Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 415 The southern part of the Kingdom of Earth has become a mess.

Chapter 415: The southern part of the Kingdom of Earth has become a mess

It has to be said that psychological warfare, as a new stealth strike method, has been tested in the southwest of the Earth Kingdom, and the results achieved are quite good.

In particular, the promotional announcement compiled by Hyuga Hizashi and revised by Uchiha Tokumitsu turned the already restless Southern Earth Country into a complete mess.

"Farmers in the Land of Earth must eat the rice they grow!"

Along with this simple slogan, the rebellion wave in the southern part of the Earth Kingdom swept from the county to the countryside. The rule of the Earth Kingdom aristocrats could not be maintained in the face of the tsunami-like riots. All the tax collectors in the countryside were killed. Even nobles with good reputations were expelled from the towns by the citizens.

Even the mountain savages who slaughtered like wild beasts did not know where they obtained a large number of metal weapons and began to attack small groups of government troops in various places. They even had a small amount of detonating talismans to quell the chaos in the form of a small team. The Iwagakure ninja posed a threat.

Before the ninja army of Demon Leech returned, the few ninjas in Akatsuchi's hands and the nobles' Hatamoto samurai could not stabilize the situation at all.

But the reply from the front line made Chitu and the nobles suddenly feel chilled.

"Konoha's western border defense force appeared on the front line of the Kingdom of Birds, and the Ninja Army of the Kingdom of Rain began to conduct cross-border reconnaissance at the border..."

The guardian of the southern border of the Kingdom of Earth muttered to himself, his eyes dull.

If he guessed correctly, it is estimated that the Fire Gate Shogunate in the direction of Grass Country should have made some moves at this time, but the information has not yet been transmitted due to the distance.

Wasn’t it promised to help the poor?Why did it suddenly become a full-scale invasion? !
The nobles circulated the information from the front line one by one, looking at each other in disbelief.

Could it be that...a full-scale war between the two camps broke out without warning?
No way!They haven't had time to transfer their wealth yet!

In the plan of the nobles, Iwagakure's military preparations will last at least ten or eight years, and it will take almost that much time for the shogunate to digest the current territory; not to mention that Uchiha Tokumitsu has not yet completely consolidated the territory. The shogunate system and the Konoha Ninja Village are completely integrated, but the overall combat level is still insufficient.

As a result, the nobles also increased their exploitation in their respective territories in the name of "collecting military expenditures" and began to transfer their industries to the north of the Earth Kingdom. While they were being squeezed, they continued to lose jobs in the south of the Earth Kingdom. People are even more miserable and naturally full of resentment.

Therefore, it is not surprising that after a drink and a peck, the southern part of the Earth Kingdom, which has deep grievances, became angry at all.

"We need more ninjas!"

The nobles could not sit still.

"Please Onoki-dono, please dispatch the village's standing ninja army!"

"That's right! If you let it go, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The nobles said one after another.

The guardian of the southern border and Chitu just looked at the noisy nobles silently without speaking.

Gradually, the nobles who felt something was wrong in the atmosphere gradually became quiet.

"If Uchiha Tokumitsu had not reached the front line, everything could have been undone."

After all the nobles shut up, Chitu slowly spoke.

"Otherwise, we will consider implementing scorched earth tactics..."

"...Isn't this a little too hasty?"

A landless noble asked quietly.

His territory has been completely occupied by the mob, and all the accumulated wealth has been lost. Naturally, he is not willing to implement scorched earth tactics.

——At least, we have to wait for him to transfer back his property after the chaos is over before starting a full-scale war!

"You can serve as a messenger and ask the people in the shogunate."

The Guardian of the Southern Territory waved his hand, and a group of Hatamoto warriors rushed in. Without saying a word, they picked up the noble and said, "I will appoint you as the special envoy of the Southern Territory now. Go and have a good chat with the guys from the shogunate!"

Afterwards, the Hatamoto samurai dragged him out regardless of the unfortunate man's cries and distress.

The other nobles no longer dared to say anything.

Of course, the behavior of the guardian of the southern region does not conform to the rules among nobles. After all, it is the power of the daimyo to deal with the nobles; but there is no choice but to say that it is now a quasi-wartime state, and the only organized government army in the entire southern region is in his hands, and the lost ground The nobles simply couldn't compete with him.

"The initiative to influence the situation is not in my hands..."

The guardian of the southern border said slowly: "Similarly, it is not in the hands of Mr. Chitu either."

Although this is not very popular, it is still a truth.

Akatsuchi also nodded in agreement.

"Whether it is war or peace, it depends on the final decision of His Highness the Daimyo and His Excellency the Tsuchikage..."

This time, the Guardian of the Southern Territory did not deliberately maintain the "Crane Sound" tone of the great nobles of the Tachibana clan, but said in a normal tone: "More importantly, it depends on the look in Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes!"

"...We are a great country!"

A young nobleman in the audience couldn't help but scream.

"The shogunate has two and a half great powers."

The Southern Guardian used the simplest comparison to illustrate the strength gap between the two sides.


The nobles looked at each other, not knowing why.

"Those rebellions are just insignificant people. As long as the Daimyo's direct army arrives, they can be completely wiped out with the southern army. But the most important thing is the reaction of the shogunate."

Chitu said.

