Chapter 421
"Iwagakure has reached the point where it has to reform!"

In the large tent of the Ninja Army stationed in Tori No Kuni Iwagakure, Huang Tu secretly summoned Demon Leech and other border troops to act as jounin. He said with an extremely serious expression: "And reform cannot only scratch the itch, we must learn from the painful experience to deepen the reform." Bone marrow, we must dare to face the problems left over by history and dare to solve them!”

Including Demon Leech, who was the commander of the ninja army, all the Iwagakure jounin looked solemn and nodded in agreement.

"Tomorrow morning I will go to sign the first unequal treaty since the establishment of Iwagakure..."

With a sad look on his face, Huang Tu looked around at the jounin present one by one.

"About tomorrow afternoon, the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Stone will no longer belong to us, and organizations such as the Border Force and the Southern Ninja Army will no longer exist in name... All of you who serve as Jonin will also lose your current duties and accept The rearrangement of the village.”

"...I don't know if there are so many ninjas in the village now, how many vacancies can be squeezed out to serve as jounin."

The grief and anger on the faces of Iwagakure's jounin grew stronger.

The reason why Huangtu was so bold to semi-publicly convene the jounin of the border troops for a secret discussion was that in the alliance signed with the shogunate this time, the interests that were most directly harmed were these jounin.

Although the Iwagakure ninjas have a large number of people, there are not many jounin positions with real power. Moreover, as the number of ninjas continues to increase, competition has become more and more fierce. The positions that could be obtained by a special jonin are now no longer available. It has become so involved that even the senior jounin is trying to steal his head.

Compared with the ninjas in the village, the border troops stationed abroad are far away from the center of power in the village, but the advantage is that they are relatively less "involved" and have a relatively high degree of freedom, and there are more opportunities to manipulate others; sometimes even There is no need to be greedy for ink, you just need to touch the "meat" when you handle it, and the oily flowers will be enough to make soup when you go back and wash it off.

But if the Ninja Army withdraws from the village, they will basically have to be redistributed regardless of their position. Even if the relatively high-ranking Demon Leech can retain the position of commander of the Ninja Army, his close followers will definitely be redistributed. They tore it down to pieces, and then crammed in a lot of related households.

At that time, there will be a lot of eyes watching, and it will be troublesome if the magic leech wants to do something privately.


Huang Tu glanced vaguely at Asura in the corner of the Chinese army's tent.

The groundwalkers representing the two sacred sites of Mt. Myoboku and Ryūchi Cave have also stated that they will support Loess's further reform of Iwagakure, and this is one of the reasons why he boldly gathered people to discuss "big things".

"Those rebel ninjas in the southern counties..."

The demon leech was about to speak but stopped.

"The trace has been completely lost, but what is certain is that it was not done by the ANBU of the village."

Huang Tu said: "This point has been confirmed by Daluo Jangnin."

Faced with everyone's questioning gazes, Asura reluctantly nodded.

He had no intention of directly getting involved in the internal affairs of the Ninja Village, but after informing the Toad Immortal of Mt. Myoboku about the unexpected discovery of the White Zetsus, the Toad Immortal reacted extremely fiercely and strongly hoped that Asura could go deeper into the matter. Intervene in the internal affairs of Iwagakure and Kumogakure to use their power to hunt down those remnants of Kaguya from ancient times.

Therefore, with the encouragement of many parties, Huang Tu finally achieved today's situation.

"...We may not be able to withstand the pressure from the village."

A jounin was the first to speak: "The comparison of strength is here. If the Third Generation Master's dust escape comes out, we have no chance of winning."

"We don't need to raise the flag right now."

Demon Leech immediately spoke out to dispel everyone's doubts: "However, if the Ninja Army is allowed to be divided into various places, it will not be in our interests!"

"Master Huangtu means..."

The eyes of all the jounin turned to Loess.

Loess is nominally Iwagakure's second-in-command, and he still holds the position of Jonin squad leader, so as long as there is no immediate conflict, the Jonin of the border troops are still willing to obey his orders.

What's more, in their minds, Huang Tu is also a senior official who has endured humiliation for the village regardless of fame and fortune, and is trustworthy.

"The Southern Border Force structure must be retained and all personnel must not be separated."

Huang Tu's eyes were bright and he raised his head and said, "This is the purpose of calling everyone together!"

The magic leech also nodded quickly in agreement.

"If that's all..."

All the jounin looked at each other and then nodded in agreement.

"All Jonin who are willing to join this petition please sign the scroll, and Lord Loess will bring our demands back to the village!"

Demon Leech jointly took out the joint notice that had been written long ago and gave it to the Jonin of Iwagakure who agreed to the alliance to sign.

"I'll sign first!"

After hearing this, the Iwagakure jounin who had been arranged for a long time immediately stood up and stepped forward, grabbed a pen and signed his name neatly; upon seeing this, the other jounin in charge also stepped forward to sign.

"By the way, Master Huangtu, should we think of an external group name?"

After a jounin signed his name, he mentioned it casually.


Huang Tu said firmly.

"Everyone knows the shortcomings of Iwagakure, so we need to make improvements and correct them to restore righteousness to Iwagakure!"

