Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 423 Law of Conservation of Chakra Mass

Chapter 423 Law of Conservation of Chakra Mass

Even though Erwei Matariza was so reluctant, he was still carried by Uchiha Tokumitsu's neck to the secret practice room.

Later, the Uzumaki ninjas sent another tightly wrapped lead box.

What was installed inside was the Nine-Tails Chakra that had just been extracted and sealed by Uzumaki Kushina from her own tailed beast seal.

After a while, the attendant ninjas hurried over again and offered the tailed beast chakra extracted from Nanao Shigeaki.

As for the other two tailed beasts controlled by the shogunate that originally belonged to Kirigakure, one is the three-tailed jinchuriki Gotachibana Yagura has returned to Kirigakure to continue being the mascot, and the other is the six-tailed beast that has been brought back to the Uzumaki Research Institute in Fuba City to serve as " "Researcher", so I couldn't find him for a while.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry to increase the chakra of the two tailed beasts, so after sending his subordinates away, he began to stroke the big cat head of the two tailed beasts lovingly.

"...What are you doing?"

This was the first time for the big cat Mataru to see the kind-hearted look of Uchiha Tokumitsu. Even though it was a chakra aggregation creature, he still couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"I think there may be some gaps between us that need to be reconciled..."

Uchiha Tokko's tone was very gentle.

"...You should say this to Makoto, the thin branch that bears fruit!"

Erwei Mataru grimaced in discomfort.

"Where did you learn these words?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and the kind and kind expression on his face immediately faded, and he changed to a ferocious look: "Don't learn so many useless things from the ninja cat gangster in the future! Stay with me and be obedient. Standby!"

"...This is just right."

Erwei muttered something again, then he lay down obediently and let Uchiha Tokko play with the cat in various ways.

After the strands of Flame Release Chakra merged into the Tailed Beast's power and returned to the body, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately increased the concentration of the Five Release Seals on his body, using more chakra for warmth and nourishment. Body.

From a health perspective, there is a reason why ninjas are short-lived.

One is because the composition of chakra itself requires the extraction of physical energy and spiritual energy for mixing and refining, which is an overdraft behavior for the human body; even some ninja clans with a long history have some internal chakras used to nourish the body. secret medicine, but because the body's absorption of nutrients has a certain threshold, the ninjas are generally in a state of "making ends meet", just because the existence of chakra supports body activity.

Secondly, there is the medical ninjutsu commonly used in the ninja world; except for a very small number of advanced medical ninjutsu, most medical ninjutsu uses chakra to stimulate cell division to achieve physical recovery. In essence, it is to speed up the human body. The aging speed, in other words, is a kind of "krypton life" behavior.

And this is also the fundamental reason why most ninjas rapidly decline in strength or even die suddenly as they get older - his chakra can no longer support his extremely heavy body!

But Uchiha Tokumitsu had new ideas based on the "Law of Conservation of Chakra" proposed by Orochimaru.

Since Orochimaru's research has revealed that chakra is conserved, theoretically speaking, the law of conservation of mass in previous lives should also be valid in the ninja world!

Therefore, Uchiha Tokumitsu came up with a technique to feed himself back by smelting the chakra of the tailed beasts - the blood of the Uchiha clan comes from the Otsutsuki clan in the sky, and the tailed beasts are split from the ten tails of Otsutsuki. Yes, rounding up means that everyone comes from the same source!

Facts have also proved that after the smelting of the Flame Release Chakra, Uchiha Tokumitsu can obtain certain tailed beast power characteristics. At the same time, if the amount of chakra recovered each time is greater than the amount of chakra released, then Uchiha Tokumitsu will The chakra of light will be in a state of constant growth.

And the "cat hair" that Uchiha Tokumitsu picked off Futamata's body is not even a drop in the bucket for a complete tailed beast!
Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu began to concentrate on absorbing the natural energy from the outside world while slightly relaxing the strength of the Five Escape Seals.

This is also a method thought up based on the law of conservation of mass.

In essence, the chakra of a ninja is an act of "exchanging life for power". If he is not gifted like Senju Hashirama, no matter how much the ninja eats and takes more secret medicine, he will not be able to survive. It is impossible to make up for the body's deficit - because the more powerful ninjas need to face equally powerful enemies, their chakra consumption is much higher than that of ordinary ninjas.

But the existence of natural energy, especially senjutsu chakra, is an excellent external "tonic"!
The natural energy in the ninja world is ubiquitous and extremely large. There is only a certain difference in the concentration of natural energy in holy places and ordinary areas in the ninja world. But for Uchiha Tokko, this does not have much impact. On the contrary, the natural energy The relative thinness is a good thing for a ninja like him who has strong chakra control - he can absorb the natural energy in the void more stably and smelt it into fairy chakra!
Then, the third step is to replace the five major attribute chakras within the Five Escape Seals.

Although the Five-Escape Seal has a certain strengthening effect on the body's strength, due to its slow strengthening speed, Uchiha Tokumitsu has never been satisfied. After all, this strengthening speed cannot generate enough Yang-Escape power even when he is old. To promote the evolution of Sharingan.

Therefore, as the Senjutsu Chakra is refined, the five attribute chakras within the Five Release Seals are gradually extracted and smelted with the Senjutsu Chakra - just like using the Senjutsu Chakra to output the Five Release Ninjutsu techniques. .

"It's really weird..."

Futamata, who was sitting meekly aside, found the scene in front of him extremely fresh.

It was the first time he saw a ninja replace his chakra with senjutsu chakra.

