Chapter 420
Everyone's joys and sorrows are different. Although I don't know why the Bai Jue people not far away are cheering for joy at this time, Asura feels like he has fallen into an ice cellar.

The emergence of Bai Jue means that many things have changed...

But at this time, Asura did not dare to act rashly, and could only silently control the gourd toad to record the scene in front of him.

"A Fei, you'd better listen to my advice..."

Hei Jue continued to persuade him earnestly: "It would be good even to go back to the big base of Bird Country and hide for a while!"


Ah Fei screamed and flatly refused: "Now that I have finally built such a big business, how can I give up so easily!"

"But you should at least pay attention to the impact!"

Black Zetsu was helpless, "We can't let White Zetsu reveal his true form in broad daylight, right? What if the shogunate's reconnaissance ninja discovers it?"

"They can't find it! I've arranged thousands of Bai Jue to keep an eye on the outside!"

A Fei said proudly: "Besides, it won't be long before we are part of the shogunate!"

"Master Madara's body is still cold, but you actually..."

Black Zetsu suddenly became furious and shouted loudly.

"Aren't they all already frozen well under the permafrost?"

Ah Fei immediately retorted: "Did you let..."

"Huh? Something's wrong!"

A Fei immediately stopped talking and turned to look in the direction where Asura and Gourd Toad were lurking.

"not good!"

Asura, who accidentally leaked his aura, felt something was wrong and immediately planned to evacuate.

The "Madara-sama" mentioned by Black Zetsu just now suddenly awakened the part of the memory in Asura's mind that belonged to Senju Hashirama, causing part of the breath to leak out and be sensed by Fei, who had a keen sense of smell.

But he didn't plan to show up, lest his true identity be discovered by this group of unknown Bai Jue!

"Maybe he's a spy from Mt. Myoboku!"

Ah Fei, who was rushing over, saw a light red toad running away quickly, and immediately shouted in a fuss.

"Kill, kill it!"

Hei Jue suddenly panicked, "We must kill it! We can't let it report our existence back!"

It wouldn't matter if ordinary civilians or even Iwagakure ninjas saw Bai Zetsu's true appearance. They wouldn't understand what it meant and would just think they were a group of weirdos.

But Myobokuyama is different!

Black Zetsu very clearly remembers the memory he brought from his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki - behind the seal of his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki by his son Otsutsuki Hagoromo, it was the Great Toad Sennin of Mt. Myoboku who had done something evil!
Moreover, after his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki fell asleep on the moon, it was the ninja frogs of Mt. Myoboku who led Asura, Indra and others to eliminate those special White Zetsus who were lucky enough to escape in the sealing battle!

In comparison, these so-called combat version of Bai Zetsu with chuunin strength that A Fei has debugged today are not the same thing as the sacred tree version of Bai Zetsu soldiers from ancient times, and their combat effectiveness is even different!

Therefore, if the existence of Bai Zetsu is leaked, the descendants of Otsutsuki and Myogiyama will definitely join forces to hunt him down!
"and many more!"

Hei Jue suddenly discovered his blind spot in thinking!

Today's Miaomu Mountain is like a street rat!

The strongest organization in the ninja world, the Tokumitsu Shogunate camp, has long listed Mt. Myoboku and Ryūchidō as "terrorist organizations" and has been frantically encircling and suppressing them!

Therefore, by analogy, in fact, like Mt. Myoboku, we are both "black households" in the ninja world!

Thinking of this, Hei Jue's confidence finally returned.

Looking at the Miaomu Mountain ninja frog being surrounded by A Fei and Bai Zetsu who were shouting and yelling, Black Zetsu's eyes were full of disdain!
Even if you find out, so what!
"The worst I can do is to join De Guang!"

Black Jue thought fiercely.

"No, isn't Ninja a good at psychics..."

This thought just came to Hei Jue's mind. Seeing that he was about to be caught, Gourd Toad immediately released his psychic spell, and the Asura wrapped in his belly turned into a ball of blue smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"The wind is screaming!"

Ah Fei immediately shouted: "Hurry, hurry! Move collectively to the big cave in the Bird Kingdom!"

"It's over, it's over! We've been discovered!"

The Bai Jue people also quickly escaped underground at A Fei's greeting, making incomprehensible screams, and simply abandoned their "long-running" mountain base.

"...It seems that being discovered by Miaomushan is not a bad thing!"

Hei Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

But the thought of pretending to surrender to the shogunate came up again, and Hei Zetsu couldn't sit still.

"But we still have to guard against that idiot A Fei..."

