Chapter 386
Nangagawa Shrine, the long-lost Uchiha clan meeting.

Uchiha Tokumitsu sits at the top, patriarch Uchiha Sifang sits on the left, fiancee Uchiha Makoto sits on the right, and Setsuna Elder is half lying on a soft couch at the back, seemingly sleeping but not sleeping.

This time, no Uchiha jonin dared to treat them casually. There were still about 10 minutes before the agreed time for the clan meeting, and all the Uchiha jonin in the village had already arrived.

Uchiha Sifang felt very sad. When he was in charge of the family, the junin of these families were extremely disorganized, but all those who had some strength were extremely arrogant. Top, don't take him as the patriarch at all, let alone follow the rules in handling affairs and meetings.

But now...

Uchiha Sifang looked at the Uchiha Jonin who saluted respectfully and then sat down in a well-behaved manner, and couldn't help but feel extremely jealous.

But there is no way, the current status of the Uchiha clan is almost all achieved by Uchiha Tokumitsu's battle in the ninja world. In terms of prestige, for the contemporary clansmen, even if Uchiha Madara is reborn, he can't compare with the living Uchiha Deguang; as for his nominal patriarch... it would be nice for younger clansmen to know his name.

"...Mr. Deguang, everyone is here."

Sitting restlessly for a while, Uchiha Sifang, who felt uncomfortable, whispered a reminder.

"Wait a minute, it's not time for the clan meeting yet."

Uchiha Sifang suddenly remembered the matter of marriage between the two clans that Uzumaki's patriarch Wei Ming had tried...

Uchiha Tokumitsu reached out to hold Uchiha Makoto's hand, "Makoto-chan will become the mistress of the shogunate..."

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's eloquence, the faces of the clan's jonin members showed a proud expression of Yu Rongyan.

But most of the fighting power of the Uchiha clan lies in Sharingan, and it is impossible for Uchiha Tokumitsu to force the clansmen to "kill relatives to prove the Tao"-not to mention that this set has been banned by the family in the early days of Konoha.Therefore, in order to improve the overall strength of the family, it is necessary to find another way.

"There are still all kinds of dark forces that have not yet surfaced, waiting for us to show our flaws!"

"Secondly, the family's territories and industries in the ninja world strive to complete the integration within five years, and turn the virtual collar into a real rule, so as to realize the rule of the ninja!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu showed a "Senjutsu Seed" in his palm, which immediately attracted the attention of the upper ninja crowd.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone gradually became high-pitched, and the clansmen's breathing became heavier and heavier.

After finishing speaking, Great Elder Setsuna lay down on the soft couch and closed his eyes to rest again.

"This clan meeting is a decision-making meeting. It is indeed a bit sudden to call everyone here in a hurry, but after all, the matter is of great importance. After thinking about it, I feel that there is no delay, so I did it rashly..."

"Yunyin and Yanyin are still trying to do their best, instead of surrendering, they are even trying to expand their armies and prepare for war!"

As soon as these words came out, Uchiha Sifang was shocked.

Including the Uchiha Quartet, all the jonin members of the family nodded in response.

Because it was proposed by the Great Elder Shi Na who was half lying behind him, but at this time the Great Elder just hid behind him and closed his eyes to rest, looking detached.

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied: "Let everyone take a rest first, and talk to each other and communicate more."

So depending on the situation, it should be Uchiha Tokumitsu leading this clan meeting.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then changed the topic.

Even the country of the motherland, which cannot be traced to whether it really existed in ancient times, is nothing more than that!

"The fourth is to prepare the army for war. All clansmen need to receive ninja education, and try to increase the proportion of ninjas in the new era to more than [-]%!"

With the emergence of various monsters and monsters in the ninja world, Tokumitsu Uchiha's inner sense of urgency became stronger and stronger.

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu has always felt a shortcoming of his own, that is, the relative lack of powerful single-body attack methods, and if he develops it himself, he will have to think about it until the year of the monkey, so it is better to popularize the seeds of immortality so that this There is something to do to help the jōnin of the family who are starting to relax, so that I can learn some wisdom from it.

"However, only one person can come to claim it every day. Just register with the Great Elder Setsuna after the specific meeting."

This is something I never even thought about!

But Uchiha Shikata has developed a habit since he served as the chairman of the Senate, that is, he listens more, reads more and talks less about things, so he doesn't think too much, and starts to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Leaving aside the dead bones in the tombs of the tributaries of Yunyin and Yanyin, Ryuchi Cave and Mt.

"But under the prosperity, hidden dangers still exist!"

Now that the family has money and resources, it is always right to train more clan members.

Uchiha Sifang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Most of the Uchiha Jonin are still wearing the uniforms of the Police Department, a few of them are wearing the badges of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and some who are only standard Jonin vests are probably Uchiha people with special identities.

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This is just repeating the same old tune, and everyone doesn't care.

