Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 407: The version of the book is restored to its original status

Chapter 407: The version of the book is restored to its original status
Just when Konoha's military preparations entered a new stage, a vigorous "banji enshrinement" movement spread among the small countries directly under the shogunate and managed.

However, this time it was not a secret plan by the shogunate, but the root cause came from the "volunteer donation of soil" by the Daimyo of Grass Country.

As a small country that was the first to be included in the sphere of influence of the Uchiha clan and was firmly controlled by the United Corporation but was vaguely separated from the Tokko Shogunate system due to the existence of the Uchiha Fire Gate, the Daimyo of Grass Country had actually long been ready to wake up.

He just waited and waited until the shogunate ninjas broke into the palace and expelled the daimyo nobles. Instead, the country of grass prospered with the dual support of the Northwest Frontier Defense Force and the United Company, and has since escaped hunger and abject poverty.

In addition, the Fire Gate shogunate did not care much about government affairs, and was happy to discuss things with the nobles of the Kingdom of Grass. Therefore, the feudal nobles of the Kingdom of Grass mostly invested in the pastures in their hands and earned money under the management of the joint company. earned a lot.

As a result, even the civilians of the Land of Grass flocked to work in the ranches that were constantly being established. Although the working environment and treatment made even the 996 social animals in Uchiha Tokumitsu's previous life shake their heads, they were also completely "eradicated" by accident. The unemployed population in the Country of Grass was eliminated, and even the "Prosperous Age of the Country of Grass" was achieved without large-scale freezing and starvation in the year of snow disaster!
For the Land of Grass and even the ninja world, this is an unprecedented record!

Even in the northern region of the Fire Nation, the largest country in the ninja world, a large number of people froze to death in the late winter last year!
Therefore, everyone in the Country of Grass, from the common people to the nobles, all agree that we are here today because of the wise leadership of the shogunate. Otherwise, how could the Country of Grass have the best living standard in the ninja world?
This is also the real thought of the common people in the ninja world and the nobles of small countries, because they really do not want to go back to the precarious days of the past.

"Now I ask my servants to prepare two bowls of milk tea in the morning, one for drinking and one for playing upside down! How could I have dared to think about it before these days!"

The reason why this classic saying from the mouth of a declining noble became a hot word in the Land of Grass for a while also profoundly reflects the transformation process of the Kingdom of Grass from being as poor as a weed under the rule of the shogunate.

For them, being alive is a blessing!As for being able to have enough food and warm clothes, that is simply the treatment of an aristocrat!
This is also one of the positive impacts that Uchiha Tokumitsu has brought to the ninja world after establishing the joint company.

Since the action efficiency of ninjas far exceeds that of ordinary people, and the territory spans the ninja world, resource allocation is no longer a problem. Therefore, after the goods are fully circulated, even the smallest amount of profit leaked from the fingertips is enough for the bottom class to live well. .

In addition, the Kingdom of Grass is known for being good at observing people's words and making decisions according to the situation. Therefore, after the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Grass knew that the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water had been deposed, he immediately proposed to the Red Guards stationed in Daming Mansion. "The version of the book is under the curtain", thus becoming the first small country name to actively respond to the trend of the times.

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu cannot treat this considerate daimyo unfairly.

After buying the land from the daimyo at a higher price, the daimyo of Kusanagi, who received a large amount of money, announced the second "Human Declaration" in the ninja world, declaring that he and the ruling family would permanently step down and entrust the country's affairs completely to The Uchiha clan gave up their honorific title and changed their surname to the Uesugi clan.

As for the various countries, the impact of the actions of the Daimyo of the Country of Grass is even greater than the dethronement of the Daimyo of the Country of Water.

Because in the eyes of the daimyo nobles from various countries, the Kingdom of Water has long been in the shogunate's pocket. The delay in taking action until now can only show that the shogunate is very patient.

But the good treatment given to the Daimyo of Grass Country made them see another way out.

Compared with the Kingdom of Water, the shogunate has a deeper foundation and strength in the Kingdom of Grass. However, even so, the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Grass only took a little initiative and received such generous rewards. How can this not let those who make money The famous aristocrats of a small country who got hot money were excited.

"So can the sycophants of the Land of Grass! How can we lag behind!"

Subsequently, the daimyo of the country of Numa also made a request to the joint company stationed in the country to donate land in exchange for shares.

