Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 399: Asking the famous man about the nobleness of Quyu

Chapter 399: Asking the famous man about the nobleness of Quyu
"It's a big loss..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head again and again.

“It’s really a huge loss!”

After looking at the Ninja Army deployment expense report a few more times, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but complain again.

Hatake Sakumo looked at Uchiha Tokumitsu who looked like a philistine, and was speechless.How can a person who is usually good-natured look like this when he mentions money!

It's against peace!

"So many ninja troops have been mobilized, almost all of the Uzumaki clan have been mobilized, and even tailed beasts have been mobilized..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed, "This is the result..."

Pointing at the corpse of Miaomushan Sage lying abandoned on the ground, Uchiha Tokumitsu was filled with disgust.

He originally wanted to take another breath of the origin of the immortal art by killing the immortal Miaomushan, but for some reason, the remains of the immortal Zhima did not have even a little bit of immortal art power, so this time the harvest was just a dead body. It's just an old frog!

As for Asura's left leg, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked Huo Guangzun to swallow it, and was going to study it carefully to see who the sacred ancestor who popped out of which rock crevice was.

"The dignity of Konoha cannot be provoked, and jounin is precious and cannot be thrown away lightly."

Hatake Sakumo said.

Although these words are meant to smooth things over for Uchiha Tokuda to save people, it also represents the common consciousness of the current Konoha mainstream.

Especially the representatives of the ninja class, they are happy to see that the village pays attention to every ninja.

What's more, this time Uchiha Tokumitsu mobilized a large number of ninja troops to rescue a family Jōnin, so next time if he is in danger, even if there is not such a big battle, the village will not give up lightly, otherwise the public opinion will be backlashed and it will be too much. walk.

For the Jounin of Konoha, although the Uchiha clan has a strong position that no one can challenge in the Ninja world, and there is no possibility of reaching the top, but everyone's life is better than that of the original Hokage. Since the Issei's reign was better, everyone was still willing to continue to support Uchiha.

"Mr. Shuo Mao is right..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded repeatedly.

He just likes a partner like Hatake Sakumo who knows how to advance and retreat!

"But the restoration and leveling of this battlefield is a big project..."

Hatake Sakumo also sighed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also sighed, looking at the devastated battlefield.

Since both sides showed no mercy after the fight broke out, and did not care about the life and death of the mortals in the distant county, not only the battle area was blasted with countless deep holes by various powerful magical techniques, but even the walls of Fushimi County were also destroyed. It was collapsed by the aftermath of the battle. As for the amount of damage inside the county city, it is temporarily unknown.

"I will let the joint company help in the county city, the reconstruction that needs to be rebuilt, the compensation that needs to be compensated..."

At this time, Tokumitsu Uchiha didn't care about the expenditure of funds, "After all, they also suffered from unwarranted disasters, and some compensation is better than nothing."

"Little people are innocent..."

Hatake Sakumo also sighed in pity.

"But who is the one who captured Jousuke Jōnin?"

"...It should be the new earth walker of Miaomu Mountain."

Uchiha De said without changing his face.

He has not yet decided whether to reveal the secrets of the ancient Otsutsuki clan to others, for fear that the listeners will "break their hearts."

"It's Miaomu Mountain again..."

Hatake Sakumo also frowned, "How come this group of aliens have been lingering all this time!"

"It shows that the joint anti-terrorist force is still short of manpower and needs to be strengthened."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said casually.

Although the Uchiha clan has determined the route of internal integration and strengthening of armaments, it is difficult to destroy the dark hands with the strength of the clan alone, so the subsequent expansion of the Konoha Standing Ninja Army also needs to be planned.

"Sooner or later, we have to plow through the courtyard and clean up the caves, and eradicate all those aliens!"

Hatake Sakumo snorted coldly.

After beheading Shima Sennin in Mt. Myoki in a surprise attack, it meant that there would be no chance of relaxation from now on, so Hatake Sakumo couldn't wait to destroy those aliens as soon as possible.

Otherwise, who knows how vengeful these long-lived aliens can be. Even if Hatake Sakumo is not afraid, he still has descendants of his clan.

"Lord Deguang..."

An attendant ninja came over and knelt on one knee in front of Uchiha Tokko.

"The daimyo's governor is here..."

"...Daimyo? Why did he send someone here?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little puzzled.

"It said that it would condolences to the ninja army, and congratulate Lord Deguang for another big victory!"

The attendant ninja replied.

"Where is the ninja army going to get his turn!"

This is what Uchiha Tokumitsu cares most about, so he is even more angry: "Let the envoy of the daimyo wait at the county seat!"

"Mr. Shuo Mao..."

"It's okay to see you later."

Hatake Sakumo has a tacit understanding.

"But why did the daimyo suddenly make some movement?"

After swiping away the attendant ninja, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked casually.

"Probably unwilling to be lonely..."

Hatake Sakumo shrugged, "Of course, I don't rule out being frightened. After all, this is close to Kinki, so it must be easy to observe the movement here."

"It seems that the quality of the direct ninja troops raised by the daimyo is pretty good..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it.

"But it's nothing more than a chicken and a dog..."

Hatake Sakumo answered with a smile.

"After all, you still have to find a balance. There is no need to rush..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

Hatake Sakumo didn't say any more.

After all, Konoha lacks management ninjas, so the progress of "actual control" in various parts of the Land of Fire has been unsatisfactory. In addition, the energy of the joint company has always been focused on the contracted oasis of the Land of Winds that can be searched wantonly, and there is not much progress. Too much energy is involved in the internal affairs of the country of fire - and the means of the joint company are not suitable for use in the country of fire, which is regarded as the homeland by the Konoha ninja.

