Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 410 Yu Ren’s decision

Chapter 410 Yu Ren’s decision

"According to Tokumitsu-sama's great instructions and correct guidance, the United Company Charity Federation plans to provide basic living material assistance to the Land of Rain, the southern part of the Country of Birds, and the northern part of the Country of Wind in September of the 40th year of Konoha. All supplies must be distributed to people and must not pass through the hands of outsiders!”

Inikisaki Kisame, who was temporarily transferred from the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force to join the Charity Federation, tried his best to put on the kind smile he wanted on his face, but against the backdrop of his already ferocious face, it looked more like he wanted to choose people and devour them. The ferocious appearance.

The so-called United Company Charity Federation is actually a special intelligence agency jointly created by the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Intelligence, and under the name of the United Company. The original intention and theoretical basis for the establishment of this organization was provided by the United Company. The theory of psychological warfare proposed by Hyuga Hizashi, Chief of Staff of the Anti-Terrorism Force.

Therefore, after Uchiha Tokumitsu received the special application from the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force, his first reaction was surprise: he did not expect that there are still people in this world who can figure out the essence of non-governmental organizations without any teacher. Although he cannot judge this Whether the number of routines can play any role in a world dominated by extraordinary powers, but just out of bad taste, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately approved this plan.

Therefore, after the deployment of the United Company, the newly launched Charity Federation "raised" a batch of materials to prepare for poverty relief activities in the western part of the Shinobi World.

Kisame Inegaki, who had just returned from the Land of Wind, was appointed as the defense commander of this rescue operation. Although there were only more than 150 ninja employees of the United Company carrying supplies, there were among Kisame Inegaki who served as escorts. There are more than [-] combat troops.

In addition, Hyuga Hizashi also commands a squadron of the anti-terrorism force, three special service groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and five action groups of the Intelligence Department, totaling more than [-] people. They will coordinate and communicate behind the charity team.

In other words, this charity team that nominally performs poverty relief work has nearly [-] ninjas!
In this battle, whoever is released will not have numb claws!


"You said this was bailing out people?"

Even Sansho Hanzo, who was friends with Uchiha Demitsu, had a headache when he saw the number of people in the charity work team.

"Yes, Lord Hanzo!"

Former Hanzo confidant and current shogunate loyal minister Amada Jounin said respectfully: "After learning that the western region of our country suffered annual floods, the United Company Charity Federation immediately raised a large amount of materials to aid our country and improve the basic level of the affected people. life help.”

"Hundreds of ninjas..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo was still a little hesitant.

Although the Land of Rain has actually become a half-ninja village and half-shogunate society, Sansho Hanzo's pride as a "demigod" has not completely faded away, and he is still a bit arrogant.

But he also understood in his heart that without the help of the United Company or Konoha, the power of the Kingdom of Rain alone would not be able to resolve the damage caused by this flood.

"Communicate with the United Company and ask them to leave the supplies, and we will organize the manpower to distribute them ourselves."

After hesitating for a moment, Sanshouyu Hanzo decided to ask for both.

"I mentioned this suggestion to Chief of Staff Hyuuga Hizashi Jounin, but..."

Jonin Amada hesitated: "Mr. Hizashi refused..."


Sanshouyu Hanzang had no expression on his face. He just continued to read the relief plan from the Charity Federation silently, his eyes hidden under the gas mask a little wandering.

The Kingdom of Rain... is it still the Kingdom of Rain?

I can’t figure out the Sansho Fish Hanzo either.

If you look purely at the living standards of civilians and ninjas, today's Rain Country is undoubtedly far better than before the Second Ninja War.

At least, as far as Sanshouyu Hanzo knew, there hadn't been a large-scale famine in the Rain Country for several years.

This is not only due to the peaceful external environment achieved by Hanzo Sanshouyu's "sacrifice to seek refuge", but more importantly, the continuous expansion of the Tokko Shogunate's internal influence in the Land of Rain and the accompanying investment and expansion of the handicraft industry.

After receiving large investments from the Tokugang Shogunate and the United Company, large-scale workshops were built in the Land of Rain, relying on extremely abundant water resources, relying on water power, waterwheels, water-powered forging hammers, and a series of other The semi-finished product manufacturing workshops have absorbed a large amount of labor force from the Kingdom of Rain, allowing the civilians of the Kingdom of Rain to rely on work to solve their food and clothing problems.

Along with this, after a large number of young and strong laborers joined the workshops, the originally extremely fragile agriculture of the Rain Country completely collapsed. Its unique greenhouse planting technology was also learned by the United Company and blossomed in other areas with better natural environments. , replaced by rice and wheat flour from the Land of Fire and meat products from the Land of Grass.

Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't know whether this change was good or bad.

To explain the benefits on the surface, ninjas and civilians no longer have to worry about food and clothing. They can rely on labor to get paid and exchange for what they want. For civilians who have lived in the "country of tears" for generations, it is simply natural. The greatest good thing since the beginning of the world.

But if there is a disadvantage, it is that the Kingdom of Rain is now controlled by others.