For the sake of political performance, the United Company quickly agreed to the request of the Daimyo of the Land of Numa and reported to Konoha. At the same time, it promoted the United Company's "virtuous government" to the ninja world.

After that, small countries such as Tianzhiguo and Linzhiguo took the initiative to "revere their status". While changing their surnames and going to the wild, they also obtained generous dividends from the joint company's industrial shares.

“We cannot fail these activists who responded proactively!”

Under the instructions of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the newly established "Konoha Government Academy" issued admission invitations to the small Kunihara daimyo family who took the initiative to donate soil, so that their descendants would have the opportunity to join the shogunate's ruling system.

Iwagakure and Kumogakure in the northern border of the ninja world fell into panic.

However, before the first round of "reformation" was completed, Uchiha Tokumitsu deliberately controlled the speed of the small country's "official publication", and the two major ninja villages gradually calmed down.

But for the nobles of big countries, they are not willing to be rich.


Under the secret convening of the Tachibana clan, the Daimyo of the Earth Kingdom, secret envoys from the senior officials of the Ninja Villages of Iwagakure and Kumogakure, the Daimyo Taira of the Kingdom of Thunder, and the Daimyo Minamoto of the Land of Fire held a secret meeting in the Daimyo Palace of the Earth Kingdom to discuss countermeasures.

"Those untouchables! After getting some extremely meager benefits, they abandoned the thousands of years of tradition and became a pig to be slaughtered with short-sightedness!"

At the secret meeting, the special envoy of the Taira clan of the Kingdom of Thunder frantically vented his inner anger and fear.

"Changing the surname to Yi is simply bringing shame to the ancestors and gods!"

The special envoy of the Genji Daimyo of the Land of Fire also nodded repeatedly.

Among the great names of the great powers that still exist today, the Genji family of the Land of Fire is the most embarrassing one.

First, they are nominally the supreme monarch of the Fire Country, and most of the forces of Konoha and the Shogunate are entrenched within their borders.

But for this reason, the conflicts between the local nobles of the Land of Fire and the shogunate ninjas were the most frequent. However, after many local nobles clashed with the shogunate, the mansion mysteriously caught fire, so most of the nobles could only choose to give in. .

Naturally, the people whose interests suffered the most due to the nobles' concession were the Daimyos of the Land of Fire.

Today, the eight eastern prefectures and the northern prefectures of the Country of Fire are all de facto ruled by the shogunate. They do not hand over taxes to the Daming Prefecture, but continue to absorb outflows from Kinki and the western prefectures, and the nobles even stop them. The movement of the citizens was not possible - because the ninjas of the shogunate and the United Company provided some protection for the civilians who chose to abandon their homeland and leave their homes, the nobles' army did not dare to make trouble.

But the blood-sucking of the feudal nobles by the shogunate is far more than that.

Whether it is Hikone's sudden seizure of local governance, the dumping of the defeated noble workshops under the tariff agreement, or the humiliated daimyo, the nobles of the Nation of Fire are bitter but helpless.

"The shogunate's so-called reform of the land and return to the people is a violation of tradition and a blasphemy of the sacred blood!"

After the special envoys from each family finished their speeches, the great name of the Tachibana clan of the Earth Kingdom who was sitting here said quietly: "If the world does not have the sacred and benevolent nobles, then the world will completely fall into the abyss of terror!"

"Exactly what you said!"

Ai Ye, the Third Raikage's special envoy and the successor of the next generation Raikage, took the initiative to speak out: "Using people to rule the place with so-called "officials" who use people to make tea and cool things will not bring any benefits except to deceive the subordinates and poison the place!"

"Of course!"

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth nodded to Ai in approval, and then said softly: "You know, we have reached the most dangerous moment!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

I thought I would continue the greetings and criticize the shogunate, but I didn't expect the Daimyo of Earth Country to be so impatient.

Even Iwagakure Tsuchikage Onoki, who attended the meeting, bowed slightly and saluted to show his listening attitude.

"Iwagakure's military expansion must have reached its limit, right?"

The earth country daimyo turned his attention to Onoki.

Onoki sighed slightly, then nodded.

"There are more than [-] Iwagakure registered ninjas and more than [-] Ninja School students... This is already the limit."

Although in theory, as long as there are enough resources, even a pig can be cultivated into a ninja pig, in fact, this is not the case.

