Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 411 Iwagakure’s Stubbornness

Chapter 411 Iwagakure’s Stubbornness

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Akatsuchi, who had just arrived at the southern capital of the Land of Earth, had not warmed up his buttocks. Before he had time to conduct a special investigation, he received a request for instructions from the Iwagakure Ninja Army stationed in the Land of Tori.

But as soon as he opened it, Chitu immediately became furious and roared on the spot.

Asura was a little confused.

Although he had countless reasons to look down upon what Akatsuchi and the Iwagakure were doing, to be fair, as a senior elite Jonin, Akatsuki should not theoretically have such violent mood swings.

This does not meet the basic quality requirements of a superior person who should "not change his expression even when a mountain collapses in front of him".

"The independence of the country, its subjects and even its vassals is the most precious treasure of the Earth Kingdom and Iwagakure!"

Akatsuki was still angrily scolding the dusty messenger ninja.

Including Asura, everyone who had just arrived looked at each other in confusion.

Looking at this reaction...it doesn't look like a shogunate invasion!

So why is the height of "jade" involved?
Then, everyone's eyes turned to the document that Chitu was waving in his hand, who was spitting and scolding.

"...Captain Akatsuchi?"

Perhaps his mouth was dry from the scolding. It took nearly half an hour for Chitu to stop, but he was still breathing heavily with his hands on his hips.

Only then did his cronies dare to step forward and ask cautiously.

"Take it!"

Chitu naturally understood what he meant, so he slapped the document in his hand on the chest of his confidant angrily.


The trusted ninja picked up the document and took a quick look at it, then looked shocked.

Then he passed the document to everyone to read, and finally fell into the hands of Asura.

"United Company Charity Federation... Disaster relief action plan for the southern part of Earth Kingdom?"

Asura felt that the shogunate's writing format and wording were a bit strange, and seemed to be incompatible with the ninja world, but this did not prevent him from understanding the contents of the document.

In short, this organization called the Charity Federation Action Team is going to enter the southern part of the Earth Kingdom to rescue civilians who have been in dire straits due to the recent flash floods. It is worth noting that this so-called action team is composed entirely of ninjas. composition……

Asura also understood why Akatsuki's reaction was so great.

Although they didn't spend much time getting along and communicating with each other along the way, Asura was still very keenly aware of the differences between Iwagakure ninjas, Konoha ninjas, and Shogunate ninjas.

The biggest difference is that the Iwagakure ninjas are a group that takes "self-instrumentation" and "personality killing" to the extreme.

Whether they are upper, middle or lower ninja, they all have the same ninjutsu template, absolutely identical body shapes and hairstyles, as well as indifference to external affairs, or contempt for their own lives, which are the best portrayal of the "Will of Stone".

In other words, Iwagakure's tool-man attributes are simply brought to the extreme.

Therefore, compared with Konoha ninjas, although they are simple and strong in some aspects, they are more conservative and follow the rules.

And the extreme disregard for civilians...

In particular, Asura also noticed that this document from a subordinate organization of Konoha also mentioned the plight of the most discriminated mountain savages in the Earth Kingdom...

He also remembered very clearly the tragedy of the two Iwagakure ninjas who were "recruiting food" and massacred a herd of savages in order to take away two sheep.

Asura glanced at the two Iwagakure ninjas who were clamoring to attack Konoha without leaving any trace.

Then, he noticed that Chitu was observing his subordinates' expressions.

"It's disgusting..."

Under the cover of the ANBU mask, Asura curled his lips in disdain.

Is this because he is observing which of his subordinates are on the same wavelength as him?If any abnormality is found, they will probably need to be "re-educated".

"Go back and tell your jounin!"

Akatsuchi, who felt good about himself, reprimanded the sweating messenger ninja: "Let him guard the border and not let any Konoha ninja cross the border, otherwise Iwagakure will not tolerate a person who rebels against the village!"

"As ordered..."

The trembling messenger ninja wiped his sweat and nodded.

"Go quickly!"

Chitu scolded angrily.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The messenger ninja was relieved and prepared to leave.

"I'll go to the south first and have a look."

Ashura said suddenly.

"...Aren't you going to investigate with us, the Great Lord?"

Chitu was a little surprised.

"It won't take long."

Ashura said.

"...I want to see what conspiracy is brewing in Konoha."

Seeing Akatsuki's confused look, Asura added casually.

"That's fine too!"

Akatsuchi nodded, "Then please help Daluo Jōnin to interrogate those 'non-Iwagakure' who seriously lack the will of stone!"

The messenger ninja's body trembled even more.

'Not Iwagakure' is a very serious accusation for these Iwagakure ninjas, and they may even be ordered to have their bodies disemboweled!

But in fact, the Iwagakure ninjas stationed in various places didn't think much at all. They just wanted to let Konoha's charity action team come in to distribute supplies, and then collect the supplies from civilians after these stupid and rich guys left. , what bad intentions are there!

Asura nodded, then patted the frightened messenger ninja on the shoulder and motioned for him to lead the way. …

During the journey south, Asura took the initiative to slow down his speed. It seemed to be to take care of the average messenger ninja, but in fact he was to observe the situation of the Earth Kingdom along the way.

