Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 416 The power of fame

Chapter 416 The power of fame
The cheers of the Konoha ninjas became louder and louder, and the demon leech's face became paler and paler.

Big beads of sweat continued to drip from his forehead. The three magatama flags fluttering in the distance were like death's banners, drawing away the souls of the Iwagakure ninja who witnessed this scene.

But the huge Iwayin is not without its brave men——

"Uchiha! He is the shogun of the Uchiha clan!"

A group of new-generation ninjas from behind rushed to the front line, cheering and pointing at the black flag.

The magic leech looked back, a little dazed.

His mind had not yet recovered from the shock of Tokuguang's presence, and the behavior of this group of subordinates also made him completely confused.

What's wrong with being so happy?
Demon Leech looked at these subordinates up and down, still feeling confused.

In his impression, these ninjas all come from various ninjutsu families in Iwagakure. Although they are not very prominent and their ninjutsu inheritance is absolutely the same, they are all the pillar ninja clan of Iwagakure. In theory, they should not Is it right to have a tendency to collaborate with the enemy?

The first reaction of the demon leech was to be suspicious of these subordinates - otherwise it would not be possible to explain why these people were so excited after seeing the shogunate flag.

"Lord Demon Leech!"

After seeing the demon leech sizing up their party, the group of young Iwagakure ninjas happily waved hello to them.


The even more stunned Demon Leech just subconsciously waved in response, but the thoughts in his mind became even more confusing.

These days... don't collaborators avoid people anymore?

Demon Leech didn't know whether he was falling behind or whether the times were advancing too fast.

After the group of young Iwagakure pushed and shoved each other for a while, a worried Iwagakure ninja slowly walked towards the magic leech.

Are you going to surrender on the spot?

Today’s young people are too direct!

After all, you have to throw in a few kunai to be worthy of the village!

The demon leech's heart was surging, and he didn't know how powerful he was.

"grown ups……"

Young Iwagakure bowed to the demon leech with some restraint, and then asked: "Can I ask a question?"

Young people are really direct!
The demon leech, who had already lost his mind, twitched the corner of his mouth and made a smile that was uglier than crying: "Say it!"


Young Iwagakure said slightly nervously: "I mean if... if we can kill the opponent's leader, which is Uchiha Tokimitsu, can we be promoted to Jonin?"

"At least three kunai are needed before the battle. If the situation is irreversible, then..."

Demon Leech replied subconsciously.

Then he immediately realized something was wrong, and immediately shut up and looked at the young man in front of him.

what do you say!
"You mean...kill Uchiha Tokimitsu and then be promoted to Jonin?"

Demon Leech once again looked at the young Iwagakure in front of him, and then looked at the crowd not far away who were pretending to be nonchalant.

"Yes Yes……"

Young Iwagakure nodded repeatedly: "Although this may break the rules of the village, we have calculated that the merit is not small, so there should be an opportunity to make an exception, right?"

You are so serious, I will believe it!
Demon Leech once again looked at the Chuunin standard vest worn by the junior in front of him, not knowing how to respond.

He didn't know whether to say that the young people in the village had poor imagination or to evaluate them as young people with high energy.

"If you can achieve it, I think Assistant Huang Tu wouldn't mind stepping down to make way for someone more worthy."

After much thought, Magic Leech decided to take appropriate care of the young man's emotions.


"Lord Tokumitsu! Our ninja army is fully prepared for battle!"

Kisame Kisaki's face flushed with excitement, and he straightened his back in front of Uchiha Tokko and spoke loudly.


Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded in satisfaction.

After all, he is the "tailless beast" in the memory of his previous life. Inkisaki Kisame not only manages the army well, but he is also full of energy!

But he did not relent and allowed Kisame Inegaki to attack. Instead, he started talking to Uchiha Fugaku after offering some condolences.

"How long will it take for the border troops in the rear to be mobilized to reach the front line?"

When leading a group of middle-level ninjas to the position to observe the enemy's situation, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked Uchiha Fugaku.

"In just one day, more than [-] of the border defense troops left behind can rush to the front line in full gear!"

Uchiha Fugaku quickly replied.

"In about two days, the ninja troops mobilized by Kirigakure should be able to arrive."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, "Let your subordinates leave the camp tomorrow night. They must remain covered during the entire journey and must not reveal their whereabouts!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Fugaku immediately replied solemnly.

After a series of expeditions from east to west, Uchiha Tokumitsu had nearly five thousand people in his hands. Although he was not the most elite ninja army in Konoha, and he lacked the absolute backbone of the Uchiha ninja team on the battlefield, it was so , as long as there is the existence of Uchiha Tokko, even if this branch is composed of grass ninja, it is enough to shock Iwagakure.

This is the majesty of the Uchiha clan!

At the beginning of the era of Ninja Village, Uchiha Madara fought all over the Ninja world and only obeyed Hashirama. Even the shadows of each village did not pay attention to him; but now, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who behaves relatively rationally and modestly, although It wasn't scary to go up there, but its brilliant performance still made the senior officials of the villages tremble with fear.

However, sometimes calves born are not afraid of tigers.

Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed that outside the front line of the Iwagakure position in the distance, a group of young Iwagakure ninjas rushed toward him.

It is indeed an offensive stance.

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his eyes and looked intently again.

It is indeed Iwagakure...

"It seems to be a group of young ninjas, probably sent by Iwagakure to act as smoke bombs."

Hinata Hizashi, who urged his Byakugan to observe, also spoke at the right time.


Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his chin, and then waved to his disciple Uchiha Shisui.

