Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 414: The benevolent people of Iwagakure

Chapter 414: The benevolent people of Iwagakure
"Iwagakure actually made such a fuss..."

In the office of the Konoha Governor's Mansion, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo were reading the confidential information sent back from the front line of Tori Country.

Regarding this unprecedented collective rebellion of low-level ninjas in the ninja world, Hatake Sakumo also had mixed emotions.

The rituals are ruined and the music is ruined...

Sighing slightly, Hatake Sakumo shook his head and continued reading frontline information.

Perhaps for the sake of "secret confidentiality", the intelligence department's Iwagakure lurker cited the Earth Kingdom Southern Guardian's assessment of the event in this case of Iwagakure's "low-level ninja" who behaved extremely strangely without any warning. Although they were called "Rice Riots", the article also praised the perseverance of these low-level Iwagakure ninjas for their perseverance and fearless revolutionary spirit of caring about the country and the people and caring for the common people.

The reason for this description is also because the intelligence personnel believe that both Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo came to power by defeating their superiors, and may not like words such as "rebellion, rebellion", so when describing this group of When they consider the "Iwagakure ninja" to be extremely weird, they tend to use neutral or positive compliments.

At this time, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo, who were reading the information, did not notice anything strange. They also believed that this was just a riot caused by the low-level Iwagakure who could not bear the oppression.

"We need to provide appropriate assistance..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was thinking about the poisonous plan of the lighthouse in his past life memories, "These Iwagakure patriots are relatively weak in strength, and they seem to be very disorganized. They most likely just act with passion, let alone the ninja army encirclement and suppression, even if it is the government army." Even if we gather together to attack them, we may not be able to resist..."

"After all, they are just a group of passionate genin."

Hatake Sakumo nodded in agreement, but felt that this matter was of little significance: "But even if they assist with ninja equipment, they will not be able to resist the surprise attack of the Jonin team."

"We can pick up these patriots when they are about to fail~"

The poisonous water in Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart gurgled: "Then, in the name of these people, we will use the banner of 'Free Iwagakure' or something like that..."

"It sounds...seemingly okay."

Although Hatake Sakumo seemed a little hesitant, he still nodded reluctantly: "However, it may not be easy to rescue these people when the army is defeated, unless the time comes to directly intervene in the battle to quell the chaos in Iwagakure, but in this way Come……"

"It doesn't matter whether we rescued people or not!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed loudly and stood up: "As long as I say yes, then yes! Even if I catch a monkey and stick it there, if I say it is Iwagakure Patriot, then it is!"

Hatake Sakumo heard this and immediately laughed out loud.

"But I have one more thing to trouble Sakumo-kun."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"Let's talk!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately looked solemn.

"I plan to let you sit on the northern border for a while, and then bring three new standing columns. You will be responsible for commanding the occupied areas and the northern border defense forces."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly: "Your main job is to keep an eye on Kumogakure, and also pay attention to the information about the Eight-Tails..."

Hatake Sakumo didn't speak, just nodded.

This was the first time Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to ask him to leave the town, but he also knew that there must be a reason.

"The eight tails are very important. After all, among the nine tailed beasts, its power is second only to the nine tails. If we can capture it..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a pinching gesture, "Then, even if the two holy places and Iwagakure Kumogakure completely join forces, we will still have a chance to win!"

"no problem!"

Hatake Sakumo said firmly.

"I will bring the other two newly formed columns to the Kingdom of Rain to take control, and then recruit a part of the standing ninja army from Kirigakure to make up the size of 2000 people. As for the village..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, "How about letting the president of the Senate of the Four Parties be responsible for the expansion and preparation of the reserve shelf column?"

"However, the expansion of the shelf column should not be too much. After all, too many manpower will affect the operation of the village."

Hatake Sakumo gave his own opinion.

"Let's recruit ten reserve rack columns first."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said, "This will not have much impact on the village's operation and mission system. After all, they are just staying in the village as a precaution."

"That's fine."

Hatake Sakumo nodded.

"But the goal of this operation is..."

"At least we must take down the small vassal countries of the Earth Kingdom~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said happily: "We must at least take the opportunity to start a war, so as to maximize our interests!"

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu also got two good cards, one was the aura of justice brought by the charity action team, and the other was the opportunities brought by the rebel... uprising Iwagakure.

If he didn't take the opportunity to dig a piece of flesh from Earth Country, then he wouldn't be an Uchiha.


"You're having too much fun!"

Hei Jue, who had come all the way from the Land of Snow, scolded A Fei as soon as they met.


Ah Fei screamed, "I don't accept it!"

"You have to obey if you don't want to!"

Black Zetsu was furious and planned to remove A Fei's control of White Zetsu in one go: "You have violated the organization's secrecy! It is very likely that Uchiha Tokumitsu will discover our existence! This is a big sin!"

"You're the one with the problem!"

Ah Fei was even more unconvinced: "You said you wanted to collect tailed beasts! But now you are still hiding in the ice and snow. If you wait any longer, Madara-sama's body will turn into ashes!"

