy organization because of the appearance of Mudun ninjas in his own spy organization. It will be even more difficult to lurk in again in the future!
Although the revelation of the spy organization was an uncontrollable event, Ah Fei's brain-dead behavior still abruptly smashed a good hand of cards.

Afterwards, ignoring Hei Zee's reaction, he took stock of himself: "The second tail is Uchiha Tokumitsu's contract psychic beast, the three-tailed Jinchuriki is his puppet, although Kirigakure's original six-tailed beast has never been brought out, But it is certain that it is also under its control..."

"It's unreasonable! I really don't know why Madara-sama gave his power to you, a guy full of shit!"

The black-faced Tsunade also rushed to the battle scene at this time, and after nodding with Uchiha Tokuhika, he began to observe the remaining traces of the battlefield, and his face became worse and worse.

"Samurai, what's the matter?"

Anyway, even the village research on Mutun has no explanation so far, and the Uzumaki Research Institute funded by Uchiha Tokumitsu can't figure out why, so Uchiha Tokumitsu has no idea of ​​making everyone unhappy with these shitty things.

"No matter how bad it is, it's okay to mess with Sha Yin!"

The unrelenting A Fei continued to triumphantly reprimand Hei Jue, who is usually aloof.

Tsunade frowned, and then asked softly in as gentle a tone as possible.

"So, as the incarnation of Madara-sama's will, your behavior is indeed very suspicious!"

"I think...the slug fairy should know of its existence."

"The Eye of the Moon Project, how long will it take..."

"...It's not that I don't want to, but that Bai Jue's ability is limited!"

Such insanity is played by the original body.

"Oh, it's alright."

"not human."

That's it?

After Tsunade confirmed that it was left behind by Mutun, he came to Uchiha Tokumitsu and asked.

A Fei replied indifferently.

"Besides, you can obviously run! Why do you have to conflict with them!"

After the Uchiha Tokuko Shrine offered sacrifices to the heavens, the movement of the moon made Heijue's heart flutter for a time.

"This thing..."


The resurrection time of tailed beasts is roughly different. For example, the stronger the tailed beast, the longer it will take to revive. However, after careful calculation, the eight-tailed bull ghost killed by Uchiha Tokumitsu should be almost resurrected.

But he couldn't die, so Ah Fei came to a head-on confrontation!
Confrontation is fine, but he just showed off Mutun again!

"From my point of view~ If you wait a few decades longer, Nagato will probably be old and weak and will be sucked dry by the eyes of reincarnation."

A Fei pulled his hands out of the rock and soil, then supported his body, and "inserted" his body, which was growing with granulation, into the soil, as if he was planting himself, and then said to Heijue with a strange smile.

In the dark karst cave under the leylines, only the upper body of Bai Jue's A Fei stuck his hands into the rock and soil, silently absorbing the power of the leylines, while Hei Jue, who was out of possession, rolled on the ground like a lump of mud , and kept making all kinds of curses.

Hei had no choice but to explain a little bit, delaying the time by the way.

Ah Fei grabbed Hei Jue's sore foot and questioned: "What do you really think? Why haven't you started promoting the Moon's Eye project yet!"

But it hasn't been long since A Fei got into the Yanyin spy organization, and Konoha's suppression force has arrived before it has had time to spread its branches.


"You've given away too much!"

A Fei said leisurely: "So, the most important thing is to regenerate Madara-sama and restore the strength of his youth."

If it hadn't been for the consideration that Ah Fei was one of the strongest combat forces on its side, it would have planned to attack him.

If A Fei escaped on the spot, I believe no one would be able to find out; maybe he could use this to reconnect with Yanyin and be reused, so as to truly embed into Yanyin's intelligence system.

"...It all depends on the timing, how can you just say the time so casually!"

Heijue made an excuse.

I wanted to rescue my sealed mother, while Uchiha Tokumitsu was offering sacrifices to the goddess Uno, and judging from the anomalies in the ninja world at that time, Uchiha Tokumitsu was very disrespectful to the dead souls of the Sage of the Six Paths—so rounding up, it turned out that he and Uchiha Tokumitsu is the way to go!

Moreover, even if they can figure out some profound meaning from it, so what, in front of the majestic Susano, as long as it is not the reincarnation of Indra or Asura in its heyday, Uchiha Tokumitsu is not in his eyes.

"You are crazy!"

"How many tailed beasts are there in the hands of the Deguang shogunate?"

The individual jonin who lead the team quietly collected some wooden shards, and Uchiha Tokumitsu just pretended not to see them.

A Fei stared at the top of the cave with piercing eyes, with an inexplicable smile on his mouth, allowing Hei Jue to scold him without responding.

A Fei bared his teeth, with a bad attitude.

"General Deguang!"

Hei Jue was at a loss for words for a moment, and then he reacted.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu has no intention of concealing it, because the impact of this battle cannot be concealed at all.The Konoha ninja clan should know what they should know at this time; the other two great ninja villages in the ninja world, Yanyin and Yunyin, received the information the next day at most.

She has also learned that Uchiha Tokumitsu has obtained half of this strange life form, and she wants to ask for some, but she doesn't know how to ask for it.

It turned out to be the case.

"What kind of existence does it belong to?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said, "At least the current state is not human."

"Also, until now I haven't figured out who Kyuubi's contemporary Jinjuriki is, so you have to be ashamed, black!"

"If there is no Nagato, don't the plans need to be implemented?"

"Although...but what does this have to do with you leaking Mudun!"

Tsunade's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

"But how can Madara-sama be reborn without the Ten-Tails?"

"... Nagato is still young!"

Of course, whether they can beat it is another question.

"Besides, with Nagato's current strength, even if he is willing to sacrifice himself to perform the innate art of reincarnation, he is not qualified!"

"Especially when Mu Dun was leaked!"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't say it directly, he also beckoned Captain Elephant of the Secret Service Ninja to come over, and took out the portrait of Bai Ze Afei from the report document in his hand, and handed it to Tsunade.

"...When the Eight-Tails comes back to life, we'll start catching it!"

Hei Jue condensed a black mud ball in the shape of a skull, and said with a frown expression.

Heijue quickly defended: "But now the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki group has been locked, it must be the Uzumaki clan!"

"...Are you finished?"

But Orochimaru rushed over excitedly, ignoring other people's eyes, carrying various instruments for testing, and constantly took out various bottles and cans from the sealed scroll to collect the remnants of the wooden escape.

Suddenly, Ah Fei asked.

Ah Fei raised his body with a grin, "pulled" his newly grown, somewhat thin lower body from the ground, scolded Hei Jue, and then swaggered and used the mayfly technique to leave.

It's a pleasure to run away after scolding!
"...How did this idiot suddenly become smart?"

Looking at the direction A Feiyang was going, Hei Jue felt very confused.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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