Therefore, the actual control of nearly one-half of the counties in the Land of Fire is still in the hands of daimyo and nobles, including the richest Kinki region. "When will the ninja army go north?"

After the two were silent for a while, Hatake Sakumo suddenly asked.

"Kumogakure and Iwagakure are just dead bones in the graves, not a danger..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied with the usual words.

"You know, the fighters probably can't wait."

Hatake Sakumo said: "Although I don't know why you are so cautious, Mr. Tokumitsu, the village is no longer the same as before, and there is no problem going north."

"After a while, after the Sunagakure incident subsides, let's hold a secret meeting of the two houses to make a joint decision..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his support for the "Junin Military Aristocratic Group" and diverted this topic by the way.

"Speaking of which...it seems that the Intelligence Department has not found out how Feng Ying disappeared."

Hatake Sakumo was also interested.

Because the incident of Uchiha Josuke's captivity was too sudden, Uchiha Tokumitsu devoted all his energy to tracking the tribe, and paid much less attention to the disappearance of Sand Hidden Kazekage.

"It doesn't matter what the truth is, it just depends on how Luo Sha uses his hands and feet."

Although Uchiha Tokko had already identified the suspect in his mind and arranged for the Ninja Cat Clan to conduct a secret pursuit, after all, the matter was too mysterious, so he did not disclose it. He only mentioned the Ninja who led the joint anti-terrorist force led by Luo Sha. The army returned home to fight for power.

"Besides, given him so many ninja soldiers as a support, if he still can't settle the messy matter of the Kingdom of the Wind, it can only be said that he was misunderstood."

"Let's go, the battlefield is almost cleared up, let's go and see what the daimyo's envoys are going to do!"

Although Hatake Sakumo had something to say, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already said so, so he couldn't continue to say more.


"By the order of His Royal Highness, the holy daimyo of the Land of Fire, I take the liberty to come here to meet His Excellency Deguang and Mr. Shuo Mao."

Perhaps it was the dismounting that played a role. The daimyo's envoy was very humble. He didn't mention the so-called "all people admire and rule the country" and other honorary titles. Instead, he took the initiative to lower the daimyo's claim to the same status as Uchiha Tokumitsu. .

"When will the messenger come?"

Hatake Sakumo asked.

"Your Excellency Deguang is powerful all over the world, but Fushimi County, where mortals live together, has also suffered losses, so I came to express my condolences, and at the same time, I would like to inform the adults of Konoha."

Although the envoy's attitude was humble, he did not give in too much in his words, but continued to advocate the sovereignty of the Fire Nation's government over the county.

"Thank you for your hard work, envoy. Just leave the relief supplies. As for internal affairs... Konoha will arrange for the joint company to handle it!"

Hatake Sakumo glanced at the expressionless Uchiha Tokumitsu and continued.

"His Royal Highness..."

The messenger immediately tried to defend himself.

"Why is the Daimyo sacred?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted the messenger.

"Daimyo is born sacred!"

The messenger bravely responded to Uchiha Tokko's malicious question.

"What is the proof of holiness?"

Uchiha Deguang asked: "Is it immortality, or is it invincible?"

"His Royal Highness Daming and His Royal Highnesses of the Four Kingdoms are all descendants of the ancestors of the Son of Heaven, so they are determined by their blood, and they are divinely determined!"

The messenger raised his head high and his chest was full of pride when he spoke.

"I heard that the daimyo possesses one of the three artifacts from the Ancestor Emperor's period, but I don't know if this is true or not..."

There was an inexplicable smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

"One of the three artifacts, Qiongquyu, is a symbol of the sacredness of the daimyo!"

The messenger's head was raised higher.

"Then...but I don't know..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not open the kaleidoscope Sharingan, so he condensed a small Yasaka Qiong Gouyu in the palm of his hand, and said meaningfully: "I don't know the value of the daimyo's Quyu. What's the difference..."

Even if he is not a ninja, the messenger can feel the intoxicating power of the chakra magatama in Uchiha Tokumitsu's palm, and he can't help but swallow his saliva in horror.

"Why is the name so sacred?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked again.

"Daimyo Wanshi is a family, and the sacred position is a gift from heaven!"

Although the messenger was extremely panicked, he still argued forcefully.

"How many ninjas does your highness daimyo have?"

Uchiha Tokko sneered and asked immediately.

"...His Majesty the Daimyo has no ninjas under his command. He is just a samurai servant who was spread rumors by ignorant villagers."

The beads of sweat on the messenger's forehead couldn't stop anymore.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded.

The envoy relaxed a little in his heart, but Uchiha Toku's words made him fall into an ice cellar.

"In the future, I will lead another ninja army to Luo, and let's see how sacred Qu Yu is!"

Then the confused envoy was tackled by the attendant ninjas.

"Actually, there's no need to let the daimyo know too much..."

Hatake Sakumo disagrees.

"Anyway, we must settle down first when fighting against the outside world, and it will be sooner or later. Only when the daimyo is prepared can we catch them all in one go..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said nonchalantly.

 Update today (2/2)

  The so-called "jade" in this chapter is "Yasaka Qionggoudama", one of the three artifacts in the East, but in order to distinguish it from Susano's skills, it is called "curved jade", which has the same meaning in essence.

  In addition, "Jade" also has another meaning, which is about the ownership of the ruling power. There is also a dispute about the "ownership of jade" in the original work, which also led to the civil strife of the daimyo guardian ninja; but Asma The feeling before dying seems a bit far-fetched.

  PS: For synonyms, please refer to the allusion of "The King of Chu aspires to the throne".

(End of this chapter)

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