Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 417 In a nutshell

417 - In a nutshell

When Loess passed through the southern counties where the riots were intensifying and arrived at Ishikawa Castle, the southern capital, his heart was very heavy.

This time, under the personal entrustment of His Excellency Onoki the Third Tsuchikage, he will serve as the plenipotentiary communication ambassador with the shogunate.

But based on what we saw along the way, the situation in the southern counties was indeed not optimistic.

Although the ninjas who came and went did not care much about the geographical obstacles, the loess rushed along the road. Wherever they went, they saw that the bridges and roads had been completely destroyed, and some of the towns passing by had their walls demolished. The mobs Completely ignoring all rules and order, he went around waving metal weapons he didn't know where he got.

However, although there were no nobles and samurai soldiers who maintained the old order, the southern counties did not fall into complete chaos and bloody killings as Loess imagined, although nobles and samurai were hung on the trees everywhere. There are already dried up corpses, but the towns and villages seem to have spontaneously formed a new order based on the rebel mob.

At least, there are still people working on the terraces, and people are still coming and going in the markets in the towns.

It seems that this mob is still living well after being completely freed from the control of the nobles...

This is also quite different from Loess's usual understanding.

In the traditional cognitive concept of Iwagakure, the daimyo is the head of a country, the ministers are the facial features that express the will of the brain, the nobles are the trunk, the ninjas are the hands that resist foreign enemies, and the civilians are the feet that carry the weight. ; In this way, all strata and groups keep to themselves and work hard for their own better life; therefore, how can there be any reason to move freely with two feet?
Huang Tu's face became more and more gloomy, and it was not until he arrived at Ishikawa County that he reluctantly relaxed his expression.

The only regret is that Huang Tu was not able to encounter the so-called "Rebellious Yanyin" along the way, otherwise he would have captured him and interrogated him!
"Master Huangtu..."

Perhaps he saw something was wrong with Huang Tu's expression, so Chi Tu, who came to greet him, didn't say much. He just led him directly into the southern guardian's mansion and introduced him to the current situation.

"...I've seen everything along the way, so I won't talk about things in the south!"

After Huang Tu patiently listened to Akatsuki uttering a few words, he interrupted him with a face full of impatience: "How is the Kingdom of Birds now? How is the situation of the ninja army of Demon Leech? The Konoha ninja army on the opposite side is here. how many people?"

"Also, what are their intentions? Have you conducted effective intelligence research and judgment?"

Huang Tu stopped, stood in front of the tall guardian mansion, and said seriously: "In addition, what is the attitude of the nobles towards the rebellious mob? Have they ever said anything?"

"Should we only kill the first culprit or kill them all? Is there any conclusion on this?"

A series of questioning immediately left Chitu speechless.

"If that's the case, then there's no need for me to continue talking nonsense to this group of people..."

Huang Tu curled his lips towards the guardian mansion: "You tell him, I will go directly to the front line of Bird Country!"

"...As ordered!"

Chitu, who had been scolded severely, felt that his face was dull, but he could only bow with embarrassment.

"Also, where is the ANBU jounin Oro?"

Huang Tu continued to ask.

He is also one of the senior officials of Iwagakure who knows Asura's true identity.

"...still on the frontline of Bird Country, a ninja army."

Akatsuchi wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied quietly.

"You guy..."

Huang Tu glared at him fiercely.

Asura's identity is very sensitive, and the relationship between the Holy Land and the shogunate is well known to everyone. If there is an accident on the front line, Asura's identity is exposed again or he himself is surrounded and killed. But it’s a big loss!

"In addition, I hope there will be a minimum answer to the issue I just mentioned before I come back!"

Before leaving, Huang Tu turned around and gave a special warning.


Although he felt humiliated in his heart, Huangtu was the son of the Tsuchikage after all. In addition, he also had the status of assistant to the Tsuchikage and leader of the Jonin class. Akatsuki was only a member of the Shadow Guard, so there was no possibility of wrestling with him.


The demon leech, which was in a state of ruin after being extremely anxious, could finally breathe a sigh of relief after the arrival of the loess.

After all, although the Konoha ninja army on the opposite side did not launch an attack, the team's raids never stopped.

After explaining all the situation of the Ninja Army clearly, Huang Tu fell into deep thought.

According to Demon Leech's report, although a large number of Konoha ninja troops have gathered in the front, they have maintained a certain degree of restraint in their actions. Otherwise, if Uchiha Tokko is here alone, Demon Lee's ninja army will be Defeated.

"Are you sure it's a group of hot-blooded young ninjas who went out without permission?"

Huang Tu confirmed again.


The magic leech replied very definitely.

Although the group of young Iwagakure ninjas "went on their own" after he provoked them through verbal manipulation, in any case, he did not directly issue any probing attack orders, and there was no proof...

