Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 419 Convince others with advantage

Chapter 419 Convince others with advantage
"Not right!"

After Loess left, Uchiha Fugaku said with a solemn expression immediately.

Hinata Hizashi and Kito Masahiko also nodded in agreement, while Kisame Kisame and others were a little confused.

"There is something wrong with Huang Tu's reaction. After our arrangement was revealed, he could still regain his composure so quickly, which means he must have someone else to rely on!"

Uchiha Fugaku explained: "I have secretly used genjutsu to induce it just now, but it failed to arouse Loess's fear."

Although Inikaki Kisame was still a little confused, he still pretended to be dignified and nodded.

"Aside from Iwagakure and Kumogakure, are there other forces in the ninja world?"

Uchiha Shisui asked with some confusion.

"How long has it been since the joint anti-terrorism force found any trace of aliens?"

Uchiha Tokko turned to Kisame Kisaki and asked.

"...I haven't seen him since the last battle at Toba Fushimi."

Kisame Kisaki was shocked, "What do you mean..."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood up and said, "If this were not the case, Iwagakure Kumogakure would be facing annihilation this time. How would he have the confidence to explain this?"

"There is indeed something wrong with the work of the Intelligence Department!"

Hyuga Hizashi did not hesitate to stab the department run by his father.

"However, they shouldn't have been together for long...otherwise there wouldn't be any news at all."

Uchiha Tokko paced back and forth, thinking carefully.

The most important ability in intelligence analysis is to discern the subtleties. Judging from Iwagakure's reaction and the recent information learned by the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force, Uchiha Tokumitsu's conjecture may indeed be true.

In fact, Iwagakure's concession at this time may still be to continue to accumulate strength or to run in with the so-called Holy Land Psychic Beast.

"Then the Intelligence Department..."

Hinata Hizashi said cautiously.

"Hizashi-kun, are you interested in taking on some more jobs?"

Uchiha Tokko also stopped pacing.

"I respectfully obey Lord Deguang's order!"

Hinata Hizashi was ecstatic in his heart, but maintained his solemn expression on the surface and said.

"Then, from now on, you will be responsible for all the intelligence of the Earth Kingdom, and all relevant personnel of the Intelligence Department and the Joint Company will be placed under your jurisdiction."

As expected, Uchiha Tokumitsu said what Hinata Hizashi wanted to hear most.

"I will do my best and never let down Lord Tokguang's trust!"

Hinata Hizashi took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee and thanked him.

In addition to the gradually declining consortium business, the most important base of the Hyuga clan in Konoha is the Hyuga Construction and Intelligence Department.

Both the share design and actual control managers of Hyuga Construction are handled by the Zong family, and Hyuga Hizashi has no chance to intervene.

Therefore, if Hyuga Hizashi wants to gain a greater voice within the family and get more explicit support from branch family members, he must work hard in the Intelligence Department.

Moreover, as long as you can continue to rise in the shogunate system, you don't have to worry about those weaklings in the clan using the Caged Bird Curse Seal!

Hinata Hizashi is excited and full of ambition!

After releasing the ninja frog to convey the request of the shogunate to Iwagakure headquarters, Loess sat silently in the quiet room.

None of the other Iwagakure ninjas dared to touch his brow. Only Asura, who had a special status, pushed open the door and entered, sitting cross-legged in front of him.

"Mr. Asura..."

Huang Tu, who had sunken eyes and a somewhat haggard face, reluctantly said hello.

"Aren't you reconciled?"

Asura didn't waste any time and directly pointed out Huang Tu's inner problem.


Huang Tu nodded without hesitation.

"So, what's the problem? How strong is the shogunate?"

"The strength of the shogunate lies in Konoha; the strength of Konoha lies in the Ninja clan; the only strength of the Ninja clan is Uchiha..."

Huangtu replied without hesitation.

Indeed, in this era when the Senju were weak, no family in the ninja world could check and balance the Uchiha clan.

"Is that all?"

Asura shook his head and asked again.

"The strength of the shogunate lies in the large number of winged hawks and dogs. Families such as Uzumaki, Kurama, Shiranui, and Nohara fought for it and benefited a lot. The three families of Kirigakure, Oniden, Minazuki, and Kaguya received his great kindness and died willingly. Power; Hinata, Inuzuka, Aburame, etc. each have their own gains, and they are all used by him..."

Huang Tu took stock of the representative ninja clan of Konoha and the shogunate like a treasure trove.

"So what's your conclusion?"

Asura continued to ask.

"Conquer people with strength, and govern them with benefits!"

Huang Tu replied immediately.

"You are not unreasonable at all..."

Asura shook his head and sighed.

"The rise of the shogunate is unreasonable!"

Huangtu argued.

"But you don't have Uchiha Tokko's power, so you can only be reasonable."

Asura explained patiently.

"what do you mean……"

Huang Tu suddenly took a breath of air when he heard this, straightened up, and stared at Asura with bright eyes.

"Are you willing to be reasonable?"

Asura smiled slightly and asked again.

"If Mr. Ashura supports me, then I must be a reasonable person!"

Huang Tu said without hesitation. "That'll be fine..."

