Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 400 An Nei

Chapter 400 An Nei
Taking advantage of the opportunity to intervene in the reconstruction and rescue of Fushimi County Castle, after Uchiha Tokumitsu unceremoniously expelled the daimyo envoy, the local hereditary nobles and county guardians came to hand in the vote certificate with great insight.

They unanimously submitted the fief population and tax account books to the Deguang shogunate.

This is also a veiled act of surrender.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, just like he once took over the eight counties in the eastern part of the country of fire, first comforted him with kind words, promising to protect the personal and property safety of the nobles, and certain sinister forces in the country of fire will not harm them. Any threat and so on; at the same time, they unceremoniously accepted the account books handed over by the nobles, and assigned them a tax ceiling according to the tradition of the shogunate. As for the population of the fief, they theoretically have the right to move freely.

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu also gave these very discerning northern nobles an additional right, which is to allow them to retain the original samurai troops, but they must also bear their own military expenses within the tax share, and they can even You can decide how many government troops you raise.

This can also be regarded as lifting the ban for the nobles - originally they could only recruit a certain amount of warriors according to their respective title levels and form private armies.

But in this era when ninjas swept the ninja world, the government army composed of samurai as the backbone has long been determined to be a waste that costs a lot of money but is useless, so most nobles don't take much notice of it.

It's just that some middle- and lower-class nobles who are smart and good at figuring out the best have a different smell.After connecting with the rumor that Uchiha Tokumitsu "asked Qu Yu about his status" in front of the daimyo envoy, they also had a different understanding.

...Maybe, it might be good to be a knife for the shogunate!
Although I also understand that this knife is likely to be stabbed at the officials of the Daming Mansion, but those middle and lower nobles who are smart and not a collateral branch of the Daming family don't care.

For them, being a sword in exchange for the chance to actually join the shogunate ruling group is totally worth the effort.

No matter how bad it is, the shogunate will not let the vanguard of its own camp die so easily, will it~
It has to be said that after the rescue of Uchiha Josuke by heavy troops, although the incident has not passed for a few days, the importance the shogunate and Konoha attached to their ninjas has also quietly changed some people's minds.


"When will our ninja army fight against the shogunate!"

The daimyo, who was so anxious that the corners of his mouth were bubbling, summoned his attendant Ninja Hattori Heiji, and asked him head-on.

"I don't have the power to fight..."

After learning about the envoy's humiliation, Hattori Heiji, who knew that sooner or later he would face such a question, replied immediately.

Although these words must be met with various "greetings" from the daimyo, Hattori Heiji had to say it.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the daimyo was overwhelmed with confidence and made an impulsive decision to go to war with the shogunate!

"Then what's the use of me spending so much internal money to support your ninja army!"

Although he knew that his servant Shinobi would answer like this, the daimyo still angrily picked up the vase in his hand and threw it down!
"Compared with the shogunate ninja army and even Konoha in terms of numbers, our number is too big. No matter how brave and skilled the shogunate ninjas are, we can't defeat ten with one!"

Hattori Heiji is still a habit of speaking.

In the past, whenever the shogunate took over a county, the daimyo would definitely call him in to scold him, and then Hattori Heiji would state his own difficulties, and the final outcome was usually to hold it up high and put it down gently.

"Next, it's almost time to increase military spending..."

Although he still looked respectful, Hattori Heiji had already lost his mind, and was just answering according to the inertia of the past.

"How many people has the Servant Shinobu trained?"

Sure enough, the daimyo followed up with the usual way of asking questions: "If Uchiha's thieves conspire to rebel, how many loyal and upright people will serve the ninja army and fight to the death for the nobles!"

"The attendants, Shinobi, will serve His Royal Highness to the death!"

Hattori Heiji immediately raised his voice several times, and his voice was filled with fanatical sincerity.

Of course, it's just a habit.

After all, he has acted so many times, and he has already memorized the daimyo's various reactions and appropriate feedback answers by heart, and even formed muscle memory.

"Let me ask you! How many servants are there?"

But this time, something unexpected happened.

Daimyo jumped up suddenly, picked up the fruit plate on the table and threw it at Hattori Heiji!

