Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 426 Qilin’er of the Ninja Clan

Chapter 426 Qilin’er of the Ninja Clan
"Now it seems like I haven't been back to the village for a long time~"

Standing on the treetops of a mountain forest outside Konoha, Uchiha Kamon, who immediately set off back to Konoha after receiving the instructions from the Great Elder Setsuna, looked at the new area of ​​​​Konoha in the distance and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really changing with each passing day... …”

Regarding Uchiha Tokko's decision to abolish the Fire Gate Shogunate, Uchiha Fire Gate did not express any objection. Instead, as always, he expressed to the envoy of Elder Setsuna that he would absolutely obey the unanimous decision of the family. But having said that, if he didn't feel a little depressed in his heart, impossible.

After all, although the shogunate of the Uchiha clan refers specifically to the Tokumitsu shogunate most of the time, as one of the only Uchiha generals, the power of the Uchiha Fire Gate is not small, whether it is the United Company or the shogunate ninja. He has a certain say in the military system, and is even regarded as the number two figure in the Uchiha ruling order by some grass ninjas.

But in any case, no matter how much reluctance there is in his heart, the Uchiha Fire Sect has no room for refusal or bargaining in public or private matters.

In terms of the balance of power, even the clan members who served in the Fire Gate Shogunate would not support him. In terms of prestige and martial arts, he is at most a conservative person, with obvious lack of progress.

Therefore, holding back the anger in your stomach and smiling back became the only way out.

And Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the Fire Gate Shogunate to guard it, which can be regarded as retaining some power for Uchiha Fire Gate.

"...Fire Gate Guard?"

A group of patrolling ninjas jumped from a distance and landed in front of Uchiha Kamon and his party.

Judging from the title, it was obvious that the village was already aware of his change in position.

Although the leader is an Uchiha clansman, in the impression of Uchiha Fire Gate, he has only reached the threshold of a special jounin at most, and he is still far behind the jounin vest he is wearing at this time.

"It's you...have you been doing well recently?"

Uchiha Kamon cordially chatted with this clansman whose name he had forgotten.

“Not bad~”

The Uchiha ninja chuckled, then stretched out his right hand and condensed a dark purple flame in his palm.

"This is... Flame Escape!"

Uchiha Kamon was shocked.

Originally, according to his understanding, the entire Uchiha clan only had seven or eight fire escape ninjas at most, but now even a mere patrol captain has mastered this secret technique of blood succession? !
"The Fire Gate guard will understand when he returns to his family..."

The clan ninja smiled mysteriously, and then continued to lead the patrol.

"The Riddler is so annoying..."

Uchiha Kamon did not lower his face to ask what happened, but after all, he was about to arrive at the village, so it would be better to go back and find out directly.

Just when Uchiha Kamon suddenly landed at the gate of Konoha and was about to sign the formalities for entering the village, an Uchiha jounin walked out of the village and said hello cordially.

"You are... Lord Zhongxuan?!"

From the perspective of Uchiha Kamon, Uchiha Tokoku's father and the chief of the Konoha Internal Affairs Department, Uchiha Nakagen, seems to have become much younger again.

"long time no see!"

The two exchanged pleasantries and then walked back to the village.

But five kilometers away, on the tree where the Uchiha Fire Gate originally stood, a blond ninja walked out of the tree trunk.

"I thought I was exposed..."

Asura, who had come from afar, slowly exhaled and calmed down his anxiety a little.

As for Iwagakure, he kept Huang Tu as a chess piece and supported Huang Tu in organizing a secret organization within the Ninja Village as a back-up, but these were not enough.

Now he not only has to face the Tokumitsu Shogunate, who is preparing to annex the ninja world, but also the ancient White Zetsu forces he happened to discover!
As for the origin of Bai Jue, no one is more familiar with it than him.

Therefore, after discussing with the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain and the White Snake Immortal of Longdi Cave, they also felt that their own strength was insufficient and continued to add some powerful allies.

Looking at the ninja world, the only ones who can pose a certain threat to the Uchiha clan are the ninja clan of Konoha.

At least Toad Sage thought so, and also gave a hint, asking Asura to go to Konoha to find a ninja with the same golden hair, and claimed that he would have enough strength to reverse the situation of the war in the near future.

Therefore, after arranging for Ninja and Loess to continue communicating, Asura set off again and came to this "Dragon Pond and Tiger's Den" in his mind.

However, even if he was in the mountains and forests outside Konoha Village, it was not difficult for Asura to feel the prosperity of Konoha's new area.

The high-rise buildings rarely seen in the ninja world, the endless traffic along the way, and the rush of people coming and going, all of which make people clearly feel the prosperity and vitality of Konoha's new area.

And this is only part of the power of Konoha and the shogunate.

A large number of hired ninjas are working all over the ninja world for the salary of the United Company. The well-trained, heroic and combat-savvy Shogunate ninja troops are vigilant in guarding various places. While eagerly waiting for the favor from the shogunate, they are all proud to join the shogunate, and they are all proud to fight for Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"They have lost their independent will as ninjas!"

