Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 408 Military Discipline and People’s Livelihood

Chapter 408 Military Discipline and People’s Livelihood

Just after the Northern Alliance formally decided on improving the quality of the Ninja Army and expanding the number of Ninja Army, the Daimyo of Earth Country announced that this successful, victorious, and great conference was officially over.

Next, there were exchanges between the noble officials under the daimyo, the representatives of the Ninja Village, and the spokesperson of the Holy Land.

"That's it, Lord Tsuchikage..."

A noble official from the Kingdom of Earth hesitated for a long time before he stepped forward and said to Ohnoki, "Is it convenient for you to move over to talk?"

"There's something you can't say here!"

Onoki frowned and looked displeased: "Iwagakure is upright and upright, and the country of the earth is upright and resolute. If you have something to say, you just say it. I don't know where you learned this cunning deed!"

"Sorry sorry..."

The noble official of Earth Country did not dare to argue after being scolded all over. After all, now is an era when the voice of ninjas has greatly increased, and the status of nobles is not as good as before, so he can only keep blushing. He apologized profusely: "Your Excellency Tsuchikage, and all the distinguished envoys, I'm really sorry. I was negligent..."

After apologizing for a while, the noble officer handed over a document to Onogi with a bitter face.

Judging from the title on the cover, it should be a report jointly submitted by the southwest counties of the Earth Kingdom and the small vassal countries such as the Bird Kingdom and the Stone Kingdom Alliance and forwarded to Iwagakure for processing.

But Onoki didn't reach out to pick it up, but just looked at him intently.

The noble officer was even more at a loss.


Ohnoki said without any doubt: "Read it to me right here!"


The noble officer's claws instantly became numb.

He has read the contents of the document. Although it is not a special secret, if it is read out in public... I don't know whether the Iwagakure ninjas will die in society, but he, a scholar, will definitely hate it. Not good!
Although everyone in the secret room continued to talk and communicate, most of them were absent-minded and focused on the fun of Onoki and the noble officials.

"Read it to me!"

The noble officer was still hesitating, but Onoki's tone was harsher.

Feeling the murderous aura that was as deep as prison, the noble official had no choice but to cautiously open the document and read it in public.

"All counties and nobles from various countries jointly report: Iwagakure ninjas have been coming out in groups recently, causing great trouble to the citizens and nobles of the garrison and surrounding counties..."

Although the noble officer stuttered and stuttered when reading the article, and the content was also an accusation against the Iwagakure ninja, Ohnoki didn't care at all.

It’s just a troubling thing, what a big deal!
Those nobles are also hypocritical, and they have to go online and jointly report this trivial matter!

The ninjas and messengers who were eavesdropping suddenly lost interest.

After all, it is very difficult for Iwagakure and Cloudgakure these days, and the lives of ninjas are relatively tight, so sometimes bad things will inevitably happen, but as long as it does not reach the point of robbing and destroying families on a large scale, they all feel that there is nothing they can do. Very so-called.

After all, ninjas also know how to choose what to eat, and generally do not choose those nobles who are guarded by guardian ninjas or high-level warriors, so naturally they will not have any impact on the nobles who have decision-making power.

Therefore, among the people present, only Asura, who had a mysterious identity and attracted much attention, frowned slightly and looked a little unhappy, but he didn't say much.

"...the other generation gathered in groups, relying on the Earth Release Ninjutsu to travel through Wuji, walking through the streets and alleys without scruples, without any regard for the purpose of the three ninja taboos."

The noble officer swallowed and secretly looked up at Onoki's face, because the important part was coming next.


Onoki roared in dissatisfaction.

"As ordered..."

The noble officer continued to read tremblingly: "Some Iwagakure ninjas have strange eccentricities. They neither kidnap nobles for ransom nor surround caravans to plunder money. They only stay in small groups and often form teams with the benefit of earth escape ninjutsu. In the noble mansion, peeping and urinating..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was stunned!
"And they are so cold-blooded that they don't care about men, women, old or young, they all hide behind and peek, and they are unpredictable and unpredictable. All the officials, people and nobles are disturbed by them, and they are very angry and unable to do anything..."

"Hereby, we and the nobles from all counties and countries are asking for orders for the people. We sincerely request His Highness Ping to tell Yanyin to strictly enforce military discipline and never do such despicable things again!"

"If there is insufficient food and pay for the troops, the garrisoned ninja troops can send a letter to the county guard office to request it, or they can set up their own checkpoints and collect a few cents, but..."

"To shut up!"

The noble official was just reading, and his tone became more and more high-pitched. Ohnoki, who couldn't bear it anymore, suddenly burst out and let out a roar that made him collapse to the ground.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The noble officer quickly put the report document on the ground, then climbed up and ran quickly out of the secret room.

Onoki has the desire to kill people.

He originally thought it was just the border nobles' daily complaints about ninjas robbing places, so he thought of giving them a slap in the face, but he never expected that it would be such an embarrassing thing!
Although everyone's eyes did not shift, and they just continued to communicate about the expansion or training of the Ninja Army as usual, Ohnoki clearly saw the extremely twisted ridicule in their expressions!
Bunch of assholes!
A bunch of bastards who deserve the guillotine!
The more Ohnoki thinks about it, the more he gets it!
He wanted to find a reason to vent his anger, but everyone was a human spirit, and it was impossible for them to come forward and touch him at this time. This made Onoki, who was unable to vent his anger, feel very uncomfortable!


