Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 405 Crash the wind string

Chapter 405: Crush Feng Qianchuan


Luo Sha sighed helplessly.

He also knew that the Great Elder Hai Laozang was a man who kept his word, but he did not expect that he would act in such a hurry.

Regardless of whether Scorpion really played any role in the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, Ebizo's protective behavior alone made Luo Sa feel very unhappy.


Luo Sha glanced at Uchiha Ishiba who was eager to try, and tapped his upper and lower teeth a few times.

Uchiha Ishiba formed a seal with his left hand, then pressed it on the ground to summon a fat ninja cat.He didn't talk nonsense and just handed a kunai with a special symbol to the ninja cat.

Then the big fat cat put the special kunai in its mouth, and immediately lifted the psychic spell and left.

And the Anbu Sunagakure standing not far away just watched Uchiha Ishio's movements silently.

Because Luo Sha had already released the iron sand and turned it into gold placer spears and was ready.

"Rasa Jounin, I'm sorry to disturb you..."

After Uchiha Ishiba's ninja cat left, the captain of Sunagakure ANBU said: "There is one thing I hope you can help with."


Luo Sha was also happy to delay.

After the ninja cat leaves, it will notify the first column stationed in Sunagakure through special channels, and it won't take long for a powerful ninja army to come to the rescue.

This is also the reason why Luo Sha remained calm in the "enemy zone".

"The ninja of the Uchiha clan next to you...there are some things that need to be understood with him. I hope you can get him to cooperate."

Said the captain of the Sunagakure ANBU.

"Who gave you the order?"

Luo Sha sneered and said disdainfully: "When the position of Kazekage is vacant, where does the ANBU have the power to arrest a jounin from an ally!"

"When... will ANBU responsible for escorting people be able to arrest people in the village?"

The Jonin of the Shadow Guards who was killed by Ninja also turned pale and yelled angrily: "You guys take yourselves too seriously!"

Among Sunagakure's direct armed forces, the Shadow Guards are the closest personal bodyguards, and their status is especially above that of ordinary ANBU.It's just that the ANBU who appear now are special - they are all Ebizo's bodyguards!
The captain of the Sunagakure ANBU did not continue to speak, but looked straight at Luo Sha.

"Either go back or die here..."

Luo Sha Youyou said: "For the sake of being Sunagakure, I have given you two choices, you can decide for yourself."

There were only nine Sunagakure Anbu who appeared at this time, and neither their numbers nor their strength were anything to Rasa.

"If you just retreat and hide, I will not hold you accountable after I take over as the fourth generation..."

Luo Sha changed the subject and began to try to win over.

He could also see that these Anbu didn't seem to be very anxious to complete the tasks ordered by the Great Elder.

"I won't bother you to worry about this..."

The captain of the Sunagakure ANBU slowly drew out the ninja sword slung on his back.

"...It's really reckless!"

Rosa snorted coldly.


Almost at the same time, both sides started throwing ninja tools!
Uchiha Stone Fire, who possesses the Sharingan, predicted the predictions of Sunagakure's Anbu. Under the control of Uchiha's shuriken skills, the shurikens that came first formed strange arcs in the air, and the Sunagakure ninjas were The attacker's flying needles, kunai and other ninja tools were shot down one by one, and at the same time, several kunai were shot directly at the Sunagakure Anbu.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Although Uchiha Ishiba's Ninja Tool Throwing Technique really shocked the Sunagakure Anbu, they still said it without showing any signs of weakness. At the same time, an ANBU member casually threw several hidden weapons at the oncoming kunai. Try to intercept.

"Fire Escape Dragon Fire Technique!"

Uchiha Firestone quickly completed the seal, then bulged his mouth, and a fierce pillar of fire rushed straight towards the Sunagakure Anbu along the special steel wire pulled out by Kunai at a speed far exceeding the ordinary fire escape!
"Magnetic Escape · Dust Gold Shuriken!"

At the same time that the Fire Release began to attack, Rasa's Magnetic Release Ninjutsu also turned into dense gold dust shurikens like a heavy rain and shot towards the Sunagakure Anbu.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Under the attack of two ninjutsu, three of the nine Sunagakure ANBU were knocked down. Although the other six people dodged awkwardly, they also had some scars on their bodies.

Whether it is Uchiha Stone Fire's Fire Release or Rasa's Magnetic Release, they are both far beyond ordinary ninjutsu.

"Go back!"

Luo Sha stopped Uchiha Ishihara who was about to charge, and said to the Sunagakure Anbu: "Now, you should be able to go back and do business!"

"Thank you, Lord Luo Sha, for your understanding!"

The captain of the Sunagakure ANBU was immediately relieved, and then waved his hand to signal his subordinates to step forward to help the wounded who fell to the ground, and then bowed slightly, preparing to leave in an instant.

"Did I let you go?"

A slightly childish voice suddenly sounded from behind the captain of the Sunagakure Dark Force.


Then, before the ANBU captain could react, a Sunagakure ANBU member behind him spread his hands and opened his mouth, shooting a rain of flying needles towards his companions around him.


Except for the captain of the Sunagakure ANBU, the other seven members of the Sunagakure ANBU who were caught off guard were all killed!

