Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 390 Love and Understanding

Chapter 390 Love and Understanding
"Wood Dun! It's actually Wood Dun!"

Onogi's blood pressure went off the charts again.

Moreover, Mu Dun actually came from the spy stronghold set up by our side in Kinki, the Land of Fire!This is something that I can't even explain!

"Conspiracy! This must be Konoha's conspiracy!"

The elders of Yanyin were also a little flustered.

"No! It must be Uchiha's conspiracy!"

Another Elder Yan Yin made a precise cut.

Then Yan Yin's high-level people panicked even more.

If the Mudun ninja who turned out to be born belonged to Konoha, there might still be a chance to mediate; but if the Uchiha clan planned this matter, then there is a high probability that it will be the cause of the war!
For the Iwagakure ninja who suffers from "Uchiha PTSD", this is as bad news as a thunderbolt!

They don't think that the wooden ninja who inexplicably appeared in the spy stronghold and escaped after a battle with Uchiha Tokumitsu has anything to do with their village!
If he had this power, Onoki would probably be full of confidence and start to march south to fight the Tokuko Shogunate to the death. It is impossible to put such a precious Mutun ninja in an insignificant spy stronghold.

So - there must be a conspiracy!
"The top priority at the moment is to maintain strategic focus, neither to give the Tokuko Shogunate any chance, and not to back down too much and let the ninjas in this village lose their fighting spirit!"

One of the Iwagakure elders said the right nonsense.

"But in this case, there will be no chance to interfere with the Kingdom of Wind..."

Huang Tu said something with regret.

The disappearance of the third generation of Kazekage finally allowed the Yanyin spies to detect the information and send it back to the Yanyin headquarters. The Yanyin who had found the treasure originally planned to work on the "weakest link in the shogunate system", but due to the spy agencies Being destroyed caused a time lag in the transmission of information. The Kinki Mudun incident that happened earlier was transmitted back to Iwain much later, so the arrangement of the Iwain ninjas for Sandin had to be temporarily shelved.

Onogi didn't say much, and agreed to the proposal of the elders, canceled the military action against Sand Hidden, and appropriately withdrew some of the rock hiddens stationed outside.

In this way, the only victim of Iwagakushi who was Mutun's reappearance incident was Iron Stone Shinobi who was in charge of the Frost Kingdom's dispatched army, but after being frightened by Onoki's dust, he no longer had the courage to wrestle with the village. , so they could only silently accept the village's ninja army retreat order.



Asura looked at Fukasaku Senjin in surprise.

"Is it really Wood Dun?"

He couldn't help but ask again.

"The information is true! And it came from Yanyin."

Sento Fukasaku nodded vigorously.

"This is a bit difficult..."

Asura couldn't help supporting his forehead.

He originally wanted to find the reincarnation of that rebellious brother and bring him back for raising and teaching while he was still a child, but who knew that such a thing would happen suddenly.

If this happens, Asura will have to take a trip to the ninja world.

"Do you know the identity of this wooden escape ninja?"

Ashura asked.

"...No, there is no relevant information on identity and appearance."

Sento Fukasaku said: "Iwagakure's intelligence system has been destroyed, so our Ninja frogs parasitic on Iwagakure's intelligence system can't get any more information."

"In this way, it's like finding a needle in a haystack..."

Asura said to himself.

"Could it be that Mr. Asura is planning to go to the ninja world to investigate this person?"

Sento Fukasaku looked a little surprised.

"Although it is a bit risky, it has to be done like this."

Asura sighed: "Now my strength is recovering too slowly, and it will take a lot of time to reach the status of my brother's descendant. As for the restoration of the strength of the past, I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey..."

"So, I can't wait."

"What's more, the one who uses the wooden escape should be related to my descendants, but I don't know if it's the thousand hands or the whirlpool... But they should still be able to communicate and understand."

Asura's expression was somewhat compassionate.

"If it is related to the Uzumaki family, it may not be trustworthy..."

Immortal Fukasaku couldn't help reminding him.

Don't forget, you plan to give the Uzumaki Clan to Longdi Cave as a servant family!

With the temperament of those ninjas, even the Uzumaki clan with a relatively mild personality, if they knew about this, they would probably brandish a knife on the spot and "destroy the ancestors with righteousness" right?

"Father gave Chakra back then, although the purpose was to realize love and understanding between people, but it doesn't mean that Ninja sects are not good at dealing with enemies."


Fukasaku Sennin was a little confused.

Just now, he was saying that his current strength may be slightly inferior to Uchiha Tokumitsu, why did he start to brag about it in the blink of an eye?
"Of course, I know that Fukasaku Sento also has good intentions, I still understand these things~"

Asura continued on his own.


Fukasaku Sennin was even more confused.

Did I say anything?

"As long as you don't meet the strongest descendant of Indra, you can probably walk in the ninja world without any problem."

Asura smiled and said: "After all, although my strength is a little inferior to that of my brother, I still have a lot of abilities in the secret arts."

"……All right."

Immortal Shen Zuo opened and closed his frog's mouth a few times before choking out two words.

"Without further ado, I'll take a trip right away!"

Full of vitality, Asura got up and said, "If you delay, maybe my descendant of Mudun will be discovered by the descendant of Indra!"

"……be careful."

Sento Fukasaku said something casually.

"Do not worry!"

