Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 425 The Future of Family 1

Chapter 425 The Future of the Clan
Orochimaru left happily, and Uchiha Demitsu was satisfied.

Within the Uchiha clan, it was like finding a treasure.

For those Uchiha Jonin whose strength has long stagnated, what they feel when they see the relevant discussions of "Tokumitsu's Law of Mass" and "Orochimaru's Energy Law", especially the key points drawn by Uchiha Tokumitsu himself. It was like "pull aside the dark clouds to see the sunny sky; keep the clouds to part and see the bright moon", and my whole body suddenly became enlightened!

In just five days, among the ninjas of the Uchiha clan who relied on their own efforts to reach the special jounin or jounin level but had not awakened the Sharingan, five of them passed the combination of the two laws and the ninja given by Uchiha Tokumitsu. Immortal magic seeds and the key to Flame Escape, etc., successfully smelted Yin Escape and Fire Escape into the Flame Escape Blood Succession Boundary in one fell swoop!
The shock this caused within the Uchiha clan was even greater than when Uchiha Tokumitsu provided the Flame Escape practice method!
Uchiha Tokumitsu's flame escape training method belongs to the blood succession limit of the attribute synthesis type. Compared with the blood succession limit of Sharingan, which is derived from the power of blood, although the difficulty of awakening is relatively low, it has requirements for chakra. It is also very high, even among the jounin of the Uchiha clan there are many who fail to reach the training threshold.

On the contrary, delicate technical ninjas such as Uchiha Tokumitsu's mother Emiko and Uchiha Makoto who are good at sealing or illusion have certain advantages in the practice of fire escape.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu is like a bug.

First, he provided the Fire Release training method, and then gave the seeds of senjutsu to the jounin of the family. Now, the jounin of the family have not yet had time to fully understand the synthesis and application of senjutsu chakra. Uchiha Tokumitsu's chakra research As a result, the cultivation progress of the tribesmen has been greatly improved again!

For Uchiha ninjas, if they can't break through this kind of feeding-level teaching and environment, they might as well die as soon as possible!
Within the family, the happiest person is Elder Setsuna!

"Little Deguang..."

In the great elder's mansion, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who came to visit him again, sat in front of the great elder Setsuna, using the Senju Five Escape Chakra to silently warm up the old man's body.

Different from ordinary chakra, Senjutsu Five-Escape Chakra is a hodgepodge formed by smelting natural energy, Five-Escape Attribute Chakra and the power of tailed beasts. In addition to providing more powerful combat power, it is also more effective on the human body. It has a certain warming effect.

"It will be ready soon~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said casually.

Then he carefully formed a cycle of the Immortal Technique Five-Escape Chakra in Elder Setsuna's body, and also gave him a specially condensed and weakened version of the Immortal Technique Seed to adapt to his current relatively weak physical condition.

"This is magic..."

The great elder instantly felt the warmth in his body silently.

The originally old and decayed body seemed to have begun to have a feeling of "spring comes out of dead wood" under the warmth of chakra. In his perception, it seemed that the natural energy from the outside world was slowly being guided by some mysterious god. Under the action of , it begins to attach to the body surface and strengthen the body.


Uchiha Tokko finally made a seal and sealed the Five Escape Seals on the abdomen of the Great Elder Setsuna, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "How do you feel, Great Elder?"


In an instant, the great elder raised his hands that were already trembling a little and it was difficult to even drink tea. He felt as if he was several years younger!

"This is the power of magic..."

"Back then, Hashirama relied on the power of senjutsu and wood escape to defeat Madara..."

The great elder instantly felt a little disappointed.

"It's all in the past."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled and said: "However, due to busy official duties some time ago, I was unable to meet with the great elder in time. It is my fault."

"Emiko and Zhongxuan will come over when they have time. Don't waste time dealing with old people."

Although the Great Elder Seuna said this, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

In addition to his apparent identity as the great elder, he is also the great-uncle of Uchiha Tokumitsu; how could he not be gratified as an elder if a younger generation could achieve such an achievement?
Moreover, as the Uchiha clan ascended to the top of the ninja world, and the shogunate's power surpassed that of the other countries in the ninja village, all the original radical ideas were successfully achieved by Uchiha Tokumitsu through various means. For the Great Elder Setsuna, For an old man from the Warring States Period, this was nothing to regret.

"...I plan to step down from the position of serving as the leader of the family."

Uchiha Tokko pondered the words and said: "The secret guards will also be included in the shogunate organization and will be directly commanded by me."

"Is there any more..."

The Great Elder Setsuna swayed comfortably on the recliner, enjoying the comfort brought by the celestial chakra seal and the warm midday sun.

