Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 424 The Way of Heaven and Man

Chapter 424 The Way of Heaven and Man
“It’s indeed an interesting idea!”

After completing the senjutsu cycle, Uchiha Tokumitsu summoned Orochimaru again and sent him the recently compiled research results on chakra theory.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu is just standing on the shoulders of giants to pick apples, this does not prevent him from naming the so-called "Chakra Mass Conservation Law" as "Tokumitsu Mass Law". As for the "Chakra Mass Law" discovered by Orochimaru "Law of Conservation of Energy", also officially named "Orochimaru Energy Law".

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu also had a "Law of Entropy Increase" that he had not released during the process of running the Five Escape Senjutsu seals, because he had not yet figured out how to use the terms commonly used in the ninja world. Describe the thermal physics concept of this past life.


After reading the research results several times, Orochimaru frowned and thought for a long time before slowly shaking his head and denying his initial statement: "This may be the core law that establishes the chakra research theory of the ninja world! "

Tokuro Uchiha smiled without saying a word.

Since ancient times, most ninjas have not done much in-depth research into the characteristics and principles of chakra. They are more obsessed with studying various powerful and destructive ninjutsu; of course, this is also the same as in the past. Before the Ninja Village Era, ninjas were often exhausted from battles and missions.

Even Senju Tobirama, a representative figure in Ninjutsu and Chakra research in the Ninja Village era, is also obsessed with developing various kinds of forbidden jutsu and conducting "Uchiha special research" on various common Chakras. I didn’t pay much attention to summarizing the phenomena.

The original intention of Orochimaru's "Law of Conservation of Chakra Energy" was to explain the research on the limits of his blood inheritance. Even Orochimaru did not fully understand the significance of this law.

But after Orochimaru saw the new law "discovered" by Uchiha Tokumitsu himself, he realized that his initial asking price was too low!

Conservation of energy and conservation of mass…

This is enough to lay the foundation for theoretical research on Chakra!

In addition, Orochimaru was also extremely surprised by Uchiha Tokumitsu's "research ability", because Orochimaru has always been most proud of his brain, but now it seems that Uchiha Tokumitsu is His talent in chakra research is also surprisingly strong!

"Master Tokuguang is indeed extremely talented..."

Orochimaru was full of praise, then pointed to the two lines of summary text in the research report and asked: "But..."

"The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage; the way of man is to make up for the excess when there is insufficient damage..."

"It's interesting to read, but I don't quite understand the meaning."

Orochimaru's expression was a little dignified.

He felt that he had vaguely touched the threshold of immortality that had always been elusive!
"I remember that what Dean Orochimaru wishes most is the art of immortality, right?"

Uchiha Tokko asked in return, and then condensed a colorful ball of chakra light in his palm.

"This is!"

Orochimaru didn't take it seriously at first glance, but after taking a closer look, his eyes immediately widened like a ninja frog from Mt. Myoboku!
"Five attributes of magic chakra!"

Orochimaru's voice stuttered with a slight tremor.

Moreover, in the medium of perception that communicates through senjutsu seeds and natural energy, he also felt that natural energy was constantly converging into the senjutsu chakra light ball in the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu!

In other words, after Uchiha Tokko releases this chakra light ball outside, not only will it not disappear over time, but it will become stronger and stronger as it continues to absorb natural energy!

"Although it can absorb natural energy and continue to grow over time, if there is no human interference, the internal stability of the external senjutsu chakra will spontaneously transform from order to disorder, so in fact it is impossible to achieve a celestial being After the chakra is released, it can destroy the world and destroy the earth in a few decades..."

Uchiha Tokko also saw Orochimaru's doubts, so he took the initiative to explain.

As for this phenomenon, Uchiha Tokumitsu planned to explain it based on the law of entropy increase in the previous life, and named it "Uchiha's law of entropy increase" after converting it into the Chakra terminology common in the ninja world.

In this way, the three laws of chakra in the ninja world were formed!
At least, in the future, there will definitely be a few major questions about the Three Laws added to the general courses at all levels of ninja schools in Konoha.

"What a fascinating power..."

Orochimaru wanted to reach out and touch the senjutsu chakra light ball, but he was afraid of causing a chain reaction.

"It's just...how does this relate to the two epilogues of Heaven's Way?"

After a while, Orochimaru calmed down and asked again.

"Just keep an eye on it~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu hooked his fingers, then let go of the sensory shield on his body, and took the senjutsu chakra light ball back into his body.

As the five-color senjutsu chakra light ball returned to Uchiha Tokko's body, his energy increased slightly.


Orochimaru didn't think much of it just to improve his strength.

But in his perception, Uchiha Tokumitsu's already strong flame escape aura seemed to have become stronger under the influence of some kind of circulation in the body.

Although it is very subtle, overall it is an irreversible progress!

For ninjas, Yang escape, a special attribute that can be encountered but cannot be sought, and cannot even be improved through conventional training methods, is the basis for everything to be linked to concepts such as strength and longevity!

And the method revealed by Uchiha Tokumitsu means that he has created a secret technique that can permanently enhance the power of Yang Escape!


Orochimaru muttered to himself somewhat absentmindedly.