After sulking for a while, Onoki couldn't find a chance to get angry, so he had to stand up and prepare to leave this embarrassing place.

And just after he went out, there was a burst of laughter in the secret room!


Ohnoki, who felt that his nerves had been blown out by anger, immediately pushed open the door of the secret room.

"Excuse me...do you have any orders, Lord Tsuchikage?"

Communication was going on as usual in the room, and the daimyo's attendant looked over.

Did I hear it wrong?Ohnoki doubted himself a little, so he shook his head hesitantly, turned around and closed the door again to leave.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

The roar of laughter in the secret room came from the crack in the door that was not closed tightly, and drilled into Ohnoki's mind like a drill!
This is not an illusion!

Ohnoki opened the door again, but everything in the house was still as usual.

"Uh...Does Tsuchikage-sama have something to explain? Or did he leave something behind?"

The gaze of the special envoy from the Kingdom of Thunder was meaningful.

"No, it's fine..."

Onoki, who was usually resolute and decisive, doubted himself again.

However, when he closed the door again, the laughter in the secret room rang out again.


Onoki didn't continue to push the door to enter this time, but took a deep breath and left with some staggering steps. ,


"The military discipline of Iwagakure Kumogakure's garrisoned ninja troops has deteriorated, which has caused serious harm to the country..."

At the Konoha Joint Meeting, the Hyuga Clan Chief in charge of the Intelligence Department reported: "According to incomplete statistics, the Intelligence Department ninjas collected a total of 140 records of plunder and massacres by Iwagakure ninjas in the southern regions of Tori Country and Earth Country; Takino Country The ninja forces of the two alliances in the north caused 79 vicious incidents..."

"Although this matter has nothing to do with us, we should take it as a warning."

Hatake Sakumo on the stage said to Uchiha Demitsu.

"Ninja discipline is the fundamental guarantee of combat effectiveness."

Regarding this point, Uchiha Tokumitsu's requirements have always been relatively high. Even if he cannot compare with the iron army in his previous life, he at least requires that he cannot rob without reason. As for buying and selling by force or concealing during war " He could only turn a blind eye to incidents like "loots of war".

After all, you can't have too high expectations for this terrible world, and the moral level of the ninja world is there, and it is unrealistic to ask too high.

In this regard, we can only hope that in the future, "people with sufficient food and clothing will know honor and disgrace."

Therefore, while Uchiha Tokko was making a lot of money from the United Company through monopoly, he also consciously leaked some soup from under his nails to benefit the lower levels.

"The Ninja Army stationed abroad and the Konoha Standing Forces should conduct self-examination and self-correction to prevent unhealthy tendencies from becoming common within the Ninja Army."

Uchiha Demitsu said casually.

Subsequently, the secretaries of the Governor's Office and the two Houses immediately took note of it, and after the meeting, they compiled feasible regulations and submitted them to Uchiha Tokko for review and approval.

"How is the recruitment status of the new reserve ninja army?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"At present, the five standing columns have been fully staffed and have begun to reorganize, and the shelf columns have completed thirteen institutional organizations."

"The Ministry of Government Affairs and the Ministry of Finance have allocated material budgets in place!"

Mito Menyan also said quickly.

"That's it..."

Uchiha Deguang nodded and said nothing.

Subsequently, Hatake Sakumo and the Uchiha Four assigned tasks to the Konoha tribes respectively regarding the resolutions of the two houses, but Uchiha Tokumitsu did not continue to intervene.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's rare visit to the joint executive meeting made all the ministers frightened, seeing this situation, they calmed down a little and continued to advance various matters as usual.


"Strictly investigate! Be sure to strictly investigate!"

In the ruling government of the capital of the Kingdom of Wind, Rasa, who had just taken over as the Fourth Kazekage, was furious and furious in front of all Sunagakure senior officials.

Not long ago, a joint company caravan from the Kingdom of Sichuan mysteriously disappeared in the desert. Then yesterday, the newly reorganized special detective force of the joint anti-terrorism force stationed in the Kingdom of Wind tracked and found the remains of the caravan deep in the desert.

Nearly a hundred people in the United Company's caravan were all slaughtered, and all the merchandise they carried disappeared without a trace.

This is an extremely heinous act of murder and robbery!
Originally, due to the special environment of the desert, the United Company sometimes did not pay much attention to some unimportant caravans getting lost, thinking that it was just a sudden loss of direction in a sudden sandstorm or the like, and at most they suffered some losses. It will appear again in a few days.

But unexpectedly, what finally came was the bad news that the whole caravan was destroyed!
How can the joint company, which is used to rampant behavior, stand this kind of anger!
So while the ruling government of the country of Yiwenfeng was questioning him, it also began to recruit ninja troops to prepare to hunt down the real culprit after the detective force found it.

For Luo Sha, this was a naked slap in the face!
He just took over the position of Kazekage!

He was given a blow before his butt was warmed up. These Sunagakures are really good!

What's more, who in the ninja world doesn't know that he has the shogunate as the general backstage!The United Company is even more prepared to make appropriate compromises on the tax amount for contracting the Oasis, but at this juncture, there are still people who dare to give him eye drops on such a matter. It is simply a matter of life and death!

Luo Sha looked at the senior executives of Sunagakure, and the more he looked at them, the more suspicious they became.

"Strict investigation!"

After a long time, Luo Sha calmed down and said slowly: "This matter must be investigated to the end! No matter who the perpetrator is, he will be severely punished!"

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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