Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 401 Attack of Luo Sha

Chapter 401 Attack of Luo Sha

Since leading the ninja army of the Joint Anti-Terrorist Force back to the Kingdom of Wind, Rasa has felt that Sunagakure's "companions" seem to have some opinions on what he is doing, and sometimes look at him in a strange way.

But Luo Sha didn't care.

Especially after accompanying the Great Elder Ebizo to review the Sunagakure Standing Ninja Army, Rasa became even more indifferent to what other people thought.

Compared with the shogunate ninja army, Sunagakure lags far behind in terms of tactics, armament, training level and even tacit cooperation!
Although there are only about 700 ninja troops brought back to the Land of Wind under his command, Rasa feels confident that he can defeat more than three times the Iwagakure ninja army with this force in one fell swoop!

Coupled with the Sunagakure ninjas of the same faction, Rasa's strength can fully compete with Ebizo's founding faction.

As for Ye Cang, who was in charge of the Inspectorate and was quite popular among the jounin, Luo Sha did not take her seriously.

After all, Luo Sha was well aware of the clumsy nature of the Sunagakure jounin. As long as they had enough benefits, they could make the Inspection Council switch sides with just a little trick.

What's more, Luo Sha's strength can still suppress Ye Cang!
Especially after entering the Wind Temple and reaching an agreement with the contemporary One-Tail Jinchuuriki, Rasa felt even more confident.

As for the traces of the third generation of Kazekage... After Luo Sha led his troops back to the Kingdom of Wind, the news of Kazekage's disappearance spread like wildfire. Although the sentiments in the village were divided, what everyone was most concerned about was who would take the throne of the next generation. .

After all, the position of the Kazekage is not only a simple head of the ninja village, but also the ruler of the Wind Country, one of the five major countries!

Of course, the Sunagakure ninjas did not give up completely in pursuing the truth behind the disappearance of the third Kazekage.

Under the guidance of the anti-terrorist Ninja, the Shadow Guard changed their high-profile search for the whereabouts of the Third Kazekage to a secret pursuit of the murderer, and began to conduct an investigation inside the Ninja Village, trying to screen everyone.

But this does not prevent the unwilling Ye Cang from trying to fight back against the Luo Sha organization.

Although the power of the Inspectorate was disturbed by Luo Sha, Ye Cang still organized his die-hard faction and assembled a ninja army of up to 3000 people.

Rasa did not show any weakness. On the basis of the anti-terrorism force, he also summoned his supporters to agree to organize a Sunagakure ninja army with a number of [-] people, and occupied the east area of ​​the Sunagakure Ninja Village headquarters, and The forces of Ye Cang who occupied the Western District faced off.

As for Ebizo's founding faction, they maintain the stability of the Southern District.

The main point of contention between Ye Cang and Luo Sha is the northern area where Sunagakure's arsenal is located.


For several days, assassinations continued inside the Sunagakure Ninja Village.

Although it seemed peaceful during the day, at night, the Sunagakure ninja village immediately fell into a bloody storm. Kunai shurikens were flying all over the sky. The veiled Sunagakure ninjas killed each other, while the civilians could only remain silent. endured it all.

Although the Ninja Village is miserable, compared to the hellish life in the oases across the Land of Wind, Sunagakure is simply paradise.Therefore, even if there are often battles that harm innocent people, civilians just quietly collect the dead the next day, and then do whatever they have to do.

After all, poverty cannot be transferred.

"The Ninja Village can't continue like this!"

Finally, Ebizo, who couldn't bear it anymore, threatened with force and brought the main figures of the two factions, Luo Sha and Ye Cang, to the negotiating table.

"How can a loyal dog of the shogunate compete for the position of Kazekage?"

The aggressive Ye Cang took the lead in firing, aiming directly at Luo Sha's weakness.

“…Never make personal attacks!”

The face of the great elder Hai Laozang was also very ugly. He felt that Ye Cang couldn't see the current situation and it was really shameful.