Afterwards, Black Jue also possessed an ordinary White Jue and fled away.


"Lord Deguang!"

Hyuga Hizashi, who was in a hurry, panted into the temporary Chinese army tent and reported to Uchiha Tokimitsu: "Report from the Intelligence Department, today we suddenly lost contact with the Iwagakure righteous!"

"So suddenly?"

Uchiha Tokimitsu, who was reviewing the latest research report from Orochimaru, was a little strange, "Why did a group of living people suddenly disappear? Could it be that they were suddenly wiped out by Iwagakure's Anbu?"

"I just took over the latent espionage system of the Earth Kingdom and discovered that there are indeed some loopholes in the work of the Intelligence Department..."

Hinata Hizashi immediately followed Uchiha Tokumitsu's words and applied eye drops to his father: "According to the preliminary inventory, such cases of people being superfluous and intelligence personnel dealing with perfunctory situations have actually existed for a long time, but they have not been rectified, so..."

"It seems that the Intelligence Department has quite a problem!"

as expected!Uchiha Tokko frowned and said displeasedly.

Hinata Hizashi caught a glimpse of Uchiha Tokimitsu's expression at this moment, and immediately felt secretly happy.


Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at Hinata Hizashi who seemed to be worried: "I am too lazy to pursue the past matters, but now that the Earth Kingdom intelligence system has been handed over to you, I can't still be so perfunctory!"

"Follow your orders! You must go all out!"

Hinata Hizashi straightened his chest immediately.

"Work hard!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand, signaling Hinata Hizashi to step back.

As for the reason behind this matter, he didn't bother to investigate.

Anyway, they are just a group of middle- and lower-class ninjas. It doesn’t matter what they gain or lose. Anyway, there is such a case before. In the future, whenever the shogunate needs it, they can re-fabricate and package an "orphan of the Iwagakure Patriot" as a flag at any time. Is there any That group of people are all the same.

However, Hyuga Hizashi, who thinks he has a plan, is also a good chess piece, and it does have some wonderful effects in dividing the Hyuga clan.

After reading the research report, Uchiha Tokumitsu was very happy to channel the two-tailed Mataru, intending to discuss some private matters with it.


Cloud Hidden Village, Raikage Building. "Lord Raikage, Iwagakure has informed us that they intend to accept the shogunate's conditions."

A Kumogakure ANBU ninja hurried into the Raikage's office to report.


The Third Raikage, who rarely exercised but was reviewing documents with a pair of glasses, snorted coldly, took off his glasses and crushed them into powder to vent his inner dissatisfaction: "Those soft-headed Iwagakure!"

Then, the desk once again became a punching bag and scattered all over the floor.

"...Let Ai and Kirabi disband and assemble the ninja army!"

After taking a few breaths, the third generation Lei Ya said in a low voice.

"As ordered..."

The Kumogakure Anbu was about to bow and leave, but the Third Raikage changed his mind again: "Wait! There is no need to disband the ninja army, let Ai come back, Kirabi will continue to carry out the eight-tails tracking mission!"

"As ordered!"

This time Kumogakure ANBU could finally leave the Raikage's office, which had a solemn and suffocating atmosphere.

Not long after, a group of Yunyin high-level officials rushed over in unison. After being cleaned up by the secretary, the broken desks were quickly tidied up and replaced with new ones, and the documents that had fallen to the ground were quickly sorted and rearranged. On the desk.

Kumogakure's senior executives didn't say much after entering the Raikage's office. They just bowed silently and found a place to sit down, waiting for the next instructions from the Third Raikage.

"…You should also know."

The Third Raikage broke the silence, "Iwagakure finally gave in."

All the senior officials nodded at the same time.

"Ai will be back soon, Kirabi will continue to perform the special mission of the tailed beast..."

The Third Raikage said angrily: "In addition, the village is expanding its army..."

But before he finished speaking, he shook his head.

"The daimyo is really unable to survive..."

A senior member of Kumogakure sighed helplessly.

Although the financial and economic war planned by Uchiha Tokumitsu was silent, it still caused great harm to the Kingdom of Clouds, which lost one-third of its territory and destroyed its financial sovereignty.

First, war compensation led to insufficient gold reserves, and then the excessive issuance of banknotes to make up for losses led to severe currency devaluation. Then there were problems with the payment of banknotes, triggering a chain crisis of trust. In addition, the shogunate's gold notes were flowing smoothly in the Kingdom of Clouds. Without any hindrance, the United Company's goods dumping crushed a large number of local workshops in the Country of Clouds...

At the critical moment when Kumogakure and others were arranging their troops to prepare for war, they suddenly discovered that the money given by the daimyo was useless...

