Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 406 Nanhe River Conference

Chapter 406 Nanhe River Conference

After dealing with the affairs of the country of water, Uchiha Deguang led his troops back to Konoha.

The time is exactly September 40st of the [-]th year of Konoha, and the final result of the dispute between the Sunagakure Kazekage from the Land of Wind has finally reached the hands of Uchiha Tokimitsu.

Although the real culprit who killed the Third Kazekage finally escaped, although the Sunagakure ninjas who participated in the siege and support suffered heavy casualties, although the real culprit was found under the guidance of the Konoha ninjas, and although Scorpion hid the thief in Ebizou's mansion, Audio equipment to steal information.Although the scorpion transformed and disguised himself as his second grandfather and issued orders to the Anbu, although it was eventually discovered that the elder Ebizo had been injured by the scorpion, in fact he was also a victim, etc...

Therefore, even though Luo Sha felt a hundred dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction in his heart, for the sake of Feng Ying's position, he still pinched his nose and admitted that all the responsibilities should be borne by Xie, and proposed to notify the joint anti-terrorist force to include Xie on the terrorist list.

The Sunagakure Jonin and the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force Command Center all agreed to this proposal.

Naturally, in the next Jonin voting session for the Kazekage election, Rasa relied on the prestige brought by this incident to easily defeat Ye Cang, who had lost his fighting spirit, and won the title of the Fourth Kazekage and the second Kazekage. The position of power.

As for the great elder Hai Laozang who was at the forefront of the storm, on the second day after Luo Sha took the throne, he announced his complete retirement, and even the empty shell elder's house was given to Luo Sha for fun.

Rasa is also aware of this. After taking office as Kazekage, the first thing he did was to send an envoy to Konoha to communicate with the two sides about increasing business exchanges and other matters. He also expressed the hope that the joint anti-terrorism force would also deploy a mobile force in the Kingdom of Wind. Emergency Ninja Army, etc.

Therefore, Uchiha Shiina, with the consent of Uchiha Tokumitsu, reorganized the first column of the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force into the special detective force stationed in the Land of Wind, and withdrew the temporarily assigned intermediate combat force.

This can be considered a win-win outcome.

Rasa's strongest support in fighting for the position of Kazekage is the ninja army from the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force. Now his old subordinates have been reorganized and garrisoned on the spot, which can be regarded as continuing to provide him with support; and for the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force and even the Tokumitsu Shogunate, The ninja troops remaining in the Kingdom of Wind are the most important means of intervening in Sunagakure's affairs in the future.

Although the reorganized special detective force of the first column only has more than [-] people, Uchiha Tokumitsu also explained some details to Uchiha Nobutora, who was preparing to go to the Kingdom of Wind to take over as the commander of the force, and even hired ninjas in the oasis of the joint company. The dispatching power was also given to him.

In this way, in addition to the directly managed ninja army, there are more than two thousand joint company ninjas scattered in the oases of the Kingdom of Wind. They also have a unified direct leadership organization, which also helps to integrate the power of the shogunate in the Kingdom of Wind. .

"It's just that this Scorpion... although he seemed ruthless, in the end he still left a way for his second grandfather to survive."

After reading the information, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the ninjas of the Akabi family under his command.

However, the Uchiha jounin all looked at each other, seemingly confused.

Even Uchiha Shisui, who is usually very smart, is like this.


Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't even see through this little trick, he was indeed an Uchiha who wasn't good at political fighting!


Uchiha Shisui's eyes were full of clear stupidity, and he asked with curiosity: "But... isn't it true that Scorpion killed the Third Kazekage and injured the elders? Why did this leave a way for Ebizo? ?”

"...If Ebizo was not seriously injured in the attack, what would be the outcome?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"Pursuing responsibility and abolishing house arrest should be the best outcome."

Uchiha Shisui answered without hesitation.

"Now that Ebizo was seriously injured in the attack, the issue of dispatching ANBU to arrest illegally is nothing to worry about. As for the truth behind this matter, we don't know at all. It's just that he himself landed safely after handing over all his rights..."

