Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 422 The Threshold of God

Chapter 422 The Threshold of God
Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to loyal Konoha quietly.

After receiving a large amount of manpower and material support, Orochimaru's career exploded in its second spring, with the quality and output of various scientific research reports erupting. In a very short period of time, he conquered several key topics that had been plaguing the Uzumaki Research Institute.

The reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu hurried back this time was because of Orochimaru's recent major achievements.


""On the Reproducibility and Formation Mechanism of Blood Succession Boundary"..."

"There is also this "Study on the Preliminary Synthetic Theory of Bloodstain Elimination"..."

"As expected of Mr. Orochimaru! Both the viewpoint and the reproducibility are impeccable!"

In the Konoha Governor's Palace, Uchiha Tokumitsu carefully flipped through the two most important articles among Orochimaru's recent scientific research results, and he was full of praise.

Orochimaru was sitting on the sofa chair in front of his desk, with a calm expression on his face, and a faint look of pride on his face.

The whirlpool researchers lined up and stood on one side, with their heads raised and not daring to say anything.

Although the Uzumaki Research Institute has made very good achievements in the optimization of sealing techniques and the development of chakra weapons, the most expensive research on chakra theory has always been unsatisfactory, especially the research on the limits of blood succession, which has been progressing slowly.

But now that Orochimaru has taken action, they understand the gap between themselves and real geniuses, and they are even more pessimistic about the future of the institute.

Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally understood the thoughts of these Uzumaki researchers who insisted on standing aside and did not dare to sit down at this time, but in order to beat these proud soldiers, he did not comfort them immediately.

Therefore, the vortex researchers became even more worried.

Uchiha Tokumitsu carefully read the research report several times and asked about the difficult points. Orochimaru was able to answer the questions with ease. Both the theoretical support and the practical steps were explained very clearly. Even if no replication experiments were carried out, Can easily clarify the feasibility of the content studied.

As for the "Conservation of Chakra Energy Principle" proposed by Orochimaru in his report, Uchiha Tokumitsu was even more amazed!
"Chakra will neither be created out of thin air nor disappear out of thin air. It can only be converted from one form to other forms, or transferred from one object to another. During the process of transformation or transfer, the total amount of chakra It’s constant!”

"The combination of the circulation balance of chakra and the changes in nature between energy and energy can actually produce such a wonderful reaction..."

Uchiha Tokko repeatedly praised: "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

In Orochimaru's theory, the five basic properties can actually achieve mutual conversion and mutual restraint. Whether it is attributes that conflict with each other or attributes that create each other, chakra will follow the "Chakra Energy Conservation Principle" during the process of fusion or collision. The new chakra form is the so-called blood inheritance limit power!
The "Five Elements Seal" in advanced sealing techniques and the original "Five Escape Seal" created by Uchiha Tokumitsu are all based on this concept!
But the function of genius is to puncture the window paper!
Although Uchiha Tokko's past life memory contains the concepts of Taoism's five elements and the three laws of physics, and the Uzumaki clan also has extremely in-depth research on the five elements seal based on the five basic properties of chakra, they have never thought about using it. Chakra circulation and property changes combined.

"Does the institute have any questions about this?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu finally put down the scientific research report that he couldn't put down and asked the Uzumaki researchers.

"No no……"

The vortex researchers immediately shook their heads.

Whether it is the research on the limited synthesis of blood successors with the five-escape attributes or the theoretical discussion on the elimination of blood stains, they have always been a long-standing problem for the Uzumaki Research Institute. Now that Orochimaru has easily solved it, how can they dare to have any opinions?
What's more, they also obtained these two scientific research reports early on, and also conducted preliminary reproduction experiments and found that it was indeed feasible.

"It goes without saying that these two reports are of great significance. I think everyone can understand..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly: "So, if you have contacted me in advance, please consciously keep it a secret."

Especially the research on the limits of blood succession is of great significance to ninjas at the jounin level.

If according to Orochimaru's theory, as long as the chakra control power reaches a certain level, you can deduce the Blood Succession Limit Chakra that matches your own attributes based on the chakra attribute changes and nature changes of the Jonin, thus becoming a Blood Succession Limit Ninja. .

Of course, this is just a theory, but its actual operability and difficulty of reproduction are even lower than the difficulty of smelting Uchiha Tokumitsu's Fire Release Chakra.

This is especially true for the Jonin of the Uchiha clan.

Since the spiritual power exceeds that of most ninjas, if the Uchiha jonins practice based on the guidance of this set of theories, it is very likely that they will be able to forge their own second bloodline limit, and this will mean something to the family. And the far-reaching influence behind it, Uchiha Tokko couldn't estimate it for a while.

Apart from anything else, if there were thirty or fifty more Flame Release ninjas, it would open up a whole new path for the Uchiha clan!