"Teacher!" Uchiha Shisui, who suddenly felt that something good was coming, immediately ran over with a ninja sword.

"Did you see that group of people?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said pointing at the Iwagakure ninja who was galloping towards him.

"I see!"

Uchiha Shisui, who was eager to try, nodded quickly.

"If you look purely at age, they are probably a little older than you, and they also have a numerical advantage..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Shisui on the shoulder and said: "So, I give you a task!"

"Go and kill them all!"

"As ordered!"

Uchiha Shisui immediately stamped his feet and saluted, then stood up and killed the Iwagakure ninja who was getting closer and closer.


"Are you asking them to die?"

A voice came from behind Demon Leech, who was watching the young Iwagakure ninja rushing into battle.

"It's Daluo Jōnin..."

The demon leech didn't even look back and said, "What? Are you not convinced?"

"...I just don't think it's necessary to waste a ninja's precious life."

Asura's tone was very plain: "It is not easy for a Ninja Village to cultivate a qualified ninja. The amount of resources consumed is simply..."

"This is the fate of ninjas!"

Demon Leech also came back to his senses at this time and interrupted Asura's words fiercely, looking directly into the eyes under his mask, "A ninja must do whatever it takes for the mission and purpose!"

"Even if the price is life!"

"So, are you going to pay the price with other people's lives?"

Asura felt that there was no disturbance in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little!

Confusing right and wrong in broad daylight, is this what the senior leaders of Ninja Village taught by the so-called "Will of Stone" can do!

What's more, these are just a group of half-grown children!

"No matter men, women, old or young, when it's time to die, you must die in the most heroic manner!"

Demonic Leech's expression was a little distorted: "We at Iwagakure have never been divided into superiors and inferiors. Naturally, no one should bear the important task of death! In addition, they are volunteers, so who can say that I am not good at all!"

When Asura heard this, he just shrugged without saying anything more, and then continued to observe the contact battle that was about to begin.

But after many heavy blows to reshape his outlook on life, Asura's psychological endurance has increased by several orders of magnitude. This "little thing" that sent his subordinates to death is only worth mentioning once.

Although Uchiha ninjas are strong, they are still flesh and blood. If they are not prepared, a sharp enough kunai can kill a powerful Sanmagatama jonin.

But how do you kill an Uchiha Magatama jounin?

This also has standard steps——

First, he took out the kunai, then aimed it at the heart, and then stabbed it in hard.

However, the teachers of Iwagakure's ninja school only taught these young Iwagakure ninjas the above standard steps, but they did not teach them how to make the three magatama Uchiha jounin stand there and die obediently.

and so--

"The art of wielding ninja tools - Fuuma Shuriken!"

Just when the two sides were about to engage in battle, Uchiha Shisui unsealed a huge shuriken from the seal scroll, unfolded it and threw it towards the Iwagakure ninja who was rushing forward.

"Tips for carving insects!"

When the young Iwagakure saw the ninja tool in Uchiha Shisui's hand, they screamed strangely and quickly formed seals with their hands in preparation for interception with ninjutsu.

"Shuriken Clone Technique!"

Just as the Fuma Shuriken was thrown out, Uchiha Shisui's left hand also completed the seal, and the huge Fuma Shuriken suddenly turned into more than a dozen and attacked the Iwagakure ninjas.

But this kind of straight-line attack is nothing to a competent ninja, so the Iwagakure ninjas also follow the teaching standards to dodge or intercept.

"Imati flower claw red——"

Just after the Fuma shuriken flew out, a burst of fire chakra suddenly ignited on its blade, turning the huge shuriken into giant wheels of flame.


The earth escape ninjutsu that the Iwagakure ninjas had prepared seemed a little difficult to block.

But it was not over yet. Uchiha Shisui flicked his right hand slightly, changing the flight path of the flame shuriken through the thin invisible special steel wire connecting the fuuma shuriken, and once again moved towards either completing the evasion or using the earth formation. The Iwagakure who tried to block the wall attacked!
"Boom boom boom!!"

As the fire escape ninjutsu attached to the Fuma shuriken exploded, the flames enveloped the shuriken fragments and turned into a barrage of steel and fire, knocking down several Iwagakure ninjas.

Later, Uchiha Shisui also jumped up——

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"


"very good……"

Witnessing Uchiha Shisui's flowing attacks, Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled broadly and nodded repeatedly.

Uchiha Shisui is simply the most standard Uchiha ninja!
That set of combo attacks perfectly combines the Uchiha clan's ninjutsu technique, the Hokage clan's shuriken shadow clone technique, and also incorporates fire ninjutsu, and the Fuma shuriken's trajectory-changing attack. The methods include the control skills of Shadow Windmill Jutsu and Sunagakure's Puppet Technique!
Although it looks fancy, Uchiha Tokumitsu can defeat him with just one fireball, but it is undeniable that this is the classic fighting art of Uchiha ninja!

"Heroes are born as teenagers!"

"He is indeed a genius ninja of the Uchiha clan!"


... This was the admiration uttered by the uneducated Kisame Kisaki, which seemed somewhat out of place in the midst of all the praise.

"If each department is interested, they can select their own men to rush into the battle in small teams. Think of it as a training opportunity!"

Uchiha Tokko turned around and ordered.

As for this small conflict, there is no suspense anymore.

 Update today (1/2)

  It’s the end of the month. If you still have a monthly pass, I hope you can support Xiaopoujie~ so that the data is not so ugly, otherwise I will be embarrassed to ask if there is a chance to be recommended...

(End of this chapter)

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