"The ninja army has a total of 2000 and 80 people, including 1000 members of the upper ninja, 1000 and [-] members of the middle ninja, and [-] members of the lower ninja."

Hattori Heiji, who was beaten to the ground and bleeding, did not dare to neglect, and immediately replied.

The reason why the registration distribution of samurai ninja is so balanced, even the number of people at each level is an integer, is entirely because Hattori Heiji fills his own pockets in order to control military expenditures, so most of the [-] samurai ninja are wealthy people who can afford money However, among the [-] chunin, there are quite a few rogues, and as for the chunin, there are even unlucky ghosts who are capable but have no chance of promotion.

But Hattori Heiji also has his own reasons. After all, the price of all kinds of ninja tools and weapons of the joint company is getting more and more expensive. In addition, in order to take care of the bad mood of the daimyo and the officials, they have to go through middlemen to purchase directly. Hands-on, and finally packaged into the self-produced equipment of the Armament Workshop directly under the Nation of Fire, there are so many links in the middle, how can it not be stuck!

Besides, although the daimyo's internal funds allocation is indeed quite a lot, there are also many officials and nobles who are eyeing this sum of money!They arranged for their cronies to "greeting" one by one. Sometimes the humble Hattori Heiji really had no choice but to "collaborate" with them; but after tasting the sweetness, Hattori Heiji took it himself. Just a little bit of a billion.

"We must not slack off in preparing the Ninja Army!"

The noble and sacred Daimyo emphasized again.

"This is the goal that I will strive for as always!"

Hattori Heiji, who finally regained the familiar feeling, was relieved, and answered quickly and well.

"Tomorrow, I will send people to the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder, and I will meet with the two Highnesses..."

The daimyo didn't pay attention to Hattori Heiji any more, but summoned the servant to give orders.


The servant immediately responded excitedly with a shrill voice.

Hattori Heiji's back suddenly felt cold!

In the past, in order to ensure the concealment of information exchanged between daimyos of various countries, Hattori Heiji was responsible for communicating with foreign daimyos!Why did a mere waiter take over such an important job this time!

You know, although Hattori Heiji is in charge of the daimyo directly under the Ninja Army, his official position is only a mere attendant chief, and his rank is at most equivalent to the county guard. Compared with the ministers, he is nothing!
And if this incident gets out, the ministers will immediately think that it is a signal of their loss of power, and if the time comes to attack...

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but shudder.

For a long time, in order to show his absolute loyalty, Hattori Heiji did not have many confidantes among the attendant ninjas. In addition, after falling, he filled his own pockets, so apart from the ninjas from the same clan, he actually did not have many available people. I wanted to make "Daimyo dissolve in water" but I couldn't find it!

"Notify the master of the Temple of Fire to let him enter the palace to give lectures..."

The daimyo ignored Hattori Heiji's reaction and continued to give orders.

The Fire Temple is located in Kinki, and the distance from Damingfu is not a big deal to the Ninja monks. In about two hours, it is estimated that the great monk Masa and the monk soldiers of the Fire Temple will enter Damingfu...

Hattori Heiji began to feel hopeless.

At this point he didn't even dare to move.

Several tyrannical air mechanisms firmly locked his every move, and he was afraid that even if he wiped off his sweat even a little bit, he would be struck by a thunderbolt.

"It was the guardian ninja from back then..."

Hattori Heiji also sensed that someone in the dark was keeping an eye on who his energy belonged to.

Although the daimyo guardian ninja who was ordered to be disbanded by Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer exists on the surface, the strong ones are still secretly retained by the daimyo...

"This way..."

Hattori Heiji didn't know what he did wrong.

Everything was fine at first, why did this happen?Isn't it just dumping two-handed weapons, collecting some filial piety, and holding some innocent official auctions?As for treating yourself like this!
While Hattori Heiji was terrified, he was also somewhat resentful.

What I have done, I have learned from those ministers, dignitaries, and military commanders!Why did they do it so blatantly and still be so unrestrained, but they themselves have to suffer!
After thinking about it, Hattori Heiji couldn't figure it out.

