Chapter 389
"Heizi! Heizi is dead!"

Swinging a pair of slender legs, the elated Ah Fei staggered into a cave deep in the Snow Country.

"...Have you studied those new types of poop again?"

Hei Jue, who was attached to a normal version of Bai Jue, was fiddling with a huge heretic golem, and the accumulated water and ash on its torso were carefully wiped clean.

"Oh, Heizi, you're playing with this shit again~"

Hei Jue's tone was very bad, but Ah Fei continued to talk indifferently.

"Tell me, what are you going to say!"

Black Jue dropped the rag in his claws angrily and cursed.

"Moving! We're moving soon!"

Ah Fei danced and cheered.

"... Your brain shouldn't be broken by Uchiha Tokumitsu, right?"

Heijue simulated a surprised expression, "Oh, I remembered, Master Madara forgot to install your brain, your brain is empty!"

As for why Ah Fei said this, Hei Jue didn't have the slightest thought of exploring.

For the millennium-old cunt, a brainless stupid bastard like Ah Fei is useless except for having some negligible power.

After all, Indra's reincarnation was fooled around by it, not to mention a mere man-made weapon.

"No! This time is different!"

A Fei still said in a high-pitched and passionate tone: "I found a wonderful place that can be our new base!"

"And it's very suitable for growing Baijue!"

"...Where are you referring to?"

As soon as he said this, Black Zetsu's interest arose.

"Bird Country!"

Ah Fei said triumphantly.

Ever since Uchiha Tokumitsu cut half of his body, Ah Fei felt that his brain suddenly became brighter, and things that he couldn't figure out at ordinary times can now be figured out after a little thought.

It's so black, it's ridiculous!How can it be compared to being a vassal of Mr. Madara, who is unparalleled in wisdom and tricks!
"You should be talking about the country of birds, right?"

Hei Jue replied calmly, then picked up the rag and continued to wipe the heretic golem.

He shouldn't have listened to Ah Fei's words!It's pure spiritual pollution!
"That's right, that's right, when the time comes, move this big guy over there and plant it in the fertile land of the Bird Country, maybe it can grow without a tailed beast!"

Ah Fei said happily.

Hei absolutely ignored it, and continued to carefully wipe off the stains on the golem of the heretics with a rag.

Although the underground caves in the Snow Country are extremely gloomy and cold, and the stalactites on the top of the caves are dripping with marl all the year round, Hei Jue still insists on doing this seemingly meaningless thing.

What kind of moving, what kind of heretic golem, in Hei Jue's view, purely want to fart!

"Hey! Heizi!"

Ah Fei, who couldn't get it, finally became unhappy, and grinned and shouted: "Are you listening to me?"

"When are you going to move?"

"By the way, where's the red-haired kid? I'm going to take him away first!"

"you dare!"

Hei Jue couldn't help throwing away the rag, and shouted aggressively: "I am the embodiment of Master Madara's will, and all actions must be under my command! Are you going to rebel?"


A Fei also jumped up and yelled strangely, "You guys are not good at things, so you have the nerve to mention Mrs. Ban! I think you have ulterior motives!"

"You bullshit!"

Black Zetsu immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"You are!"

A Fei's siblings waving wildly and jumping non-stop.

Why did this guy suddenly become so difficult...

Hei Jue refuted Ah Fei's point of view while thinking about the change of this idiot.

In its view, today's A Fei is absolutely abnormal!
Because it seems to have a brain all of a sudden!
Although its nonsense is full of errors, at least it is starting to make sense!
And logic is the product of thinking!

Bai Jue can think about it, so it's okay!

Who is willing to dedicate themselves to the great Eye of the Moon in the future!

"The Akatsuki organization base in the country of birds was wiped out by Uchiha's anti-terrorist forces not long ago. Now it is at the cusp of the crisis. Wouldn't it be death to move there!"

Heijue retorted.

"I read a novel yesterday..."

The grinning Ah Fei took out a novel titled "The Story of Perseverance and Perseverance" from his arms, then cleared his throat solemnly, and read a sentence from it: "...the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

"So, the country of birds is dangerous, which means the country of birds is very safe!"

"What bullshit logic!"

Black Zetsu scolded angrily: "Is your book written by Jiraiya of the Akatsuki organization? He and his organization have been killed!"

"That's what you believe, so you are a traitor, right? Are you going to send us all to Uchiha Tokumitsu?"

Hei Jue also lashed out aggressively.

Although it once thought of giving a meeting gift to Uchiha Tokumitsu, who worshiped the great mother, and then expressed his heart, and let Indra's descendants come down to worship, wouldn't it be beautiful?
But this is just thinking about it. Although Hei Zee has made some small arrangements, he is still observing Tokumitsu Uchiha very carefully, and has no intention of showing himself for the time being.

After all, not only observe his actions, but also his words.

But no matter what, it is still the embodiment of Madara-sama's will now!On the bright side, it doesn't abandon its main body; and it can't abandon the golem and reincarnation eyes and run to see Uchiha Tokumitsu, otherwise it will be over if it messes up.

"You must listen to me!"