Asura smiled heartily, and made a seal with one hand, "If there is a situation, I will psychic Miaomushan Ninja Frog to help out, no matter how bad it is, you can come back directly through reverse psychic or fairy spells, so it is very safe! "

After finishing speaking, Asura directly disappeared into a puff of smoke under the traction of space-time ninjutsu.

"...I thank you!"

After a long time, such a sentence was choked out of Immortal Fukasaku's mouth.

It always feels that there is something wrong with this Asura.

Call him stupid, judging from the incident of visiting Longdi Cave, he is actually quite courageous and resourceful; in all fairness, it is indeed a very remarkable thing to plot against the White Snake Immortal.

But to say that Asura is shrewd, sometimes some of his views seem absurd even to an inhuman alien like Fukasaku Sage, and there is basically no feasibility at all.

It's just that considering that the two sides are in the same camp now, and it is the crystallization of the cooperation between the Great Sage Toad and the Sage of the Six Paths again, and the seniority is even higher than his own, it is hard for the Sage Fukasaku to say anything.

"I hope your trip to the ninja world goes well..."

Immortal Fukasaku twisted his neck, stretched his waist, shook his head and walked back to his mushroom house.


"So this is today's ninja world!"

After arriving in Ninja World, Asura lingered in a town in Tianzhi Country.

I don’t know if it’s the muscle memory of his physical body. Asura always feels an urge to rush into the wine shop where the girls in colorful clothes and short clothes are, but fortunately, he has a firm will The degree is comparable to steel, so it still suppresses the impulsive desire from the flesh.

However, the status quo in the ninja world is enough to surprise Asura.

For example, new things such as electric lights, radio stations, and wired telephones are all good things that were never thought of in ancient times.

In particular, there are so many kinds of commercial firms with the brand name of the resident dealer of the United Company that it is dizzying.

“Really good food!”

In the noodle restaurant on the side of the business, Asura ordered a tonkotsu ramen and ate it with great enjoyment.

Although he doesn't like his brother's descendants, nor does he like this kind of company system that seems incompatible with the simple folk style of ancient times, but this does not prevent him from exploring delicious food.

"This is the secret recipe from Konoha~ It tastes good!"

There are not many diners in the noodle restaurant, so the man who is the chef and the owner also came over to talk to him: "Yi Le Noodle Restaurant has the best ramen in Konoha, we joined in under the door, and we have learned a lot of skills! "

"Konoha! It's really good!"

Asura raised his eyebrows, echoed casually, then picked up the big bowl, and drank the last bit of noodle soup.

"Are you satisfied?"

As a catering operator, the boss likes to see diners' "CDs" the most. Not only will this not cause waste, but it also shows that his products are indeed not bad.

"Very satisfied!"

Asura put down the big sea bowl, "One more!"


The owner of the noodle shop immediately began to perform live ramen, "By the way, do you need some other food? The shop is all authentic snacks from Konoha inheritance!"

"What's there?"

Ashura was also interested.

"Grilled eel, dorayaki, matcha dumplings, butter Daifuku..."

The noodle shop owner immediately reads out the most profitable dish.

"Then let's all have one!"

Asura said in a loud voice.


The owner of the noodle shop was overjoyed.

However, what he didn't expect at this time was that this rich-looking and talkative Kaizi was so edible!


"It's getting dark..."

On an attic a few hundred meters away from the noodle shop, four scout ninjas from the Konoha Intelligence Department were observing Ashura, who was still feasting, through binoculars.

"Tsk... the face of the noodle shop owner is pale!"

An intelligence ninja teased.

"You try pulling hundreds of bowls of noodles without interruption, and see if your face is pale~"

Another intelligence ninja said.

"So there must be something wrong with this guy."

"Even if there is no problem, there is research value."

"What's more important is that there is no chakra fluctuation in his body."

An intelligence ninja wearing a Jōnin vest walked to the telescope and looked at it again, and said to his subordinates.

"...For a ninja, shielding the breath is not a difficult task."

The intelligence ninja under him said casually.

"It's not the same. When I pretended to be a diner and went in to eat ramen, I had a close-up perception of this strange person..."

Jonin shook his head, "Not only does he not have the slightest Chakra fluctuation, he doesn't even have the breath of an ordinary person."

"This technique... I heard about it when I was studying in the police preparatory school. It was very popular in the early Warring States period."

Jonin explained: "It's just that with the development of ninja methods, this backward method of holding your breath has been abandoned, because you only need to perceive that the target is empty to find the abnormality."

"I see……"

The other three intelligence ninjas looked suddenly enlightened, which made Jonin, who is a good teacher, very satisfied.

"So this guy is probably a lucky one who has inherited the secret art of the ancient Ninja sect, but he doesn't understand the rules of ninjas."


The subordinates looked at each other.

"Don't feel that the present is not as good as the past!"

"Although the ancient secret techniques may have some advantages in terms of combat power, they actually have serious disadvantages, and in terms of skills, they are far inferior to today's ninjutsu."

"The only thing to note is that it is said that many of the ancient ninja sect's spells are sacrificed to fight each other. If there is a battle later, you should pay attention!"

"That's why I told you to wait here for the combat troops, and not to act rashly for credit!"

The Shinobi of the Intelligence Department continued to teach: "We can't take our own lives for some credit, that is extremely irresponsible to the village and to ourselves!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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