Due to the limitations of his body's physical qualifications, Orochimaru has not done much in-depth research on Yang escape, so he has always regarded his body as a small boat, trying to use obsession to condense his will to adopt the method of constantly taking over and being reborn. Ways, curves to realize the dream of immortality.

However, Uchiha Tokko showed him another way!

That is to absorb the natural energy from the outside world through secret techniques, convert it into magical chakra with attributes, and then feed it back to yourself!
And this kind of physical strengthening means a stronger body and a longer life!
In particular, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan has a unique advantage in Yin Escape!
"Yang Escape plus Yin Escape..."

Orochimaru's eyes became more and more intense, "This is the legendary power of the Six Paths Sage..."

"There is still a big difference from the legendary Six Paths Immortal."

Uchiha Tokko gave a brief explanation: "But what is certain is that the power of Yang Escape can indeed strengthen the vitality."

"And this phenomenon, I summarize it as the way of heaven..."

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokko opened his hands again, communicated with the natural energy in the void through perception, and condensed it in his palms to form a fluorescent light: "The energy of the human body, whether it is physical energy or mental energy, is limited; but the void The natural energy in it is almost endless..."

"So, since the energy of the human body is limited, it is a good way to integrate yourself into the world and supplement your own deficiencies through natural energy!" Then, the natural energy in the palms increased with the input of Xianjutsu Chakra. Five colors of light burst out again.

Uchiha Tokko's Qi was strengthened again with the intake of natural energy.

Orochimaru couldn't help but be fascinated, wishing he could replace it with his own body.

"This is more than enough damage and more than enough to make up for the shortcomings."

Uchiha Tokko retracted his hands and said slowly.

"So...what about the way of man?"

Orochimaru, who was thirsty for knowledge, asked impatiently.

“The loss is insufficient but more than is made up for…”

Uchiha Tokko once again condensed a five-color light ball in his palm: "Do you want to try it?"

"This...how to try?"

Orochimaru's scalp was numb, but he was a little reluctant to give up.

"You might lose part of your chakra permanently~"

Uchiha Demitsu also said with some uncertainty.

After figuring out this brand new move, he has never used it on anyone seriously.

"Try just try..."

Orochimaru gritted his teeth and stretched out his left hand.

"Don't worry, no one can die!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu comforted casually, and then the five-color light ball in his hand turned into a ray of light and shot towards Orochimaru's left palm.

Before Orochimaru could react, he felt the end of his left hand lose feeling!

It's like the palm no longer exists!
"This is……"

After sensing it for a while, Orochimaru realized: all the chakra in his left palm had disappeared!
But the palm itself did not suffer any damage!
Moreover, he was very sure that the lost part of chakra was indeed permanent. In other words, Uchiha Tokko completely erased part of his chakra with a mysterious light!

Following this, Uchiha Tokumitsu's Qi improved slightly!

"This is what makes up for the loss."

Uchiha Demitsu said leisurely: "My chakra volume and concentration are stronger than yours, so I can obtain more chakra by plundering the outside world."

"As expected of Lord Tokuguang..."

Orochimaru ignored the stinging pain that followed in his left palm and quickly bowed his head.

Although he didn't know the intention of Uchiha Tokumitsu's move, he was very sure that he was trying to knock him to stop thinking too much!
The problem is, he hasn’t done much recently!

Even human experiments have been suspended for a long time. Is there anything else that has inadvertently violated the Uchiha clan's taboo?
Orochimaru thought about it and couldn't figure it out.

"So, I sum it up as the way of heaven and man."

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who unknowingly hit Orochimaru again unintentionally, said leisurely, and at the same time stood up and helped Orochimaru up.

"The way of heaven and man..."

Orochimaru finally calmed down, but then his strong curiosity started to cause trouble again: "The five-color light just now was..."

"I call it the five-color divine light."

Uchiha said without changing his expression: "Theoretically, it can disintegrate and refine any chakra or even ninjutsu with the five escape attributes."


Orochimaru hesitated to speak.

The so-called "human way" is too suitable for him!
In terms of natural energy and even Senjutsu Chakra, Orochimaru believed that he was not qualified enough. Although he could absorb and refine Senjutsu Chakra with the help of Senjutsu seeds, this in itself was an act of relying on "plug-ins" and was not beneficial to longevity. There is not much benefit, at most it can increase combat effectiveness and alleviate one's curiosity.

But a ray of light disintegrates and dissolves the chakra that refines others...

This method of plundering is really great!

Orochimaru's eyes were full of desire, but also a little uneasy.

"Do you want to learn?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile.

Orochimaru nodded like he was pounding garlic.

"After completing this set of tasks, I will teach you the secret of the way of man..."

Uchiha Tokimitsu magically pulled out a half-human-high research project from under his desk and handed it to Orochimaru with a serious expression.

Orochimaru, who felt like he had found a treasure, thanked him repeatedly with the task request, and then couldn't wait to resign and left!

Like a carrot tied to the front of a donkey, Orochimaru, who was completely led astray by Uchiha Tokumitsu, was full of energy at this time.

"It's so good~"

And Uchiha Tokko was full of relief.

 Update today (2/2)

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(End of this chapter)

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