Asura nodded: "Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave are willing to support reasonable people..."

"So, how can I reverse this decline?"

Huang Tu immediately asked for advice.

"Imitate the United Company and rule the southern part of the Earth Country without rule. The number of ninja troops in the company is not large, so the limit of two thousand is just right."

Ashura said.

"...Then, how should we deal with the mobs from various factions in various counties?"

Huang Tu was very moved, but on the surface he seemed to have some scruples: "Behind them...especially the reformists among the mob, they have the shadow of the shogunate..."

"After peace is restored, we can hold an election and elect them out."

Asura chuckled, "As for how to manipulate the votes, I think it shouldn't be difficult using ninja methods, right?"

"……Does it fit?"

Huang Tu was a little nervous at this time, and was thinking about whether he could build another memorial arch.


After Asura finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"It really fits!"

Seeing this situation, Huang Tu felt that there was nothing to hesitate about.

As for whether bringing in Ryūchi Cave and Miaomu Mountain as help would have any impact on the village, he didn't care at this time.

These can be left to be considered after Iwagakure's reforms have achieved certain results.

"I went to visit various counties, and by the way, I met the leaders of the mobs in various places and the rebel ninjas..."

Asura added one more sentence before leaving.

"Mr. Asura, walk slowly..."

Huang Tu nodded and said nonchalantly.

Although it is shameful to fight for power, Loess is still willing to bear some infamy for the sake of the new Iwagakure in his heart.


As the situation gradually eased, the mob ranks in the southern counties also began to shrink.

Under the leadership of some far-sighted leaders, roads and bridges in local areas also began to be rebuilt.

But the mob still did not give up their fragile weapons, and they still held all kinds of metal weapons tightly in their hands.

But what surprised Asura most was that no trace of the legendary "Rebellious Rock Hidden" had ever been found.

As a last resort, Asura hypnotized a mob leader, only to learn that the "Iwagakure Rebels" gathered in the southern mountains and did not move around at all except for asking for more supplies from various places.

"Maybe it's to avoid Iwagakure's subsequent retaliation..."

Asura felt that he had found Hua Dian, and immediately ran towards the direction pointed by the mob leader.

However, things are indeed a bit unexpected...

Atop the towering trees in the southern mountains, Ashura, whose figure was hidden, looked solemnly at the "Rebel Iwagakure" not far away who was responsible for the delivery of materials.

Although he looked like a playful and carefree Iwagakure genin, Asura felt a faint but profound aura in him...

"It's actually Bai Jue!"

Asura never expected that the "Rebellious Iwagakure" he longed for was actually Bai Zetsu who was strangled and exterminated in ancient times!
These are my grandmother’s soldiers!

Asura felt chills all over his body. He raised his head and glanced at the moon several times to confirm that it was correct before gradually regaining his composure.

The seal has not been broken yet!Where did this group of Bai Zetsu come from!

Asura quietly retreated to the rear, summoned the gourd toad from Mount Miaomu, hid in its belly, and controlled the gourd toad to jump deep into the mountain.

As they entered the depths of the mountains, Asura, who was hiding in the belly of the frog, became even more uneasy.

Too much Bai Jue...

Perhaps it felt like there were no outsiders in the mountains, so many White Zetsus were lying lazily everywhere basking in the sun. Some White Zetsus who had transformed into the appearance of Iwagakure were practicing conversations in a decent manner. As for the supplies collected from the counties, they were randomly used. The ground was thrown aside and left to be blown by the wind and rain, and I didn't know what it would do.

Asura counted briefly and found that there were as many as three hundred White Zetsu or suspected White Zetsu seen along the way. As the gourd toad continued to penetrate deeper, more White Zetsu appeared in front of him.

"This is……"

As a special aura appeared, Asura immediately controlled the gourd toad to stop jumping.

He felt his own breath!

Although it is weak, it is indeed his own breath, or the breath of power originating from his own bloodline!

"It's actually Hashirama's power..."

Seeing A Fei swaggering out of a cave surrounded by a group of Bai Zetsu, Asura felt on pins and needles.

The perception from the bloodline is mutual, so Asura can only absorb his own breath with all his strength and let the gourd toad enter a state of silence.

Then, he saw a ball of "black mud" rolling out of the cave and "gesticulating" towards the special Bai Jue with its own aura.

Because he was concentrating all his strength to collect the aura, Asura did not perceive the specialness of Black Zetsu, thinking that it was just a mutated product of the White Zetsu group.

"Stop it, Fei!"

Hei Jue still persuaded him earnestly: "Stop playing, it's time to turn around!"

"Why don't you think about it? When will you be able to accumulate enough strength to capture the tailed beast while hiding in the ravine?"

A Fei said impatiently.

"But you White Zetsu...are definitely no match for the Shogunate Ninja Army!"

Hei Jue still refuses to give up.

"We Bai Jue also want to enjoy the water and light under the sun!"

Ah Fei raised his arms and shouted: "The best in the ninja world would rather have the seed!"

"I'd rather be kind!"

In broad daylight, the Bai Jue people cheered.

 Update today (2/2)

  Thanks to all the book friends for their support, the monthly ticket price finally exceeded [-] at the last moment. Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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