Although Sanshouyu Hanzo didn't understand any economic theory, as a ninja village leader, he still understood the importance of food to a ninja village and even a country.

During the course of his rise, he often led the same hungry rain ninjas to conquer small countries, all in order to plunder enough food so that the people in the same village and country would not die of hunger; Therefore, no one understands the importance of food independence better than him.

But what can be done?
The shogunate's investment is very important to the Kingdom of Rain. The large-scale workshops built by the United Company also absorb a huge labor force. If the Kingdom of Rain cannot provide enough labor, then it will definitely face a reduction in investment and even labor shortages. The workshops were relocated; and those poor people who lived in the countryside across the Country of Rain and had long suffered from hunger did not care about food independence at all. They voted with their feet to join the workshops and become well-fed workers.

As for forcing farmers to stay in the countryside... Sanshouyu Hanzo still can't do this kind of thing.

Therefore, what he has to face is the current dilemma.

Due to the floods caused by heavy rains all day long, the originally extremely fragile roads were washed away, so convoys composed of ordinary people could not pass at all. Therefore, if disaster relief was to be carried out, ninjas would need to rely on seal scrolls to transport a large amount of supplies, so large-scale It has naturally become a rigid requirement for the ninja team to enter the country.

"...What do you think?" After a long time, Sanshouyu Hanzo asked quietly.


Jonin Amada hesitated.

But then, he gritted his teeth and said what was in his heart: "As long as it is beneficial to the Chinese people, I don't think there is anything wrong."


Sanshouyu Hanzo remained silent.

After listening for a while, Amada, who did not hear the leader's reprimand, mustered up the courage again and said: "Of course, I also understand what Hanzo-sama means, but for the Kingdom of Rain..."

"The so-called autonomy, independence and dignity are not important at all in the face of the realistic conditions of being able to live a good life."

Sanshouyu Hanzo still didn't speak, and just continued to flip through the charity association's plan.

"The Kingdom of Rain has already had troops stationed by the shogunate, so it is completely unnecessary to still debate whether to allow ninjas to enter..."

As the United Companies spread throughout the Land of Rain, the Fire Gate Shogunate Ninja Army, which was originally stationed mainly in the eastern region of the Land of Rain, also spread to various places, and even took over border defense for a time when Sansho Hanzo was hired to fight.

In addition, there are now thousands of ninjas working in the United Company in Yu Ninja Village, and they have long been in a state of harmony. Therefore, in Amada's view, the leader's persistence and concerns are completely unnecessary.

——For the shogunate, the benefits of annexing the Kingdom of Rain are far less than what the current economic control can bring, and naturally they have no intention of embezzling the Rain Ninja Village.

As for the choice of the Rain Ninjas, this can only be said to be "water flows to lower places and people go to higher places." The only reason to blame is that the Country of Rain is too poor.

"You come and draft the documents..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo finally gave up the meaningless struggle in his heart.

"First, the United Company Charity Federation and related personnel are allowed to move freely within the Kingdom of Rain, but they are not allowed to enter local government agencies at will."

Amata immediately took out a piece of paper and wrote it down.

The first half of the sentence is for the Charity Federation to completely lift the ban, while the second half is just a slight modification of face.

If the shogunate wants to get the secrets of the Rain Country... No!The Kingdom of Rain has no secrets from the shogunate!

"Secondly, please ask the Charity Federation to set up a branch at the Yuren Village headquarters as needed to facilitate the coordination of relief affairs nearby in the future."

Although Yutian was a little surprised when he heard this, he felt that the leader had taken a big step, but after thinking about it, he thought that this was actually no different from his long-standing idea of ​​"joining if you can't beat him", and then he happily wrote down this edict.

Moreover, if the Charity Federation's branch in Amenobu Village is established, Amada, as a long-established "Friend of the Shogunate", might also be able to get some credit...

"Third, write the text to the Daming Mansion to discuss matters concerning the publication of the edition..."

After saying this, Sanshouyu Hanzo stood up and walked to the back of the palace.

The stunned Yu Tian was stunned for a long time, and then he happily compiled the leader's will into a colorful document and publicized it widely within the Yu Ninja Village.

Suddenly, the whole Yu Ninja Village burst into cheers.

Indeed, Yu Ren's pride and tenacity have always been there.

Just like their worship of Sanshouyu Hanzo, this "will of rain" will definitely accompany them throughout their lives.

But even so, who would refuse the selfless help from the allies?

The Fire Gate Shogunate ninja troops stationed throughout the Land of Rain are the envy of the Rain ninjas, whether they are equipped with a variety of new ninja tools or are richly rewarded with gold coupons, or even the canned meat from the Land of Grass that they are tired of eating.

Although most of the rain ninja would not abandon the ninja village for the generous treatment, but since even their own leaders intend to change their ways, then everyone "has to" follow the trend of the times and join the era dominated by the shogunate. Gone in great cause.

"Ninja Village..."

Even though he was on the high tower, Sanshouyu Hanzo still heard the cheers from the Ninja Village.

His mood was a mixture of emotions, which he could not explain and explain.

But he also knew very clearly that from now on, he would be able to unload the "boulder" he had been worrying about.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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