After all, not every Uchiha can awaken the Kaleidoscope, but it is no surprise that every Uchiha's fire escape ability and spiritual power are far superior to ordinary people.

"...We have all placed a seal in our minds to ensure that the contents of this report will not be leaked."

The director of Uzumaki Research stepped forward and said.

"After all, these contents are very sensitive, so I hope you can understand some of the requirements..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised the report in his hand and said: "In addition, the unfinished topics of the institute will be handed over to Mr. Orochimaru for processing. At the same time, the institute will send a specialist to assist Director Orochimaru in establishing the Chakra Physics Institute of Konoha researchers, and Carry out follow-up research work.”

"As ordered!"

Although some subjects and personnel were stripped away, the director of whirlpool research did not dare to say a word at all, and just responded continuously.

"In the future, the focus of research will shift to the invention and manufacturing of new chakra ninja tools. Don't relax as well as the deduction of seal runes. We will allocate additional funds next year." After giving a meaning slap in the face, Uchiha Tokumitsu Another candy was given for comfort.

"Understood! I will definitely urge everyone at the institute to go all out! I will never let down Lord Tokuguang's trust."

The director of whirlpool research nodded.

"But in this case, we can no longer call it a research institute..."

Uchiha Tokko thought for a moment.

The director of Uzumaki Research's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"It was upgraded to the Shogunate Engineering Institute, which happens to be at the same level as the Konoha Research Institute, and the functions of the two sides are better divided."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words immediately made the director of Uzumaki Research fall into ecstasy.

really!We are Lord Tokumitsu’s most trusted direct descendants!
All the whirlpool researchers thanked them again and again, then bowed and left.

"Mr. Orochimaru, what do you want?"

After the Uzumaki researchers left happily, Uchiha Tokumitsu said seriously: "Based on your research results... As long as the Uchiha clan can do it, I can basically satisfy you!"

"Add money!"

Orochimaru also said very seriously: "In addition, the equipment also needs to be updated."

"Just this request?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was both surprised and very satisfied!
Although Orochimaru's request did not specify how much money it would cost, for the Uchiha clan, anything that can be solved with money is nothing!
What's more, in Uchiha Tokimitsu's view, these two reports simply opened the door to the evolution of the blood successor's power!

This can no longer be measured with money!
"Perhaps due to physical problems, I cannot smelt and synthesize new blood inheritance limit power in my body..."

Orochimaru sighed and said with some doubts: "So, I hope to conduct research on the art of immortality in order to gain enough life to explore the mysteries of Chakra..."

“And all of this requires money to support it.”

Orochimaru's seriousness does not seem to be hypocritical, "So, I very much hope to get support!"

"You make a note and I'll approve the payment!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed wholeheartedly.

After Orochimaru left with satisfaction, Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the scientific research report again and continued to study it.

"This is the power of God..."

Uchiha Tokko stretched out his hand and condensed a ball of flame escape in his palm.

Then, the purple Flame Escape flame turned into a golden light and danced in the palm of his hand.

This is the integration of magical chakra into it.
But this is not considered to be the elimination of the blood successor, because the combined properties of chakra have not changed, but have become more solid.

"If you fuse the power of the tailed beast..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought of the smelting power possessed by Yan Dun itself.

Because he was worried that over-smelting the power of the tailed beasts would lead to an imbalance of chakra properties, Uchiha Tokko only fused the chakras of the two-tailed and three-tailed beasts. As for the more powerful six-tailed, seven-tailed and nine-tailed tailed beast chakras, he had not yet done so. Smelting.

However, based on the research results of Orochimaru's Blood Succession Limits, Uchiha Tokumitsu made an analogy and came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a "Little Ten-Tails" - if the chakra of the nine tailed beasts were smelted into itself, then the attributes and characteristics that could be obtained Isn’t it even better than the elimination of blood stains!
Moreover, due to the existence of the Five Escape Seals, Uchiha Tokko's spilled physical and mental energy was collected by the sealing technique, and formed a chakra cycle in the body, and interacted with the "sacred particles" in the body , thereby feeding back body strength at an extremely slow speed.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has always been accustomed to using fire escape ninjutsu to fight enemies, in fact he has all seven attributes.

But even so, in the past self-cultivation, Uchiha Tokko couldn't even successfully synthesize the blood stain elimination, let alone the most advanced blood stain snare.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokumitsu impatiently summoned the Two-tailed Mata Brigade in the office.

"Stop eating! Follow me to practice!"

With half a beaver still in his mouth, Erwei Mataru was summoned in a daze, his eyes full of doubts.

What are you talking about? This is it!

When will tailed beasts be able to practice self-cultivation? !
 Update today (2/2)

  Double updates will be resumed from today. In addition, please recommend monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~Thank you for this~Mountain Monkey~
(End of this chapter)

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