Uchiha Tokko said: "So, is this a way to survive?"

"The price is too high..."

An Uchiha jounin muttered.

The Uchiha ninjas of the red team nodded.


Uchiha Tokko couldn't help but sigh again.

"If... if one day the Kyuubi attacks the Ninja Village, and there is a glimmer of the Sharingan in its eyes, what do you think the people in the village will think? How can the family get rid of suspicion?"

Uchiha Tokko came up with a hypothesis.

"It's just the tailed beast~ It's fine if you catch it~"

All the Uchiha jounin were very disapproving: "Aside from the huge amount of chakra, what else is there to be afraid of?"


Uchiha Tokko didn't say anything more.


Under the organization of Uchiha Shifang and Hatake Sakumo, the jounin representatives of the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives who favored the martial arts faction secretly gathered in the Konoha Governor's Mansion, which was rarely used, to hold a secret meeting.

The topic this time is about the important military strategy of unifying the Ninja world with weapons spread all over the world.

"Your Majesty the Governor, all 77 representatives of the Konoha Senate and House of Representatives are present. Please give me your instructions!"

In public, the clan leader and Senate President Uchiha Shigata bowed in a businesslike and respectful manner and said.

"Good day, gentlemen."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded to the clan leader, he also bowed slightly to the 77 Jonin present.

"Long live the general!"

The jounin representatives of both houses bowed and saluted.

"I believe that the Senate Speakers of the Four Parties and the Speaker of the Shoumao House of Representatives have communicated the purpose of this secret meeting with everyone in advance, so I will not go into details here."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly, his eyes scanning the faces of the jounin present one by one.

The 77 jounin sitting here are not Uchiha clan members.

But they also represent a relatively strong trend of thought in Konoha, and that is the martial arts faction!
Perhaps when the original Sandaime was in charge of Konoha, the martial arts factions were repeatedly suppressed because they were too "extreme" and even made gestures to move closer to Danzo in order to protect themselves and grow stronger, but Uchiha Tokumitsu was too lazy to care about or pursue this kind of Chen. Old things.After all, everyone has the right to fight for their ideals, even if the choice is wrong.

But now the martial arts sect is among the major ideological trends in Konoha. It is the first to fall to Uchiha Tokimitsu's power. Those who hold positions of squadron leader or above in the various ninja armies controlled by the Uchiha clan, in addition to clan members, are A ninja who is a martial artist or a ninja with certain martial arts tendencies.

Moreover, the most interesting thing about this group is that they have actively abandoned the traditional concept of family barriers. Regardless of whether they are from a wealthy ninja family or a humble civilian family, they are basically united together harmoniously.

"Iwagakure goes all out to expand the army with force, but Kumogakure is not willing to be outdone and prepares for war..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Today, the only enemies that hinder the unification of the ninja world are these two ninja villages who do not know whether to live or die."

The jounin nodded, but did not speak in a hurry.

They noticed the term "open enemy" mentioned by Uchiha Tokumitsu, which means that in Uchiha Tokumitsu's knowledge, there are more powerful enemies than Kumogakure and Iwagakure.

Think again of the joint anti-terrorism forces that are still expanding...

"Secretly, Mount Miaomu and Ryūchidō, who have suffered repeated defeats, are still unwilling to accept their defeat, and still attempt to interfere with the progress of the ninja world as alien psychic beasts. This evil act of trying to turn against the guest should be something that everyone should be able to do. And punish him..."

All the Jonin nodded in agreement again.

"...However, considering the fact that we are almost completely separated from Iwagakure and Kumogakure, we even have to consider the possibility of the two merging."

Uchiha Tokko pointed out a possibility.

"Ninja Village and Holy Land Aliens..."

The jounin looked at each other in shock.

Perhaps it was because the so-called psychic contracts of the three holy places in the past were all bound to Konoha ninjas, so they had never thought about this issue.

If it is true, as Uchiha Tokumitsu said, that Kumogakure Iwagakure and Myobokuyama Ryuji Cave are united, it will be really tricky.

Of course, it's only difficult.

