Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 398 Blackening

Chapter 398 Blackening
This is the most serious and direct blow that Mount Miaomu has ever suffered.

Even in the ancient times when the sacred tree came to the world, Mount Miaomu was able to avoid the dimensionality reduction blow from outside by virtue of its geographical advantages, so it survived and found a chance to come back.

But this time, it was Miaomu Mountain who was directly hit.

The number of casualties in Mt. Miaogi was second, but more importantly, for the ninja who lived in Mt. Miaogi all his life, this was a day when his worldview collapsed.

The originally majestic and ethereal palace of Toad Dashen was completely destroyed by Yasaka Qionggouyu who penetrated the tunnel of time and space by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

This is also the first time that the Great Immortal Toad, who is the Lord of the Holy Land, is in such a mess.

At that time, in order to maintain the passage of time and space, Toad Sensei really had no spare energy to parry Uchiha Tokumitsu's attack!
And there is another reason, which is to follow the theorem of time-space ninjutsu, whether it is summoning or teleportation, it needs to consume the same amount of chakra as a replacement. When using the time-space channel, since there is no "identification between friend and foe" mechanism, Toad Dashen also spent the same amount of power to let Yasaka Qiong Gouyu pass through the time-space channel.

It has to.

Otherwise, if you let go or let go, the passage of time and space will disappear immediately, and Ashura and the two immortals will not be able to escape back to Mount Miaomu. The interference summoned the Great Immortal Toad, which also shows the degree of danger at that time.

However, even the Great Sage Toad, who can predict the future, did not expect that Zhima, one of the sages under his command, would fall under the sword of a ninja so absurdly!
Even the corpses were lost!
Moreover, the ninja who killed it was an ordinary human being!

In Myobokuyama's view, Hatake Sakumo is a mere "short-lived species" and does not have the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan. No matter how powerful he is, he does not deserve too much attention.

"Catching insects all day long, eventually being poisoned by insects..."

Even the Great Immortal Toad, who has a firm mind and sees the ninja world like a chessboard, can't help feeling sad.

Fukasaku Sennin, who stood frozen in the ruins of his palace, looked numb. Facing the death of his wife, he showed neither resentment nor pain; it was just that his knees had turned into stone.

"There is no greater sorrow than the death of one's heart..."

The Toad Immortal sighed slightly, and drew a black stick to strike head-on, defeating the Immortal Chakra that the Fukasaku Immortal had completely messed up.

But immediately, Immortal Fukasaku's feet floated up petrified traces again at an extremely slow speed.

"Fukasaku... only by continuing to live can he have a chance of revenge!"

Unable to help himself, the Great Immortal Toad could only forcefully stimulate him with words.

Immortal Fukasaku's eyelids moved slightly, and a trace of sadness began to appear on his wooden face.

But it was just a hint of it, more of it was a dead silence.

Asura silently stood aside with one leg, and under the action of the powerful force of Yang Dun, the missing left leg began to sprout a series of granulation, but the gap between the intertwined granulation revealed a series of almost invisible spots. Black chakra light.

Seeing this situation, Great Immortal Toad became even more tired.

This is a manifestation of the lack of state of mind to control power, similar to the current self-petrification situation that the heart-dead Fukasaku Immortal is difficult to get rid of.

In other words, the dignified second son of the Immortal of the Six Paths, the heir of the Ninja sect, and the descendant of Otsuki, was beaten to a "broken heart" by a descendant who had been separated for an unknown number of generations.

what is this...

Great Immortal Toad couldn't help sighing again.

Although I don’t know why Asura, who had agreed to go to the Ninja Continent just for a walk to pick up the wind, was targeted by Uchiha Tokumitsu so quickly, and even set up such a huge scheme to target him; but it is obviously inappropriate to pursue responsibility at this time, After all, at this time, each person and frog are at the risk of self-destruction and fall; coupled with the identity of Asura, the Great Immortal Toad dares to carry out limited "finishing" in the transmission of certain information at most, and does not give up the information. I dare not take the disrespect of the Immortals of the Six Paths to disrespect Asura.

After all, even the comrade-in-arms back then, the Great Immortal Toad didn't know how much more capable the Immortal of the Six Paths, who had disappeared for thousands of years but was dead but not stiff.

But just the shocking Asura's resurrection of the dead by the Immortals of the Six Paths on the spot is enough to make people horrified.

"Asura...you shouldn't be knocked down by a single setback!"

Great Immortal Toad had no choice but to comfort him: "It seems that the descendants of Indra have indeed deviated from the way of Ninja, and have fallen into the abyss of indulging in killing and power, but it is precisely because of this that the Ninja world needs you!"

"You are the destined savior of the ninja world, and those who have been blocking you are the six-day monsters who hinder the righteous way!"

"Asura! You have to sweep away monsters and monsters for the sake of the ninja world like in the ninja period!"

"Even if you encounter setbacks, be defeated, or be knocked down for a while, you must still stand up resolutely! To unite all righteous people and smash the darkness that covers the ninja world!"

"Justice and darkness..."

Asura who came back to his senses laughed at himself, his expression still a little dazed.

What exactly is justice?
Is it Mt. Myogi?

Is it the Sage of the Six Paths?
Or him Asura?

Or is it the Uchiha clan who suppressed the ninja world?
Or those ordinary short-lived mortals in the ninja world?
Who defines justice?And who pointed out the dark evil that must be defeated and crushed to ashes?