After the daimyo sent his chamberlain out, he ignored Hattori Heiji who was in the hall and just closed his eyes to rest.

And Hattori Heiji's bean-sized sweat dripped drop by drop on the gold bricks, soaking the ground after a while.

I don't know how long it took, the great monk of the Temple of Fire was striding into the hall, and bowed to the high-ranking daimyo.

"Your Highness, the humble monk led the five hundred ninja monks from the Temple of Fire to arrive!"

Hattori Heiji calmed down now.

Whether it is killing or cutting, it is just a matter of stretching one's head and shrinking one's head.

"Master, please sit down..."

After the daimyo greeted the monk to be seated, he turned his eyes to the pale but calm Hattori Heiji again.

"Mr. Heiji..."


Hattori Heiji responded immediately.

"Serving the Ninja Army is the root of the Fire Nation, so I really can't be contemptuous..."

Daimyo said slowly.

"This subordinate understands that there were many deficiencies in the affairs of commanding the army in the past, and I hope His Highness will punish them!"

Hattori Heiji threw in the towel very simply.

He also had to be convinced, after all, since Uchiha Toku led his troops to break the door, Hinoji Temple has been secretly training ninja monks for many years, and the power he has accumulated is not clear to him even as an attendant ninja chief, but since he can do it so quickly The deployment of five hundred ninja monks to Shangluo shows that the strength of the temple of fire should not be underestimated, and it may even be higher than the attendant ninja army! ,

"Because you have been loyal to the state affairs for many years, you have hard work without credit, so the punishment is fine..."

The daimyo's "crane sound" dragged on for a long time, echoing in the empty palace, making the atmosphere even more eerie and eerie.

"So, why don't you go home and practice the Dharma behind closed doors, so as to improve your state of mind; as for the wealth you have saved, it is probably enough for the Hattori family to enjoy it..."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be beautiful!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!"

Hattori Heiji bowed down without saying a word.

At any rate, it landed safely...

Hattori Heiji finally breathed a sigh of relief after being spared the blood-splattered palace.

Although the daimyo is a mortal, his powers and tricks really alarmed Hattori Heiji, who has the power of ninja.

As for matters such as dismissal and house arrest, they are nothing compared to his own life.


After the dazed Hattori Heiji returned to his mansion, he couldn't help shivering due to the cold wind.

Only then did he realize that his clothes were so wet that water could be wrung out.

"Mr. Guard..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Hattori Heiji.


Hattori Heiji's hairs stood on end.

"No...it should be the former attendant Changping Ciqing..."

A figure came out from the dark place behind Hattori Heiji, and said calmly.

"You are……"

Hattori Heiji applauded the unexpected guest a little bit, and couldn't help swallowing.

Judging by the attire and the pair of special white eyes, the visitor is Konoha ninja...

"In the lower shogunate, the Chief of Staff of the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force Hinata Higashi..."

"What are you doing!"

Hattori Heiji didn't dare to be careless at all, he held Kunai with his right hand hidden behind his back, leaned forward slightly, and was ready to do it.

"Master Deguang wants to see you, come with me!"

Hyuga Nichiza didn't care about Hattori Heiji's vigilance, and expressed his purpose in a relaxed and cheerful manner.

"Lord Deguang..."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help feeling furious.

I am the commander of the Ninja Army who is responsible for leading the defense of the shogunate!Why did the people from the shogunate come to the door just after I was dismissed from office and placed under house arrest in the palace!
How many shogunate spies are there in the Daming Mansion!

Hattori Heiji, who was terrified of thinking carefully, didn't dare to think any more.

"Now, now..."

Hattori Heiji swallowed again, "I have been placed under house arrest by His Highness Daimyo..."

"It means...you don't even know the technique of shadow clone..."

The polite smile on Hinata Nichisai's face gradually disappeared, and he didn't even give him a chance to refuse.

"I'm going right now..."

Hattori Heiji tremblingly began to seal.

"Change your clothes! Don't worry! Lord Deguang is already waiting for you!"

Hyuga Hichizai snorted coldly, and said arrogantly.

 Update today (1/2)

  The full moon is on Qixi Festival, I wish you all a happy Qixi Festival

(End of this chapter)

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