Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 388 The imperial appointment of the 4th generation of wind and shadow and wind country rulin

Chapter 388 Imperial Appointment of the Four Generations of Wind and Shadow and Wind Kingdom Ruling Your Excellency
"This is so sudden..."

The first column captain of the joint anti-terrorism force, the honorary title of "Son of the Wind" specially awarded by the shogunate, has been met and commended by Governor Konoha many times, and Mr. Sagakushi Kaminin Rasa, who combines prestige and strength, is a little surprised.

Of course, there is also ecstasy, but it is not expressed.

At this time, the expression on the face was eight points of surprise and two points of grief, plus ninety points of helplessness, Luo Sha's appearance was already subverted.

It's a pity that the ninja of the shadow guard who came to summon Luo Shaping retreated his subordinates, and no one could appreciate this exquisite acting skill.

"Hai Lao Zang Da Elder has made a decision, I hope you will return to the village as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation."

The Jonin of the Shadow Guards was also talking a lot and kept deceiving him: "The Third Generation is missing now. Although the information is temporarily blocked, it is of great importance after all. There will be a day when the news cannot be concealed, so Ebi The elder of Tibet also hopes that you can stand up bravely and take charge of the overall situation and coordinate the funeral..."

This is said as if the third Kazekage has been confirmed to be dead.

Luo Sha frowned slightly.

"The people of the desert in the Kingdom of the Wind are still relatively barbaric... This is too naked..."

Having gotten along a lot with Konoha ninjas, especially Uchiha, Hyuga and other aristocratic ninjas, Luo Sha is a little uncomfortable with certain ways of the village he was born in.

After all, this is not "civilized" at all. It is neither artistic nor elegant. Compared with the Uchiha ninja who is gentle, smiling and wielding a knife without blood on his body, it always feels a bit worse.

"Civilization and enlightenment have a long way to go!"

Luo Sha couldn't help thinking about it.

"... When are you going to leave for the village?"

Seeing that Luo Sha seemed a little hesitant, the Shadow Guard couldn't help but say something more.

"After all, the Burning Emissary of the Inspectorate is not a good friend, it's better not to procrastinate and make the night long dream..."

"This is a bit difficult..."

Although a big pie suddenly fell from the sky, Luo Sha still hesitated.

Although the sudden favor of the Shadow Guard system and Grand Elder Hai Laozang was indeed a surprise, it was difficult to weigh the pros and cons for a while compared to his own success in the joint anti-terrorism force.

After all, even with the support of three generations of Kazekage's direct ninjas and elders, it is impossible for Luo Sha to take over the position of Kazekage as soon as he returns to the village. He always needs to do something to gather enough merits to justify his position.

For example, finding the missing Third Kazekage, whether he is dead or alive.

But from Luo Sha's point of view, the disappearance of the Third Kazekage is very strange, and it is not impossible that there is a shady story involved. Even if he returns to the village, it may not be easy to investigate the matter.

Moreover, this group of Shadow Guard ninjas acted so impatiently, Luo Sha felt that there was something else hidden.

"But the village really can't afford to wait, Luo Sha Shangren..."

The Jonin of the Shadow Guards said sincerely: "Sunagakure cannot be without shadow for a day, so don't hesitate."

The more he urged Luo Sha, the more hesitant he became.

People are always like this, but when there is a pie in the sky, they will always start to be paranoid, thinking that the pie may be poisonous.

"Does Hakura Jonin have anything to say?"

Luo Sha asked again.

"The great elder said that there is not much time left to share blessings..."

The ninja of the shadow guard said in a low voice.

And this is the reason why Luo Sha was chosen.

Apart from magnetic escape, Sunagakure's lineage really doesn't have many means to suppress the tailed beasts that have been passed down from generation to generation.


Luo Sha shook his head involuntarily.

This reason is still not sufficient.

"Have you communicated with Konoha about the disappearance of the third generation?"

Luo Sha hesitated for a long time before asking in a low voice.


The Shinobi of the Shadow Guard shook his head, "Even in the village, only some people know about it."

"I suggest to inform His Excellency the Governor so that we can assist in the investigation."

Luo Sha pondered for a while, and said his request: "In addition, my subordinates have ninjas from wealthy families such as Hyuga and Uchiha. If they return to the village with me to search, the effect of the action should be relatively good. .”

If she really had to return to the village alone, Luo Sha really didn't dare.

After all, he also has a deep understanding of the bloody level of Sha Yin's internal struggle.

"After all, this matter is of great importance. Let me ask the captain and the great elder for instructions."

The Shinobi of the Shadow Guard hesitated for a moment, and finally compromised a little.