Regardless of Luo Sha's status as an official, in the final analysis, he is a ninja from Sand Yin. He was also sent to serve in the shogunate system by the third Kazekage in order to reflect the friendship of the Konoha Sand Yin alliance. In Ebizo's view, the name "dog" was just a deliberate slander by some Sagakure who were jealous of Rasa's achievements.

And more importantly, the current Sunagakure simply does not have the ability to break up with the shogunate or even Konoha!Even the oases that are the mainstay of the economy are mostly contracted by joint companies, and the hired ninjas stationed in oases in various places and the Konoha Western Border Defense Force stationed in Kawanoguni are not something Sunagakure can easily offend!
Therefore, Ye Cang's words seemed very inappropriate.

A leader who doesn't even understand Yin Nin is not a good Kazekage suitable for Sunagakure!

Ebizo once again felt that his decision to recall Rasa was the right one.

"Rasa Jounin! Do you dare to tell who you are loyal to!"

Hayakura asked angrily: "Are you loyal to Sunagakure or the shogunate?"

"As the captain of the first column of the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force, I am loyal to my duty! As a Sunagakure ninja, I am loyal to the indomitable will of the wind!"

Luo Sha raised her head and replied.

Although this answer was not perfect, it still won the secret approval of some of the Sunagakure jounin present.

"How did you get the title Son of the Wind?"

Ye Cang still continued to ask questions.

"Awarded by the shogunate!"

Rasa showed no sign of weakness, "This is the best proof that Sunagakure ninjas are not weaker than others!"

Long before the negotiations began, Luo Sha had discussed the response with his cronies.Since his personal history is well known to Sahik, the final solution is to face the criticism with a straight ball, and package his deeds as "to win glory for Sahik".

As a result, although the aggressive Ye Cang obviously took the initiative, he seemed to have insufficient structure and was a bit unreasonable.

"In this case, who can believe that you can be truly loyal to Sunagakure!"

Yekura thought he had a trick, so he sneered and said: "So, you are not suitable to inherit the position of Kazekage at all. You should resign from the shogunate and go back to the village to wait for the next one!"

"Who said I would inherit the position of Kazekage?"

Luo Sha asked immediately.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

"Kazekage is the leader of all Sunagakure, how can this be a common thing that you and I can confer privately here!"

Luo Sha seized Ye Cang's loophole and immediately began to fight back violently: "Ye Cang Jonin, there is something wrong with your thinking!"

"A Ninja Village is not a Ninja Village for one person! You are treating the village as your own private property!"

"You have forgotten the third generation's will to lead all Sunagakure to resist the oppression of the daimyo nobles and bravely lead the ninja world!"

"You have no tolerance for others, and no international perspective, and you regard the ninjas from the same village as enemies! Yakura Jounin, you are so brave! If an idiot like you wins the position of Kazekage, it will be a great loss to all Sands." The misfortune of the hidden ninja!”

Luo Sha mercilessly criticized Ye Cang from all dimensions, making her blush and look fierce.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Cang calmed down again.

But then Luo Sha's speech made her furious again. "Jōnin, please listen to me!"

Luo Sha, who had the upper hand, continued to pursue the victory.

"In my opinion, the position of the Fourth Kazekage should be decided by a joint vote of all Jonin! And this is also a key step for us to move from isolation to civilization!"

The Jonin present, regardless of their faction, all nodded in agreement.

They have long been envious of the power of the Jounin of Konoha!It's just that Sunagakure's autocratic tradition is deeply rooted, and the so-called system is nothing more than a mirror in the mirror.

Now that Luo Sha, who is a candidate for the Fourth Kazekage, has proposed it, everyone doesn't mind giving it a try.

The Great Elder Hai Laozang couldn't help frowning when he heard this, but he didn't say much.

His grandson Xie is still young and has a withdrawn personality and lacks prestige. There is no possibility of running for the title of Feng Ying, so he is too lazy to refute this move that is actually weakening the authority of the Founder Faction.

And the great Luo Sha in the picture doesn’t stop there.

"In addition, we must embrace the progress of the times and strive to reach an agreement with the United Company..."

"Didn't you say you didn't intend to inherit the position of Kazekage?"