Due to the extremely heavy rainfall since August, severe flooding has occurred in the Kingdom of Rain and the areas north of the Kingdom of Wind.

While the Kingdom of Rain is characterized by flooding, the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Birds are characterized by serious and frequent flash floods.

"Why is the disaster so severe that no local nobles have provided relief?"

Asura asked seemingly unintentionally.

"These savages are all non-nationals!"

The respectful messenger ninja showed a look of disdain on his face, "They do not obey the jurisdiction of the daimyo, and voluntarily live in the stone forest. They neither pay taxes nor cultivate the land. They are not beneficial to the country at all!"

"By the way, there is another legend, that is, in ancient times, these savages were actually the servants of monsters who were defeated, but now they have all been scattered."

Mentioning these "glorious deeds", the messenger ninja immediately enthusiastically showed off various rumors and gossip to the "Anbu-sama" in his eyes.

But... in the eyes of Asura, who has memories from ancient times, these so-called "barbarians of the Earth Kingdom" were just a mountain tribe at that time. If we go into detail, the central area of ​​the Earth Kingdom was once home to people. The nomadic land!

But even if you are a successful king or a defeated enemy, it is not like this!

Asura felt that if they were really serious, this group of savages would be completely unable to withstand the conquests of the Iwagakure ninjas, but it seemed that these Iwagakure deliberately kept these people...

Thinking back to the "task" system in the Ninja Village today, Asura felt even more desperate.

"So, even if we let them starve to death, we can't let the savages accept Konoha's relief?"

Asura asked in a calm tone.

"Of course!"

The messenger ninja said confidently: "It is because of the existence of these inexhaustible insects that the mining development in the south has been affected, resulting in the village being unable to overwhelm Konoha!"

"Then why did your jounin write a letter to accept Konoha's rescue?"

Asura asked in confusion.

"Can't we just wait until those stupid and rich guys in Konoha finish handing out the resources, then we can get them back~"

The messenger ninja, who was still a little cautious at first, also showed a bloodthirsty smile: "Besides, it was quite troublesome to search for these guys all over the mountains and plains. When the time comes, if they gather together to receive relief, we can drop by..."

Then, the messenger ninja made a downward gesture.

When Asura saw this, he felt a chill in his body.

Is this something that humans can do? !
Even those evil Uchiha wouldn't be like this!

Asura's ninja, which he had finally put back together, was once again on the verge of collapse.

It's just that the messenger ninja didn't know what Asura was thinking at this time, and he regarded him as a "Anbu-sama" who was high-ranking and powerful but not in ordinary affairs, so he was very concerned about his "Anbu-sama" both in words and in words. "Great achievements" he boasted, but he didn't know that Asura's heart was even more broken.

Perhaps feeling that Asura was no longer interested in hearing such things, the messenger ninja shut up and concentrated on his way.

Otherwise, Asura would probably have turned black on the spot.

"This is a hopeless world..."

Asura raised his head and looked at the gray sky where drizzle was dripping.

Two streaks of water hang down from under the eyes of the mask...


"Iwagakure hasn't decided yet?"

In the temporary operations center of the Charity Federation in the western part of the Land of Rain, Hyuga Hizashi asked the United Company businessman in charge of liaison.

"They claim to report it to higher authorities."

The businessman shook his head.

"Then leave him alone!"

Hinata Hizashi waved his hand with great responsibility, and decided to ignore Iwagakure's reaction: "Notify the local Fire Gate Shogunate garrison ninja army and rain ninja, and let them enter the country of birds with us!"

"As ordered!"

The communication ninja immediately took the order and left.


Hinata Hizashi's eyes turned to Kisame Kisaki on one side, "This rescue operation will most likely be obstructed by Iwagakure, and you will need to worry more then; as well as the ninja troops mobilized from various ministries, I I will also give you unified command!"

"Chief of Staff Hizashi, don't worry!"

Kisame Mikigaki said, patting his chest.

The two of them hit it off, one wanted political achievements and the other wanted meritorious deeds, and they were a perfect match.


Konoha Governor's Palace.

After receiving the action report from Hyuga Hizashi, Uchiha Tokumitsu hesitated for a moment, and then separately summoned Uchiha Fugaku who was stationed in Kawano Country, asking him to assemble the western border defense forces and prepare.

Although the expansion of Konoha's standing ninja army has not yet been completed, Uchiha Tokumitsu still does not intend to give in even a little bit on the road of making progress.

What's more, after finally finding a flag with justice, Uchiha Tokumitsu was reluctant to give up.

In an instant, all kinds of erotic actions in the memory of the previous life burst out.

 Update today (2/2)

  Don't think Iwagakure's behavior is absurd. In fact, the reality is even more absurd; for example, during the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Great Irish Famine, the operations of Xiaoli and Yingyi were even more suffocating.Moreover, even the Ottoman Sultan could not stand the famine in Ireland and sent ships to deliver food, but he was forced back by the British gunboats.

  Therefore, even if it is a fan fiction, it still needs some logic, and the absurdity of reality will definitely make people unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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