Anyway, the decision-making power is in the hands of the captain of the Shadow Guard and the Great Elder. As a subordinate, it is always right to ask for more instructions.

Another day later, the ninja of Sha Yin sent back the news that Ebizo, who was far away in the Devil Desert of the Kingdom of Wind, agreed in principle to Luo Sha's notification request, while the captain of the Kazekage Guard had reservations, neither objecting nor support.

But for Luo Sha, this is enough!
So Luo Sha immediately wrote a letter to inform the Tokumitsu shogunate, and at the same time asked Uchiha Shiina for instructions, requesting that the first column under his command be temporarily brought back to the country of wind to assist in the investigation of Kazekage's disappearance.


"Fengying has disappeared..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little surprised when he received the notification document from Luo Sha.

Recently, he has been busy cultivating and bestowing the seeds of immortality to his clansmen. At that time, he ignored the information about Sha Yin, and he did not expect that the inertia of history would be so powerful, and the disappearance of Kazekage would still happen!
This is one of the fuses of the third ninja world war in his previous life memory!

However, with Sunagakure's strength now, I am afraid that he has no intention of blaming Konoha, so how to solve this matter is also a problem.

And Luo Sha was suddenly elected as the successor by Sha Yin's internal faction, but after all, it was in the interests of the shogunate, so Uchiha Tokumitsu would naturally not refuse his request.

"The first column is allowed to enter the Kingdom of the Wind, and if necessary, its ninja army can be properly strengthened."

Uchiha Tokumitsu signed the review opinion on the request document forwarded by Uchiha Shiina.

"Notify the ninjas sent by the joint company to the oasis of the land of the wind to pay attention to the movement of the hidden sand, and the western border defense forces also need to prepare for cross-border operations."

Uchiha Tokumitsu then instructed the attendant ninja.

As an ally of Sain, it is also reasonable for Konoha to assist "friendly people" to maintain domestic stability when necessary.

Of course, it would be great if Luo Sha from the Pro-Murder faction succeeds in taking the position.

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja immediately took orders to leave.


Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but think of that genius puppeteer.

His parents and grandma all fell into the hands of himself and Hatake Sakumo!

Although with his current strength, the so-called human puppets don't need to be taken seriously at all, but they are still a big threat to those ordinary Uchiha Jonin.

"Notify the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs that there are special tasks to be assigned to them."

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again summoned the attendant ninja to order.



"Kimisame-kun's intermediate combat force will also be temporarily attached to your department, and will go to the Land of Wind with you to investigate the disappearance of Kazekage."

After the order from the shogunate was sent back to the joint anti-terrorism force, Uchiha Shiina immediately approached Luo Sha and said straight to the point.

"Thank you Commander Shiina for your support."

Luo Sha said reservedly.

In this way, Luo Sha has a ninja army of nearly 700 people under his command.

Moreover, it is an elite ninja army who wears Konoha and the aura of the shogunate, enough to make the Sahikoid opposition throw their hands at them.

"Mr. Luo Sha's achievements during his performance of duties are obvious to all, so it is impossible to justify not supporting it."

Uchiha Shiina said with a smile: "At the same time, I also hope that after Mr. Luo Sha takes over the Fourth Kazekage, both of you and I will continue to carry forward the fine traditions and increase the well-being of the people of the two countries..."

"There are many unspeakable things in Shayin. If I can perform my duties smoothly, I will definitely implement reforms. I hope the shogunate will support them at that time."

Luo Sha also agreed unabashedly.

The more you get in touch with and understand, the more you will know about Sha Yin's shortcomings.

In Luo Sha's view, the gap between Sa Yin and the most advanced and civilized Konoha in the ninja world is simply enough to make people despair.

Among other things, in terms of the speed of information transmission, the gap between Sand Hidden and Konoha is big enough.

Even for a special department like the Shadow Guard, it takes a day and a night to transmit information back and forth, while the joint anti-terrorism force only takes about an hour from the application to the signing of the reinstatement order.

If Sand Yin does not achieve internal integration and carry out reforms, sooner or later he will be eliminated by the ninja world!

In this regard, Luo Sha, who is concerned about the country and the people, also has a plan in his heart, and he is waiting to show his strength after taking over as the Fourth Kazekage.

"Then, I would like to congratulate Your Excellency, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Wind of the fourth generation, for the early reform and success, and the future of the Kingdom of the Wind will surely flourish!"

Uchiha Shiina smiled and got up to shake hands.

Luo Sha is full of ambition and imposing.

As for the life and death of the Three Kazekages?

It's come to this point, he must die if he doesn't die!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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