Then, he picked up two promotional documents, one white and one white, from the table, "This is the key!"

The two propaganda documents of the shogunate were also the trigger that completely ignited the southern part of the Earth Kingdom.


The nobles had no choice but to let the two adults on the stage do what they wanted.

"The ninja army commanded by the demon leech will not be called back for the time being." The guardian of the southern border also sang a double act according to the countermeasures discussed in advance, "Your Excellency the Tsuchikage will assemble the ninja army in the ninja village to make preparations. At the same time, the palace directly under the jurisdiction of His Highness the Daimyo The army will also gather in the central region..."

But what should happen to the South, he has not yet said.

The landless nobles listened attentively one by one.

"...His Majesty Tsuchikage's envoy will go to the shogunate to discuss the matter, and we will take action after the results are known."

Akatsuki squeezed out the last line through his teeth with great difficulty.

"Only if Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't come!"

The guardian of the southern border added temporarily.


Although the fight with Hei Jue was very unpleasant, Ah Fei, who had completely let himself go, felt extremely happy!

The original organization's secrecy demands have long been thrown out of the window. Now, with the support of those civilians, coupled with various propaganda from the Konoha Intelligence Department and the shogunate's secret agents, it now seems to be the rebellion of the entire Earth Kingdom. The spiritual leader of the force!
"No! It's not rebellion!"

A Fei, who was disguised as an Iwagakure ninja, very seriously corrected the error in the notice written by the civil servants taken from the county: "You must understand that we are an uprising!"

"Ah! That's right! It's an uprising!"

The trembling civil servant immediately nodded and said that he would make changes immediately.

Naturally, Ah Fei was unwilling to continue to let others advocate for him, so under the guidance of "Deguang Quotations", he captured a group of low-level civil servants from various counties and cities and asked them to write reports on his glorious deeds and policy propaganda proclamations for him.

"...That's good!"

Later, the civil servant presented a fresh proclamation. Although A Fei did not quite understand the meaning of these words, let alone the deep meaning behind the words, he could judge whether the usage of a certain keyword matched the shogunate proclamation. Good or bad.

For example, it insists that its actions are an "uprising."

"CC to all places quickly!"

Ah Fei, who was dancing for joy, handed the notice to a Bai Jue, "I want everyone to know our will!"

Ever since Hei Jue was so angry that he ran back to the Land of Snow, A Fei no longer wanted to stay in the cave and get moldy.

Under the sun, feeling the worship and cheers of all people is simply a supreme enjoyment for it!

"Our cause is just!"

A Fei emphasized.

For Madara-sama!
Its heart is also cheering.


The ninja army of Demon Leech, which is sandwiched between the Western Border Defense Force and the "Rebel Iwagakure" in the northern part of Tori Country, is suffering the most.

In front of them, Uchiha Fugaku's ninja army was constantly putting pressure on them, while the retreat in the rear had been cut off by the rebel Iwagakure, and there were rain ninjas peeping on their flanks. Under the multi-faceted attack, the demon leeches were also in a state of distress.

"It's a dilemma..."

At this time, Demon Leech regretted not following Chi Tu's instructions to withdraw his troops immediately to quell the chaos, otherwise he would not have been trapped in the quagmire and unable to extricate himself.

What's even more terrible is that because the rear has been completely plunged into chaos, his ninja army's supplies are actually in a state of semi-cutoff.

Although it can be sustained for a period of time by relying on the supplies carried by the Ninja Army, who knows how long it will last?
And more importantly, with the three thousand ninja troops under his command, how long can they hold on even if they stick to it...

Standing in front of the battle line, Demon Leech looked at the Hyuga ninja not far away who was staring unscrupulously at Byakugan observing his own position in a daze.

Although judging from the recent banners of the Konoha Ninja Army on the opposite side, Uchiha Fugaku probably brought more than 1000 people here. Even if the so-called charity action team ninjas are included, it is still more than half of his own number.

But the magic leech didn't dare to act rashly, let alone the thought of attacking first.

After being trapped here, he couldn't send out reconnaissance ninjas at all, and he didn't know whether there were reinforcements lurking behind the Konoha ninja army in front of him. If he acted rashly, he would be hit by the shogunate's thunder...

Defeat is a small matter, death is a big deal!
Thinking of this, Demon Leech could only continue to endure it.

"Master Leech~"

A messenger ninja hurried over: "There is a letter from Nanbu Ishikawa County!"

"Let me see!"

Demon Leech eagerly grabbed the secret document and after reading the manuscript at a glance, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the envoy is ready to come..."

The leech wiped the sweat from his forehead.

As long as there is no war, everything will be fine!
"Big, big..."

Suddenly, the messenger ninja suddenly pointed in the direction of the Konoha ninja army and said stumblingly.


Demon Leech, who had just been immersed in joy, subconsciously turned his head to take a look.

In the Konoha camp where cheers were vaguely heard, a tall flag was erected, letting the flag flutter in the wind like a nightmare of Iwagakure!

Against the black flag, the red three-magatama pattern oozes like blood!
Demon Leech suddenly shuddered, his hands loosened, and the secret letter fell to the ground.

"...U-Uchiha Tokko's flag!"

he came!
 Update today (2/2)

  It’s the end of the month~ If you still have some idle monthly passes, I hope you can support them.

(End of this chapter)

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