Asura silently labeled those ninjas who were willing to bend for money.

Afterwards, he blessed his body with several special breath-holding seals inherited from Miaomu Mountain.

Asura did not try to sneak into Konoha with his shadow clone, but planned to use his real body to see what happened.

After his special identity was discovered by the shogunate ninja for the first time, Asura patiently learned many contemporary mainstream ninjutsu in the ninja world, and also discovered the shortcomings of his various secret techniques from ancient times. At the same time, targeted improvements have been made, and overall there has been a lot of progress.

But this is not enough. Whether it is strength or foundation, Asura, who has huge chakra, is still inferior to Uchiha Tokko in terms of combat effectiveness.

It's not about age, it's about talent.

After pretending to be a traveling merchant, Asura unsealed a wheelbarrow from the seal scroll, piled the various goods he had prepared on the wheelbarrow, and then silently blended in with the vendors on the road under the cover of illusion. Among the pawns.

"This is the prosperity built by plundering the entire ninja world..."

However, as he got closer and closer, the new district of Konoha also gave Asura an unspeakable shock.

Even in the famous mansions or Ninja Village headquarters of various countries he has visited, he has never seen such a prosperous and noisy environment.

Even though he recognized it in his heart as the result of aggression, such a novel sight still made Asura linger.As for the vendors walking side by side with him, they didn't think there was anything special about Asura's reaction. After all, it was almost the same when they came to Konoha to do business for the first time.

Ashura did not go his own way, but followed the crowd to the designated "Small Commodity Trading Market" in Konoha New District. After paying the stall fee, he began to set up a stall and sell goods in a decent manner.

But not long after, a pancake vendor was captured and taken away by a team of police ninjas who inadvertently surrounded him.

"What's going on here……"

Asura quickly asked the old businessman next to him.

"That man should be a spy!"

The old businessman said with great certainty.


Asura was very puzzled.

Even in his perception, he never noticed anything wrong with the pancake vendor. He was just an ordinary commoner.

"Look at his shop sign... a pancake chef with ten years of experience!"

The old businessman was high-spirited and pointed out: "But at most he is about the same age as you, he is in his early 20s."

"But that's not a reason~"

Asura became even more confused.

"When he was spreading pancakes, his gestures were exactly the same as the way samurai held their swords!"

"But maybe they are wandering samurai... We can't allow those unemployed ronin to find jobs again!"

Asura still frowned.

"No matter how impoverished the low-level ronin are, they will not be willing to stoop down to manage what they regard as a lowly livelihood."

The old businessman sneered: "Their flexible employment is either robbing houses or working as watchdogs for underground organizations!"

"...I think you may have some unnecessary prejudice against them."

Asura shook his head.

"I met him when I was in Daming Mansion! At that time, he was still the Hatamoto samurai of Genji!"

The old businessman straightened his chest and said proudly: "It is the obligation of the partners of the United Company to report every suspicious person!"

"Ah! You reported it?!"

"By the way...young man, I think you are quite suspicious~"

The old businessman changed the topic.


Asura chuckled and winked slightly at the old businessman.

The old businessman was in a daze for a while, and then he continued to sell with a normal expression, as if the conversation just now had not happened.


"Itachi is my family's unicorn!"

Uchiha Fugaku, who returned to Konoha because his father was about to be re-elected as the family's great master, enthusiastically held his son who was not yet three months old high in the air, as if he was holding a rare treasure.

Dark purple chakra flames danced between the fingers of "Uchiha Itachi"'s hands.

That is the power of Yan escape!
Even the Uchiha Jonin of the Three Magatama, the second blood successor can only be awakened by a very small number of elites!
"Itachi is only three months old..."

Uchiha Mikoto was a little worried.

"This is a direct treasure given to us by our ancestors!"

Uchiha Fugaku was completely overwhelmed by the surprise.

"...Don't let the news spread!"

Although his father, Uchiha Shifang, was so excited that his face turned red, he still maintained a certain degree of rationality.

Three months is not three years!

Uchiha Itachi's second successor came too easily!It’s too baffling!
But after all the inspections by Uchiha, he only felt that although Itachi's body was weak, it contained extremely huge vitality, and even a little movement could produce huge chakra!
This is an unprecedented precedent in the ninja world!

Even the reincarnation of the Immortal of Six Paths is nothing more than this!

"Although Tokumitsu-kun is strong... he was just like that when he was a child!"

Uchiha Fugaku lovingly put Itachi back into the cradle and said seriously to his father: "Our lineage still has hope for a comeback! Please don't worry, I will teach him well!"

"I'll go deal with some servants later!"

Uchiha Mikoto gritted her teeth and also made up her mind.

Itachi's existence and vision must not be leaked!At least until he grows up, no one outside the family can know!

This is their unanimous decision!

However, the strange thing is that none of them seem to think that it is so strange that such a naive "Uchiha Itachi" has awakened the Flame Release Blood Successor!
 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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