The position of Chief of Staff is a special honorary title within the Uchiha family. It comes from the awards the Uchiha family received from daimyo and generals in various countries during the Warring States Period. However, in addition to a secret guard force under his command, there is no There is no special power.

For today's Uchiha Tokko, he is indeed a useless person who is tasteless and is a pity to throw away.

After all, it was unreasonable for the dignified shogun to still hold the title of sergeant-in-charge, and the secret guards had long been dismantled by Uchiha Tokimitsu, and the original personnel also served in the shogunate's subordinate agencies, the ninja army, etc.

"As for the position of clan leader... I plan to change it to Da Zongzheng. What do you think of this title?"

Uchiha Tokko said softly.

"It sounds like a ceremonial title."

Although there has never been a similar title for an official in the ninja world, Grand Elder Setsuna also sensed some clues.

"That's not entirely true. At least the position of Speaker of the Senate will be inherited by successive generations of the family."

Uchiha Demitsu explained: "However, today's family no longer needs to retain a figurehead."

"The hereditary Senate President..." Elder Setsuna was a little surprised by Uchiha Tokumitsu's generosity.

After all, this is the second most popular figure in Konoha after the Governor!His status even surpassed that of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sakumo Hatake.

"The direct power is enough to support such a high position."

Uchiha Tokko said: "But that's all."

"...How is Fugaku doing in the west?"

The Great Elder immediately changed the topic.

"Not bad. During the recent emergency mobilizations, Brother Fugaku's men have performed very well in terms of ninja army dispatching and combat preparations."

Uchiha Tokko raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

"That's fine. I'll tell Sifang about this, but you don't have to come forward for this kind of thing, and he can have a good sleep from now on."

The Great Elder Setsuna brought the topic back again.

Uchiha Tokko nodded and was waiting for some kind words, but Elder Setsuna continued: "Besides...where is the family?"

"The Uchiha clan will be the shogunate family. As long as the shogunate continues to exist and there is no problem with the Uchiha clan's strength, the family's status will always be secure."

Uchiha Tokumitsu bowed slightly and replied: "Don't worry, Great Elder... I'm not a fool like Hashirama. I can't do something stupid like dividing my clan members on my own."

"Although he defeated Madara-sama, that guy is indeed a fool..."

The Great Elder Setsuna was also amused: "Today's so-called Thousand Hands Clan... are really a pile of mud that can't stand up to the wall!"

"Without the power of the orthodox bloodline as a backer, even if a genius suddenly emerges, it will not be able to restore the family's decline."

Uchiha Tokko nodded and agreed.

This is also the unanimous view of the Uchiha clan towards the current Senju clan.

Although the Senju Clan seems to have a lot of momentum after gathering the branch sects, in fact, except for Tsunade and her son-in-law Kato Dan, the Senju Clan does not have any powerful people.

Although his legitimate son Senju Nawaki has practiced the orthodox ninjutsu of the Senju clan, coupled with Orochimaru's teachings, due to Konoha's relatively stable external environment so far, even the shogunate's several recruitment expansions did not need to mobilize him. As a noble person with a respected status, Senju Nousuki's ninja cultivation is pretty good, but he has never received serious battlefield experience. He has a lot of shortcomings in combat experience, and naturally he is not listed as a ninja village. Among the strong.

The core reason is that after the bloodline of the Senju clan became thin due to intermarriage, the overall strength of the clansmen born in the past generations continued to decline. No matter how large the population was, there was still a big gap between the Senju of the Forest during the Warring States Period, let alone the The Uchiha clan was at the height of its power.

Today's Senju clan, in the minds of Konoha, the shogunate and even the major ninja village forces in the ninja world, is already a ninja clan similar to the Hyuga clan, Konoha's second-rate, and the ninja world's first clan.

"After fighting for so many years, it's time for our tribe to rest..."

The Great Elder sighed: "But when you are in peace, you must be aware of danger. If the clan members fall, there will be no cure!"

"Everyone will have a bright future."

Uchiha Tokumitsu promised: "No matter what happens, even if some tribesmen only want to stay in the tribe and reproduce their offspring, they can still live a good life, and this is the meaning of our struggle."

"very good!"

The great elder of Setsuna nodded and waved: "Tokuguang-kun..."

Uchiha Tokko leaned over.

"I will make it clear to him at the fire gate."

Elder Setsuna said: "The family does not need a second shogunate, but after all, Huomen has also had some hard work..."

"Just change the Fire Gate Shogunate to the Northwest Guard."

Uchiha Tokko replied immediately.


The great elder Setsuna looked up at the wall clock in the room and briefly calculated the time it would take to get everything done.

"Will you be in a hurry?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu behaved very considerately.

"If the family is completely integrated into a whole earlier, I can rest peacefully..."

The great elder smiled.

 Update today (1/2)

(End of this chapter)

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