Ye Cang quickly interrupted Luo Sha.

"Yakura Jounin...please pay attention."

Luo Sha laughed loudly, "The position of Kazekage is recommended by all jounin. I, as well as all the jounin here, have equal rights to run!"

"What I said just now is just a family opinion. I just say it out so that everyone can correct me!"

"Could it be that...you don't even have the most basic policy program for succession?"

Ye Cang was so angry that smoke started to appear from his head.

The great elder sighed secretly and simply began to close his eyes and rest.

Although this negotiation has completely deviated from the original intention, he has no intention of correcting the deviation.

After all...he is now a lonely old man with only one relative.

The unreasonable Luo Sha continued to give a passionate speech, and painted a wonderful blueprint for the Sunagakure jonins.

Including but not limited to ninja salary, retirement benefits, armament rearmament plan, etc.

Even on the tax issue of the contracted oasis that Sunagakure is most concerned about, Luo Sand also promised to re-negotiate with the joint company after the expiration to determine a reasonable tax quota.

Luo Sha even put forward a bold hypothesis, which is to negotiate with the Kingdom of Rain about the "east-to-west water diversion" through the framework of the shogunate, so as to realize the future of "turning the desert into an oasis" in the northeastern part of the Kingdom of Wind.

Although the jounin felt that many of Luo Sha's words were just unfeasible drawings, compared with Ye Cang who was speechless at this time, it seemed that Luo Sha had a plan and was the next generation. The right person for Kazekage.

"...let's stop here!"

When the thirsty Luo Sha finished his speech, Ebizo immediately delivered the final blow, leaving no chance for the blushing Ye Cang.

"Within three days from now, we will accept registrations from all Jonin who are interested in running for the Kazekage; five days later, voting for the Kazekage election will begin!"

Ebizo looked at everyone and made his own decision.

Although it was a bit hasty, none of the Sunagakure jounin had any objections.

They still need time to digest the contents of Luo Sha's "election platform", while Ye Cang is eager to go back and discuss countermeasures with his cronies.


"is this real……"

After returning to the east area of ​​Sunagakure Ninja Village, after reading the investigation report on the disappearance of the Third Kazekage sent by the captain of the Shadow Guard, Rasa couldn't help but sigh.

After an extremely heavy workload, the Shadow Guards screened out several suspects, the first of which was Ebizo's grandson, Sunagakure's genius puppet master - Scorpion!

"There is no evidence at the moment, but the Scorpion Jonin disappeared without a trace after Lord Kazekage entered the desert!"

The captain of the Shadow Guard also looked very ugly: "And he appeared again after we organized the Ninja Army to enter the Devil's Desert for inspection!"

"...The problem is that there is no evidence!"

Although the Shadow Guards of the Third Kazekage are currently one of their strongest supporters, Rasa is still undecided.

"Rasa Jounin! That's Lord Kazekage!"

The captain of the Shadow Guard immediately said: "If we don't investigate clearly, are you so confident that you can take over as the fourth generation?"

"This is the biggest instability factor in the village!"

"...Have you checked the other people on the suspect list?"

Luo Sha took a deep breath and tried to change the subject.

"Now only the Scorpion Jonin has not been interrogated!"

The Shadow Guard Captain replied immediately.

This means that according to the whereabouts elimination method, only Xie is still suspected!
But Luo Sha was still undecided and couldn't make a choice.

At most, the followers under his command are only on par with Yakura, and the jounin votes may also be at a disadvantage; in this case, the number of jounin votes of the original faction led by Ebizo becomes the key to victory.

Although he has won the support of some neutral Jonin through his campaign platform, if he offends the powerful Elder Ebizo by pursuing the disappearance of the third generation, it may be detrimental to his campaign...

"Rasa Jounin! What are you still hesitating about?"

The captain of the Shadow Guard shouted: "Is this your decision as the Fourth Kazekage?"

"Organize manpower now to determine Scorpion's whereabouts and conduct surveillance!"

After weighing the pros and cons, Luo Sha finally made up his mind, "No one is allowed to take action until the great elder and I confirm this matter!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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