..."Lord Tokumitsu, what name should be given to the newly established Iwagakure organization?"

According to Uchiha Tokumitsu's instructions, Hyuga Hizashi Hollow fabricated a group of "Iwagakure" as the remnants of the rebel Iwagakure ninjas, and used them as a starting point to intervene in Iwagakure affairs in the future.

"Let's call it Free Rock Hidden."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said casually.

Although this time there was no large-scale war, it also benefited a lot.

Although the mysterious disappearance of the "Rebel Iwagakure" is indeed a bit strange, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is eager to return home, has no idea of ​​​​investigating further, and it is enough to let his subordinates take responsibility for such small matters. As the Lord, it is not a problem to interfere too much. good thing

The two small countries being captured by the shogunate system was not just a simple expansion of their ruled areas, but more importantly, the victory of new ideological intervention tactics.

Compared with the bloody ninja war, the ideological output of the shogunate can play a better role in dismantling the opposition forces.

In addition, after the two small vassal countries were obtained, the geographical connection between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind was completely cut off by the shogunate. The siege of the Kingdom of Wind was officially formed, and Uchiha Tokko's plan to secretly annex Sunagakure could be further advanced. .

Under the comparison of strength between the enemy and the enemy, the longer the delay, the more beneficial it is to the shogunate. In this way, Uchiha Tokumitsu will be even less anxious.


Rasa, who successfully passed the election and became the Fourth Kazekage, has been a little anxious recently.

The wanted Scorpion is still active in the Kingdom of Wind and frequently causes attacks and murders. However, the ninjas stationed in various places and the ninjas hired by the joint companies are unable to resist his attacks, so they are constantly harvested as consumables.

As for the special detective force adapted from the former first column of the anti-terrorism force, although it has been working hard to track it, tracking in the desert area is extremely difficult. Sometimes even if a few clues are found and are being pursued, the trace of the scorpion is completely lost due to the constant sandstorms. .

Therefore, Luo Sha's leadership ability has been constantly questioned by the forces of the Inspectorate headed by Ye Cang.

Although he failed to win the position of Kazekage as he wished, and missed the high-level positions in the ruling government of the Kingdom of Wind, Ye Cang could only stick to his own Inspection Council and continue to maintain his position by initiating various motions. exist.

Luo Sha's slowness in pursuing the traitor gave Ye Cang the reason to launch a vigorous attack on him and impeach him.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Rasa had no choice but to seek help from the Joint Anti-Terrorism Force again, hoping that Uchiha Shiina could send more manpower, especially the Byakugan ninja from the Hyuga clan, to join the detective force to eliminate the lone wolf-style attack by Scorpion.

Naturally, Uchiha Shiina would not let go of this great opportunity to interfere in the internal affairs of the Wind Country. After receiving Uchiha Tokumitsu's approval, the first batch of reinforcements immediately rushed to the Wind Country to join the mission of hunting down the Sand Rebel Ninja. .


"The core of Scorpion's secret technique is the puppet technique inherited from Sunagakure, and it is also a forbidden human puppet!"

Uchiha Ishiba, who was designated as the commander of the detective force, explained to the anti-terrorism force ninjas who came to the rescue.

"It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just an ordinary puppet technique or even a human puppet, but Scorpio is different. His human puppet can retain most of his abilities in life, even the blood inheritance limit!"

Seeing the disapproval of his subordinates, the detachment leader responsible for leading the reinforcements said seriously: "Remember! He is not an ordinary puppet master. You must not be careless!"

"In addition, according to existing intelligence, it is inferred that Scorpion may have transformed his body into a puppet, and is extremely resistant to illusions and ordinary physical arts. Therefore, according to the requirements of the headquarters, do not show off when encountering enemies. Be sure to Contact the nearest Ninja Army for containment and resources."

"According to Sunagakure's advice, if you don't want to become someone else's plaything after your death, it's best to attach a detonating talisman to your body and detonate it immediately when the opportunity arises. Even if you are shattered to pieces, it is better than becoming a puppet material!"

Uchiha Ishiba also said.


All the counter-terrorist ninjas immediately looked solemn and responded in unison.

"Can you now lock the target's general activity area?"

A Hyuga ninja raised his hand and asked: "In addition, the effect of the Byakugan may not be that good in desert areas. If a designated area can be designated for search, it should be smoother."

"Based on the location and time distribution of the current attacks, our preliminary judgment is..."

Uchiha Stonefire threw a kunai, hitting a marked gathering point on the map of the Land of Wind hanging on the wall.

"Loulan Kingdom!"

"Loulan is just a small sheltering country, right?"

The leader of the anti-terrorist force was a little confused.

"Loulan possesses an ancient treasure that even Sunagakure thinks about day and night—"

Uchiha Ishiba said word by word.

"Dragon Vein!"

 Update today (1/2)

  Yesterday's monthly meeting went smoothly.Each department, each bid section, and each team conducted frank communication and fully exchanged opinions, which enhanced the understanding of all parties. Everyone also had reservations about the results of the meeting and did not rule out the possibility of continuing to argue in the next step.

  However, it is no problem to restore double today.

(End of this chapter)

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