And their fallen bodies quickly turned black, showing the fierceness of the quenching poison on the flying needles!
Luo Sha couldn't help but gasped, and then quickly covered her mouth and nose as if she thought of something.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" After a long conflict, Yuliang finally reacted and quickly used the Wind Release Ninjutsu to blow away all the air around him. At the same time, everyone in Luosha took out the antidote pills from their arms and swallowed them.

"Such a violent toxin..."

The captain of the Sunagakure ANBU looked at the team members who fell dead on the spot with mournful eyes, then looked at the "team members" who turned into grotesque puppets, and said with a bitter look on his face: "Is that you?"


A handsome young man with red hair walked out of the alley on the other side of the street and nodded politely to both parties.

At this time, there was no longer any suspense about the disappearance of the Third Kazekage.

Regardless of whether it was Xie's fault or not, he will bear the blame!
Luo Sha's face also showed a ruthless look.

"Magnetic Escape·Gold Sand Burial!"

Luo Sha did not care that he was in the Ninja Village at this time, and activated the Magnetic Release Ninjutsu with all his strength, setting off an extremely violent gold dust storm and heading towards the Scorpion Cover!

At the same time, the Jonin of the Shadow Guard quickly took out his signal tube and fired several signal flares into the sky!

"Magnetic Dun Sand Iron Wall!"

Xie quickly took out a sealing scroll and unsealed it to create a puppet. At the same time, he summoned a tall sand-iron wall to block Luo Sha's sand-gold storm!
"This is……"

The expressions of Luo Sha and the Sunagakure ninjas present suddenly changed!
The puppet used by Scorpion was too familiar to them, both in terms of its face and its ninjutsu!

"...It's the Third Generation!"

The eyes of the Jonin of the Shadow Guards turned red, and he squeezed out words through his teeth: "It is indeed you! Scorpion!!"

At this time, signal flares rose from the sky. After receiving the message from the Jonin of the Shadow Guards, the various units of Sunagakure attacked at an extremely fast speed. The first one to appear was the first column of the anti-terrorism force brought back by Rasa, headed by The person is none other than Kisame the dried persimmon.

Then, figures fell from all directions, surrounding all parties to the conflict.

However, since each has its own faction, the Sunagakure ninjas who came to help each other have their own camps and are clearly divided.

But at this time, they didn't care about the factional disputes. They just looked at the tall puppet standing next to Xie in surprise after the sand and iron wall dispersed.

"Three generations of adults..."

A puppeteer pointed at the puppet tremblingly, and said a name that everyone couldn't believe: "It's a human puppet made from the corpses of three generations of adults!"

"Scorpion! This devil is Scorpion! It was he who killed the third generation of adults!"

All of a sudden, the sand hidden ninjas were furious!
"Kill it!"

An unknown Sunagakure ninja shouted angrily, and then the Sunagakure ninja rose up violently.

But just as they were preparing to take action, many of the people in the crowd of Sunagakure ninjas rushing to help suddenly lit up with traces of green smoke.


Uchiha Shihuo's eyelids suddenly twitched, feeling something bad!


Just after the warning was shouted, the crowd of Sunagakure ninjas heard continuous explosions of detonating symbols!

"It's just a small toy that can't be put on the stage. It just allows you to see the power of puppetry!"

Xie, who was so rested, ignored the extremely tragic explosion scene and the ninjas from the same village who suffered heavy casualties, and just said something in a gentle tone.

Among the Sunagakure ninjas who came to rescue after receiving the signal, there was actually a self-destructing puppet disguised as a scorpion!
His scheming is so deep that even Luo Sha can't help but feel chills!

Looking down at the blood splattered and stained flesh on his body, Luo Sha's face became more ferocious, "It seems that the blood of the Great Elder Qiandai will be extinct from now on!"

The well-trained and self-organized anti-terrorism force was not affected. Under the command of Kisame Inekaki, hundreds of anti-terrorism ninjas quickly dispersed and began to rescue the Sunagakure ninjas who suffered heavy casualties while surrounding them.

The captain of the Shadow Guard and Ye Cang also rushed to the scene.

After witnessing the tragic explosion scene, their eyes also fell on the calm Xie.

"You will become my collection one by one."

A strange smile appeared on Scorpion's face.

Then, the third-generation Kazekage puppet turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared without a trace!
Luo Sha and others who were about to take action were stunned for a moment, and then secretly shouted, "Not good!"

As expected, explosions continued to sound all over the Sunagakure Ninja Village, one after another, continuously!
"Kill it!"

Ye Cang, who has the most violent personality, was the first to take action——

"Scorching Escape·"

A fireball with extremely high temperature appeared out of thin air and hit Scorpio with a sly smile on his face.

But for some reason, Scorpion had no intention of fighting back. Instead, he spread his hands openly, as if he was willing to die.


Seeing this situation, Ye Cang's eyelids jumped.


The Burning Release Fireball hit with one strike, burning the fearless Scorpion into ashes.

"Not right..."

Luo Sha's face kept twitching as she stared at the pair of feet left by the "dead" Scorpion.

Above the soles of the feet, a stream of molten steel melted by the high temperature slowly dripped.

"This is also a puppet!"

The captain of the Shadow Guard's nose was so angry that he was so angry!
A large group of seniors were actually fooled around by this young man, Xie!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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