Of course, you can still buy materials produced within the Kingdom of Clouds, but other resources that need to be purchased from foreign countries can only rely on a small amount of gold.

Even Iwagakure, who is also an ally, is only willing to barter and refuses to accept banknotes from the Kingdom of Clouds.

But the problem is that after losing the most fertile southern region, the bitter cold land in the central and northern parts of the Kingdom of Clouds already has few resources. How can there be so many resources for trading?
Therefore, although the Daimyo of the Taira clan in the Land of Thunder was frugal and frugal enough to only eat [-] dishes a day, the funds squeezed out from his teeth were still unable to fully expand Kumogakure's expansion progress.

Even after the secret meeting of the Earth Kingdom Daimyo, Yunyin received a batch of materials secretly sponsored by the Earth Kingdom Daimyo, but compared with the serious gap that Yunyin needs to face now, it is just a drop in the bucket.

In this case, how can Yunyin be convinced!

It doesn't matter if the shogunate, which has an absolute advantage, is not a good person. After all, if you can't defeat it, you can't defeat it; but now, as an ally, Iwagakure is still so unsatisfactory. This makes the Kumogakure ninjas who have always looked down on Iwagakure... I can bear it!
"The occupied areas in the southwest are going to be taken back,"

Another Kumogakure executive said: "It turns out that Iwagakure is unable to fight, we still have to rely on ourselves!"

"What if the shogunate interferes?"

The mature and prudent people in Kumogakure's top management immediately disagreed: "Taking back the southwest region will definitely lead to hostility with Iwagakure, and if the shogunate interferes, we will have no way out!"

"When things come to a head, we are still so hesitant, so we might as well try to surrender to the shogunate as soon as possible!"

The opponents immediately responded with quarrels: "If I take the initiative to kidnap His Highness the Taira clan and send it to the shogunate, I might be able to get some benefits and become a second-class ninja under Kirigakure!"

"You are not Kumogakure!"

The radicals jumped up immediately upon hearing this!

The Third Raikage looked at the familiar scene in front of him and once again fell into deep fatigue.

It is undeniable that after the secret purge, the Third Raikage can ensure that all high-level officials are loyal to the village.

But people's wills and positions are different, and their perspectives on viewing and understanding certain things are also different. When faced with Yunyin's current predicament, it is actually very normal for different factions to have different opinions.

Even the Third Raikage had no intention of stopping such disagreements among high-level officials. After all, "confusing different opinions" was actually conducive to the long-term stability of the Raikage lineage.

But if this happens for a long time...

"……have you had enough!"

As usual, after listening for a while, the Third Raikage, who was impatient again, interrupted everyone's controversy.

Immediately, Kumogakure's senior officials immediately stopped drumming and lowered their flags, waiting for the Third Raikage's "advice".

In the Kumogakure Ninja Village, where the authority of the Raikage is above all else, no matter how noisy the Kumogakure senior officials who have no underlying foundation, they still need to obey the orders of the Raikage's office.

This is the basis for Kumogakure's long-term unity, and it is also the reason why it has become increasingly powerless under the tide of the times.

"...The research and development of the Chakra Cannon has been suspended for nearly three months. I hope the Raikage-sama can solve it as soon as possible."

After a long time, a senior member of Yunyin who was responsible for the development of secret weapons broke the silence.

"The village has tried its best, but the price of chakra metal is really..."

The Third Raikage did not put on airs and shirk the blame, but faced the current difficulties head-on.

"The minerals in the Kingdom of Wind are basically covered by the shogunate, and even if you have money, you can't buy them..."

Senior Yunyin, who was responsible for making money through underground channels, also murmured.

"The village really has no money..."

The senior Yunyin in charge of finance also quickly interjected.

Afterwards, the Raikage's office fell into silence again.

No one is wrong, everyone has their own difficulties.

However, no one has the ability to solve the problem.

This is the problem Yunyin is facing today.

Even the Third Raikage felt mentally and physically exhausted.

"everything will be fine……"

After a long time, the Third Raikage said quietly: "After Kirabi finds the Eight-Tails and becomes the new Jinchuuriki, everything will get better..."

All the senior executives of Kumogakure nodded their heads.

As for how to get better?How to get better?No one has thought about what role the eight-tailed Jinchuuriki can play when facing the shogunate with five tailed beasts.

Or, I don’t dare to think about it at all…

 There is a monthly meeting this afternoon, so there is a high probability that it will only be a single update.

  If the construction plan is successfully passed, the double update rhythm can be resumed tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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