Ashura couldn't tell either.

But when he captured Uchiha Jousuke and walked the ninja world under his guidance, wherever Ashura went, what he saw, saw and heard were all ordinary peace and happiness.

He heard the most frequent words spoken by those mortals who were like ants, and that was——

"Fortunately, there is Master Uchiha!"

This is the thinking of the civilians in the shogunate and even the Fire Nation.

As for those nobles who were regarded by Asura in the ancient times as being wise and resourceful, they have already decayed to the point of disrepute.

Not to mention the responsibilities of expelling monsters and protecting one party, as long as the nobles are willing to charge a few less coppers, they will be regarded as "the best adults" by the commoners!
And Asura's confusion also comes from this!
Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's crimes of "excessive bloodthirsty", "excessive taxation", "brutal rule", and "persecution of nobles" are endless, but according to Ashura's walking experience in just a few days, it seems that what he has seen with his own eyes and wonderful What Mu Shan said was very different.Of course, although Asura thinks that there must be something strange, for example, the captured Uchiha Jousuke deliberately took him away, which is actually just a model county created by the shogunate to whitewash the peace, etc. In fact, there are still a lot of rural life in the water. Among them, this possibility is not non-existent.

But in any case, the civilians in the ninja world today at least live more like individuals than in ancient times.

At least, even nobles or ninjas who kill innocent people indiscriminately will be hunted by the shogunate or Konoha ninjas all over the world.

But so what?
Asura looked at his left leg, which was gradually healing itself, and then nodded slightly to Immortal Toad, expressing that there was nothing unusual about him.

His will is contained in the chakra, and in order to realize this special reincarnation, the corpse of Jiraiya was activated, and the sage of the Six Paths also completely integrated his chakra into the body, but with the left leg being captured by Hatake Sakumo cut it off, and he also lost nearly one-seventh of his chakra.

Moreover, this is still irreversible...

Asura kicked his reborn left leg, feeling a little unaccustomed to it.

"Toad oil has some effects on restoring body functions, so you should use some of it when the time comes."

Great Immortal Toad said.

"it is good……"

Asura nodded, and then turned his gaze to Fukasaku Sage whose expression was changing.

"I'm fine..."

Fukasaku Sennin lowered his head and looked at the gray petrified texture spreading upwards beneath his feet.

After barely concentrating, Fukasaku Senjin got rid of the petrification effect caused by Senju Chakra's rampage, but his expression still fluctuated.

"At the last moment, Shima committed suicide..."

Immortal Toad closed his eyes, and said quietly: "It chose self-sacrifice, just hoping not to let itself fall into Uchiha's clutches and be tortured..."

Immortal Fukasaku cast his eyes on the only intact candlestick in the bedroom, one third of the many lamps were extinguished, and among the pair of lamps placed at the top, the candle on the left was completely extinguished...

This also means that Immortal Zhima has returned to the pure land.

"It might have a chance to come back."

Great Immortal Toad said slowly: "As long as the important task of saving the Ninja World is completed, the Six Paths Sage may grant it an amnesty and allow it to return to the Ninja World..."

"But after rebirth, is it still Shima?"

The expression on Shenzuo Immortal's face seemed sad and resentful, it was hard to express.

Before it, the immortals of Mt. Miaomu had already fallen in the battle to seal the goddess of Uno, but the immortal Fukasaku had never seen the dead survive in the ninja world.

As for Asura's reincarnation... To put it bluntly, he is the direct bloodline of the Immortals of the Six Paths, which can't be compared with the wilderness of Miaomu Mountain.

Great Immortal Toad was speechless.

Indeed, although Great Immortal Toad said it lightly, the boundary between life and death is not so easy to break.

Even the Immortals of the Six Paths who founded the Pure Land are actually just patching the underworld, and all they can do is to "seal up" the souls of some strong people, and they cannot break through the limit of life and death. The Sage of Six Paths himself cannot completely resist the corrosion of the power of time.

"I know how to do it, please rest assured..."

The Immortal Fukasaku bowed to the Immortal Toad: "It's just that from now on, there will be no detachment. I hope that the Immortal can cultivate the next generation of Immortals as soon as possible, so that the Miaomu Mountain lineage will not fall..."

Great Immortal Toad was speechless.

In its eyes, Fukasaku Immortal, like Asura, is filled with a "black air", which is an ominous omen.

For Miaomushan, who pursues an otherworldly realm, there is no possibility of the so-called "three times stronger blackening".

Perhaps under the spur of hatred, the Fukasaku Immortal can erupt with stronger power than before, but its lifespan will also be greatly reduced, and even the Immortal mode of the Miaomu Mountain lineage will be difficult to advance...

Therefore, Toad Sensei can already regard Fukasaku Sensei as a "futures dead frog".

But the most troublesome thing is the seemingly calm Asura...

It really can't figure out what kind of situation Ashura is in at this time, whose Chakra of Miaomu Mountain's celestial art has been blackened, but the original celestial power has not changed at all.

Moreover, in the mind of Great Immortal Toad, who has experienced the baptism of many years, although this failure is tragic, it is actually nothing to the immortal Miaomushan with a long lifespan. It should not be so...


Immortal Toad, who couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, opened his mouth to speak, but stopped talking.

"The preciousness of Ninja Dao is that it is as always..."

Asura said: "Some things always need someone to do it."

"……That's good."

The Great Immortal Toad was speechless, so he could only say something dryly.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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