Ah Fei's eyeballs were rolling around, but his mouth was still reluctant, "Go to the country of birds! Go to the most dangerous place! Go and build our Promised Land!"

"For Madara-sama, for the eyes of the moon! We must go to a warm place to thrive! Enjoy the nourishment of water and fertile soil!"

"Black is absolutely white, it's better to be kind!"

Ah Fei raised his arms and shouted, and the other Bai Jue people who had been silent and just watching the show silently screamed in agreement.

" can build a sub-base, but the golem and Nagato cannot pass!"

Reluctantly, after seeing that A Fei had already started to summon Mu Dun, Hei Jue had no choice but to back down a step.

"...Bai Juexin is gone, and it's hard to lead the team!"

Hei Jue couldn't help sighing when he saw those Bai Jue who were booing wildly.


Ah Fei jumped up happily, "I knew that Kuroko was Madara-sama's will, as long as he figured it out, he could make the right decision!"


Hei Jue said perfunctorily: "You are right!"

So, if it wasn't for Mu Dun's sake, you brainless guy already has a way to die!

But Ah Fei's change might be related to the fact that half of his body was cut off...

Thinking of this, Hei Jue decided to try to cut a dozen more Bai Jue tonight, to see if it is really difficult to grow brains after being disabled.


Since the annihilation of the Akatsuki organization base, the ninja troops of the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force have completely withdrawn from the territory of Tori Country after clearing the battlefield, and Iwagakure, who had avoided war at that time, finally returned and re-defended.

The life of Yan Yin is not easy. Due to the financial burden brought by the extreme militarism and expansion of the ninja army, the life of ordinary Yan Yin ninjas is very tight. In addition, the country of birds is a poor place, and there is really nothing to be gained. Oil and water.So they also had some interest in the remnants of the battlefield that they had dismissed originally, so the Akatsuki organization base also became a place where some Yanyin ninjas ventured into the cave to hunt for treasure.

But for A Fei who rushed over excitedly with a group of ordinary Bai Jue, those Yanyin ninjas running around underground seemed very annoying!
Although the Baijue are good at concealing their whereabouts, it is not a problem if they are always active under the nose of the ninja!Who knows if a rock hidden ninja with perception expertise will suddenly discover their existence!

"We have to brainstorm, discuss together, and discuss how to get rid of those annoying Yanyin ninjas!"

A Fei excitedly gathered a group of Bai Jue together, imitating the driving posture of senior officials of the anti-terrorism force when they held a meeting, and said sternly: "I am not a domineering guy like Heizi, so everyone can say whatever they want. Speech is condemned!"

"Flood the cave with shit!"

A white Zetsu with a head full of barbs shouted excitedly.

Then he got the support of a group of Bai Zetsu.

"Scare them away by playing ghosts in the cave!"

The other Baijue yelled, and at the same time, its body was constantly changing colors, turning into different ghosts and ghosts.

"it is good!"

The Baijues then started booing.

Afterwards, each white zealot put forward its idea, and at the same time, they all got the approval of other white zealots.

Although Bai Jue's remarks may seem extremely ridiculous to outsiders, they can also be included in it, and enjoy the pleasure of being sought after and following others.

A Fei also excitedly echoed all kinds of whimsical ideas of Bai Jue and the others.

"Kill them, and then pretend to be them and sneak into Yan Yin!"

A Baijue shouted: "And their bodies can be used to make new Baijue!"

"Good life!"

Now Ah Fei finally stopped just clapping and applauding, and began to express his approval.

"Let me see……"

A Fei took out a copy of "Deguang Quotations" published by the United Company from his arms and read it: "We are in the ninja world, relying on more than three - more people, more money, more friends!"


A Fei, who was quacking and grinning, put away his treasured books, "We want to turn Yanyin into our village, and make Baijue a lot more!"

"Bai Jue a lot! A lot of Bai Jue!"

The Baijue immediately cheered.

As to what the choice and subsequent execution meant, they didn't care.

What White Zetsu enjoy is the freedom after being freed from the control of Black Zetsu. They can play with poop at will, be able to transform into others at will, and peek into other people's secrets.

And for Bai Jue who doesn't care about ordinary enjoyment, this is the greatest happiness that their empty minds can imagine.


"Teacher, why did you let Uncle A Fei take Bai Jue brothers away?"

In the cave in the Snow Country, Nagato asked with some doubts.

"Everyone has their own aspirations~ But this does not affect our great plan..."

Heijue chuckled.

This can be regarded as an isolation. After all, Ah Fei's Wood Release has already appeared in the world. If it continues to stay in the Snow Country with its character, it will probably cause problems sooner or later, so it is better to go with the flow and let Ah Fei, who has a long brain, open a branch base. Even if something happens, It will not affect the existence of the secret cave in the Snow Country.

In addition, I am still planning how to get on line with Tokumitsu Uchiha, and the existence of A Fei who is bright and in the way is really troublesome, so letting him leave the Snow Country is not only convenient for me to hook up, but also conducive to selling him at that time good price.

In this way, kill two birds with one stone!
 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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