Thinking of this, Demon Leech glanced at Asura in the corner.

"This guy shouldn't talk too much..."

The only one who might know something about the inside story and tell it without any scruples is this mysterious "ANBU ninja".

"I understand, please step back and let me be quiet..."

After Huang Tu thought for a moment, he sent the devil leech away.

"Mr. Asura..."

There were only two people left in the tent, and Huang Tu no longer pretended not to know, and immediately warmly invited Asura to come forward and take a seat.

"Although there is something that is difficult to say, I hope Mr. Ashura can give it a heads up..."

Huang Tu said very humbly: "Excuse me, is what Demon Leech said just now true? What do you think of the shogunate's actions this time?"

"Mostly true."

Asura said casually.When Huang Tu heard this, he immediately felt something in his heart - the so-called "mostly true" meaning... means that there is still a part that is inconsistent with the facts!

"You mean..."

"Those young ninjas did not act on their own, but suffered some..."

"I understand."

Huang Tu didn't want to hear it anymore.

He has been in power for a while, and when Asura said it, he would naturally understand what was going on.


Loess wanted to speak but stopped.

"The daimyo spends money like water, the nobles collect money like water, and the ninjas kill without restraint..."

Asura said expressionlessly.


Huang Tu was suddenly a little stunned.

"That was the unanimous sentiment of the mob in the southern counties."

Asura said: "Moreover, the facts are just as they said."

"Is there any more..."

Huang Tu sighed.

He naturally knew that what Asura said was true.

But isn't it because the village has to prepare for war, so the taxes are slightly higher? But why don't those mobs have any loyalty to the country?
Besides, with the power of ninjas, it would only take a few hundred ninjas at most to wipe out the entire southern rebellion, and those seemingly arrogant mobs were unable to withstand the ninja army's crusade...

Why don't you just die of hunger and death, instead of seeking death?

Could it be that the Kingdom of Earth being destroyed by the shogunate would be of any benefit to them?

Huang Tu thought about it over and over again, but couldn't understand anything.

"Among the mobs in the southern counties, there are two main schools of thought..."

Asura slowly took out the information he told Ninja to collect.

"The first is the king-honoring faction, which claims that the daimyo was deceived by the nobles and ninjas, which led to the decline of national power and the rebellion of the people..."

"So they hope to expel the nobles, establish autonomous territories by literati and merchants, and only accept direct orders from the daimyo from now on."

When Huang Tu heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head.

What is the difference between the outrageousness of this request and the killing of those noble officials?
"But the reformists believe that the daimyo nobles should be completely eliminated and all contacts with the ninja village should be cut off. As for their leaders, they must accept everyone's supervision and be elected..."

Asura continued: "The number of supporters of the Reform Faction is about five times that of the King Zun Faction."

“…the nobles are at fault, but the mob is also guilty.”

Huang Tu said slowly.

As for the specific right and wrong, he is not interested at all.

It's just that this time, he believed that there must be a black hand behind the riot, and it was definitely not as simple as civilians spontaneously.

"Of course."

Asura nodded and said nothing more.

It is useless to say more. After all, Ninja Village is in the camp of the daimyo nobles, and the positions of the two sides are absolutely different.

"In Mr. Asura's opinion, how do the Iwagakure Ninja Army fare?"

Loess changed the topic.

"The number of people is large but the strength is weak. It is okay to fight in formation, but it is still difficult to withstand the frontal attack of the shogunate."

Asura naturally said bluntly: "In addition...it seems that Iwagakure is not as united as imagined."

"Although the authority of the jounin is strong, it is decayed; the middle and lower ninja are passionate and passionate, but they are thrown in front of the battle..."

Asura hit the nail on the head and exposed the truth about Iwagakure that had been concealed by the "Will of Stone": "This has been the case for a long time. After the passion of the middle genin is wiped out, the grown-up old jounin will still be the same as the seniors they once hated most. , continue to oppress the younger generations!"

"That would be fine in normal times, but now that the shogunate is watching with eager eyes, it is still using despicable methods to eradicate dissidents. This is really disgusting!"

"You don't even have the freedom to choose a ninjutsu that suits your personality. How can you cultivate a great ninja?"

"I understand……"

Huang Tu was in no mood to continue chatting.

Asura's words have completely lifted Iwagakure's fig leaf, revealing the invisible people behind it.For Loess, whose vital interests are related, it is not easy to move these.

"But you're not going to change it?"

Asura heard the resistance in Huang Tu's words.

"I understand...actually we all understand!"

Huang Tu shook his head: "If we don't reform, Iwagakure will fall sooner or later..."

"But if it changes... Iwagakure will probably perish!"

 Update today (2/2)

  It’s the last day. If you still have monthly tickets, I hope you can support me. Thank you, Mountain Monkey.
(End of this chapter)

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