"Madara-sama's body is well protected under the ice field!"

Even if he has different intentions, Hei Zetsu does not dare to be careless on this key issue: "You are the only one who has abandoned Madara-sama's will!"

"You bullshit!"

A Fei also jumped up immediately.

"If you don't accept it, I'm going to take action!"

Black Jue also became even more angry.

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom!"

Ah Fei clapped his hands, and trees rose from the ground.

A group of Bai Jue who were huddled in the corner watching the show also started screaming strangely.Only then did Black Zetsu notice that there seemed to be something wrong with the number of White Zetsu...

It seems... many of them are newly created, and they all look powerful...


Although Black Jue has some secret means to punish Ah Fei, it does not want to reveal its trump card so soon, and if it does, it may cause the White Jue group to lose control...

Looking at Ah Fei who looked eager to give it a try, Hei Jue felt that he had impulsively said the wrong thing just now.

"...Calm down, let's have a nice chat."

As a result, Hei Ze's tone also softened.


Fei, who felt that he had won a round, also calmed down and said triumphantly: "Your will is Madara's inheritance, but you must also know that you are already behind the times!"

"What the hell!"

Hei Jue couldn't believe his ears!

Is this what the stupid Bai Jue can say? !

A Fei slapped a notice on Hei Jue's face.

"The people of the country are miserable, and so are your families, right? The ninjas on the front lines of Bird Country have to work in the mines for their families to eat; the farmers of Earth Country cannot eat the rice they grow; they Hungry, cold, exhausted..."

Black Zetsu read out the words in the notice.

"I took it wrong!"

Ah Fei immediately took the paper back from Hei Jue's hand, then took it out of his arms, replaced it with a document and handed it to Hei Jue.

Hei Jue glanced at Ah Fei, who was a little uncomfortable, suspiciously, and then looked at the document.

"The cause of Patriot Iwagakure is correct and great, and it will surely lead to victory..."

Black Zetsu's mind was filled with questions. He glanced at the proud A Fei and continued reading: "They are the concrete manifestation of the Earth Kingdom's will to resist, and they are the spokespersons for the common people under the dual oppression of the Ninja Village and the Daimyo... "

"This was actually announced by the shogunate!"

Only then did Hei Jue notice the signature at the bottom of the manuscript, and was immediately shocked!
"That's right!"

Ah Fei said triumphantly.

The group of Bai Jue huddled in the corner also straightened their chests proudly!
"You bunch of vegetative people, why should you be the saviors of the Earth Kingdom?"

Hei Jue felt an unknown fire welling up in his heart.

"What's wrong!"

A Fei is not willing to let people deny his "great achievements", "This is unanimously recognized by the shogunate and the common people in the southern part of the Earth Kingdom!"

"That's right!"

The Bai Jue people also started making noise.

"We will have to snatch the tailed beast from the shogunate in the future!"

Hei Jue felt that he had never been so angry in thousands of years: "If his identity is discovered, everything will be over!"

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son!"

Ah Fei was still talking proudly: "If I hadn't led the White Jue people to sneak into Yanyin, how could I have accomplished such a great undertaking today!"


Ah Fei pointed to the White Zetsu gathered in the corner and said: "Now, I already have a thousand White Zetsu! They are all elites who can fight with the chuunin level!"

Hei Jue became even more uneasy after hearing this.

It starts to feel like things are going off plan.

"As long as I provoke a war here and let the shogunate and Iwagakure develop, I can collect many, many high-quality culture media, and then cultivate a more powerful White Zetsu!"

A Fei's tone began to become high-spirited.

Black Zetsu was even more uneasy.

There are many ways to cultivate Bai Jue, but in the past, Bai Jue who had a certain combat effectiveness basically relied on the heretic golem for debugging, but now it seems that A Fei has found a new path by combining White Jue spores with corpse culture medium...

You know, the Bai Jue that relies on autospores to divide will have a certain dependence on the original host!In other words, the White Zetsu clan may be split into the Black Zetsu sect and the Afei sect!

This will not work!

Bai Jue is Mother's army, how could they allow a special version of Bai Jue to dominate them!

Although Hei Jue seemed to be listening attentively, in his heart he was already thinking about how to stumble A Fei.

"By the way...how do you suddenly know so much?"

Hei Jue deliberately changed the topic.

"I read a book!"

A Fei raised his head proudly and said, "Books are the source of wisdom!"

"what book!"

Hei Jue's eyes almost popped out of his head.


A Fei took out two books from his arms.

Hei Jue took a closer look and almost fainted——

"Tokumitsu's Quotes (Top Secret Edition within the Shogunate)"

"Our Struggle—On the Justice of Konoha's Innovation"

 Update today (1/2)

  It's the end of the month. If you still have monthly tickets, I hope you can support them so that the ranking data will not be so ugly...

  The data performance of Benpoujie has been reduced to the "shame of quality"
(End of this chapter)

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