Because resources are limited after all, Ninja Village must also pay attention to a "cost-effectiveness ratio."

Therefore, with the expansion of Iwagakure, all those with some qualifications in Iwagakure Headquarters are studying in the Ninja School. In addition, the Daimyos of Earth Country have given their full support, so it is no longer possible to expand the number of ninjas. . "Then, the next step is to train these ninjas well and strive to discover the talents among them, so as to protect our country and the orthodox nobles from the wind and rain."

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth said in a good voice.

"I know."

Ohnoki nodded and stopped talking.

After taking stock of his family fortune, which shocked Iwagakure a little and the others from the Land of Thunder, the Daimyo of the Land of Earth also turned his attention to the special envoy of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder.

"His Highness Ping also needs to spend more time supporting Ninja Village in cultivating ninjas..."

"Military spending will continue to double this year!"

The special envoy of the Kingdom of Thunder gritted his teeth and said what the Kumogakure ninjas were most looking forward to.

It's just that if the Kingdom of Thunder, which has lost nearly half of its territory, continues to spend so much military expenditure, not only does the daimyo nobles need to open their inner treasury, but they also need to continue to increase taxes to see if they can get it from the bone marrow of the civilians of the Kingdom of Thunder. Squeeze out every last drop of oil.

"So good!"

The Daimyo of Earth Country was very satisfied.

At this time, he felt that he was the co-leader of the ninja world. If Konoha and the shogunate hadn't been in the way, he would have restored the glory of the ancestor emperor's era!
As for the Fire Nation, which had lost all its power, it was nothing in his eyes.

"Excuse me, Your Highness Genji..."

The Daimyo of the Earth Country looked at the Fire Country envoy again.

"The ninja army under your command has expanded to three thousand ninjas, and the masters of the Fire Temple have begun to assist in training the ninja army."

The Fire Nation envoy slightly exaggerated the number of ninja troops directly under the Daimyo.

"But it has put His Highness Genji in a difficult position..."

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth nodded and did not continue to ask any more questions.

"But this is not enough."

"Except for Lord Tukage and Lord Raikage, there are not enough strong men in other countries who can compete with Konoha and the shogunate..."

The Daimyo of Earth Country sighed: "In this case, no matter how many ninjas are trained, it will be useless."

"The Ninja Army is easy to come by, but the Ninja Army is hard to find..."

Onoki also nodded.

No one understands the impact of high-end combat power on the trend of ninja wars better than him.

"So, in order to compete with those rebellious thieves, I also plan to introduce strong men from outside the realm..."

The Daimyo of Earth Country clapped his hands, and a blond young man walked out of the dark room of the secret room.

"This is the plenipotentiary representative of Mount Miaomu and Longdi Cave, he is..."


Asura said with a somewhat sinister expression.

"Yes, the two holy places will fully support our just cause..."

The Daimyo of the Earth Kingdom was not angry when he was interrupted, but nodded lovingly: "This also shows that destiny is mine!"

"If Miaomu Mountain and Ryudi Cave go all out, they can mobilize all kinds of spiritual beasts to help!"

Asura said: "If necessary, the two great immortals can also take action personally!"

"Then assemble and go south immediately!"

Ai Shuidi stood up and said: "The power of the Ninja Village and the Holy Land will fight to the death with Konoha and the shogunate!"


"Not allowed!"

Onoki and the Earth Country Daimyo refused at the same time.

"The decisive battle must be considered in the long term, and the ninja army must not be thrown away lightly..."

The special envoy of the Kingdom of Thunder also said in an angry voice.

In the final analysis, they still have no confidence in their hearts.

After all, since the Second Ninja World War, Iwagakure and Kumogakure have not won a single victory in the war with the shogunate.

"The shogunate's decision to depose the daimyo was definitely a wrong move! Let those illiterate ninjas govern the place, and civil strife will surely be waiting for them! So time is on our side."

The Daimyo of Earth Country said with great certainty.

"Of course!"

A group of messengers seconded their proposals one after another.

Ai, who had different ideas, naturally couldn't say anything.

"Coupled with the sages of Miaomu Mountain Holy Land and the power of Longdi Cave Holy Land..."

The Daimyo of the Land of Earth nodded to Asura very kindly, and then said loudly to everyone:

"So... our destiny must be just! The order of the ninja world must not be destroyed!"

"Justice shall prevail!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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