For a long time, because the concentration of natural energy in the ninja world is not high, the ninjas' awareness of natural energy is relatively low. Except for a very small number of ninjas who have touched the threshold of senjutsu and can directly utilize it, most of them At best, Shinobi can only perceive the existence of natural energy, but cannot use it.

"The way of heaven, what is lost is more than what is lacking!"

As all the chakra in the Five Escape Seals was released and mixed with natural energy, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave a low drink, converted the Senjutsu Chakra that he had absorbed with all his strength into the Five Escape Attributes, and re-injected it into the seal. !
Since the deficit caused by the body after refining chakra cannot be fully compensated by natural intake, an external source of supplement is needed - and the ubiquitous natural energy is the best "charging station"!
"That's fine too!"

Erwei Mata's pair of cat eyes are wide open!
It has fought side by side with Uchiha Tokumitsu many times, but even in a long time, this is the first time it has seen someone able to handle Senjutsu Chakra like this!
"You are crazy!"

Futatsuma was immediately shocked and looked at a loss when Uchiha Tokumitsu began to emit five colors of light from his body.

With its small brain, even if it wants to help, it can't do anything!

Uchiha Tokumitsu also didn't expect that the senjutsu chakra would be so violently chaotic and even close to going berserk after entering the seal.

However, fortunately, I also made some preparations in advance...

Uchiha Tokumitsu reached out and took the seal scroll that sealed the Nanao Jumei's chakra, and broke the seal violently. Before the tailed beast chakra contained in it had a chance to explode, it was wrapped up in the senjutsu chakra, and It is taken into one's own body.

Later, Uchiha Tokko's eyes faintly appeared in the form of compound eyes.

"...Tailed Beast Chakra Erosion!" The second-tailed brigade was so anxious that it could do nothing.

Immediately, the abnormality in Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes completely disappeared, and the five-color light emitted outside his body became slightly dimmed, and he did not look as messy as before.

"Don't be impatient, big cat~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu casually released a fire escape chakra with the characteristics of celestial beings to calm the impatient Futaba, and then collected the lead box with the nine-tailed chakra sealed, and grabbed the box and put it on the The seal was broken, and then the surging Five-Escape Senjutsu Chakra poured into the box, trying to refine the Nine-Tails Chakra.

However, it seems that the strength of Nine-Tails' chakra is very different from that of other tailed beasts. Even Uchiha Tokumitsu's magical chakra cannot be completely suppressed, and there is even a faint feeling of rebound.

"By the way, I'm traveling again, I have a question for you~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a moment to ask the two Matauri.

"Say it, I'm listening!"

Although the Erwei Mata Brigade put on a arrogant look again, the swaying tail behind it still revealed the nervousness in its heart at this time.

"The more tails a tailed beast has, the stronger it is!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked with a smile, while his eyes narrowed slightly and then opened, and the Mangekyou Sharingan began to emit a bloody red light.

"Who said that! There is no such thing!"

As expected, Erwei Youli immediately became furious!

Then came various incomprehensible words such as "Tail does not equal power", "Tailed beasts are tailed beasts", "Six Paths Old Man is biased", etc., and the secret room was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

However, after this round of teasing, Futao Mataru also confirmed that Uchiha Tokumitsu's condition at this time was fine, so he no longer felt nervous and gradually relaxed.

"By the way, are you familiar with Asura?"

While using the power of the kaleidoscope to suppress the restlessness of the Nine-Tails Chakra, Uchiha Tokumitsu was chatting with the Two-Tails Mataburi at the same time.

"After the old man Liu Dao separated us, we scattered in various places. We are not familiar with the two brothers..."

Erwei shook his tail again: "Besides, I don't like them very much..."


After suppressing the Nine-Tails Chakra, Uchiha Tokko once again released the increasingly uncontrollable Senjutsu Chakra to refine the Nine-Tails Chakra.

"Indra always likes to catch tailed beasts to help him fight. Asura is too verbose and always chatters endlessly..."

The second tail said angrily: "What? Have you found the existence of Asura again?"

"...I still can't determine how Asura was reincarnated, especially in this life."

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not answer directly, but changed the topic.

"I don't know! With my strength and life, there is no need to study these fancy things!"

Erwei is starting to act arrogant again.


Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, and slowly took the Senjutsu Chakra that had begun to materialize after smelting the Nine-Tails Chakra into his body, and filled the seal with these highly condensed Senjutsu Chakra.


The Senjutsu Chakra that had refined the power of the Nine Tails seemed to have become extremely "lazy". After returning to the seal, it did not become disordered again. Instead, it obediently circulated and catalyzed within the seal at a faster speed. Feed Uchiha Tokko's body back.

As waves of warmth flowed through his body, Uchiha Tokko narrowed his eyes in comfort.

"It feels like soaking in a hot spring..."

Uchiha Tokko said with a groan.

"I just feel that you are becoming less and less human..."

Erwei Youlu once again said venomously: "Your life characteristics are becoming more and more similar to those of the so-called aliens in the Holy Land!"

"But, maybe I can live longer~"

Uchiha Tokko silently felt the increase in Yang Escape power in his body and responded casually.

"By the way, I remember that Ichibi Shukaku's sealing technique seems to be very good, so can you defeat it without any knowledge or skills?"

After the reaction in the body slowed down, the five-color light that originally emitted from the outside also subsided. Uchiha Tokumitsu once again released the Flame Release Chakra to play with the cat, while teasing the two tails again.

"That fat cat can't even use the Tailed Beast Jade! There's no way he can't beat him!"

Sure enough, the second tail brigade exploded again.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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