Moreover, there is another difference, that is Uchiha Makoto sitting on Uchiha Tokumitsu's right hand... It seems that she is going to officially make her the shogunate mistress...

The patriarch, who is not worthy of the name, sighed, and turned his head to observe the clansmen who attended the meeting.

After all, although his current strength is strong, it is not a solution if the family strength is not strong enough.

"Fifth, any jounin who can perceive the existence of natural energy can come to me to receive a fairy art seed, but from now on, the research results on fairy art must be shared with everyone in the family!"

"Thirdly, it is also a suggestion to the patriarch of Sifang..."

"Congratulations to Lord Deguang!"

The ninja members of the family were in an uproar immediately, and then they were extremely excited.

"The alien species in Mount Miaomu and Longdi Cave are stalking, trying to subvert our dominance!"

"The last thing is my private matter..."

What a glorious and great cause this is!

"The Land of Rain provides us with mercenaries, the geniuses of Wuyin Village work hard day and night for the position of the shogunate, and the talents from all over the ninja world are honored to enter the joint company to receive a pension..."

"You are all family elites, and you should also understand the current situation and status of the family..."

How many years has it been...

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed out: "Now, it's not the time for us to lie on our laurels and enjoy our laurels!"

The ninja members of the family were filled with emotion.

In general, those who attended the meeting were not good friends.

It can't be to dethrone the patriarch's position...

"From Kirigakure in the east to the country of Sichuan in the west, across thousands of miles, it is the paradise of the Uchiha clan."

Earlier, Uchiha Tokumitsu had made rumors that he was going to distribute the seeds of immortality. Now that the matter was made public at the clan meeting, it can be regarded as a formal conclusion.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a problem if he needed to go out in person in every battle in the future.

This is a shortcut to get in touch with fairy arts!

Can't really dethrone the patriarch!
"Specifically, let Deguang Jun and you explain in detail."

Uchiha Sifang, who was stunned, was speechless.

Forget it, Uchiha Makoto is not a Sango Tamama Jōnin who will put the patriarch in his eyes; once this kind of behavior of pulling other people's fiances to get married is revealed, he will not be able to please him when there is trouble.

A small number of family jnin who are usually overstaffed and slack in practice blushed a little.

"Firstly, the ninjas of the family need to go out to each ninja army in batches in the form of rounds to train, so as not to relax in the village for a long time."

The faces of the family's ninjas suddenly became serious.

Although not every Uchiha tribe is suitable to become a ninja, as long as there are enough resources to spend, it is nothing to turn a pig into a psychic beast, let alone a Uchiha tribe.

"Under our dominion, from east to west, the sun will never set!"

But what no one expected was that Tokumitsu Uchiha changed everything!
"This is the dynasty that never sets for the Uchiha clan!"

After a while, the voice of the Great Elder Setsuna awakened the wandering Uchiha Quartet, and all the Uchiha ninjas present also raised their heads and chests, without squinting.

"For the long-term stability of the family, I plan to make a few suggestions for everyone to refer to in detail..."

Uchiha De Halo looked left and right, "Of course, it's just a suggestion, if you have any opinions, feel free to ask!"

But today's clan meeting is indeed a bit strange.

"The country of grass is our ranch, the country of Taki has our cattle, the fishing boats and catches of the country of water belong to us, the country of Sichuan sends its silver and stone, and the ore of the country of earth flows into our factory, The nobles in the eastern part of the Land of Fire grow tea for us, and our date palm and spice plantations are all over the Oasis of the Land of Wind."

As soon as he heard Uchiha Tokumitsu's "Sifang Patriarch", Uchiha Sifang's originally nervous heart immediately settled down. This also shows that Uchiha Tokumitsu has no intention of abolishing the patriarch for the time being. As for his suggestions, he agreed That is, it was paid out of the family's public funds anyway.

That's even more of an opinion.

"...My lords."

As if he, the patriarch, was impatient.

"No problem!"

But I also saw the clansmen whispering one by one, talking about trivial matters such as family affairs, and it didn't look like they were doing things...

To put it bluntly, the power of the Uchiha clan is the Tokumitsu shogunate and the Huomen shogunate, plus a joint company with everyone. If the virtual leadership is turned into a real governance, it will be their families who are not successful or not. Jonin.

"Master Deguang is indeed unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness!"

Even though they have always claimed to be the No. [-] wealthy family in the ninja world, the Uchiha people know that the family is gradually declining, and it is difficult to fight back even if they are squeezed and forced by the false third generation.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly towards the somewhat dazed Uchiha Sifang: "It is recommended that the family reward births to increase the population of the family, such as giving births and sharing housing and paying money."

"Congratulations to Uchiha!"

The Uchiha shinin immediately cheered and cheered.

Uchiha Makoto's face was a little bright red, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raised slightly, but she still straightened her body to accept the worship of the tribe.

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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