"Whether it is a hostile ninja village or a so-called alien in the Holy Land, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs to me, the brave Konoha ninja! As long as we mobilize with all our strength, we can completely defeat them in one battle!"

A jounin from the martial arts faction who was born in Inuzuka said: "As for sacrifice, that is inevitable. As long as our generation completes the task, both our reserves and the ruled countries will be A glorious future awaits under the rule of the shogunate!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but look at it a few times, and then glanced calmly in all directions of Uchiha.

After noticing the inconspicuous shaking of the Uchiha's heads, he determined that this was not a pre-arranged "entrustment", but simply the deep-rooted thoughts of the martial arts school.

"Having said that, every Konoha ninja is like a brother to me. The loss is so great that I feel uneasy!"

Uchiha Demitsu said seemingly affectionately.

"Your Majesty, General, is unparalleled in his benevolence and righteousness!"

The jounin immediately spoke in agreement.

"So, what Tokumitsu-sama means...first the aliens and then the ninja village?"

The martial arts jounin who was born in the Nara clan also raised his hand.

"This is the principle, but in reality, no matter it is an alien or a hostile ninja village, we must increase our efforts to recover and oppress!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied.

"I absolutely agree with all the resolutions of Your Majesty the Governor on military expansion and preparation!"

The Nara jounin bowed and returned to his seat.

"Another thing..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said again: "That is about post-war rule."

As soon as these words came out, all the ninjas present knew that the meat show was coming.

"Everyone should know that after several years of planning, the shogunate has completely taken over the power of the Kingdom of Water not long ago. Due to sufficient preparations, there was no disturbance in the process..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed out: "And all of this is based on the years of training of internal affairs ninjas by the United Company and the shogunate."

The jounin of the martial arts faction also knew something about this, and they even obtained the full text of the "Declaration of the World" issued by the new daimyo of the Land of Water through secret channels.

However, since they are supporters of the martial arts school of thought, they naturally do not care about the so-called tradition as much as ordinary ninjas, and their subjective initiative for change is stronger than ordinary ninjas. Therefore, they basically agree to abolish the traditional aristocratic status and replace it with ninjas. .

In fact, many of them felt that Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little weak, and he actually supported a descendant of the Yori clan of the Land of Water to be a puppet and waste food - how much better to just cut them all off!

Of course, there is a reason why Uchiha Tokko retains some of the children of the old aristocracy, because most of the knowledge of the ninja world, especially literature, history, rituals and music, is in their hands. If they kill people indiscriminately, it will inevitably make the water The country has fallen into the same state as the Kingdom of Wind today, with people everywhere who are illiterate and unruly.

"Therefore, I plan to build a new school specifically to train internal affairs ninjas in addition to the Konoha Ninja School and the Police Preparatory School."

'"We support all decisions made by Mr. Tokuguang!"

The fighting ninjas immediately became enthusiastic and responded one after another.

At such a time, the purpose of establishing a new internal affairs ninja school was proposed. To put it bluntly, it was to serve the future rule of the occupied territories!The fighting ninjas are not saints, so naturally they also want to seek some welfare for their own children!

"In addition, the Konoha Standing Ninja Army plans to establish five new full-formation columns and fifty stand-alone columns as the basis for launching ninja wars in the future!"

The so-called shelf column is a standing service system that maintains the presence of jounin at all levels, while the subordinates are recruited separately during wartime. The advantage is that it can reduce daily military expenditures and maintain a certain combat effectiveness framework. This Perhaps it was the reserve system that Uchiha Tokumitsu was familiar with in his previous life.

The martial arts ninjas calculated silently. Based on the [-] ninjas in each column, five full columns would require [-] ninjas. In addition to the fifty shelf columns with supervisors at all levels, the number of ninjas at all levels would suddenly increase. The fighting ninjas have finally found a good place!
"Firmly support all decisions made by Lord Tokuguang!"

It was the jounin from the Nara clan who was the smartest and the first to stand up and loudly express his loyalty.

Then there were a lot of responses, and the vote passed unanimously.

 Today’s update {1/2}
(End of this chapter)

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